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Everything posted by DreamBliss

  1. Anyone else having trouble with the photo? It should take you to my Facebook page, here is a link, you can browse to my photos from there. Maybe I have to set the permissions? https://www.facebook.com/DreamBliss That's an interesting thought on resistance. Thank you!
  2. I am reading a book: http://www.amazon.com/Demystifying-Out-Body-Experience-Exploration/dp/0738730793 In it the author teaches an energy exercises, where you think about an area, like the top of your head, and you direct energy down through your body, out through your feet, and back in and up again. No mental imagery or visualizations. No looking at the areas of the body where this is occurring. No matching your breathing to it. I think I understand it, I feel the energy as warmth and I follow it with my mind, feeling it, as it slowly (and I mean slowly) goes through my body. Some areas are energetically blocked, and I just direct my thoughts to them and feel until I actually can feel the warmth. I have added to this a practice of doing the same thing at the base of my spine, gathering energy there. I have had some very vivid dreams from this, and I may have actually projected, because in one of my dreams I was in a car that flew out over a cliff, so a definite sense of flying. Also longer dream recall. Well I have been struggling in my meditation practice, and obviously energy is not flowing very well in my physical body, so I thought, OK, let's, metaphorically speaking, kill two birds with one stone! Tomorrow I intend to meditate on the movement of energy in my body, focusing on that as I send it down from the top of my head, out, and up through the soles of my feet. I think this is a really cool idea, but what do you folks think? I appreciate your advice! - DreamBliss
  3. Advice On Intended New Meditation Practice

    In the book I mentioned the author talks about making the energosoma (I think) more flexible in order to more easily move out-of-body. I would just call it the energy body. In any case I want to exercise my energy body, make it more flexible, make it easier for me to astral project. I also want to have a focus object during meditation that requires intense concentration, which this does. I have tried counting, focusing on breath, eyes half-lidded and eyes closed and mantras. I catch myself making, for lack of a better term, a thought-noise for my breaths when I focus on breaths, counting works OK but is itself a thought, and whatever purpose that is supposed to be accomplished through eyes open is beyond me. If I close my eyes I get lost in imagery more often than not. I have also tried "just sitting" type meditation. Making meditation itself the object of my focus is too subtle I guess for me :/ The most focused meditations I have had were sitting outside focusing on the wind. I can sometimes do that inside focusing on raindrops. Sometimes I can focus on the feel of my beating heart, but I am hesitant because I had done this before and had chest pains, although this has not happened recently. So my goal here is to combine meditation with a meditation object that requires a lot of focus, the end goal to consciouslly (and fully) astral project as well as dream.
  4. There was a time, months ago, when I meditated on the landscapes of my chakra, and at some point I was joined by what others refer to as a spirit animal, Ayhunna, a red-tailed fox. As near as I could understand it his energy was used up about the 3rd or 4th chakra and I didn't have the heart to continue. During our precursory explorations, before we began work on the base chakra, I visited my eighth chakra. It was somehow more real than the others. Ayhunna was dirty. It was wet and raining, a gray day, and we were on some sort of medieval battlefield. I watched a man take a huge sword to another man and then come towards me. Ayhunna and I fled. But through everything that has happened, with Ayhunna's return and my return to my spiritual practice, I would like to know about this chakra that, so far in all my reading, is given only an indirect, cursory mention if at all. Appreciate the help - - DreamBliss
  5. After reading some more of Josephine McCarthy's, "Magical Knowledge I" I believe that a few months back I created a tulpa, or thought form as she calls it. Breif info here: http://adifferentpath.blog.com/2012/11/16/the-final-piece/ I don't want to go into the whole story. Too much pain, one of the reasons I am here at this forms actually. No I am just looking for free information on handing a Tulpa; specifically how to dismantle it or decreate it to return its energy to its source. I sent McCarthy an email. But just in case she does not respond, perhaps there is a well read or well experienced Buddhist here who can help me? I appreciate your help - - DreamBliss
  6. I may have created a Tulpa...

