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Everything posted by fizix

  1. Unlocking the Mysteries of Life

    Beautiful... is something that has always existed and always will.... Love is beautiful.... what man cannot comprehend, what is unknown... often invokes fear, yet in reality when one surrenders, yet embraces the beauty of the mystery, it is so awesomely magnificent and splendid, words cannot begin to describe... the Tao that can be named is not the true Tao. How simple and convenient to believe consciousness is a product of biology; the religion of science. There is no light without the darkness and the emptiness of the illusion of capacity is what ensues wholeness... oh beautiful infinity, oh so much taken for granted. Has anyone ever read The Magic in Your Mind by US Andersen? A wonderful gem way ahead of its time, I strongly recommend it to all, it is of unlimited value. And 'Way' Taoist . If consciousness predates matter, then undoubtedly we beings of light... of energy, must all be connected, must all be One - soul splinters of the great cosmic consciousness, universal being, the Tao, subjectively experiencing itself and spiritually evolving an infinite times over to reach divine unity, Oneness... we often have moments of strange familiarity, 'deja-vu' as if we've undoubtedly experienced a moment of eternity before... as if reliving a dream, yet awake - awake to the nature that this really is a dream, there is no such thing as death, we are the imagination of ourselves, ego-deluded induced separateness, but there is yet one dreamer dreaming many dreams... and we've all been here before, have had these lessons... and will continue to be taught, to teach, to love, to live as One, in every imaginable angle, shade of light, whisper of wind, forever, in peace, as long as we surrender to love.
  2. Help with protection from taoist black magick

    Wow this Lucas Huang guy is blatantly a hyooge tool. I'm feeling very inclined to get some of my very efficient "code magick" hacker friends to flip his world upside down. Scamming, posting personal pictures/veiled threats of my fellow bums does not suit well with me. This guy has no idea how much hurt can be laid on him if he keeps this bs up. It's justice people.
  3. salvia divinorum

    No it does not, and this is a misconception that all plants contain the dmt.... although many plants do, only some contain enough of the alkaloid to be extracted and successfully consumed to an effect. Here is a list of dmt containing plants:
  4. salvia divinorum

    Well, to say that DMT has no spiritual value whatsoever... that is contrary to literally thousands accounts of users who have all had profound, life-changing spiritual experiences... here are accounts of spiritual experiences from just one source: I've read most of them and they all share similar experiences of non-dual consciousness unity, compassion, love, spontaneous revelations of spiritual nature... the overhead: the book/documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule also conveys
  5. salvia divinorum

    Absolutely, look for it tonight. DMT and salvia are drastically different compounds..... with dramatically different effects. DMT, also known as "the spirit molecule" is the epitome of a "substance-induced spiritual experience", and yet the brain naturally produces it through the pineal gland (the physical manifestation of the third eye) and it is responsible for dreams and spiritual states. Salvia throws the user into a frenzied state of confusion, insanity, and IMO has little value for spiritual practice... DMT induces spectacular wonder/awe yet clarity, epiphanies, non-duality... I will write a thorough report of my experience and hopefully those opposed to the idea of using specific/non-addictive nor harmful drugs to enhance their practice/life will reconsider their stance.
  6. salvia divinorum

    it distorts the energy body from the physical body, warps the consciousness into a slower vibrational frequency..... prone to entity interaction...could be good could be bad.....most likely bad... it sounds like you've never smoked salvia. is this the case? If you smoke a lot of salvia, most likely you are going to completely forget about your intention to meditate....... large doses of salvia and meditation do not really mix...... 2 nights ago I smoked DMT for my first time and meditated.... now THAT is an experience completely indescribable, perhaps the most amazing experience of my life... I learned many sacred things. DMT and meditation are highly compatible, and just so mind-blowing.... I saw my energy.... the all pervading and ubiquitous light-energy fabric of space-time reality..... a beautiful ego death and subsequent union with the Tao. I would stay away from salvia... the shamans who practiced with it were extremely experienced and dedicated their whole lives to their craft... attempting to meditate while on salvia may result in some very bad effects on the consciousness and energy body... you are opening yourself up to many dangerous things
  7. Mozi Neidan Scam

