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Everything posted by fizix

  1. Evil Warlord/Neigung

    tbh that accurately pretty much sums up a 5 year debacle
  2. Robert Peng

    No. There are more methods.
  3. Regardless of his own belief system, I am a Taoist and that is my interpretation of of his phenomenon; whether he is Hindu or even Buddhist, he is in accordance and embrace with the Tao I know unnamed.
  4. Evil Warlord/Neigung

    Here's a risk for taste, anyone with 5 or 10 years of casual practice can obtain level 1 (given all the circumstances and requirements of the training are correct, which btw I have NEVER seen detailed in any public domain) and as a completed level 1 student regardless of morality or intent, one can accidentally, or intentionally kill someone with a strike; the fully attuned level 1 dan tien contains yang energy, with such high concentration and power, especially when emotionally charged, that a direct blow will instantly stop another's heart. People are complaining about information being secret, so how's that for one factor? It shouldn't really spelled out what's possible with information in the wrong hands. Those unauthorized to disclose Mo Pai information are sewing their own karma, especially when the information rendered is usually a half empty cup, and yes, one can injure himself or others as a result of improper training and control. Why did the gods punish Prometheus for giving man fire? Perhaps one should ponder this concept if he is so conflicted.
  5. Evil Warlord/Neigung

    Karma can grow like fire. Choose wisely what matches you light. For the record, neglecting vital details of mo pai training can lead to serious damage.
  6. Oh boy, you must be the first person to ever throw that "Are you sure you're not talking about yourself?". No, I'm talking about you, and another thing I can tell you is that it is obvious you have used that line many, many times as your only fleeting defense mechanism. Oh good job on the wiki link, your genius is unfathomable.
  7. LOL Star Wars, cultural plagiarism? No inspiration, uncredited plagiarism? Plagiarism of what? Was there supposed to be a "We credit, thank and dedicate this film to all vaguely tied cultures and peoples in human history. You just won the DB post of the year award, congratulations. That's seriously ranking up there in the stupidest things ever said on the TB. Anyways, you must have had an awesome childhood lmao, what put you in the shadows, devoid of attention from mommy and daddy, that has caused this complex of obsessing with getting "credit"? Are you really just crying out for the "credit" you never received? But yeah I'm sorry to hear about your convictions, I can only guess what other sexually repressed energies you harbor. I think there are Taoist practitioners, and Tao nerds. This goes with all things. People who play sports, people who are sports nerds. You are a Taoist nerd, it says so in every awe-inspiring post you write, lol. "It's really not funny or coincidental. It was intentional" Well, what IS funny and (coincidental?) is linking, in your little image collage, a thread to possibly even a bigger Tao nerd than you, with an equally idiotic conception. Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with reading and posting on internet forums all day, being a Tao nerd as yourself, but I strongly encourage you to leave your comfort zone (live with parents I presume) and get out into the world, throw some actual, real Taoist practice in there. Crying over something like this just shows your incompetency on the Path, that you are still absorbed with such menial, irrelevant things; such things do not stir the water of a true Taoist's pool. Why so serious? Thanks for the laugh. edit: btw, you need to go to school, your definition of plagiarism is pitiful. As you must be furiously cooking up an ever witty retort, before you tell me that I plagiarized the last guy who told you all of this, I hereby bestow him credit!
  8. Ah, is the day finally to come in that science unifies with spirituality? Partly, at least. Fasting greatly affects one's energetic vibrational rate, every spiritual / MA practitioner should attempt a significant fast and the meditations which accompany the feat; you will become more in tune with the Tao, but only if the emotions are mastered. "There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. (There is no chaos, there is harmony.)(*) There is no death, there is the Force. โ€”The Jedi Code (Based on the meditations of Odan-Urr)" And as according to Yogi Prahlad Jani, 'there is no death,, there is the Tao' which he has embraced on every level; there is no other way, one man who doesn't know himself, his true nature cannot replicate such a feat; the third eye, the chakras, must be opened through some will; no belief, no results. The mind moves the chi. Until then, you are a Non-4G-DNA activated lost soul swimming in a fish bowl, year after year. I always found it funny how closely paralleled the Jedi and the Force of Star Wars are with The Ancient Mystery (schools) namely Taoism. Inspiration requires inspiring.
  9. Evil Warlord/Neigung

    Electric chi, your resorting to a challenge of some sort of Taoist trivia only shows your actual ignorance and incompetency on the Path; nothing more needs to be said about you. Put the books and ego down, go meditate.
  10. Evil Warlord/Neigung

    ahahahhah, you are asking questions that are pointless to speculate on, THAT is the waste of time here. Your external interests in lineage lore and semantics is indicative of your lack of spiritual achievement; you are wasting your time in this arena. I urge you to go and begin actual practice, instead of obsess on matters that are of no relevance to you, you will get nowhere but further away from the path.
  11. Evil Warlord/Neigung

