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Everything posted by fizix

  1. Enlightenment

    How can you define what cannot be put in words? The true self cannot be named; it can only be experienced, but some refer to it as the Tao. Exactly what is something you cannot see, hear, or feel? Please define. The five senses blind the eye; and that is the problem, you want to live with two, instead of One, as you want to see what can be seen...three, four, five... but what if there is only One? As said, the true Tao cannot be seen, the true Self cannot be told.
  2. Enlightenment

    Now that is quite an impressive, rationale-wielding adept of duality if I've ever seen one.
  3. Enlightenment

    Enlightenment is being awake in the dream of life, is simply "Being" of the true One "Self" without any regard to the illusory ego; the ego self no longer 'is', as it never even truly 'was'.
  4. Why dismiss entheogenic experiences?

    Prematurely opening the third eye chakra or prematurely awakening kundalini from doing psychedelics (can usually only occur when one has already been a spiritual practitioner and then uses psychedelics) is a very dangerous thing for many people, on the side of the coin as a curse, rather than a blessing. Premature 'enlightenment'/spiritual knowledge is a dangerous thing, for such things must come in long strides rather than 6 hr highs: hello 40 year long Dark Night of the Soul. Ethneogenic experiences are not false spiritual experiences, but they are not spiritual experiences of the highest nature; they are simply sacred teachers of divinity, not to be attached to. Another concern of danger: addiction. Try psychedelics; get your mind opened to truths, don't practice the truths that have been subconsciously ingrained yet consciously unaccepted; get addicted to heroin (the false One, physical incarnation of evil, left-hand path) your first hit, due to the nature of the heroin high (pseudo-enlightenment) also in part to the accompanying depression of living in the Dark Night/SOul.. Never try heroin, or any hard drugs for that matter; be extremely cautious even when experimenting with the softies.
  5. I remember seeing Invisible Children back in High School; I recommend it to everywhere, it is genuinely moving.
  6. Time of the Universe is slowing down

    Time Is Speeding Up : Everything Is Changing ... 2012 ! "Time, linear as we know it, is undergoing some rapid transformation. The earth is changing and these changes are mirrored within us, in our bodies, in our DNA. More people each day are awakening to the divine presence within and aligning with their Soul ... going beyond the ego self ! More and more frequently people are suggesting that time is speeding up. We hear people saying things like “I never seem to have enough time to get everything done anymore” or “where has the time gone to”. The years are certainly flying by faster than ever and there is a scientific reason why time is speeding up. There are also a number of reasons why we are changing so rapidly and it is all related to time speeding up. Human beings are becoming more consciously aware and people are being drawn towards spirituality and personal development in greater numbers than ever before. Why is this happening ? Scientists discovered many years ago that the earth gives off a pulse. This pulse or frequency which has been likened to a heartbeat has been stable at approximately 7.8 cycles per second for thousands of years. However, since around the year 1980 the earth’s heartbeat began to speed up. It has currently been measured at 12 cycles per second but the most incredible thing is some scientists believe the earth will actually stop rotating when this pulse reaches 13 cycles per second. When the earth stops rotating on its axis it is believed that it will remain still for around 3 days and then start spinning in the other direction. This will cause a reversal in the magnetic field around the earth but what will happen after this point is unclear. At this point you are thinking one of two things. Either you are thinking this sounds pretty amazing or you simply cannot believe it. I’m kind of in the middle myself, I think it’s hard to believe but I’m prepared to keep an open mind. Since I have become interested in spirituality I have seen wonderful things happen in my life and because of this I believe almost anything is possible. It is due to this increasing pulse rate that we feel as though time is speeding up. Why do we “feel” as though time is moving faster than it used to be? The reason is what we once perceived to be a period of 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours. Our clocks still move in seconds, minutes and hours and still click over a full day in 24 hours but due to the earths increased heartbeat, we perceive it to be only two thirds as long or a perception period of merely 16 hours. As far fetched as all this may seem, a number of reports suggest that we will reach this critical mass or zero point when the earth stops rotating, very soon. It could well be in the next 5 years which happens to be at the end of the well documented and controversial Mayan Calendar which ends in the year 2012. Everything that is happening to people and our planet has been predicted in the Mayan Calendar. From my research into this phenomena and the changes I can see happening in my body and mind as well as what I see happening around the globe, I believe as do many others that we are now moving into the 4th dimension." Source website is great resource of non-duality, psychedelia and para-spiritual content.
  7. Shaktipat