    Well in that case we have a misunderstanding here... I agree with everything Bashar said in the video, and this is exactly how I do things. I guess I have lost my ability to communicate eloquantly with written words. Just means I have to work on that. OK so to rough it out a bit here... He says use what you imagine, what you want, as a sort of template. This is what I referred to as the sketch. He says to let the Higher Mind bring you something better. I referred to this as filling in the details. Elsewhere I've described this process as using broad strokes. He basically says not to insist that things happen exactly like what you want. I have already said that I know the source is a far better artist than I. That in this physical form it is unlikely I would be able to see the bigger picture. My puzzle analogy. So I don't insist on things being exactly as I want. I am not attatched in any way to this ideal reality manifesting exactly as I have envisioned. I would rather let the source manifest it the best way for me, at that moment. Essentially I set an intention. But I like Bashar's template anology. Or you could say I place an order. So I pull up to the drive thru window for a restaurant that serves everything. There is no menu here obviously. You just have to go uyp to the window and order whatever it is you have a craving for. I decide I want a big 'ol hamburger (my apologies to you vegetarians and vegans) with fries and a shake. The traditional American Heart Attack. You could also call this marriage But the vast machinataions at work beyond the order window know that right now, at this moment. I need some spicy Indian food. Lots of veggies, no meat. Water to drink. So I recieve my order. But I don;t complain. As I smell the food I realize I really want this more. I eat it and my belly is full. The same purpose of my intent, my order, is served - I was hungry and now I am full - but I didn't get what I ordered. Well I'm OK with that. If this process sounds even remotely like what FU Yue was advising me to follow, just in different, down-to-earth, blue collar words then no worries. As I said what Bashar says in the video is what I am doing. I will watch it again to verify this. But everything he said makes perfect sense to me, I understand it, I agree with it, and this is what I'm doing, no matter what my words here may be implying. I guess the only missing element is the work thing I discussed. At the moment I can't remember who wrote it or said it or the phraseology. But the idea of movement being an aid to manifesting is where I got that from. This is not forcing or demanding things be done a certain way. Using my fast food place analogy again, the place doesn't accept cash. But its so big, serving so many people, that it appreciates help. So say you place your order, eat your food, then park teh car and go inside. Then you roll up your sleeves and get to work. A lot of food is being prepared, there are millions of order windows, some of which have customers waiting, so you dive in and help out. In this way you pay your bill. Serving others. Physical work to aid in manifestation. Physical action to move towards manifestation. The most powerful way to manifest something you desire? Help it manifest for someone else! So perhaps this is what Fu Yue and others speaking in a similar fashion mean when they say, "You want love? Be love to others." Stuff like that. This is the work I refer to when I say I'm working towards manifesting something. It is not forcing, pushing, or anything else. It is changing negative thought patterns, serving others, maybe even bringing to others that which you want to manifest for yourself. Fu Yue, please feel free to point out anything I missed. I would like to understand and know how to apply what you are saying. Thanks! - DreamBliss
  7. I may have created a Tulpa...

    That's pretty much what I have been doing and trying to explain here. I just hope when I teach it I don't sound like that guy... DreamBliss
  8. I may have created a Tulpa...

    I apologize. I do not understand what you are trying to tell me, or more accurately, how to apply or use the information you have posted. - DreamBliss
  9. I may have created a Tulpa...

