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Everything posted by fizix

  1. Oh wow, someone finally dropped the mo-pai-anti-christ-manual bomb. Sorry Vortex, but as an overall entity, that article is more misinformation than information. I feel obligated to warn whoever it may concern that it may be dangerous to practice this warped system of nei kung, but this is NOT the Mo Pai system. If you read more of this "Anti Christ" manual, whoever wrote it, well, I would be surprised if someone did not see the gist of that thing a reason for concern. Even if to say an inkling of that information is true to Mo Pai, I know no instructor who would recommend practicing only 30% of an overall system, let alone not only practicing the 30% that may be correct, but the other 70% that is total horseshit in addition to it, like this anti christ garbage. However, if one practices a system familiar to the anti-christ outlined "system", I mean no disrespect to the alleged stream of practice(s) itself, just the mere fact that it is not actually Mo Pai and the credibility of the author in terms of qi gong.... well, I'll leave that to your own devices. edit: quick edit, I noticed the emphasis I put on the fact that this isn't the Mo Pai system, then remembering that he states that himself.. my qualm, however, is with the author stating that this 'system' will give similar results, as this in fact, is total lunch meat.
  3. This is very true, and very important.
  4. Ayahuasca experience

    DMT is no joke.
  5. Can someone explain this feeling?

    No, sounds like the beginning stages of every OBE I've had.
  6. John Chang versus Mike Tyson?

    That Guy. I am very high on a shamanistic herb and that was the most amusing thing I've read in quite a while hahaahahahaha
  7. Avatar (the movie)

    dull note: definitely. not. war propaganda. Well well well, has Avatar induced into all of man a newfound enlightened state of spirituality and and oneness with all of nature? No, I don't believe so. But perhaps it planted the seed. For a select few pots that is. As much as I can hope, this movie changed, at least one person's life for the better, and for all I know that person may have stumbled upon and a new Way and Path of life, all possibly inspired by the deep spirituality of Avatar, the planted seed. For many, the seed is a genuine profound spiritual experience, others even a psychedelic/hallucinogenic induced spiritual experience, from cartoons like DragonBall Z to Avatar () the Last Airbender, to music, to books, to love.... whatever plants that seed that may one day grow into a fully self-realized and happy person living a life they never dreamed of before the seed..... well, if you plant it, it will grow. I have much respect for the tale of Avatar, for it plants its seed in many a place across our home Earth. I just got back from the theater about an hour ago. Personally, I loved the movie. I am also a huge Star Wars fan, as someone mentioned earlier, both movies impacted their psyche; that statement rang a lot to me because such is the same case with me, Avatar and Star Wars (having more than a few parallels themselves) are both huge affirmations of many of my beliefs. The cinematography was spectacular and truly raised the bar, but the star aspect of the movie was the message it conveyed, which unfortunately was most likely completely unrealized by most of the audience. If you cannot understand this message for yourself through immersing yourself in this insightful and affirmative tale, I doubt you'd have much hope attempting to get to the true core of it by reading random synopsizes.
  8. There have been times where I have peered deeply inward, outward, and all ways around, and reflected that it intuitively seems quite odd and unbelievable that this would be the only life I've ever known, as many many times, I've sat alone in the dark in front of the fire on a serene starry night, and felt like an alien myself, that I am not connected to something greater, past or present, but just an observer trapped in this physical vehicle; however, that is a great illusion, as we are always connected to the Tao as one equals one, nurtured by one... In any case, I think we've all had lives as other beings on different locales and dimensions of the universe, as we will continue to do so, as the great Mother continues to spring the wonderfulness of life with everlasting love, shuffling spirits, consciousness and energy among the myriad of beautiful creations of nature, as to experience herself, her universe in every facet of in the sea, bird on the sky, fly on the wall, human on....well, I take it humans might just happen to be her next big adventure in terms of the source further experiencing our home Earth and can there be love without something to experience it?
  9. 13,000 year old tree

