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Everything posted by teknix

  1. I think that it is society that decides what behavior is negative, and it is biology that allows us to think or ponder society, so you excluded atleast one middle option.
  2. Minerals make up many of the solutes so it would probably be water + ground = wood? The potential is within the seed, and the elements are the requirements.
  3. Wood is composed of secondary xylem, which are vessel elements used to carry water and solutes. Veins like in your body, but lignified.
  4. There is a phenomena that Chia is pointing at, but it isn't necessarily what he says it is. First step would be to develope awareness of the spine and the dorsal consciousness of the CNS, you fallow you spine from the coccyx untill you can literally feel the entire thing, then you move consciousness into the brain and have to release the idea you have of self to free awareness from all atachements, then you can begin working on the anterior functional channels or the the ganglia of the central nervous system that extends to the organs and generally under autonoumously control by various feedback systems and chemical pathways. Those ganglia that lead to the anterior (front) organs of fire and water. It is just an advanced MCO, utilizing the Lymphatic System, HPT Axis, Thyroid, Solar plexus,Navel (Which I haven't figured out an anatomical correclation, yet) and even the air you are breathing to maneuvar these aspects around while multi-tasking focus of awareness on both of them and between them.
  5. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    Sarcasm lost in transcription.
  6. Am I just going crazy, or getting duller?

    Depends on what is doing the weilding?
  7. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    "smart" is just another silly label people give to other people, some choose to carry it around, some flaunt it, and others don't accept the gift realizing it is really a TRAP!
  8. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    Jeeze man, clam down, you don't gotta be on such a ego trip all the time.
  9. Am I just going crazy, or getting duller?

    Only the "Idea" of you could ever cause suffering . . . For there is no "you" to suffer in actuality. Even suffer is an idea, one of many ideas chosen to attach to you, blinding in binding deceit, an illusionarily mistaken reality.
  10. Am I just going crazy, or getting duller?

    Ok, so what do you think is at the root, or the cause of your miserable suffering and what can you do to change it?
  11. You use heart and fire for the elixir, the fire goes below the navels and the heart goes to the solar plexus and down towards the fire, the fire evaporate the heart or water to steam which rises to the original cavity of the spirit. So have you activated heart and fire?
  12. Home Taoist Altar

    Yeah, the heart is the temple. It is ever present with you regardless of what sits outside of you or in front of you.
  13. How is this much different than other religions or beliefs that prey on peoples death anxiety by promising an after-life? It is a common theme among many teachings.
  14. Missing posts?

    Are there missing posts from past discussions?
  15. Dzogchen Teachings

    That makes me like Jax?
  16. I guess my question is why it is called received, I don't understand.
  17. Dzogchen Teachings

    Ralis, Don't you want to differentiate empirical knowing from self-evident truth (knowing)?
  18. Dzogchen Teachings

    Jax, Metta comes after liberation or third eye. This is only half a teaching imo.
  19. Dzogchen Teachings

    From skimming through, the book seems to be focused on liberation from samsara, nirvana, and attachements more than the rainbow body or after the fact of liberation.
  20. Dzogchen Teachings

    I guess I jumped the gun, because later it says: " The result is seeing that everything is created by your thought. Once you finally realise this you can check back to find its origin. All things are created by your thought and mind—and if you look back to the source of your thought and mind you find that it disappears."
  21. Dzogchen Teachings

    I find an insinuated belief right off the bat: that there are god's for mountains . . . " Go to a quiet place without any people and stay there. First make offerings to the mountain gods or whoever is powerful and spiritual in the area so that they are not disturbed. " Why should I believe that?
  22. Dzogchen Teachings

    "Heart Drops of the Dharmakaya" Seems like the title hints at metta, but would you consider this the proper text for study? : http://korat.ibc.ac.th/files/private/Heart%20Drops%20of%20Dharmakaya%20Dzogchen%20Practice%20of%20the%20Bon%20Tradition.pdf
  23. Dzogchen Teachings

    Also, how do you know the pressuposition is incorrect, if there is not direct experience? Why do you think the rainbow body was something obtained or something to be obtained?
  24. Dzogchen Teachings

    Is metta a part of the rainbow body or inner fire?