    I feel compelled to say something, just not sure what. I guess I want to make it clear that I don't see myself as God, like I said I am still struggling with that. Likewise I understand that my physical body at least is connected to the physical, and my energetic body is connected to the energetic. Also I don't really think I'm trying to control nature. Far from it, actually. My approach, so far at this moment, is to imagine the reality I want. This is basically a sketch, a lot of symbolism. I know that I don't know everything, that I may not even be able to in this physical body. So I leave the rest to the universe, or the source, using the two interchangebly. To whatever energy, entity or being may exist that we may be all a part of and are all likely connected to. The originator of everything, if there is an originator. Whatever or whoever that is is able to see the whole picture. I can, in this limited form, only see a few peices. I know what I would lik ethe picture to come out like. But I'm also smart enough to acknoweldge that whatever originated everything is a far greater artist than I. I am fighting and struggling only with habbitual negative thought patters. But not a fight as if I see them as an enemy and am trying to destroy them. I know that, like meditation, the best way to deal with unwanted thoughts is to watch them, let them play out. My process is to be aware of negative thoughts, playing out from old patterns, and when I become aware of them, without judgement, fear, aversion, I simply choose to think positive thoughts instead. The reality I created for myself. My inner flame/spark water space, stuff like that. Likewise I choose positive feelings. I do not agree that nature or the Tao or whatever will take care of me without my effort. That would be cool, sure. I'd love to just sit back here in my chair, never rising to eat or take a restroom brake, and trust that money will come to me, all my needs will be taken care of, and food will manifest out of thin air. But this is not the way things are in my opinion. Understand that this is only my opinion, I am not attatched to it, if it is proven wrong by personal experience I will change it. I think the way things have been designed is that we have, as I said, been given the keys to creation. It is up to us to use them to provide for ourselves. It is a gift given to all of us. It is a part of our divinity. It is what, perhaps, we are connected to before we had physical bodies, and what we return to when we die. Some call this the Source. Some pool of energy that we are all a part of and connected to. In our energtic form what you are saying is udoubtably true. Everything this flows to us, through us, and we flow to or through everything. But once we have physical bodies, we have to first awaken spiritually, moving beyond religions and beliefs impose on us, then second we have to find these keys, then third we have to use them, and finally we have to invest much work, effort and will into the process. I think its because we, in a lower vibrational rate, are trying to bring something to us that currently exists at a higher vibrational rate. When we use the keys, we manifest whatever it is we wanted, but it is energetic to begin with, and it takes time and effort to make it tangible. So I appreciate your advice. I will not outright dismiss it. All possibilities exist. That means what you said may be right and I may be wrong. Only a fool dismisses a teaching out-of-hand. Being open is part of being flexible, and this is a part of being unattatched. So I am open to any truths in what you have said. I will save this thread and let these words sink into the morass of my mind. Maybe meditate on them. All I can say with any certainty at all is this. I lived life for many years as a Christian. Identified myself as a Christian. In many ways the Christian God is like Tao or the Way. One of those ways is that Christains are taught to trust God to provide. That He will care for them (the whole lillies of the field passage.) I lived my life according to those teachings for over half my life. Rarely were things beyond the most basic of needs every provided for. Blind trust, belief and faith is exactly the same as wishing without feeling or effort. They will both provide exactly the same thing - nothing. You can not ask God to fill your empty belly, nor can you trust Tao to fill it. All that time as a Christian I worked hard, I served and I prayed. My earthly rewards were embarassment because I had no social skills (homeschooled), lonliness because I only every went on 1 date (not even a real date), depression because I lived in a double-wide trailer and had very little, thoughts of suicide because I never felt this joy Christians are supposed to experience. In short I worked without expecting anything, and nothing was amy reward. Now when I say work I refer to not-work (the belief, trust, no expectations, etc.) and religious work (preaching, teaching, being an example, etc.) So as far as Tao or the Way, with all due respect, you can keep it. I will remain open to it, not adverse to it. But I will also not follow it. One time down the, "Trust God (in the case of Tao or the Way, the Universe or Nature) to provide and He (or she or it) will..." path is enough for this lifetime. One last thing I know is what I am doing now works. It has proven to be experientially true. I have created a handful of realities and they all have manifested in various ways. Granted not always exactly as I outlined, but that's OK. I'm not attatched or adverse to whatever manifests either. I invest my trust and belief that whatever does manifest is the best for me at that time, in that moment. If it doesn't manifest then it was not for me at that time or in that moment. Meanwhile while I work to manifest my chosen realities, I go with the flow. I do not force. So this is my Way, my Tao, my path, my religion of non-religion. It works for me and as long as it does I will continue to follow it. - DreamBliss
  10. I have no virus scanner running or anything. I run Firefox and have AdBlocker on. The links in the emails take me to another site, not Tao Bums. Previously they worked. So something fishy is going on here. - DreamBliss
  11. I may have created a Tulpa...

