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Everything posted by wenwu

  1. has any one had the experience of heightened awareness/intensity of emotions through their practices? i have been practicing standing for about 4 years now and for the last few years i have been noticing from time to time really strong emotions, often it is anger i am afraid. this is a little strange as i am a fairly calm person by nature i don't have a bad temper have a lot of patient at the moment it is not a big problem, i can sit back a watch the feels rise in me and then fade away, I have outlets for any anger i may feels. but it is just interesting to me has anyone else experienced this?
  2. strong emotions and meditation

    thanks for your replies everyone it is good to know that i am not alone/crazy/regressing to answer some questions I study bagua, i tend to do more of the stand meditation than the walking because of space, but i intend to find a way around this Free form yeah i hear you, we are all told not to get angry and that can make it easier to suppress the feelings Bruce it is good to now this is a sign of progress, i was really beginning to fret that i was regressing
  3. meditation time

    thanks for all the great input guys happy niu year to you all
  4. if you hit a guy and a year later he dies of a heart attack, it would be a hell of a thing to prove tat it was your strike that did it It is possible to vause delayed damage without even going near preassure points, a good whack to the temple with damage or create preassure in the head and eventull this will casue death, how ever, why you would want to hit someone and wait for a week before the effects took hold is beyond me, maybe a long time ago when for assasination, but these days i would want to deal with the person as soon as possible
  5. meditation time

    hey guys thanks for the feedback so what about those days that you just can't get into it, ??
  6. Celibate or not

    just though i would chip in to do it or not seems to be one of these questions that will go on for ever even thoguh we secretly all kinda know the answer, along with does size matter for me the simple answer (i like simple answrs) is too much sex or wasting semen is bad. I have had a few signs of this like when i try to do bagua shortly after being with my gf, my legs were gone i could concentrate and just felt empty also after a night celebrating (i forget the reason) woke up made love to my gf at the time and felt a hangover develop that wasnt there before even Ma Chuan Xu talks about avoidng sex when you are studying lower basin practices however in my humbke opinion, to completely abstain for intercousre is also a mistake, foucsing to much on not doing some thing that is fairly natural can cause you alot of stress, not having sex can also cause stress. I think having sex or 'using' your semen wisely is the point i am trying to make. I ams ure we have all had the experince of sleeping with a woman who wasn't right for us, the time when i have done it i have at best felt exhausted (i guess this is no energy coming back to me from the girl in question) or at worst really dark and had to go for a long long walk after (i guess this is the wrong sort of energy coming back into me). equally i am sure we have all had experience having sex with a woman who was very right for you, afterward i feel invigorated and full of energy so my adivce....... work smarter not harder
  7. ok my last post for tonight/this morning i have been living alone for the past 2 years, the first one of theose years i was involed in a fairly distructive long distance relationship, where i was lied to for a long time and eventully cheated on and left. after this i felt i didn;t want ot take up anther ealationship for a while and turned my energies ot other things like my pracice and i have become really comfortable spending my evenings, doing MA and occasionally practising standing in the living room or just speninding sometime being quiet, still and present before i go to bed just recenlty there has a been a girl, she is a good girl and very good girl and some one i feel i can trust being that she went through a similar thing around the same time, yippee but.......... i like my practice, you guys who are married or have partners how do you find balance?
  8. relationships and practice

    thanks for your help guys lots of goos advice, my girlfriend is chinese so there is a chance (a small one) that she wil be interested in meditation the celibacy thing is a worry but as Wu-Liu said it may actually help having 2 people work at it looks like another change insleep pattern is coming he he which i also really need over the christmas period my sleeping has shifted really badly
  9. balance

