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Posts posted by emptiness

  1. Don't forget your basic prostate health needs: zinc, natural anti-inflammatories like vitamin C, MMS and herbs. May I suggest you go to a good naturopath or TCM practitioner and get it looked into. Excessive peeing at night is a common enlarged prostate problem so get it checked out.


    What do you mean "I have to pee a LOT"? You pee a big amount a couple of times per day or you pee several times per day just a couple of drops?


    Thanks guys.  I've heard seeing a health practitioner from a couple places now.  I have a great nutritionist who can heal most things with nutrition.  I'll give her a call and look for a TCM practioner, maybe some acupuncture.  And good question about peeing, I mean I pee often in small amounts.  I had been retaining for a while and was on a retreat, and I needed to come to a big city.  I found myself with a lot of built up sexual energy and not as much time to do practices (MCO, etc.).  I masturbated and was starting to ejaculate and stopped (as most of you have probably experienced it's a split second choice some times).  I should have ejaculated.  After that I had to pee with even a small amount of pee.  It's crazy.  It's getting a little better but not great.  I've done a lot of MCO, done workouts, kegles, prostate exercises and massage (externally), ejaculated, etc.  My prostate still feels not hard, but stiff. 

    This is also part of a deeper need.  I mentioned my Taoist mentor is female.  She has an incredible knowing of the practices and is able to answer my questions and I love the results.  But I need to find a male mentor as well to figure out when to retain, when not to retain, how to retain in a relationship, how to retain a lot long term but still take care of my prostate.  My mentor now is really bright and has great sensing, is very knowledgeable and gifted.  I'd love to work with someone with those qualities whose a guy.  I'd love to hear any ideas on people, resources, etc.  I'm in South America right now so it would need to be someone down here which I doubt, or over the phone, or maybe a great website or book, although I need more than just a book.  I connect a lot with Stewart Olsen's work to give an idea what I find helpful.  I'm also on retreat, for a lack of a better word, down here, so am mindful of how much I spend.

    Thanks guys, peace and health to you all.

  2. Hi All, I've been immersed in Taoist practices for about a half dozen years now. They've been a large focus of my life. And before that many, many years of other practices. I'm feeling stuckness in my prostate now. I'm 49 years old.

    ** I'm interested in messaging a couple/few guys who have experience with retention, who have good understanding of the practices (MCO, Fusion FE, etc.), have a clear view of costs and benefits of different ways of working with semen retention and clearing the prostate. There are so many people and so much content on here. I'd love to talk to people who are really good this and look calmly and objectively at ways to proceed. (I realize there are posts on this, but my preference is talk with a few people who are objective, open, and experienced.)

    I'm often retaining as I find that very powerful. I was on retreat last year and a lot of that was in retention as that was more powerful for me. I had a girlfriend before that and was not in retention as much. Both are fine, just different choices for different reasons.

    Before I could clear my prostate with ejaculation and MCO and my other practices. Now it's not clearing. I have to pee a LOT. I'm blessed to have a wonderful mentor for the Toaist practices however she's a she. She's learned from gifted people and read a lot but teaches from her own experiences. He suggestions about retention, etc. haven't been helpful while her suggestions about other aspects of the practices are spot on.

    But again I need to clear my prostate and learn about long term costs of retention from a very experienced practioner. I'd also like to learn about if there are other things I need to do if I'm retaining, celibacy, etc.

  3. Are you bringing the energy around the lessor heavenly circuit? I find that crucial when I'm doing the 100 days retention. It illiviates the horiness and irritablity and turns it to groundedness and energy.


    And did you say you were able to have sex without releasing jing during the 100 days? I'm impressed. Can you say more about that?

  4. Hi Group,


    I just found your site. I've been interested in meditation and mind-body practices for a couple of decades. I've been heavily immersed in Taoist practices for over a year, fusion 5 elements, microcosmic orbit, swimming dragon, healing sounds, tummo breathing (Tibetan I think).


    I have a wonderful female instructor and feel very fortunate. I've been having very, very powerful experiences but feel stuck in a couple areas. My instructor teaches from her own expereince with the practices which I love, but I'd like some feedback from male practitioners. I did the 100 day semean retention and it's incredible. I'm looking to find from serious practioners how they decide when or if ever to release, and I'm interested in the "Entering the Yellow Stream" practice from hsi lai's book, as I've worked through many of the other practices.