    I appreciate and respect these words, but I am afraid that this approach is not for me. I believe we have all been given the power of creation. That we we can think into being whatever we imagine. That we are divine beings. We may even be collectively God, experiencing this reality in physical form. I am still wrestling with this last bit. That means sitting back and saying, "Que Sera Sera!" is to deny the power we have been given. It is not a matter of opening and flowing. It is a matter of imagining what we want and manifesting it. It is a matter of re-directing our enegy from negative, extraneous things, taking control and being responsible for our lives, instead of leaving it in the hands of God or Tao. Despite my thoughts here I am open to all possibilities. I am open to the universe. In fact I believe I am a part of it, connected to it, and may even be it (still having trouble with this concept.) But I don't ascribe things to fate, destiny, Tao or God. I am independant of these. I create the world, the universe, the creation, that I experience. Life is exactly whatever I make it. I have spent too many years viewing life as a big, stinking pile of s-t. Now I am reprogramming myself, retraining myself, to see life as the beautiful, joyous experience it is. It is not cold, impersonal. There is nothing and no-one working against me. Even if they were they can have no effect unless I let them. There is only what I choose to experience in my brief physical experience here, and I have chosen to experience my divine, powerful, creative nature. So whenever I feel alone, instead of saying and feeling, "I am alone" I reprogram my thoughts, speech and feelings to love, I say, "I am love" "I am loveable" "I am desirable", etc. If my body is sick I say, "I am strong" "I am healthy" "I am well." Do you understand yet? Whatever the truth of our nature, the keys of creation have been handed to all of us. But most of us leave them in our pocket. Tell ourselves things like, "If it's God's will" "Follow the Tao" or "I am weak." These statements are all equivalent in that they either leave those keys, this most precious of gifts, within our pockets, or place them in the hands of some other. My keys are out of my pocket. They are in my hand always. I will never give them away. I will honor the source that gave me this gift by developing and using it. We are all meant to experience what is good and beautiful in this world. It was always meant to be a positive experience. There is no karma, no hell, no fate, no destiny, no God - nothing beyond what we accept and choose to believe. Even the Tao., the Way, can become a Tulpa if it is given enough power. I have had enough of creating Tulpas, of giving away my power, my life. No more. I have the keys to all of creation in my hand, and I use them, like this. - DreamBliss
  12. I may have created a Tulpa...

    I guess someone needs to write on this subject. Perhaps I will. Folks need to learn how to clean up after themselves., I must confess... It is very hard, especially at this time of the year, for me right now. In the middle of reprogramming my mind which has been programmed by years of what I called "realist" thinking. Realist, HAH! The assumption that something will be some way simply because it has been before is perhaps the biggest assumption we humans collectively make! No realism is simply "justified" pessimism, and the so-called justifications used for it are based on past events, which no longer exist. Something Wayne Dyer said I keep coming back to... Your body, right now, is not the body you had when you were a child. Not one cell of that original body remains. So even our bodies are not real. The past is gone, and everything that happened then has no bearing on what happens now unless we create that reality. Anyway to stop beating around the bush... I was tempted today to play that video I made. Listen to the music I listened to then. Essentially risk re-connecting with my tulpa. It is almost unbearably hard to resist. I'm clinging to the reality I have created for myself, my ultimate reality, my dream, where I have a wife, children, house and a way to support us all. I try to hold on to that picture in my mind. I try to feel what it is like in this reality I have created. But it is incredibly difficult. After too brief moments visiting this reality I come back here, where it has not manifested yet. I am alone again. I have to admit I am tired of being alone. Even though I am not alone (reprogramming.) I have a family, they just haven't manifested yet. ARG! - DreamBliss
  13. I may have created a Tulpa...