    Completion of level 1 results in a spontaneous and highly dangerous kamehameha. I was lucky enough to have recorded my level 1 attainment: but really, for those in the know... it's your karma.... be a man of your word.
  8. Three critical issues in Taoist alchemy

    One or two hours of consistent practice a day is certainly going to progress one along the path, perhaps not as quickly or deeply as 3-4, but if the practice in question is legitimate, 1-2 hours will result in good attainment.... as previously said, it is much better to practice consistently at this rate rather than over-practice and burn oneself out, as is a common issue among cultivators. Remember, practice can be done 24 hours a day.... while driving, on the bus, walking, sleeping, eating, exercising, at work.... keep the mind clear and centered, the breathing conscious deep and in rhythm...
  9. How to cultivate more YANG enegry?

    A common problem among internal energy cultivators is a lack of cardiovascular/muscular physical exercise. How often do you exercise, in what form and for how long? You can meditate and practice movements all day but without physical exercise you will not reach optimal health. Those 3 issues can all be possibly attributed to a lack of physical exercise. If you're experiencing adrenal fatigue, it will be hard to start working out consistently but I guarantee you will not only feel loads better, but your circulation will improve along with your capacity of yang energy... and obviously the adrenal fatigue will be progressively healed as the cause of adrenal fatigue in the first place is a lack of utilization of adrenaline. Lack of proper sleep is another common problem resulting in your symptoms; how much sleep a night do you get on average? Do you take naps? Do you sleep on your side (left or right? this matters in terms of your left, central and right channels, I'll explain why), back, stomach? People will often suggest esoteric, tedious and highly specific/advanced methods/routes for broad/general problems in which a solution is usually simple and obvious. Diet is another highly important aspect that affects those prevalent parts of your health. Natural, non-processed foods will help tremendously.. vegetables, healthy meats and fats.. avoid trans/saturated fats and high sugar foods... try to consume 40% carbohydrates, 40% protein, 20% healthy fats... make sure you are consuming the proper amount of calories for your weight. Do you find yourself having a lack of appetite? Or perhaps you overeat? Over eating could be an issue in the matter, as poor diet/obesity affects the adrenal glands, induces fatigue and yang consumption due to the excessive amount of energy utilized by the body to digest the food. Cold hands and feet; I recommend stimulating the acupuncture spots several times a day. Massage your feet they will get warm, as you do this visualize a fiery hot energy flowing from your dan-tian to the point of interaction. You may have an imbalance of yin and yang energy, and energetic blockages along the meridians, as this is often a precursor to cold limbs. Seeing a TCM doctor or acupuncturist could definitely help... but remember its up to you yourself to fully heal and maintain a healthy spiritual energy body. Do you smoke cigarettes or marijuana? Take any prescription medication? Are you currently in a relationship, considered happy and healthy? Or problematic and conflicting? This may seem irrelevant but all of these aspects may have considerable impact on your health. Are you exposed to sunlight for at least 2 hours a day? Do not neglect the natural healing power of the sun, as it is a paramount source of yang energy, required for peak health.
  10. Through mushrooms, I learned that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, that we are the imagination of ourselves... that life and death is but an eternal dream... no beginning, no end... we are all God/Tao, and love is the greatest power/energy of the universe, and that is what we are here to experience... the human race is slowly awakening itself to its true nature, that we are but spiritual splinters of a One (Tao) great being of infinite intelligence and love... meditation opens us to the wisdom of the universal mind, cosmic intelligence, increases our energetic vibrational frequency in ascension to unity.
  11. Viewing of two suns in China

