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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. 9 to 5, Escaping the Rat Race

    Own less = work less. Need less = work less. Eat only as much food as you need to be healthy = work less. Avoid all empty calorie foods = work less. Do your own work, instead of paying someone else to do it = work less. Grow your hair long = less haircuts = work less (or else get an electric hair trimmer and do your own). Dont work out at the gym, instead do bodyweight workouts at home = work less. Get rid of nonessential entertainments like TV, newpaper, etc. = work less. Never buy books, instead borrow or library = work less. Dont pay to go out and be entertained (dont eat out, no movie theatres, no expensive dates, etc.) = work less. Get rid of car, bicycle everywhere or walk/bus/run, etc. = work less. Buy less clothes, have less clothes, be happy with what clothes you have = work less. You get the point. Simplify = more time for you, less time for taking care of 'stuff.' The things you own own you. Don't be owned. Find free entertainments (parks, books, meditation, dancing, and so on). Make it a game to be creative and see how much fun you can have in one day spending no money.
  2. you will find the answer here: excuse the commercial
  3. I hereby give notice that I also have cooperated with aliens. It's all good clean fun to tell you the truth.
  4. time to start flexin' show dems da lines an sup
  5. Blessed I say unto thee...this is our find. Greatness all around worth more than money can buy.
  6. You Are ... Me

    Read it to me and I will have read it, but otherwise not....but in a way probably (i think)...its sounds good I wish you could send it via telemetry post tho...I wish we could all exchange the best of ourselves for the best of ourselves, but then again here we are doing it in slow time...I lie you, you lie me?
  7. they melted to your girlified stopped scaring them with your manliness <wink wink>
  8. If you remain fixed on one point, the whirly-gigs will laugh at you as they scream by. Life changes by the nanosecond. So does the truth. Trust in the flow. Become the noise. No one exists apart from the rest. see sites like this: (run your mouse over the shapes to see the twirls)'ll get the point then. go with the flow...merge with the splurge.. Become the spinning wheel. That is better than the best. Also, there is remaining empty, you will constantly become full...keep emptying your bucket!
  9. If you say something that confuses me, you are in. TK
  10. You Are ... Me

    Fear not oh' philosopher we are the drugs we eat....and when we do it we do it nice and tricky. Let's play games forever more and then some.
  11. You Are ... Me

    We are going to link and create a fantasy experience. Fight's on. point. Let's do this.
  12. You Are ... Me

    This is the game. When we make this anime it's gonna be rocking
  13. We like this way myself...we've been doing it forever...and forever is a long long time....
  14. You Are ... Me

    Ur2U! Don't be a delusion if you want to be. You'll leave your self behind.
  15. You Are ... Me

    No 'I' none of us...we all exist but never do we.
  16. So it could be due to: allergies, trigger points in levator scapula and trapezius muscles or occipitofrontalis muscles (top of head muscles over skull), Kundalini... It's a quick this: Do you have allergies? yes/no? IS your upper back sore? (between the shoulder blades? around the neck/shoulders?) - search for trigger points pulling on myofascia that pull on the net affecting the sen lines (thai for meridians) affecting occipitofrontalis muscles (called 'referral')... Is the pain in your muscles, the meninges, or the brain? If you localize it for me I might be able to figure it out...used to do acupressure/trigger point/massage.. If its in the brain itself, it could be Kundalini stuff going on - weird pressures indicate work being done...then, just let it be -nothing you can do about it really (as far as I know).
  17. You Are ... Me

    We are we.
  18. How do I become a fearless?

    As long as you practice nonattachment to results...everything just becomes a meditation. Do what needs to be done not because you want the results, but because its healthiest and makes sense. Nonattachment negates fear; fear is due to a complex chain of issues that are all linked back to attachment. With no attachment, nothing to fear. Just try hard and results come more and more, but do not be attached to results. You can only get better and better the more that you do something - but do not be attached to getting better at anything. Nonattachment = bliss. Do not be attached to achieving nonattachment. Do not be attached to becoming fearless.
  19. Is it pain or just weird pressure sensations?
  20. How do I become a fearless?

    I get some of that info from here: and also from the book, "Cupid's Poisoned Arrow," which is also advertised on the well as from some books on evolutionary psychology, which detail the evolution of hormones for mating and social structure.
  21. How do I become a fearless?

    I know very little about estrogen...but I know the evolutionary purpose of increased testosterone levels is to make the male more forward, more aggressive, so that he goes out there and mates like crazy. Then once he successfully mates, his testosterone receptors in the brain are downregulated, so that he becomes less interested and he goes off and conserves energy. In more social groups, hierarchical ones especially, the alpha male retains high testosterone levels, either through upregulated receptors or just greater blood serum amounts...Those males who have submitted to his dominance have lower levels one way or another. I know that testosterone is also directly linked to libido, included in females, and that there are females with almost no free testosterone who have basically lost their libido. So it increases drive to copulate, drive to become aggressive and competitive, drive to dominate, drive to achieve even...although its not the only mood chemical for those things...I am not sure whether estrogen might be a more 'submissive' hormone leading to accepting dominance and desire to nurture young, but it probably is...I know that too high testosterone will kill you quicker than too low...through cardiovascular stuff as well as increased risk-taking....oh yeah, testosterone also leads to less fear-motivated behavior and more recklessness...there is also a direct increase in dopamine levels as testosterone increases...personally I am all about the dopamine...I like feeling more confident too, but dopamine does that as fact, I want if the supposed confidence boost in steroid users isn't mainly due to the increased dopamine levels? I like having a high libido sometimes, but not all the time. I'm not so interested in aggression either.
  22. How do I become a fearless?

    No not at all. I only know that it improves confidence and gives one a feeling of positivism. Steroid users who go off their drugs usually get depressed for a while.
  23. How do I become a fearless?

    I like testosterone for its mood elation, but also in sexual sublimation comes more dopamine...eventually...which is directly correlated with higher creativity, and better thinking ability...