    No, at the time I was coming off an experience of Estactic Love and was feeling very loney. I had some, we'll call it alone time, pictured someone, and then next thing I know I was not controlling them. I was interacting with an independant entity using the forum I had pictured. The more I think on it, and this subject, the more convinced am I that many of the things in our society are in fact Tulpas. Anything that people have collectively believd in, shed blood for, and put sexual energy into. I'm fairly certain the Christian God is a tulpa, given life by years of worship, devotion, belief, love and lots of bloodshed. As would be Satan, Santa Claus, Big Foot, most aliens, and even things like the "scientific process." I don't expect anyone to agree with me. How could the majority of people do so? They never created a Tulpa! They have absolutely no experience as to what this feels like, nothing to compare to, no experential insight. The trick here is to not create some other tulpa with beliefs I have attatched myself to. So while remaining unattatched and open to the possibility I am wrong, these are my thoughts on the matter. I created a Tulpa and I'm pretty sure the God of my former religion is a Tulpa. Since I no longer want to invest energy into Tulpas, whether pre-existing or created by me, I will stop any actions that could give energy to a possible Tulpa. With some exceptions. I mean the world would be pretty cool if Santa really existed. Same thing if there were unicorns, elves, fairies and so forth. So while I will not actively give energy to any of this, I will still enjoy Christmas and good fantasy stories. This will be my general appraoch. I can enjoy a variety of positive beliefs and creations, but this indirect energy is all I shall give them. Instead I am conserving my energy for two purposes right now: #1. The healing of the father of one of my friends. He has cancer and has been taken off chemo. #2. The manifestation of the reality I created for myself and my family. Prosperity and Resources. In addition for myself I have created a wife, children, house I designed, future as a freelance computer artist working from home and my own work/play space to use for that purpose, and a bunch of other things to go with this. We have a choice as to where we will invest our energy. It has been said that time is the only thing of value we have. Not true. I think perhaps our energy is the most valuable thing we own. We can invest it in the beliefs of others, feeding their Tulpas, we can invest it into our beliefs and create our own Tulpas, or we can invest it into the creation of the reality we want. There is no fate or destiny beyond what we create. We do so actively or passivly. Energy leaks into reality creation whether we like it our not. Some goes into preserving reality as defined by our race over the years of its time here on earth. Everybody just accepts that gravity is some law and nobody can fly. Since thousands of us have believed that over thousands if not millions of years, this reality has fully manifested as our reality. More energy leaks into preserving reality as defined by us. The world is literally what we make of it. We say life sucks, we're lonely, we will never find someone to be with, etc. etc. The longer we say this, the more tears we shed for it anlong with any blood, and we manifest this reality we created the instant we started saying these things about ourselves. Christians only sin because they are told they are sinners who need saving. I know this from first-hand experience. Since I stopped calling myself a sinner, I have sinned less than when I defined myself, identified myself, as a Christian. We can control these leaks to some extent, maybe even completely. Just observe what we think and say, and catch ourselves, without judgment, when we start the negative self talk, or begin to blindly follow someone else's belief. I confronted my dad with this. As a Christian he was upset with me for having tarot card books on hold at the library. Started going on as to how this is a Christian house, how its evil - you know the drill. I confronted him gently. I told him, "Dad, there is no passage in the Bible that says, "Thou Shalt Not Use The Tarot." In fact, the Bible encourgaes the use of drawing lots. That's all the tarot is, a way to figure out what to do." Something like that, not those exact words. Then I followed with, "Now dad, as yourself, why do you believe the tarot is evil? Is this even your belief?" He got kinda quiet after that, went on some more about how it's evil. The point is here stop blindly following. We are all, in our various spiritual or scientific guises, blind men describing the parts of an elephant we are touhcing. None of us see the whole animal or know what it truly is. So please, for the love of, well everything I guess, stop trying to tell folks that you know the whole truth! Because you don't, you can't, and you probably never will, unless perhaps this is what enlightment is. Human perception is limited to the senses while we identify ourselves as humans in these fleshy containers. Always question, or as it has been said elsewhere, question everything! The other leak to stop up is these patterns of thoughts we have been defining oursleves by without really being aware of it. Catch what you say about yourself and start the reprogramming process. Don't take my word for it, but you are an unlimited, divine being. You may even be God enjoying a physical experience in your body. I haven't been able to get that far yet. But I am learning to change how I see myself. I used to see myself as powerless. I know now that this is complete and utter bullspit! I used to see myself as limited. I know now I can do anything! I can create any reality I desire, and these are not just words, I have actually been doing this! Some examples... The sink in the kitchen wouldn't go down. I worked on it (working in whatever way you can towards a desired reality manifests it quicker), took it apart and put it together 2 or 3 times. Poured boiling water and sink stuff down it. Did everthing I could to clean it out and fix it given the tools and resources I had on hand. Then I started to visualize the pipes being clear. When I say my repairs did nothing I ignored my mind trying to get me to doubt and focused, every time doubt tried to creep in, on those pipes clearing. Long story short the pipes cleared, and now drain better than they ever did before. I created a reality of a large collection of presents under the tree. When we got the tree I worked hard to get it up (we got a Dr. Suess tree - curved in the middle.) When we finally got it to stay up and somewhat straight I started to decorate. Then my dad joined in. As far as gifts, there was a large pile under the tree, although in my