    i am always trying to keep balance, with things for example i work hard at my quiet mentaly taxing job of teaching i take hard physical exercise in martial arts i try to meditate each day and i leave time for play ok so not the hardest of regimines but every little helps one of my favourite current "gurus" is Eckhart Tolle, i love his writing andhis lectures a few of which i have in DVD format, how ever on wacthing one of these DVD the opening sequence had Mr. Tolle walking down to ta river and it struck me how unhealthy he looked as he was walking really like an fraile old guy. now there is no doubt that this man really has something of value to teach, and i in no way meant o be disrespectful i know he has been through a lot. i would really like to know how he feels about balancing his physical body with his spritual knowledge........ but i can't ask him so i want to ask you guys
  10. when worlds collide

    happy new year to everyone so i was shopping today and got the the bread section, i have a little bit of "issues" over the festive season so i thought some brown bread would be better, but i remember a while ago i asked about foods and although i can't rememeber the poster (sorry!) it was stated that white bread is actually better for you well ok, the brown was on special so guess what however this isn't the first time i have come across this, not from any philosophical angle but just dealing with our own bodies, even to the point where good posture is called in to quesion, c-back or s-back. how do you guys choose, are you doaist all the way or is there as i suspect something you take form each. what is the deciding factor?
  11. good "energy" toys ~$50

    the trouble i find with outting things n my desk is it is almost like a flag for nagitive energy as well, a person that has gone un-noticed and one day plonks a buddha, lava lamp, wind chime or other thing on his desk to defend against negetive energy will soon start to recieve a lot more negitive energy from others, i know it sounds self rightous or what ever but i use myself, i welcome everyone and greet them witha smile and sometimes a hug depending on the people, if there is a lot of negetivity around my office i ignore it or deal with in a number of direct ways, either stepping out for a while or taking action against the person creating the negitive energy. just my thoughts on the subject
  12. well loads of lessons but i think the biggest one and the one that lasted through the whole year was energy: be careful about taking, giving, sealing, and reaping your and others energy
  13. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    hey baguakid we don't 'know' each other but cantacted you a little while ago about bagua in shanghai, i live in Beijing and study yin bagu here but at that time i was considering moving south however intersting t see a different form of the yin line. i would be interested in talking to you more about the differences between the study methids
  14. ok so after 4 years with my bagua teacher i have the feeling that i am grinding to a halt in my progress, this is partly to do with the time i have to trainin has been cut down a lot (i am currently working two jobs that cover my morning and evening but i try to get stuff done any chance i get) also it seems that my teacher has stopped teaching me things, i work hard on the techniquies i have and when i asked him about it he replied that it was time to work on my 'zi gong' or personal skill. i.e. i have to make bagua my own. just i don't feel like i have enough has anyone else had this same sort of experience, what did you do about it?
  15. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    hope i got the quote thing right .... fiorst time nce to see you here bill all the way from empty flowwer nice video of you and your teacher, yeah good turtle back, what style of bagua do you do?
  16. semen retention

    sperm in your brain!!!!!!!!!!! so next time my girl complains of a headache i know what to tell her I am not sure on the semen retention teqhniques but anything that really jumps in the way of a natural process using muscle power just sounds bad to me. i keep my practice very very simple, the more comlex practice i imagine will come to me in me way when i am ready however after sex i do sometimes feel drained and very empty in the pelvic region, which a part from making me feel weak is damed uncomfortable the opposite is true for when i have gone for a while without any action if you are trying to go a long time with out any emmission, it is like givning up any other addictions, addictions steal you energy just by you giving in to them anyway....simply you don't think about it, i work out everynight in both aikido, bagua and strength training related to those to arts. i remind myself how strong i feel when i am er.................. full and i just have other things on my mind for the matter of sex rather than self pleasuring, i am always very careful about who i go with having sex with the wrong woman... during sex and through ejaculation you are giving alot of energy to someone, if they are not giving it back to you then afterwards you can feel really weak and lst and sometimes even sick. but whent he energy is cycliing better then sex can make you feel very uplifting just a few of my own personla view from a low level
  17. What would you have done?