    Anyone else think of the twin suns of Tatooine?!
  12. Meditating Outside/Park

    I pretty much always meditate outside, unless the conditions are extremely adverse...but even though, I just see it as further opportunity for growth. Meditating outside is a world of difference.... it is important to be directly connected to the EARTH to absorb its yin chi; you cannot do so meditating ontop synthetic materials/inside. You are seriously hindering your practice and holding yourself back if you meditate inside and neglect the tons more chi available from the elements outside... fresh air, trees, plants, water etc... In Mo Pai the practice is REQUIRED to be done outside for any results..otherwise you are going nowhere... that should tell you something. I think a common issue as to why many are hesitant to meditate outside is due to fear of being made fun of, heckled, disturbed, bothered etc.... but you must see that you will never fully progress spiritually unless you crucify your ego in this regard and be completely indifferent to the distorted pitiful perceptions of others... you must understand that people who try to belittle you are acting unconsciously from their ego out of fear of the unknown and projecting their insecurities and low self-esteem unto you, and if you respond out of anger or negativity instead of love and compassion they will 'win' in their heads and only be motivated to further antagonize meditatees... plus, if one reacts to such pestering with equal immaturity then what does that say about meditation in the eyes of the initiator? Use these opportunities as a chance to grow as each time you respond with indifference (ie: don't respond at all, stay focused on your meditation) you strengthen your energy in that regard
  13. Kunlun Transparency Photos Reposted

    Clearly photoshopped.
  14. Vicodin is an opiate. Opiates completely destroys/burns out not only chi flow, but jing as well; marijuana accumulates chi in the central channel and diminishes it as well, which is why one feels lethargic and hungry.... the body wants to replenish the lost energy. How many milligrams of vicodin are you taking on average? Having a history of addiction, you want to be very careful when managing pain with something as addictive as vicodin (oxycodon)...which is only a few molecules different from heroin, both synthesized from morphine.
  15. Michael Lomax

  16. Michael Lomax

    I have practiced the Gift of the Tao DVD and read Michael's book. Otis you mention you have "biases" and claim that you do not pretend to be above them... and that apparently Michael's physical appearance influenced your opinion on the actual practice... well I think that notion in itself speaks loads about your own personal development, or lack thereof. I must simply disagree with your opinion on Michael's movements. Immediately upon watching his movements, I was drastically impressed with the fluidity and grace that you claim is non-existent, I admired how clear and evident it was that his movements were pure energetic light, I could feel the energy exuding from his ability, his posture very strong and grounded. I have practiced many forms, and Gift of the Tao left me feeling radiant with energy and lucid consciousness, I instantly knew I found a precious gem. "I honestly did not enjoy your works, or find them useful." and yet... "To answer your question, I did not practice what you teach." In my opinion, this invalidates your entire 'critique'. You refuse to even practice the material, this also speaks loads about your development/practice ethic... you don't even attempt practice yet criticize the work as useless? Wow. "I doubt that you will benefit from my words. There is nothing constructive in them." True. I don't think anyone benefitted from your words, considering they are based on completely arbitrary biases that have nothing to do with the actual practice. For those interested in Michael's work, consider reading reviews of those who actually committed to the practice, rather than flagrantly and baselessly criticize a real, powerful practice.
  17. Cultivation side effects

    Everyone's energy vibrates at different frequencies; people can subtly intuitively sense this and may often influence certain feelings of comfort, attraction, intimidation, etc.
  18. Ancient Knowledge

    Our new Drew Hempel?! jk=) thank you for the insightful post! this thread on the infamous ATS (which i sometimes fear TTB might turn into) about teslas free energy secret may be of some interest to some:
  19. How Do Taoists Cure Addiction?

