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Posts posted by Optionsman

  1. Jeez, I'm not surprised! I'm really impressed that you have enough focus to do this, but also quite concerned about what the effects on you may be. I imagine it would really fuck me up.


    Perhaps? :D

    ...and would enter a full 3 hour trance, and at the deepest level I would project sexual desire as an emotion into her, also feeling waves of pleasure as though from her perspective as if I WAS her. She would ALWAYS wake up, and we would ALWAYS make love after that. That to me is enough real world evidence I was really doing something.



    What I don't understand, how you have the time for a three hour trance? Wow! No disrespect intended. Also, can you teach this; what you do exactly to "project" this sexual energy into your girlfriend? What is your process while in the trance? Obviously you have developed a way to really focus on something very specifically...which I understand. That is necessary in any meditation, even if the focus is on simply being empty of thought. Please share your process and what you do- think to focus your thoughts- energy for creating sexual desire in someone else.