    this is a great question i have had to deal with people laughing at me or being angry about the hings that i do (martial arts, meditation, TEFL teaching and others) I don't lie and i adon't run away from people who are like that, i see it as a oppurtunity to test myself, test what i have learnt. I am not interested in taking pther peoples beliefs apart, thy have the right to believe that it is the work of the devil just as i have the right to believe it isn't I approach all these people the same, i listen to what htey have to say and i don't get emotionaly attached to anything that i or the other person says. as soon as you start using emotion you get stressed and fight or flight response kicks in. also you enter a energy stuggle with some one where you are both try to gain or win energy from each other listen, present your point of view, repesct his point of view. if the man gets out of control don't react don't get int o a fight but finish the conversation. use yin against his yang
  18. eating for qi

    hi there back again I have been playing around with diet stuff recently and asking around about different opinions on eating and qi. firstly from myself, I think that eating right is important obviously, but most of that information comes to me through western sport science and western thinking, loads of carbs, fruit and veg. etc. which while good for working out and body beautiful may not be the best for qi so i asked my bagua teacher, chinese man of 75, he told me that during practice that it doesn't really matter what you eat but before class i should stay away from beer and spicy food. and generally shouldn't eat too much. that only when/if my nei gong practice gets to a good level then i have to watch what i am eating more Fair enough, Wang Shu Jin one of the best BGZ masters in the last few decades was really fat, but appaerntly had amazing abiltiy to channel his qi and as an old man was still fighting all comers. however also in my class is a buddhist practioner, she was telling me in her way of thinking people should stay away from meat cos it is more difficult to digest and uses alot of energy. and fruit and veg helps you body stay supple and light other things that have come up........ you should stay away from meat anyway just beacuse of all the checmicals that farmers use you can eat or drink or do anything, it is not the food but the addiction that takes away your energy has anyone got more information on this? thanks in advance
  19. eating for qi

    hey thanks guys loads of info there that i'll try to work through be in touch with some more questions, comments
  20. james mcneil

    anytime anyone claims to be the only teacher or one of a hand full, they are talking rubbish, the truth is of any qi gon or nternal system nobody knows how many people do it, there are people who have no interest in fameor teaching on the world stage or teaching at all that have incrediable skill a good example of this lies in bagua, where as memebers of the Cheng lineage are actively teaching around Beijing i have yet to hear of and memeber of the Yin family who s as active, i don't even know of anyone who has met a memeber of the yin family, although they must be around somewhere
  21. too many people look for these things i.e. a wife a child to make them feel complete if you are not complete without them, you will never be complete with them, if fact you will be more broken becasue you will be stealing energy from them and putting them under pressure for the short comings in your life. the is a big thing in the country that i am now that if a woman ismairried by the time she is 30 she is on the shelf. i have never seen so many unhappy marriages as the people around me now.
  22. tai chi?

  23. hi there i thought i would throw my 2 cents in I have been studying Baguazhang for 3 years now with BKF's teacher's younger knug fu brother I is a wonderful art, so comfortable to do. the meditaive aspects, all baguazhang is really a meditation, the twisting helps internal health and the walking help build up strength as well as internal strength the rou shou practice is great, alot of sensitivity there, impossible to do when you are tense. really an excellent art i could go on but i am at work hahaha
  24. searching

    Hi guys After living and training in Beijing for 3years i am really gettitng int o it, especially still the standing, really enjoying the slowly (very slowly) opening of levels, now if i can just find a large quiet place for circle walking haha anyway, i have been looking to get deeper in to some of the daoist health arts, and meditation, but for some reason people round here don't eeme to know anything. maybe i am not looking hard enough in in the wrong places,. however, i was wondering if there is anybody on this board that could point me in the right direction thanks very much
  25. searching

    hi steam hahaha, Zhu baozhen is my teacher, i have been studying with him, for 3 years, and he is really the business, was oking for some more daoist health practices, have asked Zhu laoshi about tyhe health arts but though i would ask here too thanks for your response