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Everything posted by Songtsan

  1. How to develop unconditional love?

    Yes! I would love to play the game with him...if he wanted to...that is. I hope I wasn't mistaken in thinking you wanted to play? Just checking....
  2. Thinking out loud

  3. because when it finally happens to you, you become a believer. I'm a believer and I couldn't leave my aliens if I tried. Because once I saw their face, then I was a believer. There wasn't a trace, not a doubt in my mind.
  4. How to develop unconditional love?

    This is true (but it is also false) This is false (but it is also true) This is both false and true This is both not false and not true Emptiness Fullness Nonexistence? The only true (and false) answer is all of the above stop speaking in absolutes! (dualistically speaking)
  5. How to develop unconditional love?

    no - no messenger programs...never tried that before...beat me whip me tie me up in chains? Is that what you want?
  6. How to develop unconditional love?

    actually it was for Vmarco, since he asked...but its probably true for most of us...the way I did it was to simply look at myself and find anything I saw in myself that could be applied to others...everything I said was my own shortcomings. I think we all contain all aspects of humanity to different degrees, so it is easy to understand eachother on the deepest of levels if we understand ourselves. Even many of the teachings of the Buddha in the original Pali cannons indicated to me that he still had pride - but as I stated - it is because I am myself prideful that I see pride in others so easily. We are all mirrors - what you see in others is how you are. But that is a good point - not feeling it in your heart means that I failed you. Only when I strike and draw blood will it truly work. As I said, everyone already knows these things about themselves. Only when you crack the shell of someone's ignorance will it hurt. Its hard when you are around people who are so in tune with their internal worlds that they arent very ignorant. My only real chances are to find soft spots - places where people dont fully accept themselves yet. I will be on the lookout from now on if you wish. I will be like a predator. I'm a chicken hawk hunting for a chicken, gettin' paranoid when you hear my glock clickin'
  7. How to develop unconditional love?

