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Posts posted by Imperial

  1. if you want to practice internal alchemy, then the best position would be full lotus, then half lotus and then simple cross-legged position. When you sit in the full lotus, your Qi can collect in your lower Dantian and activate your original Qi faster. Also your feet are turned to the heaven, that allows you to change some Qi circulation in your body and it will run your alchemical processes.

    Thank you for your kind explanation!


    can someone also explain the hands? I can only see the hands from the sides and do not know how the fingers should be



  2. I don't know who this guy is but If he is a member of the board I hope he won't be upset that I use his image, but the posture described in the Taoist Yoga is like that: Bak+Mei+Mudra.jpg


    Thank you!


    I take it that the legs are in a half lotus position and i can't make out much of the hand positions


    another question, would it be okay to do the full lotus instead of the half lotus?

  3. hi guys,


    recently i got my hands on the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy & Immortality by Charles Luk, and i have a question.


    there is one passage that says, "The left leg should be placed outside and close the right one; this means the positive embracing the negative. The thumb of the left hand should touch its middle finger and the right hand should be placed under it (palm upward) with its thumb bent over the left palm; this means the negative embracing the positive."


    does anyone have a visual representation or can anyone explain to me in a more simple way?


    many thanks!

  4. I was chatting with a school friend through Skype. We were talking about our classes and all until we ran out of topics to talk about. He suddenly brought up questions like, "What is the point of life?," "what happens after death?" and so on. Those types of questions lingered in my mind for weeks. As a person, I have stuff that I love to do. Won't it be a waste to just die like that? Working towards something for so long and just in the end to ... die? I started searching up immortality. Obviously, news about scientists developing immortality methods with new technology and part-machine bodies. I didn't like that. It wasn't natural. I wanted my body to stay natural. Being a Chinese and a Buddhist, the next thing in my mind was Taoist immortality. It immediately popped into my head. I started searching it up and doing some research across the Internet. ... And that is how I got here, as I wanted to partake in this community and learn something new. :D


    I then started learning about spiritual immortality. I thought that it would be fun, manifesting as many different forms and travelling the universe. I want to feel the joy of being unbounded by nothing!

  5. "Fire in the belly" has been referred to the beginning of the creation of lower field dan tian. There are many qigong or rather neigong techniques for cultivating this.

    "Body breathing" is a misnomer but generally refers to the pulling in of qi through all pores of the body and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with breath. Breath can be utilized as a tool; others have already talked about it in the thread. For information about breathing, pay particular attention to what joeblast says; he has studied the subject.

    There are many approaches, however I suggest to just breathe naturally and separate the energetics from any mind oriented methodology. Focusing on breath alone can certainly lead to a mind-limited state - too much thinking and not enough energetics.

    Really, best to find a competent teacher and practice a lot. Personally, I suggest not basing something that changes your life on something said on an internet forum.


    For teachers of qigong/neigong here is a reference in USA:


    Level IV teachers have at least 10 years of teaching experience with the NQA doing extensive evaluation of the teacher's credentials.


    Thanks for the detailed reply! May I know what techniques are used for cultivating "fire in the belly"? :D


    Is reverse breathing needed for a spiritual fetus? o:

  6. Eat less fats. Eat something that is good for the muscles.


    What is good for the muscles, we can determine by the chemicals that were required for muscle contraction and relaxation. The chemicals such as sodium, calcium, potassium and etc. The chemicals are found in a variety of nuts, fruits and vegetables.


    Okay, I'll try. D:


    Also, what does reverse breathing do? I know it is a way to gain energy as we breathe like that after some cardio or exercises, but what are the effects?

  7. Hi! I have some questions regarding a few exercises/meditations. What is "fire in the belly"? Is it a meditation technique? If so, how do you execute it?


    I also want to know what is "body breathing." I tried to find some information online about "fire in the belly" and "body breathing" but I couldn't find any that were plausible at the least.


    Also, how do you manage sexual energy? :D Is there a technique for it?


    Thanks! :P

  8. Thanks!


    It'd be great if I ever reach a state like that! I won't have to worry about food expenses or money. Then I can hopefully travel around the world and see the most beautiful places on earth! I can then devote my life developing my internal practices without worrying about society or money! :D

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  9. I've heard stories or talks about how some people can just live on their internal energy alone. They don't have to drink or eat anything.


    What do you guys think about this? Do you guys think it is actually possible? :D

  10. Yes to deveop qi one has to do particular exercises to tighten the lower dan tien. The lower dan tien is like a battery, apoint where evolution formed a means of storing energy to continue giving energy to all cells. The body through time and practice has to adapt to higher levels of energy. If this is not done slowly, particularly the nervous system can be damaged beyond repair. There are many ways that one can develop qi and its uses. The heart is the second point of spiritual practice, Dao Xin. Dao Xin is the way to Immortality. The DDJ tells us all. My website has a freedownload of my masters DDJ. You will see that it contains many passages of Dao Xin. All other points of energy can then be cultivated once these two points are cultivated. When one starts on the path of Dao Xin, the desire for power or energy is long forgotten and although one may become extremely powerful, the desire has gone to ever weild it.

    In your previous post, the two dan t'ians you were referring to is the lower dan t'ian and the heart dan t'ian?


    As for ". . .deveop qi one has to do particular exercises to tighten the lower dan tien. . .," are you referring to qigong? Or is this a very specific exercise?


    Thanks! :D

  11. Sounds great...but how do you actually generate this spiral motion? And is it energetic and/or physical spiralling?




    The spiral motion (of the body) comes from the feet, then onto the legs, then thighs, then the back, and then out the arms. Basically, you twist your whole body. As for the spear, it is the same thing, but you also add the spin to the spear with your arms. It is because of this that the spear is called "The King of Weapons." I'm not sure if I made sense.


    If you're wondering about the spear motion, take a look at this video I found on YouTube (notice how he spins the spear):