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Everything posted by fizix

  1. My Dantien is < 2% full

    Compression, especially dan tian, can be very dangerous; it is advanced technique and should not be practiced until one's energy centers are overflowing full with chi and throughout the meridians. Holding breath and muscular/energetic squeezing is the foundation and key to compression. . And yes, as was said before, compression is when the true power unfolds... do not rush into it, for premature compression can lead to very unwanted side effects.
  2. Will Power

    Jing = will power.
  3. What is this? It's called a splash page. Why the skull? Why not the skull? It has a third eye.
  4. sub me dawgz

    Someone in this thread just needs to get laid.
  5. Robert Bruce - Call To Action!

    Interesting prose for a "spiritual guru".
  6. As the years pass, many of us find ourselves stuck in the same place, or still having never achieved a goal that one had committed to achieving many times over again throughout the past. The advantage of embracing change and invoking resolutions to improve one's life among and beyond the New Years is a deeply rooted psychological mechanism phenomenon that many do not take advantage of or only attempt halfheartedly. For assured success, keep a resolution journal and layout goals, time frames, necessary steps/actions EVERYDAY. My resolution is to meditate at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week and to journal my progress here on the Tao Bums. I will also journal a 4-5 day a week physical training regiment; cardio, weight training, muay thai, and dance. By committing yourself everyday to your resolution, the New Years will provide a powerful catalyst for unparalleled growth and change, and teach one how to be further dedicate the self to future ventures. Don't sell yourself short, you deserve to be the best potential version of yourself, and the sacrifice to evolve into higher vibrations will be well worth it, for even the concept of sacrifice itself is an illusion, and transcendence of all such illusions will be the base of a great spiritual path. Many people underestimate the power of actually WRITING SOMETHING DOWN.. just do it, try it, EVERYDAY! It doesn't have to be much, just write it down and review it regularly as it will be SOLIDIFIED into your consciousness and thereby forge a powerful psychic energy around that idea, and everyday will get better and stronger. The New Years is a great starting place, it is a new time... a time for development, loving oneself and others, and living peacefully under the eternal embrace of the Tao.
  7. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi

    That's your problem right there if that's really what you think it's all about.
  8. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi

    He's not. Because we are All One Energy. We are All Tao.
  9. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi

    Apparently, without Guruji's transmissions, one is not capable to evolve. I'm seeing sort of a classic messiah complex ingrained in this article, and this is never good... this concept of transmissions has always irked me, as if one cannot possibly spiritually evolve without the aid of a 'savior'... I was thoroughly enjoying the article until it was stated that "no amount of meditation" bla bla bla "except Guruji's special blessing" can attune one to the new energy. Not impressive, not true.
  10. Free yourself!

    Oh, we're all enlightened now are we? What wise words from the enlightened 16 year old who had his first epiphany.
  11. Free yourself!

    I always get a a pitiful sense of amusement seeing these "I'm enlightened!" threads. Great example as to how you don't want to think. If you think you are enlightened, you are not enlightened. If you think you could EVER reach enlightenment and somehow be aware of it, you will never be enlightened.
  12. How much pain can you endure?

    "Since I do FD I consider all pain being karma and it just needs elimination." " Hence I don´t worry about knees etc, my body is just fine but still has some karma to eliminate." "Sometimes I get close to vomiting from the pain but that is not too usual since I am attached to comfort... " I have never been more convinced that falun gong is a brainwashing cult. You are going to regret your cultish pseudo-practice extremism. You learn these things from the Falun Gong, that pain is just karma and okay to force yourself into pain? So when you have permanently crippled yourself and still believe its just karma and want to know how to get rid of it all through the "supreme practice" of falun gong,the cult will have you trapped forever in its debt through this infinite loop mechanism - infinite pain = infinite karma, so you will never be able to leave the falun gong cult practice as you will be in infinite pain for ignoring basic laws yet be brainwashed into thinking this pain is your karma being burned! but the pain only gets worse. You think all pain experienced is your karma being burned? You are sadly deluded with these sad delusions.
  13. Losing chi through urination

    When I was suffering extreme withdrawal from heroin I thought that ejaculating would make me feel better - biggest mistake ever. Well, it did make me feel better until immediately after it was over, then I was 10x more tired, pained, sick, depressed, will power deficient, etc... this was further proof to me that the jing/chi one loses when ejaculating is significant in that the act should be limited as much as possible if one desires to progress most efficiently in energy/spirituality practice.
  14. The Twelve Steps and Tao

    Actually, if you really want to go to there; yeah sure, I can say that the Tao isn't a higher power; let me ask you, what is the Tao higher than in that case? The Tao isnt a higher power just as it isnt lower, it isnt anything, yet it is everything, so how could you describe it in such dualistic terms? The Tao is non-dual. Your attempts are admirable, but not pragmatic AT ALL.
  15. The Twelve Steps and Tao

    Maybe this alternative "Taoist distortion" attempt of the 12 steps could have some mediocre efficiency on some pseudo-alcoholics, but try to use this steps practically in the case of, say example, an IV heroin addict and well that is just laughable. The concept of a higher power is the fundamental key principle that saves people in AA/NA. The Taoist path is difficult and elusive, hardly for the faint of heart...let alone a person whose life is in shambles and ruin due to addiction... this whole thread is laughable, stop trying to be original and inventive and revolutionary you are not helping anyone but your ego,.
  16. Any 12-steppers in the room?