vision these were symbolic and physical. So this reality manifested. My mom wanted to go see my brother. After last Christmas and our knock-down-drag-out fight I was less than enthused. Not afraid, just didn't want to hurt anyone. Grew a lot since then. Created a reality that we have a good time and get along. We did. I could go on and on. This creating reality process is very similar to true magical workings. It's very interesting. I still don't know the full extent of this, am still developing these skills, abilities, talents - actually I think these are probably gifts that all humans have. Whetever or whoever designed is, if anything or anyone. sure did an amazing job. Because we have the same creation abilities! Understand that while this works like true magical work it is not magic in the sense that BAM! the reality you create happens. Sorry. Not that easy. You have to work towards it. You can't entertain any doubts. You have to see it clearly in your mind how your reality is. You should also feel it to give it extra power. Use past experiences or imagine future ones. If you pray for rain, remember how rain feels and sounds. If you pray for a mate, think how that would feel, to have found the best possible match for you. Understand this is true prayer, and it goes out to the Source, whoever or whatever that is, if it is anything. Don't start a "Church of the Source" and create another Tulpa! Just send out your prayer into the universe and trust that whatever or whoever needs to recieve it will. Paint with broad strokes, leave the rest to the universe. In other words, trust the details will be painted it, you just sketch out the picture. Finally you have to catch yourself if you start saying stuff like, "This is lying..." "This doesn't work..." "This is stupid..." etc. You aren't lying. Sure you may not be able to interact with the reality you created the moment you do so. But that is only because it is in an energtic form and you will have to help it manifest in what I call "Sense Determined Reality." In other words it is where you can interact with it in your senses. But all things start as energy, then manifest as a denser form or something. Hey I don't know more than everything starts as energy! So just because you can't taste, touch, hear, smell or see it does not mean it is not real. The instant you create a reality, whether passivly or actively, one of two things happens. An existing reality is strengthened. A previously non-existing reality is created. If you want to read about this more try, "Wishes Fulfilled" by Wayne Dyer. So that's where I am, a little off subject I guess, but I started typing and couldn't stop. Need to sleep now... - DreamBliss
  14. While I can not deny the possibility of past lives, I will not consign myself to endless recycling if this is just another belief and not a reality as defined by The Source. But I must admit it is intruiging to think about the implications of what you have said! @snowmonki Mr. Tauber's videos are very well done, they break down the movements very well and explian many things to me I needed to understand. I feel I now have the tools I can use to sort through the teachings I have available and find the good ones. I have also contact Mr. Tauber about the cost of his videos. @All OK, adding Charles Taubers Taijichuan videos to my Birthday/Christmas list! Namatse - - DreamBliss
  15. @snowmonki Thank you very much for the links! @GrandmasterP Thank you for the advice! Checking out those videos now... - DreamBliss
  16. @snowmonki Thank you for responding to my PM and coming in here to share your thoughts as I requested. I do appreciate it! However I have to admit I am a little dissapointed. There should be at least one DVD or YouTube teacher who is showing the moves correctly, and is very detailed in their descriptions. There has to be a way to practice this properly, without a teacher, as I wait for one to appear. But I understand that I posted a lot of links and it would take a lot of time on your part to go through that. I guess I just feel that if I tell someone why they shouldn't do something, or use something, as in this case, that I am responsible to explian my viewpoint (which you have a little) and provide a viable alternative that is a feasible replacement (which you have not.) I admire that you have moved around so much to be closer to your teachers. But please understand, I have no job, no money, and while I have not complained about the lack of teachers in my area, to the limits of my knowledge there aren't any, and this is a valid compliant. Also I can't wait to learn Qi Gong until some teacher appears. I am learning and practicing things that require a lot of energy, so I have to be properly purifying the energy in my body and re-energizing it. In other words, I'm on my own, teacher or not. So for now I have to learn via a video. It's that simple. So how about this then to make things easier... I will go through the materials I can access at the library and YouTube. All I need is to know what I should be looking for in a teacher who is giving proper instructions. Do you think you could give me those details? That would be a very big help! So far all I have is that I should ignore any teacher who is unecasarily flexing their muscles or is demonstrating something other than what they are talking about. As you can see that's not a whole lot to go on. If you could give me the essentials I would appreciate it. Thank you for your patience - - DreamBliss
  17. OK thank you for the links, I will look them over later. Waiting for someone's expert opinion here. Remember I am looking for teachers with instructions you can follow with the audio only, because the forms are that well described. Also I require those who are teaching and demonstrating the forms correctly. Here are the YouTube teaches I found so far: http://www.youtube.com/user/QiRevelation http://www.youtube.com/user/markmauvais http://www.youtube.com/user/azeban http://www.youtube.com/user/ExerciseToHeal http://www.youtube.com/user/shorechi http://www.youtube.com/user/BethLeone108 http://www.youtube.com/user/PoWeRHoUsEUnleashed http://www.youtube.com/user/MahaVajra http://www.youtube.com/user/sanasadhya http://www.youtube.com/user/taoistpathschool http://www.youtube.com/user/ChenStyleJohn http://www.youtube.com/user/DesdenDragen?feature=watch http://www.youtube.com/user/innergeticsgt?feature=watch http://www.youtube.com/user/thealanwinneracademy?feature=watch http://www.youtube.com/user/AlchemicPath?feature=watch http://www.youtube.com/user/Timewave2012?feature=watch http://www.youtube.com/user/mxqigong?feature=watch http://www.youtube.com/user/DharmaGus?feature=watch Please help me narrow these lists and suggestions to the absolute best teachers. Thanks! - DreamBliss
  18. DreamBliss VS Belief

