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Posts posted by Ratatosk

  1. With Kunlun level 1 (the spontaneous posture) we are generally adviced to start out going clockwise, to build the necessary foundational energy and ground it into the body. Then, after quite some time, after you've opened up, you could start going counter-clockwise. These rotations are done with the spine, spiraling from the waist.

  2. Thanks, folks. Yes, it is the question actually if Jenny's technique is the same and how clear spont. mov. is described in Max's book. So, may be it is better to buy the book first and then try it and see how it works. I just tought may be it is hard to learn such the thing from a book but you are saying it is very easy to learn.


    As far as I can tell the basic method is the same. However, Max gives a few additional adjustments/variations for you to experiment with. Like what he calls the refined kunlun posture with yin/yang hand. Having tried both variations I now prefer the yin/yang hand. It seems to create a stronger flow, and energize my kidneys faster.

  3. Here's a few pointers that I've collected. Feel free to add more.



    - will allow the energy to swim into you

    - upward-flowing - draws the energy down (for creation)

    - grounds, nourishes, and strengthens

    - warming

    - inbreath

    - electric



    - will allow you to swim up into the energy

    - downward-flowing - draws the energy up (for evolution)

    - evolves, transforms, breaks the energetic shell of the body by counter-rotation

    - cooling

    - outbreath

    - magnetic

    • Like 2

  4. Natural vs reverse, are you lifting the perineum as the diaphragm relaxes, or are you lifting the perineum as the diaphragm contracts? No need to pay attention to the front of the abdomen in the least if it is a meditative implementation.


    If you lift the perineum as you breathe in, and contract the diaphragm/stomach, you create a vacuum in the lower dan tien.

    As you relax and exhale this vacuum will fill up, pulling energy up from the perineum/earth/sexual organs.

  5. I've had an interest in taoism, as well as internal alchemy (both western and eastern) for many years. Before I met Max and learned the Kunlun system I had been dabbling in several practices, but never found one that really resonated with my heart. Kunlun changed my life, and I'm more "myself" than I've ever been. I've also had the pleasure of training with Nan Lianchan ("the iceman") and his Yuan Rong system. Recently I learned David Verdesi's tummo and internal alchemy practices, and while I find them interesting my main focus is still on Kunlun.