    I was heavily addicted to heroin for 3 years, my ideal fix being a cocktail 'speedball' of heroin and cocaine mixed together into a single shot; that 6-12 second rush of pure orgasmic bliss is infinitely more pleasurable than any possible conceivable vice, and is responsible for the ruined lives of millions. The pure hell of addiction can never been properly understood by non-addicts who so often write it off as merely a lack of willpower... yet in reality there are so many complex underlying causes and factors, has so many levels and degrees, and does not discriminate; anyone can be prone to addiction, from housewives to businessmen, regardless of age, race, religion, etc. An addict does things to get his fix that he would swear he would never do... but once the unimaginable pain of withdrawal kicks in, no man can easily resist the urge to take away the worst pain possible.... that of intense withdrawal. Heroin addiction is on another plane than than that of 'overeating' or 'nicotine', and it is foolish to group all subjects together and assume that there is a 'one size fits all' cure. I do not believe that true addiction can be cured, it can only be treated and held at bay... as for personal accounts of miraculous cures of addiction...well that person was probably never a true addict in the first place. For anyone struggling with addiction, I'd recommend checking out the work done by Jost Sauer ( who advocates chi kung, traditional chinese medicine, and physical fitness as a primary means of overcoming addiction, and explains the spiritual and energetic nature of addiction and particular drugs. I've read two of his books (Higher and Higher and Drug Repair that Works) and they offer many valuable insights surrounding the nature of addiction. 12 step programs are also a powerful means of help, provided that one actually dedicatedly works the program, gets a sponsor, goes to meetings. I've been going to Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings for years and value them highly... it saddens me when I see, especially on these forums, people who know nothing about the program who disparage it as a religious conversion operation... it is a spiritual, not religious program, and has saved countless lives. Addiction is a SPIRITUAL disease; one must first heal the spirit before a full healing of the body and mind can be possible. Ego is the root of addiction; selfishness over selflessness, yet overall it is so infinitely more complex than words could possibly describe... the physical and chemical dependency of the brain convinced that it needs the substance to survive... the 'auto-pilot' like compulsion of having no control despite disastrous consequences... lying, stealing to get a fix... the unfathomable living hell of heroin withdrawal is the most horribly painful experience I've ever endured, and I must remember it was self-afflicted, yet it never seems so... it is almost as if one is locked in the steel grips of demonic possession during the hideous cycle of addiction. "“What do we lose from within ourselves to create this sense of lack?” Addiction is not always about filling a void, though that is most often the case. Sometimes someone gets addicted to say, heroin, 'merely' for the sole reason of it inducing such intense euphoria...such unparalleled pleasure, that the root of the addiction is just the literal karmic chemical dependency and desire to feel like god (which heroin does a very good job of). But yes, most often addicts self-medicate with their substance of choice to mask deep seated emotional trauma and other issues. “What can we do about it from a Taoist perspective?” Meditate. Heal the energy body, open the heart. Realize that the object of one's desire is ultimately an illusion and a major obstacle along the Way, the Path, the Tao. A consistent regiment of stillness meditation and physical fitness is the forefront and staple of my recovery, and what I believe to be the most successful techniques of fighting addiction. Yet the addict must understand that it is not the drug or drink he is fighting, it is himself, his shadow, his karma that must be inevitably faced and burned if he ever hopes to reach redemption and salvation. To keep my addiction at bay I am constantly improving myself; physically, mentally and spiritually... and that is what one must do, for when an addict gets complacent, it is only a matter of time before the beast comes calling... one must grow or crumble.
  20. Homosexuals attacking Taoism on FB

    OP is a troll who knows nothing about Taoism and should be banned, thread should be deleted.
  21. Amazing technology

    Wow that would be so beyond epic and amazing to watch on acid or shrooms!
  22. Is visualization important?

    There is a great article written by one of Robert Bruce's associates on the importance of visualization in relation to psychic development/powers, couldn't find the link but it's a great read; anyone know? edit: visualization is extremely important in my opinion, but remember it is the emptiness of the bowl that makes it useful...
  23. "We Are All Already Enlightened"

    I agree this is most important.... can the all seeing eye see itself? yes, because it looks inside out.
  24. Relocating

    You don't need to move, you are not helpless.. the energetic vibrational frequency of love will overpower any sort of black magic, it is the strongest energy in the universe the foundation of all creation and life, and can even transmute the negative energy in your favor, you just mustnt give into fear or despair.