    It's the importance we give our beliefs is what has caused so much bloodshed, loss and pain over the years of man's development. So when I say, "just..." it is to put it into persepctive. A belief should be seen as a small, unimportant thing. That way it is easier for us to let them go when they are wrong. Once we attatch a value to something, like a belief, we draw a line and fight anyone who crosses it. As far as karma not depending on reincarnation I admit that I am a little confused here. I thought the two linked. Well I admit my understanding is limited in this area. Not going to study it right now. Have to work on other things. So for now I will accept that my understanding may be wrong here. - DreamBliss
  19. DreamBliss VS Belief

    All I was saying is that gravity is a belief too. When you get right down to it. We do all our scientific mumbo-jumbo and come up with something we call universal law. But we really don't know everything there is to know about gravity? Fifty years from now we'll be using anti-gravity, and throwing out many of the things we call univesal law now, and we still won't know everything about gravity. Of course we also have to believe that whatever tests we have done to verify the existance of gravity are accurate, that the equipment is giving us correct readings, that those who read the equipment aren't making any mistakes so and so forth ad infinitum. Ultimately everything we "know" about gravity is, for most of us, what we have been taught or personally experienced. So gravity will be what it is to us based on our beliefs and experience. But someone else who does not have those beliefs or experiences will believe something else, and to them that will be what gravity is or isn't. Does this make any sense? Here is another way to put it, very simply, paraphrased from another source, "It is only real if it never changes." Since our knowledge of gravity is in constant evolution, thereby continisuly changing, it is not real! But here's the mind bender... There may be some sort of design or law of gravity which may exist all or in part outside of mankind's current "knowing." Somebody has the blueprint for this force, assuming it even exists, and if it does exist we humans are still translating it. We must always keep in mind that mankind has observed things falling and found themselves unable to fly since we came into existance. So we may have literally created a Tulpa called gravity as our explaination as to why we can't fly and how come things fall to the ground. Over the years and the multitude who adopted this same belief this Tulpa became very powerful, like the Christian God. Beliefs = reality. Even that idea is a belief! Now everything we do seems to justify the existance of this Tulpa named gravity we created. In reality it may not even exist at all! Maybe I'm just weird but I rather enjoy thinking about this. Wondering just how far down this rabbit hole goes. This is the best ride ever, of course that's just my belief... - DreamBliss
  20. DreamBliss VS Belief

    My current manifesto of belief: I believe in God, As the Source existing, In whole or in any part, Outside mankind's beliefs, Or inside mankind's beliefs, Or as any combination of the two. I believe in an afterlife, Existing, in whole or any part, Outside mankind's beliefs, Or inside mankind's beliefs, Or as any combination of the two, And I choose to travel freely through it. I do not believe, In fate or destiny, Balance or karma, Judgement or punishment, But I accept the possibility, That any of these may exist. I believe our beliefs create our reality, When they are wrong we can't see the truth, So I choose to be unattatched to my beliefs. To flow in my ideal life's ideal course, At this moment, in each and every moment, Seeking the Source and the Truth. This is a continuing work in project - - DreamBliss
  21. The truth behind the Law of Attraction

    The only reason this wouldn't work is because we are trained to see a bananna as only a bananna, not a can opener. But somone who handles a bananna for the first time and is faced with a can of food, well maybe they could use it to get the can open. They have no beliefs they can't. Remember the same elements that make a can opener also make up a bananna! DreamBliss
  22. DreamBliss VS Belief

    It is wherever I go when I am no longer inside this fleshy container. - DreamBliss
  23. DreamBliss VS Belief

    But isn't this just your belief? - DreamBliss
  24. DreamBliss VS Belief

    I believe so... DreamBliss
  25. DreamBliss VS Belief

    Alternate viewpoints - DreamBliss