    "I cannot conceive of a personal God who would directly influence the actions of individuals, or would directly sit in judgment on creatures of his own creation. I cannot do this in spite of the fact that mechanistic causality has, to a certain extent, been placed in doubt by modern science. [He was speaking of Quantum Mechanics and the breaking down of determinism.] My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality. Morality is of the highest importance -- but for us, not for God." "What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of "humility." This is a genuinely religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism." "We know nothing about [God, the world] at all. All our knowledge is but the knowledge of schoolchildren. Possibly we shall know a little more than we do now. but the real nature of things, that we shall never know, never." I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know his thoughts. The rest are details." -A.E. hehe, it is common for many to not want to believe in a "God" or a higher power of any sorts; this is a defense mechanism of the ego, the illusory self, they do not enjoy the subconscious conception of being less than, but this could only be further from the truth...there is no less than, only One, and that One is God, is the Tao, is empty and full, forget all religious associations and childhood definitions of the word, know nothing, the void is full and always has been... only when one discovers the most innate truth of nature will he understand why suffering exists, despite a loving God. "You need to see that there is a way that has no God in it. Chinese Tao, The way of Nature. It simply tries to answer the question "What would it be if it all was happening naturally, w/o any divine intelligence interaction?" " As was said, nature is synonymous with God. How did nature come to be? How is something "naturally" happening? You must believe consciousness to be a result of biology, rather than the reverse? You really believe, with all of the obviously intelligent functions of nature, that there is no intelligence behind any of it? Just complete luck of chemical reactions that somehow came to be in the first place? "
  8. Should be linked in stickied, or simply stickied. Phenomenal illustrations of the Five Elements, thank you for posting.
  9. The experts say you can't take it with you

    Ah yes.....the ever controversial, ever desired "the state". The true nature of "the state" is a non-empty void of stillness, attunement with the Tao.
  10. Sharing the same brain

    When one realizes we all share the same universal brain, one realizes the Tao.
  11. David Verdesi

    Interesting news... as real as a dream

    Haha, as above so below; there is only one true teacher.
  13. Interesting, consider contexts. Breathing in the genitals - the substantial area of consciousness focused on? Do not use some arcane potentially dangerous method of cultivation if such is the case; the testicles in and of themselves should not be a area purposely made aware of; do not confuse with the sensation of the 'cool heat' arising within the area around and between the lower dan tian chakra at the navel and the hui yin chakra at the perineum. When undergoing a proper practice of dan tian cutivation, these alchemical sensations will occur as yang chi is overflown out of the dan tian when cultivated, empowers the system, and in response the jing stored of the sperm / testes generates extraordinary yang chi emission - source ala the mysterious gate (pass) and freshly absorbed polar chi arouses the tiger and dragon energies yin and yang chi and the sensation cannot be confused with some sort of disordered porno-meditation. The adept practitioner learns to pull jing from their sexual organs however in time so this transmutation of jing from testes to chi in dan tian cannot be confused with such a perversion.
  14. True Taoism starts and ends in emptiness, though the Tao that cannot be named has never started, nor will ever end. distractions, distractions, distractions . . .
  15. Interesting..... are you from Bria?
  16. Joined yesterday, 15 posts to count, bashing on a spiritual program despite NO REAL EXPERIENCE, welcome to the forums you'll find many of your kind here.
  17. I've been to an actual AA meeting once out of curiosity, and I have personal experience with NA, which is simply the brother group for narcotics, it follows the same 12 steps/12 traditions, same basic text pretty much expect for alcohol being replaced with drug, and I cannot even begin to describe how you much of a miracle this program is, how many lives its saved; it is a SPIRITUAL program people, not religious. Most people have completely incorrect preconceived notions of what AA/NA is about. I will tell you right now with 100% certainty that any idiotic claim of these programs WORSENING the condition are bs or merely propaganda from the alternative/mainstream media Recovery circuit (ie books like as-seen-on-tv the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Cure) even private drug/alcohol rehab centers that are VERY expensive and none of these entities like losing potential customers to a non-profit, for free fellowship/spiritual based lifelong program. Is it something someone should believe in? Feel free to attend a meeting yourself and hear the stories of the people who are now living wonderful lives, people who used to be homeless, criminals, etc, but were saved by their higher power via the (A) fellowship. I live in Las Vegas where there is somewhat of a severe alcohol and drug problem for many, I know homeless people who were panhandling on the Strip and shooting up cocaine and heroin everyday in the tunnels and under bridges where they lived, who now have a steady job, shelter, food, warmth, such amenities people so often take for granite. This program works for anyone, but only if he works it. edit: I attest to Hundun's post, the unconditional love and bonding in these fellowships is UNSEEN, UNHEARD of, I've never seen anything on such a scale until I joined NA. If you join one of the programs and you don't like getting hugs.... I have two words for you: too bad! The people you find in these programs come from all walks of live, unbelievable stories. Many of those with 10+ years share their message of recovery and lessons of spirituality with sage like wisdom. These people have endured the unendurable. Truly healed themselves spiritually by attaining oneness from the teachings of the program. Thanks for sharing hundun.
  18. There be Dragons

    Your ego-anger is your ruin. Namaste.
  19. There be Dragons

    Wrong forum.
  20. Books!

    Copyright infringement explosion
  21. Pain Control

    Anyone familiar with Jon Kabat-Zinn? He has some amazing stuff on pain control through mindfulness meditation.
  22. IDosing

    Any comparison in actual effect/impact between brainwave entertainment/bianural beats and actual drugs like cocaine/heroin is a joke.
  23. Wow, that definitely sounds oppressive; do you have a source for that information?
  24. How to overcome sugar cravings

    Sugar is a drug, it is hard to cold-turkey quit drugs; even this such drug of nature. I'd recommend slowly reducing your amount of sugar intake, rather than completely eliminating all sugar from the go.