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Everything posted by fizix

  1. Excellent post, I couldn't agree with you anymore on all your points; the ego as the byproduct of thought, quite a tantalizing concept to those who are Tao-phobic
  2. Texas is going FUBAR

    How/why exactly are there "Pro-Drug Cartel Mexicans"? How do they justify that? Or is there some clandestine robin-hood story with the mexican drug cartels that I don't know about? Support from Mexican citizens?
  3. (EYE) How to see if you have been cursed

    Even Taoism isn't safe from dogmatic superstition
  4. What is your concept of Chi?

    Chi is The Force
  5. Taoist Remote Viewing

    There are many means of separating consciousness or aspects of consciousness from the body for whatever purpose; the gist of it is maintaining a 'aware' level of subconsciousness while achieving a delta/near sleep level of brain wave activity. I have experienced total ego-loss wherein when I returned to my body I initially knew literally NOTHING, it was like being reborn, until my memory resurfaced. However, I've had different experiences in which my consciousness apparently left my body however I still had cognitive ability and certain senses.
  6. strong emotions and meditation

    Energy and emotions work together; the more energy you buildup, the more potential emotional 'energy' you can feel. This can be both good and bad. One one side of the sword, you have the divine power of the emotion of love, which can overcome anything. On the other side, if you have a significant amount of energy cultivated from your practice, you may experience extreme levels of anger fueled by your energy, which can lead to some unwanted outcomes if you have not cultivated the willpower/discipline as well to control your emotions. That is why it is important in energy practice to cultivate aspects of the Tao instead of solely focusing on chi/energy work.
  7. The Rainbow of Reality

    Sounds like an awesome experience! I can't wait to try out DMT, although every time I shroom the rabbit hole only gets deeper, but DMT is something else
  8. A lot of stuff I've been reading recently has all eluded to the possibility of a mass spiritual/physical/energetic transcendence/evolution of the human race and some even the arrival of higher beings. The "most powerful cosmic force in existence, the true nature of the universe; LOVE" is emphasized in mostly all of these writings. If not the arrival, then perhaps already existent beings on different vibrational levels that humans will be able to perceive due to their own+the earth's increase in levels of pulse vibration (2012 being the date in which this 'evolution' or 'destruction' of mankind is supposed to occur, in accordance to the "Mayan calendar", the "Tibetan Book of the Dead", and pagan scripture indicative of the "Coming of the Age of Aquarius, from the Age of Pisces"). Another thing to note, many of these sources that elude to this new 'era' are actually unrelated for the most part, in terms of time of publication and organization/social association.
  9. Am I Crazy or Possessed?

    Is this a joke? I swear I've seen this post before almost verbatim on other forums...
  10. Psychedelics in Light of Yoga

    Mushrooms were a valuable asset for me when I first started my practice of meditation, I had no idea they would be so influential. I remember one time reading that during a mushroom trip you experience what would be the result of 40 years of meditation, I don't know how accurate that statement is but I never doubted the mushroom's ability to indiscriminately teach or direct oneself. It should definitely be used as a wayward tool, or guide, of spiritual learning, and not abused or clung onto. They showed me a possible point of conclusion that can be achieved through meditation; a blissful state of ego-less nature grounded in love. Unfortunately my immersion into the drug scene was two-fold; I was somewhat enlightened by newly found perspectives derived from shroom use, yet along with that, I was driven into the ground several times from the onset of cocaine/heroin/benzodiazepine abuse. Meditation and the occasional mushroom journey have been instrumental in my recovery
  11. Sith Alchemy

  12. The Ego
  13. He seems like a man of all theory and no practice or application, sorry to say.
  14. Beef is good for you, and in no way is it a deterrence of one's Taoist path to eat it.
  15. My Meeting with Mak Tin Si

    His trying to market on Taoism is annoying and I do not think he is any position to teach.
  16. Fusion of Yin and Yang

    The Mo Pai and Lei Shan Dao are the only lineages I know that of a goal of Yin Yang Gong (fusion).
  17. verdesi turtle video

    Wow, amazing. Does anyone know who this man is, or would like to provide a general translation?
  18. masters getting high

    Cannabis is such a peaceful herb
  19. 3 Rules of Taoism

    I did not know one could get "kicked out" of Taoism.
  20. Magus of Java Teachings Revealed

    No teachings are "revealed", sorry. Not to be rude, but I doubt there is anyone who read the book who didn't already put one and two together to establish what you compiled (which again, is taken point and point from the book) the only unique contribution being to "will" the chi to the dan tien, and sadly, you can "will" all you want, but that alone will do practically nothing compared to the ACTUAL mo-pai methods. Don't waste your time, people. /=
  21. Internal Cultivation

    The Dan Tien IS an the focal area of energy allocation in the human body; it's application is countless, even though it actually is far more than just an 'application'. For example, if I am feeling groggy, I will prematurely try to fuse yin and yang (not intending to actually do so) by simultaneously pushing down my Dan Tien and pulling up my perineum (yin chi accumulation) and subsequently get my socks rocked with just RIDICULOUS energy that lasts for hours. Unfortunately, it is somewhat hard to do this in public without looking like I am having somewhat of a seizure/tremor attack, though I can pull it off, but I get far better results after a few hours of meditating; you feel like you were struck by lightning, energy wise, but it's great
  22. Bruce Lee

    Why does chi kung make your muscles soft if you don't mind me asking?
  23. Is Chi Something You Can feel?

    Yes, chi is something you can feel. For example, an accomplished Mo Pai practitioner will be able to feel the energy present/accumulating in his or her Dan Tien while training. Also, when the breath is isolated following intensive, focused energy work (in any nei kung/chi kung system) then the chi will become, not isolated nor stagnant, but still and solid, synchronized with the tranquility of the breath, ready to follow the exhale and shen of the practictioner.
  24. Personal Experiences with Wang Liping

    Read this: and you will see why many consider Sifu Liping above the rest. Terrific book. Apart from that, I will be surprised if more than 1 or 2 tao bums here have had any personal experiences with Wang Liping, due to his celebrity like status in China.
  25. working with the abdomen

    lol... I am sorry but developing your dan tien and having a six pack or a beer belly have no correlation whatsoever..... six pack/toned abs = low body fat most importantly, decent ab exercies secondly. Six pack is 80% diet derived, 20% exercise