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Posts posted by neo

  1. Hi Guys,


    I'm doing a research study as part of my master's program at Harvard. The topic is ego development, ethics, and engagement in the workplace. I'm looking for experienced meditators to take the survey. It only takes about 20 minutes to complete. 


    If you could help me out that would be great.


    Survey link:


    Thanks everyone!



  2. Hey all,


    So I was thinking about oxytocin (the cuddle, love, bonding hormone) after reading a transcript from NICABM about brain science (it was an interview with Norman Doidge, the author of "The Brain that Changes Itself") and there is a hypothesis out there right now that oxytocin helps the brain to rewire, by facilitating "unlearning". The purpose would be when two people meet and fall in love, their brains/minds/personalities need to rewire to better suit each other in order to have a successful long term relationship. The same applies when oxytocin is release in the mother during breast feeding and bonding. Basically oxytocin helps to "loosen up" our wiring and unlearn old patterns so that we can make new connections to support relationships.


    Then, I thought about how many traditions emphasize love as a way to transform.


    So, meditating on love might increase our levels of oxytocin if we bring those feelings of love and bonding up, allowing us to "unlearn" our old habits. Just some food for thought. It would be interesting if this was shown to be true, that meditating on love increases oxytocin and that oxytocin actually does help with unlearning.

    • Like 2

  3. Hi guys and gals,


    I'm planning on going to a holigral retreat in may, but need some people who would want to go with me to make it more affordable. They offer a discount for referring.

    Holigral is a system that uses how we store thoughts and experiences to undo traumas, concepts, expectations, and rules we've learned through out our life (karma)

    The end result is someone who is free of social conditioning, confident in their life purpose, excellent at interpersonal relationships, and if you want there is implicit shamanism that occurs from being so conscious. I've used some of their free processes to enter a state of flow where everyone felt like another aspect of myself. Not just as an idea, but as the truth. (this only took one hour) I can attest to it's effectiveness but to truly get as much from holigral as possible a 7 day intensive retreat seems to be in order. All of our projections are our own faults, and according to Steven Saunders the founder of holigral, they typically store themselves in 6 or 7 adjacent places in our being. By asking clean non hypnotic questions these constructs can be deconstructed and more life force becomes available. One old member of ttb told me after his retreat 20 minutes a day is all he spent to stay in his enlightened state including all his siddhis. Steve says once the work is complete you can re enter the matrix of life with new purpose, be a laughing Buddha, or explore all the other realms of existence. Zero suffering, all flow seems to be the holigral way. Check out for more information. I'd love if any of you would come with me.


    Thank you




    Ps. Its in Mexico. 1.5 hrs north of Mexico city. 3500 usd for everything minus the flight.

  4. You can keep your hand over the centerline and drop your elbow to a relaxed position. Almost like your arms are floppy. This is the way Max taught us at a seminar. Once movement starts you can let go of the posture and just allow the practice to do it's work and then come back to the posture if it feels right.

  5. Forearms parallel to the floor, hands in a prayer mudra neck level, feet together, knees bent and also close together. Tightened anus. Tightened jaw. Eyes half-opened, cross-eyed looking at the tip of your nose. Breathing: Inhale-stomach in, Exhale - stomach in. With each inhale-exhale your stomach goes deeper in.

    And of course the whole body is flexed. :)

    Try not to hurt yourself - maybe adding 1 minute every week.

    Very cool. Thank you very much Smile. Just one more thing. What percentage of effort am I supposed to push my hands together/flex my body? Do it everyday?


  6. Yeah, the longer you stay flexed and hold it, the better chance you get to develop internal force. Try putting hands in the prayer position pressing against each other and flexing the rest of your body and holding it for 30 minutes. If you can do it, you will probably be able to make holes in the heavy boxing bag.


    Unfortunately, non of the today's MMA do this type of training, hence you see them punching each other for 3 rounds and nothing happens.

    Any more info on this? How to position elbows, which way to flex legs, any point of focus. This sounds very cool, such a simple thing to build what sounds like great internal/external power. Tried this for like 5 minutes , quite a challenge :)

  7. Has anyone ever done or has done any Mirror Meditation like you see in wicca and i think the chinese has a way using black ink in a bucket and stare into that?


    Any bad or good experiences and what is it mostly used for?