    hmmm. I will do my best. Perhaps my own dakini will assist, otherwise I might fall half-short. First of all, regardless of how spiritual, wise and aware you think you are, you are still lying to yourself all day long. All these beliefs you have are simply illusions, based on passing feeling states. You are still speaking in absolutes even though you know that you are dualistic, so you are trying to fake it until you make it. You have made a point of reading and following other peoples paths, even though those paths are nonexistent illusions. You paint a pretty picture, but it is only 2-dimensional. You are still fabricating mindstuff all day long and believing that they are true and that they are you. Even though you may feel that what you are is true and mostly pure, it contains at least the seed of a lie, and will always be corrupt. In fact, you shouldnt even be on this site, you should be empty already. Those who know say nothing. I see you saying something all the time. You are addicted to hearing your own ego talk and getting the petty bliss that comes with thinking that you are wise and helping others. You are not fully realized yet, perhaps have only had just a few glances at what it tastes like and then started creating mind fabrications around that. Again you are lying to yourself. You are living in your own movie. You are the star actor, and you are expecting to get paid in the end. This is the truest form of envy and greed. You desire what you have heard about so much that you have devoted yourself in its pursuit. You tell yourself that you are on a higher path, when all you are seeking in the moment is more enjoyment. There is little difference between you and a lascivious, wanton person. You are simply seeking greater and greater blisses. No matter what you say as regards your motives, it is none other than this. You are a spiritual addict - this is all just another form of attachment that has ensnared you. You already think you know this, yet you tell yourself that it is still ok, when you feel at the same time that it isn't. You try to shove that part of yourself down into the recesses of your mind, telling yourself that you will deal with it eventually. You hold on to the other part that says that this is good, saying that you will abandon this boat when you reach the shore, yet how long has this been going on? Instead of dealing with your shortcomings, you revel in supposed gains. This is mental masturbation. You are simply staring in the mirror preening like any peacock. You look for other mirrors out there who are like you to mutually masturbate with so that you feel good about yourself. There is nothing special about this. Every time you post you are doing so partly out of the desire for respect (because you dont respect your self fully, so you need it from others), need for attention (because you havent yet learned to be complete from within), need to feel wise as if you are some great teacher (because you dont feel wise enough within yourself, so you want to get the bliss of hearing others praise your wisdom and learning, and displaying gratitude for your beneficence), and a host of other ills that have steered your path all your life. They all stem from childhood patterns that you still haven't grown out of yet. You are still unripe and inmature. Again you say you know this, yet you insist on continuing the charade. You say to yourself, "aren't I at least doing some good?" in excuse, yet you know that your advice is not whole, and this has seeds of corruption built within. You are deliberately misleading other people to some degree and decide that it still serves your interest. This is selfish. Perhaps only a small degree of selfish, yet the seed of corruption will grow and spread as you disseminate imperfect (dis)information, like a virus spreading through and through. You have forgotten that everyone perceives and takes in information differently - you have not learned to adjust your teachings to each student individually...your posts have common themes because you have become habitually patterned in your stale belief systems. Perhaps its time to take a vow of silence, both internally and externally. When you have completed full absorption in every aspect of of your actions, in unity with the true everchanging suchness, then perhaps you will be egoless enough to speak to others of being egoless. Dont fear me. You will say you dont, but you still surely fear yourself, so how can you not fear me, as I am yourself? You have yet to enter the twisted parts of yourself and claim them in all their ugliness as you. Stop trying to be so nice and pure all the time. Let the other parts of yourself speak up. You know that you have 'imperfections' - that is how you view them...anything that is colored with self-hate is what you call an imperfection. You try to section those parts of yourself off, only furthering the stain. You try to ignore them, knowing full well that nescience is one of the roots of your afflictions. You are being lazy. Sloth. Despite all your work you have a flacidness about you that speaks of gluttony of the mind. You are simply attached to enjoyment, and negatively attached to pain, as is everyone else. Your pride/vanity leads you to believe that you have somehow elevated yourself over the majority of humanity. You see yourself as a risen being, forgetting that you have really gone nowhere except to more beautiful illusions. You are addicted to your mansions, having forgotten that the things you own also own you are now owned by your supposed transcendance. You are owned by your pretty mind fabrications. They occupy your time as much as a man who owns a Ferrari or trophy wife. You spend much of your time stroking your own ego and patting yourself on the back. Even now you are grinning, thinking that this is fun, yet you are still seeking after enjoyment - you cannot help yourself - it is one of your most deepest habits. You know that it is not bad to experience enjoyment, yet the very fact that you asked for this shows that you still desire. You relish in your desire. You eat it all day long. It is your master still. You have dreams of becoming a world teacher, becoming enlightened and changing the world. Ego stuff. You are no different than the lowest beggar, a street thief or a lawyer. You will tell yourself that at least some of what i say is true, admit it with a feigned sense of humility (you enjoy feeling humble like a submissive BDSM gamester), all the while enjoying the game of supposed ego destruction. Yet I have told you nothing you haven't known already - you are still seeking mirrors to tell you how special you are. This is still all ego-petting. Its a twisted form of self pleasure. A game of bliss states. Seeking seeking seeking, but never finding what you really set out to find in the first place. Drop it. You check the threads you post in to see if anyone has replied to your witty, oh so insightful posts, looking for your little 'I'm special' hits every time someone praises your wisdom. You focus more on what you are teaching than the other wisdom around you. You are more concerned with feeling that you are wise than actually becoming wise by listening more than you talk. You read other people's posts looking for ammo to use against them - hiding in ambush for a reason to show them you are wiser than they are. You forget that the ignorance you see in them is the same ignorance that lies in you. Seer, seen, and act of seeing are one. Only when you see only enlightened beings everywhere will you yourself be enlightened. As things stand now, the lack of enlightenment you see is what you really are.
  8. How to develop unconditional love?

    yes...Kundalini taught me well. I can become Kali now...want me to chop your head off? Trample your body? Just let me know...
  9. How to develop unconditional love?

    realize that your enemies are also your friends...enemies make us stronger often, by finding our weaknesses and pointing them out to us - thus they help us evolve. Friends support us in our weakness, thus inhibiting our growth in some ways. Learn to love your enemies and hate your friends and all will be right....just kidding...but, realize that the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain is what you need to understand the most. Attachment/non-attachment suffering/ and bliss are what can come easily when you are not attached. When you become attached to your ego, and someone comes up and 'attacks' your ego, you label them as enemy, all the while not realizing that the ego is the true source of your suffering. So those enemies are really frenemies....people who come up and stroke your ego and pet it, keep you feeling safe in your ego - they are called friends, but are really 'dead ends' as they will stop you from growth. But these things I say are also not true...accept criticism with gratitude, even if you are sure its not true - these people are really trying to help you, even if they do not know it. Don't pet the sweaty things... If you like, I could become your enemy for a day - tear you down no matter what you say - then you could practice loving while I am being mean, and you could see what it is like to try it
  10. How to develop unconditional love?