    Why doesn't John Chang have a level 4 student? How do you know he already doesn't? Perhaps the reasons are irrelevant compared to how an early 20th century monk accelerated so quickly; some people are geniuses in the spiritual sense (lao tzu, buddha, jesus) and indescribably surpass their peers in experience. How is your Sifu related to the Mo Pai school or understand the mechanics and apparent safety of level 4? Maybe your Sifu isn't crazy, but plenty of them are. 2. Lei Shan Dao is just a commercial lineage that David Verdessi made up comprising out of several well known systems. 4. The mating of yin and yang to compliment the all ONE the Tao into non-duality represents enlightenment/immortality and as the Mo Pai system aims to accomplish this mating as a literal feat of ying and yang chi, well, one can only guess unless one is John Chang.
  12. It is odd, when deep in meditation, I often find myself an apparent magnet to bugs, birds, dogs, cats, etc. Flys, especially, seem to enjoy meditating with me. It is peculiar that when in a deep meditative state, I can be covered with various flys and may move myself freely, yet slowly and the flys do not seem to sense any ill intent; they do not flee as they normally would, but compliment the movements arisen from stillness. I have had humming birds continuously fly/hang around my immediate vicinity, a "right in your face" sort of thing; I have no proof that any of this is in anyway attached to meditation, nor do I expect those inexperienced to be able to relate, but that's what the point of this thread is: I doubt I'm the only one who has had altered relations with animals during meditation or in general. I have been practicing chi kung and nei kung for about 2 years now and as a result of my training I have been subject to the most bizarre reactions of dogs, cats, and birds. To put it simply, they go completely nuts whenever I am near. Flys and whatever else seem to be attracted to the energy that is circulating/or emanating while meditating, anyone else here take no issue with flys 'meditating' on you while you're meditating? How about peculiar reactions of any type of animal as an apparent result of any energetic/spiritual disciplines?
  13. Keep memories after death?

    Yes, possible for memory to linger after death...but not for long.
  14. throat have an emotional block; there is something beneath the surface that must be resolved. Most commonly has to do with fear of personal or loved one's death, but can be anything emotional involving fear/love really.
  15. Vampires

    Energetic/emotional vampirism is as close to evil as it gets; stay far, far away. Learn to detect emotional vampires in your life; you are doing them a FAVOR by not feeding them with people pleasing antics.
  16. Wow, are you serious right now? Thank you for that epitomizing, exemplary statement of a sad attempt to blind one eyed men. Is this really your best rhetoric in some attempt to sway those who believe in a higher power than themselves? Fixating some hapless classic scenario of "why doesn't God help..." just wow. This type of insistence does nothing but shed psychological insight on the light of your own personal turmoil of the ego. "For someone who believes in God, that's not a question that can be answered satisfactorily, without creating some kind of consternation in the psyche..." you really have to be kidding me, you must have a long habitual, pathological history of petty manipulation and voluntarily speaking for other people who would rather not have your words put into their mouths. It's sad that you are not happy with your life, I urge you to give online discussion forums a pause, and go outside and breathe.
  17. Tyler is right Goldisheavy, you are a classic co-dependent type; I see your kind almost everyday. It would also help if you actually had any real experience in Taoist practice rather than being an armchair scholar/theorist who thinks he's validated because of a self-hyped, but subpar writing ability. Go meditate.
  18. ah...nothing more pointless than a God debate. The light will forever shine, yet some sadly choose to live in the dark...
  19. Don't waste time with "why didn't God do this...that", don't believe that an enlightened teacher is the only path. The Tao is the real teacher, and you cannot be given what you already have; it is something speechless, without a name. . . how could anyone, even an enlightened being, properly convey its entirety through a means as limited as words? A teacher can only show you the path, you have to tread it, and teachers come in my forums; the sage learns from the trees, sun and moon, wind, water, etc... One can find this thing called enlightenment without a teacher, and will wonder how the mysterious state could ever be given, when it's simply inherent and part of everything, and in fact so simple that the stillness of water could be perhaps the greatest teacher of man in all. When you are one with the Tao, you are the Tao, the Tao is you, the Tao is all.
  20. edit: Never mind, my head just imploded.
  21. My Third Eye was going Crazy

    I would take anything said by Mantak Chia with a grain of salt. "Pressure" and "vibrations" are two very different things as well. But regardless, yes start meditating on the dantien, this is the best starting point.
  22. God is just another name of Tao. Many know of "God" but very few know of Tao. JK knows only himself as god.
  23. "A Prime Example of the WAR of WORDS is in cowtow's posting IE: no substance, no foundation, no source of information, no educated methods that I can see. - only a cowtow opinion. An effort to force a cowtow belief perspective over the readers reasoning." You are describing yourself. The man of great ego typically does this, projects disdainful declarations on others that are truy only reflections of his self. Your posts tell a story of a man who is frustrated with himself and life, a man of self-loathing and confusion who can only alleviate his overwhelming anger and inner turmoil by raising himself above others through some divine illusion. Your posts are ridiculously pretentious; all in all, you are an embarrassment to yourself, but don't even know it. You claim to understand the Tao. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Tao knows not your anger, confusion and malice; if you knew the Tao, neither would you, but you only know your"self": the legend in his own mind "jk". Your posts indicate the opposite of understanding the Tao, while someone's posts you berate, CowTao, indicates a firm understanding of Taoist principles and the egotism that you yourself have adopted. People of the Taoist Path will need not to ponder this thread to determine who is stuck in his own trapped, shrinking world of ego-self, and who threads the ever still path. I repeat what was wisely said: I bow to your strangeness.
  24. New Biophoton Article!

    Well thank you for sharing your personal rationalizations, TTT. It seems you have looked for every excuse fathomable to justify not practicing. Good luck on your path.