    I've been part of a 12 step program for the past 3 years. To say that it is a Judeo-Christian organization whose goals is to advocate Judeo-Christian ideology, rather than allow for personal freedom...well, wow, I think that's the clearest possible indication that you are not truly a "former 12 stepper" as I can guarantee you never actually worked the steps correctly with a sponsor or even have much experience in the Rooms; just because you went to a few meetings does not mean anything... besides, someone who has truly understood the power and principles (which has NOTHING to do with Judeo-Christian ideology, but are simply pure SPIRITUAL principles) is and always will be a 12 stepper, not a 'former', for it becomes evident that it is one of the most powerful yet simple spiritual programs. Many confuse the steps of the Anonymous Fellowships as religious based, merely because of the mention of a 'higher power' that gets eluded to as God on many individual's personal level, however if one were to truly commit to the 12 steps they would see it is a SPIRITUAL, not religious program.
  17. New Interview With Chang's Top Student Jim

    You show a very clear indication that you know nothing about the Mo Pai or its levels and I think it would be better for your spiritual practice if you didn't talk out of your a**.
  18. TTB Reputation System?

    Taoists of the Way (not "Taoists" of the internet ego-societies) are not concerned with "reputation", it is not the Way of Taoism, and this is a TAOIST FORUM... logic people, it's THAT simple! A taoist does not know what this word reputation means. A reputation system ingrains false values of non-Taoist nature into a Taoist community; what kind of message is that suppose to convey to newcomers who know nothing of Taoism and come here to learn? The first thing they notice is that common perceptual inadequacy deems the worthiness of a post that is most likely to be misunderstood on some level by more than half of the readers in the first place. I would not be surprised that if hypothetically a true Taoist master came on these forums and made true Taoist-natured posts of mysterious/elusive nature he would be neg rep slammed by all the newbies who don't know what is being conveyed, thus perpetuating an illusion of "this information is better than that, don't consider that information, only comprehend and believe this" as a response mechanism to this ridiculous VALUE system; don't you people understand, Taoists do not attach VALUE to anything? The sage sees all the 10,000 things as straw dogs. The sage sees all things as impartial. The sage is NOT sentimental. This system contradicts all inherent principles of Taoism; get rid of it please, it is an unnecessary nuisance.
  19. TTBs reputation System

    Taoists of the Way (not "Taoists" of the internet ego-societies) are not concerned with "reputation", it is not the Way of Taoism, and this is a TAOIST FORUM... logic people, it's THAT simple! A taoist does not know what this word reputation means. A reputation system ingrains false values of non-Taoist nature into a Taoist community; what kind of message is that suppose to convey to newcomers who know nothing of Taoism and come here to learn? The first thing they notice is that common perceptual inadequacy deems the worthiness of a post that is most likely to be misunderstood on some level by more than half of the readers in the first place. I would not be surprised that if hypothetically a true Taoist master came on these forums and made true Taoist-natured posts of mysterious/elusive nature he would be neg rep slammed by all the newbies who don't know what is being conveyed, thus perpetuating an illusion of "this information is better than that, don't consider that information, only comprehend and believe this" as a response mechanism to this ridiculous VALUE system; don't you people understand, Taoists do not attach VALUE to anything? The sage sees all the 10,000 things as straw dogs. The sage sees all things as impartial. The sage is NOT sentimental. This system contradicts all inherent principles of Taoism; get rid of it please, it is an unnecessary nuisance.
  20. Odd but serious question

    Yes, after meditation, especially reverse breathing, I will immediately get the sensation to urinate upon standing up; I speculate this has something to do with a possible excess of in which the energy is pushing and pulsing through all channels and thus pushes urine in addition to any and all other foreign chemicals/entities out of the body. There have also been strong sexual urges after meditation, however this I assume is more due to an energetic imbalance between yin and yang resulting from TOO much soft meditation/lack of physical exertion and can be remedied through hard yang physical exercises. Again, when there is too much of an energy, the body naturally seeks energetic balance and will compel the mind to certain direction of action.
  21. Qigong/ Third eye experiences

    This is good, but it can be bad. You have a blessing and a curse, for as great as the positive/love/bliss energy feels, the initiatory honeymoond period inevitably ends and having a illuminated/sensitive third eye you will have to deal with the negative energy that others put off, and transmute it in the lower tan tian to be alchemized to pure chi then to shen through love energy frequency/vibrational living and stillness meditation. You will be very sensitive to the energy of others, exponentially more so than a non-cultivator. Keep on 'seeing through everything' illusionary and see only the Source and its infinite love and energy, like a bottomless well. It may be hard, as the negative energy will accumulate and be overwhelming if not dealt with and may manifest in negative behavior/thoughts. Let me ask you, when you speak of 'flexing' your third eye, can you literally feel and move the energy in the area of the pineal gland/third eye, just the same as if you were wiggling/flexing your toes? If so, you speak of true cultivation, but beware, your lack of experience with qi gong/meditation may prove hindersome in your path with this energetic/psychic channel illuminated, I suggest you take up and study meditation and the Way, the way of non-being, the way of stillness, the way of living life as a dream, living in total Oneness unity that is your nature.
  22. it is unfortunate to see this ego-mechanism system being implemented, I hope it is done away with
  23. Is it too late for me?

    Man, I will tell you right now what your problem is, you are 6ft tall and only 120 pounds; that is a serious problem. You need to see a professional/licensed nutritionist/dietitian IMMEDIATELY. You need to EAT EAT EAT and EXERCISE and eat some more. I guarantee you this is the root of your problem. Do you have a history of eating disorders or substance abuse? Nothing at this point is going to increase your energy and mood levels than eating healthy, substantial food.
  24. Loneliness

  25. Chi into Shen

    THIS...... epic. No teacher is greater than the Tao itself.