    Tonglen technique, also Chod Powha; learn to love all that's in your mind unconditionally and you learn to love all that is outside your mind unconditionally. Surrender to humiliation, fear, judgment, condemnation, scorn, etc. and you learn not to put up defenses when it occurs, and thus bypass hate/anger because of it, and you can get closer to love. Accept everything that comes in with equanimity. Develop bodhichitta. Want more?
  11. I always question everything...healthy skepticism is good. I always wanted to see them again but never did.
  12. they were sort of like this: oh..and also we were camping in the desert at night, and it was almost completely was super dry (middle of summer)...I dont know how it could have been gas or ball lightning... they stayed around for almost a minute..some bouncing along the ground, some way up in the sky, and my aunt who was in the tent said that she heard some weird sound rush overhead.
  13. I should add this for clarification...the person who had seen them more than once, while in Death Valley, was in her car and one of them moved toward the car and rocked the car a little bit as if if playfully....but I didnt believe her until I saw them too - I also talked with other people online who had seen them and saw a footage taken from the space station of the exact same thing - and they were in outer couldnt have been swamp was an official video...if i could find a link I would...but it was years ago...but seeing is really is believing - you probably wouldnt believe until you actually saw one...i didnt at first, I mean I wanted to believe, but it took the actual experience to make me
  14. nah....they could hover...move slow or fast in straight lines or zigzags...and i felt weird stuff in my head...almost as if something was crawling in my head...maybe they were willow-the-wisps!
  15. FYI I may have seemed like I was joking, but I was actually serious - I would and do cooperate with aliens...I think the Kundalini may be alien itself - interdimensional being from who knows where...I cooperate pretty much fully with it.
  16. 9 to 5, Escaping the Rat Race

    Ideas = big money too if you can run with them...ideas are free, you just have to think...but running with them is hard. However, if you have contacts who are good runners or good bankers, you can get something started, even with no money. I have a few million dollar ideas kicking around my head that I haven't done anything with because I am not a runner-type...I was going to let them loose once I got my website up and running, but I am writing a book, and doing some construction right now, and I haven't made time yet..
  17. I did see something weird in White Sands, NM orbs that seemed to be about a ft or two wide that could move fast, slow, they bounced along the ground, or drifted slowly in the sky...then they disappeared in a flash. I was with a friend who had seen them before in other places, such as the Manzanita mnts, and Death Valley CA...I have since met other people who saw the same exact things...I talked to a different person in NY who saw them along with hundreds of people...a few hundred or these orbs in Nevada dancing in circles around the sky...everyone was pulled off the highway watching them...I dont know that they were from another planet though...they could have been some other kind of manifestation - I had the sense that they were organic even, or even interdimensional...wish I could see them again...
  18. I too have been an alien...yep. not now. maybe later tho
  19. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    Double Gemini Pisces.... ummm..Chinese is something like: fire-dragon wood-tiger fire-snake metal-monkey I think...bunch of other stuff too -
  20. 9 to 5, Escaping the Rat Race

    True dis: It all boils down to circumstantial priorities. A single person has less responsibilities, whereas a family man or woman have more. Also, Teach children to be happy with not need toys and games to entertain their minds when their minds already can entertain themselves. Video games are great, I played a bunch, but so is being in bodymind, show them the fun of real life, not virtual life, at least sometimes...let them know that virtual life and real life are equally fun. If video games become more fun than parks or bicycling, something is off. Also, also: never eat when you don't need to. Stay thin and trim by avoiding buying toned and fat-less means weigh less, eat less. Look good move fast like a panther..always energetic. 2muchfoodmakesusfull and lethargic and then we sleep too much and waste time/energy/bliss/money=not having fun as much. Also, also, also, don't type too many alsos - many other interesting tings 2do! don't buy rocks at home and garden center - go find them on beach..little by little..add to garden - everythings really free if we sell it like that!
  21. 9 to 5, Escaping the Rat Race

    Of course one should always work all day long - but do good work, not bad exercise, eat good things, take less space, make gardens, take walks..make nature happy, you know <wink,wink>
  22. 9 to 5, Escaping the Rat Race

    Less money spent = more money made...The more energy you put into your self, the better you appear to others, the more energy you put into others the more you express your self. But after expression comes exhaustion. Best to lie down then. Take time rest. Care for self, all = bliss, then perform again. Need less next time, get into the groove, shake things up = more efficiency, less waste. Don't throw things out you can use. Stop buying things you don't REALLY need. Create create create, allow energy to flow through. Soon you move mountain. All it took is time. Next: Time=Energy=Space=Matrix (mind), realize that there is an inexhaustible amount of energy if your are willing to wait for it. You will have it when it's needed. Let the energy come in, then return it to its birth (Earth). Use this force daily to create the life you want, instead of the life you think others want you to have. Then you have all this stuff that you really need, nothing that you want, which is good! Oh yes: Energy = Money, they are the same money = juice. Juice = power, power = wheel..the power to turn the wheel lies within the wheel. Physics says this: Each action you take has an opposite but equal reaction. Once you have performed that action, it's actions also get performed to you. Thus, when you eat, you are eaten, and when you drink, you are drinkin' So if you work all day that means you were worked all day, and you will be tired. Now you have all this energy stored up, what to do with? Buy clothes? Buy hamper for clothes? Eat Sushi? Nope. Go to bed because tired. What's the point? Best to lay dead instead? Maybe, but not now...instead work less, play hard!