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Posts posted by fizix

  1. Not to ruin the fun or anything, but there is:






    So technically speaking, energy is not everything.

    Not to ruin the fun or anything, but consciousness is energy; energy is consciousness, they couldn't exist without the other, except in your illusion of duality. Information, also consciousness, also energy. All different sides of the same multidimensional coin.

  2. If there are techniques to do this, they aren't Taoist. Taoist arts don't cater to the insecure, self-conscious, to ego. Acceptance, surrender... Not desire to reinforce the illusion of separation.

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  3. John Chang did not go out of his way to 'prove' anything to anyone, he was not trying to prove the existence of powers, he was simply demonstrating for a documentary, he was approached by them, not the other way around.


    "The one question I would like to put forward is what is he getting from this?"


    What is he getting from what? His alleged powers? Demonstrating them on video? He regrets doing the documentary, if that implies anything... and many people don't understand, Mo Pai is a MARTIAL ART, not a spiritual path per se, the cultivation of yin/yang energies are in this path are utilitarian, Mo Pai is a "power path" not "wisdom path" so some may argue that it is irrelevant whether wise or not to display martial potential.. the perpetuation of misguided, cult-nature ideas could be a much more dangerous demonstration of 'power'...


    "Personally I think there are people who can do this sort of thing, but I don't think we will see them demonstrate it without a very serious purpose for doing so."


    What exactly/examples would be a very serious purpose for demonstrating such type of power?

    • Like 5

  4. I'm currently working on meditation and have develope a tingling inside my head, i need to figure out what it is. Also i found I can control chills and IP addresses. Any help is appreciated thanks!



    "and proxy servers" lol...

  5. I think some belief can be helpful to people in a pragmatic respect. While others divide us from one another. How can we begin to know what is an good belief and a bad one or if it is not good or bad?


    One belief I have that I think is a good one is that we all share the same nature like Buddha underneath it all. (sameness)


    One belief I think is bad is thinking that you are better then someone else. (separateness)


    Are there any beliefs you would like to share and if you think they are good or bad or somewhere in between?


    Do you think there is belief that is not good or bad?


    Please share!

    Strong enough beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies; therein lies the downfall. Nice IP address. The only good belief is the great One "belief" paradox that is neither good nor bad.. hint: there are no universal beliefs (except for the belief that there are no universal beliefs)...


    a belief isn't always true... but is the truth always a 'belief'?

    • Like 1

  6. I'm currently working on meditation and have develope a tingling inside my head, i need to figure out what it is. Also i found I can control chills. Any help is appreciated thanks!

    Do interests include "satire"?

  7. Deleted quote

    Inappropriate to post Jim's personal correspondence details with you on a public forum. And no, I don't mean his email address. You also already neglected one of said 'requirements' by posting this thread. Good luck in your desire to become Goku.

    • Like 2

  8. Hey people,

    Im new to this forum and what brought me here is a question that spurred my curiosity.


    Here is the thing. Have you ever talked to yourself? not necessarily out loud, but like saying: "hey [your own name], whats up?", or ask any question. At first usually its hard to get an answer, maybe you get a lazy "yeaaah" or "whaaat" or something.. Within some time though you are talking to a different you, that can give you insights, is smarter, more relaxed, even high, or even sleepy... At least that's what happens to me. I connect to a "higher self" it seems, and sometimes this 'personality' after connecting can overcome the usual personality for some time and be my own self.


    I wonder, what is that that you are talking to when you talk to yourself? who do you reach?Is is your higher self, your inner buddha, your heart, your right brain? Or maybe youre just developing a split personality? LOL...

    I wonder what you think about it.

    Well, either you're talking to "ego/(phantom/stranger/illusory self/shadow)" or "Higher Self/(Tao, The Universe, Godhead, Brahman, the One, the Force, the All, Universal/Infinite Intelligence)" or a distortion between the two.


    Emptiness will bring you the truth of fullness.

