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Everything posted by CloudHands

  1. Its soooo hot ....

    Less snow in alps, year after year.
  2. Non-Taoists, Non-Buddhists?

    Yes, same sound here.
  3. Non-Taoists, Non-Buddhists?

    What is to be daoist ? Any dude can pretend to be a master I'm more influenced by daoism than daoist... I think it's important to keep an open spirit and to dig potentially any interesting thing. Including washing dishes ! Welcome dude
  4. Distribution of I.Q

    "Intelligence is what my test assesses" Binet What does any kind of intelligence worth if you can't use it ? #EQ Even if you are smart you can only play with the pieces of the puzzle you look at... culture/insight/environment. What about a child that would grow up in a spatial station ? How different is it from growing up in asphalt and buildings ? #pyramides
  5. Interviews - are they interesting/useful?

    yes the interview were great... I would be most interested in any high class (tai chi?) teacher.
  6. Q's...ONLY Teachers may Answer.

    I think a study group like subforum... to share teaching methods, results, advices could be awesome... and fertile !
  7. What's wrong with Darwinism ? Solidarity is among the selected factors that allowed us, as human groups, to survive. Now social Darwinism... I'm much more reserved. I'm all ears TM, and I don't need to agree with someone to have plenty of respect.
  8. I have been questioning and searching for datas about the past nature of the human kind. We don't know much about the prehistorical human. Things that are rather sure : Among primates Human is specific in the fact it kills adults of his kind. Primates generally kill youth. (cf the atlantic article) Cannibalism happened. Endogenous, exogenous, ritual, opportunist, well many kind. Farmers from Anatolia supplanted European early groups of Homo Sapiens. Agriculture happened all over the world on distinct cereals at different times from - 7000 to - 3000. Even at paleo times you won't find your "natural" Human, there was already diversity of behavior among the world and communities. There were already culture. In the whole Europe, during paleolithic era there were few thousands of human. Estimation are in the range of 5 000 to 30 000. So no war but they were in very small numbers on vast areas. Demographic started rising during Mesolithic so when climate went warmer but before agriculture. Agriculture has its root in Mesolithic climate change. Massacres of woman and children find during late Meso then Neolithic. Even in prehistorical times, even in recent living primitive hunter-gatherer group there are traces of women de-valorization (ie Yaghan, Patagonia whose daily activities are qualified pejoratively), and "bad" treatment (violence). Several kinds of Humans have cohabited (ie sapiens and neandertal in Europe, sapiens and Red Deer Cave people in China). Probably true : Women of earth being generally on the side of the plants (gatherer) are most likely the inventors of agriculture. Painters were most likely women (women's hand draw). Seems like the idea of a true human nature is to bury, we are multiple and versatile and we were not -as a specie- peaceful accomplished masters of nature. Maybe some were... but not the whole pack. I maintain our specific distinction are violence* and sex* ! The apple is not so far from the tree and its ok. There is no "problem" but a possibly lethal imbalanced balance, just as it were yesterday and the day before. So I'm not sure we lost our innocence, we were not. We are going where the path leads. It's like these idea of choices, you don't. If something "new" has a chance to happen, it will over the time. So it has to happen. *Unlike other primates women don't have a marked reproduction period, so it appears to men that it can be anytime. Feel free to check... my sources includes : Claudine Cohen, directrice d'Etude à l 'EHESS et à l'EPHE, où elle enseigne l'histoire et la philosophie des sciences. Femmes de la Préhistoire (Belin, octobre 2016) Jean Guilaine a été successivement Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, Directeur d'Etudes à l'École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, professeur au Collège de France
  9. Extract from a recent Nature article : Gómez’s team showed that by poring through statistical yearbooks, archaeological sites, and more, to work out causes of death in 600 human populations between 50,000 BC to the present day. They concluded that rates of lethal violence originally ranged from 3.4 to 3.9 percent during Paleolithic times, making us only slightly more violent than you’d expect for a primate of our evolutionary past. What we did not had in paleo times, was war. True that but we had cannibalism instead. Does it qualify as a shit?
  11. What made you think that before we (as a specie) created cesium 137 particles time or transformations were reversible, why would it be ? Before one makes a choice one can imagine there are several possibilities. So there would be liberty and free will we can apply. Now, once it happened we have time to understand that some "thing" determined that choice, there were logical or illogical reasons : it was caused. So one acted the way he was already going to act before he knew. That event will in its turn have consequences that will determinate reactions or other "choices" because... yes, it happened, whatever it is. All that to say, problems are for the optimists.
  12. I agree on many things but... I know you believe in a prehistorical matriarchal peacefully aware balanced human, you believe we are trapped by an other kind. Maybe so, and it could explain many things but I see no solid ground to let these ideas grow. Everything points me the opposite direction (ability to follow authority, large and powerful emotional spectrum, history and prehistory of violence even ability to enjoy it, and I won't enter the chapter direct observations) maybe it's shit maybe not maybe there is no reason to blame shit cause it will turn gold, human maturation is slow it is said.
  13. It pictures well all the modern crap, but only the crap. Now for the record... in my country someone has 50x less chances to die from violence than in the Roman empire... In European middle age, 1 on 3 child died before 5 years. You had very few chances to meet you grand parents but many to have one dead parent. Simply get cold was a dangerous lethal threat. I don't even wanna talk about what was considered the "reality" by the average person. Wanna talk about the beginning of the industrial era ? I admit it was possibly a better world in the pre-agriculture era (when our body acquired the ability to fast for 3 months, still for the record...) at least people were not corrupted. Now do they lived in under permanent stress and fear or peaceful being ? No idea. Seems to me that homo kind has always be more chimpanzee than bonobo, I mean we carry our inner violence. So yes, with resources came the craps, been here since... now, nowadays many people see it. That's not comfortable... but that's better. Are you living for comfort ? :D
  14. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    And god said "oh my god!" What's happened to the human being What's happened to my lovely creature They all become a cold machine No more love no more power Machine without gasoline Wake up wake up crowd Wake up from your boring dream
  15. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    --> What made you smile today
  16. simplify

  17. simplify

  18. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    people don't grow up, only the size of the toys...
  19. What happened to the Matriarchal Cultures

    I mainly see arguments about women's role and position, big debate but maybe let's skip it... Please TM would you expose the line of the party you're promoting ?