    Trees are a great teacher of qi gong; trees live strongly in standing meditation, for quite a long time as well.
  10. .... resulting spontaneous energetic awakening which in some can cause lasting, syndrome like unwanted mental and/or physical effects due to altered energy system
  11. Seeking advice....

    based on my own experience/limited knowledge, the lost use of an arm would not hinder your ability to engage in effective chi kung/nei gong... yes, you might be limited to certain moving exercises, but overall it's definitely not impossible to progress in a practice. I'd suggest some Dan Tien breathing and simple stillness meditations at first, sitting and standing, I think the results might surprise you.
  12. I may be wrong, but the Mo Pai lineage might be 'heaven to earth' or 'from up to down'.
  13. I'm really high and this post amusingly tripped me out ahahah if you're not joking I'd love for you to explain more, for some reason someone claiming to be of ultimate spiritual being/lineage and then opening their message with the statement "I am bigger than you all".... well, there's this little thing called congruence.... or incongruence. Oh damn, this David Verdesi still fightin' strong. When do the Secrets of the Mo Pai and The Verdesi Truth DVDs come out?
  14. Can't wait to refer to this forum after I start my Chinese course!
  15. Do any Bums stare at Goats?

    wrong about the military not using LSD for experimental research, this is a publicly documented fact.
  16. Taoist View on Vegetarianism

    Precepts and Taoist sins oh my!
  17. After my use of shrooms I believe the experience showed me the unlimited potential of practice and the mind/subjective reality etc, thus creating a catalyst for me to take my practice about 100x more seriously than previously. Marijuana has also always been beneficial to me in cultivating a positive perception of reality. Certain drugs like cocaine, heroin, meth, etc, have shown me perhaps revelations that I thought were valid at the time, but in reality it is the addictive nature of the drug trying to take hold. Ecstasy (MDMA) I believe, is one of the few drugs many people consider to be "hard", which I believe one can derive spiritual experiences/epiphanies from. However, I will never substitute a regime of drugs for real practice, ever. They are supplementary at best.
  18. Spiritually, whatever internal alchemy practice you think you're doing, you are severely ingraining some completely misinformed ideals and bad habits. If your goal is spiritual attainment/REAL alchemy derived from the highest energy readily available (jing--->) you are going on a backwards path my friend; if you want to be some kind of tantric sex master bound by his desires, continue doing what you're doing IMO. Sorry for the bluntness, but deep down I truly believe your conceptual understanding (not even just yours, many believe these things) to be inherently flawed and regressive.
  19. William Cheung a fraud/fake? I'm afraid you don't know your martial arts my friend, or at least the wing chun style. Also, in the video you posted, it is well known that he was jumped from behind; why would the recording of an 'organized fight' start already into it and not the beginning? It was not fair.
  20. Sayings of past spiritual teachers!

    "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." -George Orwell, 1984. The Tao of Orwell!
  21. Circumcision and qi

    I really can't even begin to speculate as to how circumcision would affect one's energy body, I'd read up on placebo. As to apparent, miraculous weight loss... well, it's very simple; if your body burns more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. This is the law of thermodynamics, it's science. You cannot gain or lose weight regardless of "starvation mode" or "ki cleansing" unless calories in <> calories out.
  22. Dragon Gate Melbourne?

  23. Death

    I've gone throughout my whole life without any close family members/friends having any brushes with death, until recently I discovered that my mother, who I love more than life, is exceptionally prone to having a stroke at any second. The saddening, hurtful sensation I felt in my throat was overwhelming when I heard the news, along with the emotional turmoil, it was unbearable. I know how important it is to be strong and full of love, but in my case I see this coming darkness as inevitable. She has undergone so much bullshit, and she is such a great person. What's worst of all, is the predominant crap she's been dealing with for the past two or so years has been my addiction to drugs (been clean for a while now though) so the hurt is very much there in more way than one. Guilt, shame, sadness, 19 years under my belt and I am not even close to being ready to deal with something like this. Elder, experienced bums input much appreciated. Seth, my greatest condolences to your father, I'm sure he was a great man, and I pray that I may experience similar circumstances upon parting.