  9. No amount of inspirational words or external incluence can induce true willingness unto you. It can only can from you. You're willing, you say then? If you're truly willing, you already know what you need to do... Get a sponsor immediately, work the steps, attend 90 meetings in 90 days, take up commitments/service work... Get a phone list, call your sponsor/3 other alcoholics every day to check know what you need to do, and it's not inquiring about a life-threatening disease on a web forum frequented mostly by teenagers who don't know what they're talking about and have no experience. The answer has already been within you the whole time, yet its so simple you may not want to hear it, but its waiting for you to surrender... If you're unwilling to work those fundamental aforementioned steps, you do not truly yet have the desire to end the insanity. I pray you are willing.

    • Like 5

  10. Haha.. in Las Vegas we have "Tao Nightclub" furnished with "Buddha" fixtures and..get drunk and have a one night stand.




    and as for Avatar.... I think it does a lot more good than bad, if it does any bad... introducing little kids to spiritual ideas versus some adult armchair scholar basing his ideas of internal MA/eastern spirituality on a cartoon show....hmmm

    • Like 1

  11. "North America's largest electronic dance music and arts festival experience returns to Las Vegas for summer 2012!

    The 16th Anniversary of Electric Daisy Carnival promises a larger-than-life adventure where you, the fans, are welcomed to explore, create, connect and celebrate together with us.

    For three nights, we invite you to dance, dream and discover inside a landscape crafted just for you. This year will feature several fully immersive art environments, seven state-of-the-art stage productions, a photo booth contest seeking out the most creatively dressed participants, and an endless sea of full-sized carnival rides, theatrical performances and unexpected surprises.

    See you soon beneath the glittering desert sky!

    Electric Daisy Carnival Las Vegas
    Friday, Saturday & Sunday ::: June 8 - 10, 2012
    The Las Vegas Motor Speedway

    Journey with us:
    Follow us: @EDC_LasVegas"

    I'm curious if any bums have any experiences at EDC or similar events. If unfamiliar, think "Burning Man" Rave on Ecstasy. I live in Las Vegas and actually work on the strip, and similar to last year when it came to town, there are myriad colorful characters (240,000 attended last year) running around in all sorts of crazy getup...the vibe is one of supposed "PLUR" (as they refer to it as: peace, love, unity, respect) that's apparently what its supposed to be all about...yet then there are those who are throwing firecrackers out of their cars on the strip at LV locals (some people think no one 'real' actually lives in Vegas?) and also selling dangerous drugs such as Ecstasy to way-underage kids..EDC 2010 in LA a 15 year old overdosed on E. In a way it all seems like a huge guise to just get high, act belligerent and mindlessly fornicate with randoms. Any thoughts? :)

  12. I'll be watching


    It feels significant


    though I dont know why


    "According to this newsflash from the Future News Network, the coming June 6th Venus Transit will bring an outbreak of world peace and a spontaneous Global telepathic orgasm that will transform human society. Are we about to feel the energies of Venus transforming our world? Watch this for a preview."


  13. His negative energy is only bringing your own karmic negative energy to the surface unless you lock your aura... So your own negative energy is transmuted to positive energ/chi she you dissolve the neg through emptiness... Meaning do not react, do not attach yourself to the energy, detach yourself from it, observe and smiling/compassion for the lower energy person stuck in neg karmic cycle always help. in a way he's helping you. It is a spiritual challenge to cleanse your own multidimensional energy body... If you react with hate you are further cultivating the original karmic seed of negative reaction.. Eventually you will be immune to others negativE energy as you will have cultivated so much shen/spirit from healthy chi energy it will simply bounce off your aura laughably, no effort required, just have to clean your own house first.

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  14. I wouldn't recommend 'forcing' energy anywhere...I was taught to maintain a 'passive awareness' on the dan-tian and energy would naturally distribute through the meridians/chakras from there once it is ready...and I've yet to encounter any problems with this method.

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  15. Well, regarding taking psychedelics for spiritual advancement, I'd say it's either always prematurely ... or never.

    Yes I see your point, but would you condone giving psychedelics to a willing 10 year old?


    Semantics of 'prematurely' are in play here I know, but I'm curious about answer, even if it's not what you meant by prematurely