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Everything posted by alleswasderfallist

  1. Max/Lamb's Kunlun(1) Red Phoenix(1,2) Kuan Yin(Matsuo) Vs. Kundalini

    Also, this question just occured to me: From my understanding, Tibetan lung practices generally start at the crown chakra and proceed to the root chakra. Before I started doing Yantra Yoga, I'd been doing Tenzin Rinpoche's Tsa Lung practice for a few months, which proceeded this way. I also seem to remember reading something about the process of dying being opposite in Indian and Tibetan systems - ie, consciousness descending in Tibetan Buddhism. Because of this I was under the impression that Yantra Yoga worked oppositely, but I could be dead wrong, in which case I'd appreciate correction.
  2. Max/Lamb's Kunlun(1) Red Phoenix(1,2) Kuan Yin(Matsuo) Vs. Kundalini

    Funny that you should consider the same practices. I also had a feeling that it might be a bit too much. From a time standpoint, I can pull it all off, as I'm now self employed. I just don't want to experience any trainwrecks, as one poster put it. Can you elaborate on the clear experience of external qi? During my PF practice I feel very tangible energy running through my limbs and fingers, and to some degree in my central channel. Would this be internal qi?
  3. Max/Lamb's Kunlun(1) Red Phoenix(1,2) Kuan Yin(Matsuo) Vs. Kundalini

    I've been doing Yantra Yoga and Flying Phoenix Qigong for a while now. Because I have more time on my hands starting this February, I'm planning on starting Jenny Lamb's Yigong. Is this a bad idea on account of the Yantra Yoga? I'm not very knowledgeable concerning energetic terminology. I'm thinking that since Yantra Yoga is based on an Indian system, this could qualify as a kundalini practice? Am I far off??? Thx