    This is based on personal experimenting, not a learned technique

    One cool thing you can do with a mirror is turn the lights down or off but have some light coming in from another room then look at yourself in the mirror. Focusing past your body. Shadows will start to appear and it looks like your body is disappearing. If you can let go enough your body will be totally gone and only a bright outline will remain. This has only worked for me once, the shadows aren't too hard to get but I haven't been able to get the color outline to work more than once. When it did happen only a flouresant blue outline was left even when I closed my eyes it was still there. Works well in a bathroom with lights out and door mostly closed

  8. Patrick Brown,


    dude, what is it with you? what do you think your explicit photos are accomplishing? not everyone who who is on TTB is an adult, and even if they were, I, at least, wouldn't appreciate it.


    given the places you've been spiritually, sometimes you sort of prove my point as the perfect example of what can happen if the ego isn't strong, disciplined and healthy!

    letting go of attachments seems like an important step in spiritual practices.


    so how can one have relationships, a spouse especially, without being attached?

  9. LOL well said Joeblast!!!!


    Hey can any of you guys tell how your energy and healing powers or whatever has improved form Kunlun??

    I dis everyday for several weeks but now just a few days aweek--i have a good practice doing now so i just do it when I feel like it

    my reiki has been having a different effect...for example last night when I was doing it to my friend, instead of being really chilled out after I was done, he just fell over and started cracking up, laughed for a couple of minutes then relaxed. Putting one hand over this third eye and one over his crown seemed to have the most effect.

  10. the guy in th white shirt can does 1,000 pushups & 1,000 Hindu squats no problem he is big in to Matt Furey, and also lifts kettle bells & does Chi kung as well ith Guru Pak Harold Koning.


    The big guy in the black taller than me lifts weights and does body weight exercises


    I am just using very basic tenaga dalam & Dr. Morris hoshin stuff here.






    what do you guys think would be the most effective schedule?


    3 days iso and 3 days weight training


    all iso, all weight?


    santiago, where can i find out about tenaga dalam?

  11. And it seems to me that peoples attraction to these 'O's at a D' seems to revolve around pleasure seeking, rather than cultivation.


    So, maybe you should ask yourself what is the purpose of your training? If it is simply power seeking, then I hope you realise there will be consequences.

    true statement.


    however, (maybe its only because i have young eyes), it seems like os at a d can be used to relieve personal stress and the stress of others.


    i guess its one's intention

  12. you where arrested for sitting in full lotus? wow


    it is indeed very possible i've experienced the first two "internal climaxes" drew talks about since he says he does them standing.

    could you tell if they were mutual?


    Yes i Know i was once arrested for meditating in lotus pose next to a Borders music & Cafe store in Coconut Grove when i was 19 doing the same stupid shit Drew does now....


    Better to be more ninja about your practices in public. The USA as a whole is not too accepting of energy workers, yogis, etc.

    Drew how old are you?





    santiago, have you experienced an O at a D yourself?

  14. Which point was it?


    And funny how literal the word "insight" really is...

    1/4 inch medial of the center of your thumb. the points touch when you put your hands in prayer position.

  15. Well, I would say the opening should come as a culmination of your meditation practices along with wisdom that will help you dealing with experiences.

    For practical way to open the third eye, I would recommend Vipassana meditation 10 day retreat. When passing through your body and observing the sensations, stop for a moment and feel the pineal gland. Eventually it will light up like a Christmas tree and you will actually fell its energy. It will start producing the essence that flows down your tongue and other things will happen.

    Build the foundation first. It may seem like not the shortest rout but it is. Thousands of mental patients/spiritual cultivators can prove me right.


    As for possession and related topics, the thing I love about Europe is their cemeteries. Go to a 500+ year old graveyard at night and you will be shitting your pants in no time. I wonder why TV shows bother with haunted houses and just go for the real thing... :lol: Only happens in Europe though. American cemeteries in general are too new to build the energy like that.

    One of the first threads I read on TTB was about an acupressure point associated with the pineal and pituitary gland. I tried the pineal point with my eyes closed and eventually I felt it! This was when I was first getting into meditation so it was sweet and still is! Now typically whenever I press this point I can feel the magnetic pull of my third eye. Anyways, the point I wanted to bring up was that a couple of weeks ago I was playing with these really strong magnets I bought to build a magnetic generator with and one stuck to where my third eye is. I just did this again, and bent over to make sure it would still stick. Pretty cool. I do have a question though. What kind of effect if any will this have. I just tried the acupressure point again and didnt have a third eye response so there is a possibility that the magnet drained my energy or sometimes pushing the point doesnt work. anybody else play with magnets or have anymore insight?