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Everything posted by DreamBliss

  1. Primal rage, inner critic, self-image

    This is really cool! Seriously! Thank you! I am working on something similar, brainwave with self hypnosis: http://www.dreamviews.com/attaining-lucidity/152401-need-help-testing-my-self-hypnosis-recordings-ld.html I would love to get some feedback, maybe even work on something together if you like. My only advice for you at this moment, until I have gone through the tracks, is that you might want to use a loseless format like .flac. I read somewhere, regarding brainwave music, that it is best when it is not under any compression. It seems to be important. I uploaded my stuff as .flac at Soundcloud. I should check and be sure they aren't compressing it.
  2. Please help me understand this!

    To Everyone Else Thank you for your advice and suggestions! I think maybe I get one possible reason a guru might throw someone out. To answer one poster's question, I am in Camas, WA. To reply to another poster, I appreciate you taking the time to reply, and I respect your advice. But I am a former Christian. I find church to be restrictive, sufficating. There is a reason I left my Christian faith - several in fact. All their social functions just don't work for me. That said I am still active in my parent's church. Going to potlucks and helping the librarian build up their library. But I seriously need to find people who I can talk to about these sorts of things, and Christians are not it, because much of it challenges or flies in the face of their beliefs. I feel that a person is entitled to whatever they believe, that is their path, and I have enough of trying to save people to last a few hundred life times. It is not for me to save anyone. I am to be a sign on the road, a finger pointing to the moon. I am to be there to support them should they want to change or leave their faith as I did. But part of loving and accepting someone as they are is to let them be as they are, whatever they believe. That is the truth for them at this moment. I am ready to expand the minds of those willing, and more than likely only those willing to change would even hear me. Finally to the poster's comments about time... Do you see animals wearing wrist watches? Do you see them watching the clock or the setting of the sun? In the world time does not exist. Things happens, the sun rises and sets, the moon has its cycles, the seasons change, but this is not proof of time. Just of things happening. Man has assigned meaning to these events. The day based on the rotation of the earth. The year based on the journey of the earth around the sun. It is all illusion, the only value in time is in man's perception of it. If mankind did not exist, there would be no time. Time exists only in the perception of man, because it is a creation of man, a value ascribed to certain happenings, nothing more. If you were raised as a baby in a featureless box with no change in environment of any kind and no mirror, you would grow up with no sense of age or time passing. You would simply perceiev yourself as changing and would want to know why. But time would not exist for you, and would remain non-existant until you stepped out of the box. Let go of the illusions of reality and time. They only exist in human perception, and only because humans believe they exist. When you leave your phsyical body for the final time, to move on to whatever awaits you, tell me then if time exists. In fact, astral project and explore the astral planes and tell me time exists. Good luck on your journey! May the Source be with you all, and may you all be blessed!
  3. Please help me understand this!

    May my long-winded, twisting, winding words teach you patience Padawan! Let's see... 1. I am offended that a guru would throw seekers out. I think it likely that I would suffer the same fate, were I to find a guru. 2. I am lonely. In a physical sense I have nobody to share my life with, no friends, nowhere I fit. 3. I am hurting. Being around this beautiful young woman, feeling electrified, yet having this inner knowing that she is not for me. 4. I am lost and confused, with no clear dream or purpose. Tired of having to figure crap out on my own. 5. I am asking for help to understand. Some way to be at peace with all I am feeling and going through.
  4. This is a shot in the dark, and not something I have ever talked much about, but here goes. For as far back as I can remember I have these moments where I speak a strange, foriegn language. Usually when I am in a state of bliss or joy or some sort of high emotion. Heck I think I wrote a poem in it once... Hold on a sec... Checking my computer... OK, I'm back, but I can't find it I will look more later. Anyhow I am reading, "Polishing The Mirror" by Ram Das, and I am near the end where he is talking about the names of God. He says, quoting Krishna Das, "Those names come from a Divine Place within us, a place that is before thought, before emotions, before anything to to with conepts or conceptual thinking." I guess I was wondering what the name of God was in this unknown language of mine. I can' tell you how weird it is that I can sit there and say this stuff in a lnaguage I never studied and have no name for. I wonder sometimes if I am just speaking goblygook, but I have a powerful sense it is a real language. It is very confusing. Anhow, in this language, the name I got for the name of God is: Sec'A'Neh (pronounced sec-ka-nay) It is vaugly familliar, as if I have said or wrote it before, and I think that is how it is written, but not sure. I just know how it sounds. Sec'A'Neh. Does that ring a bell with anyone? Just wondering.
  5. Is anyone familliar with this language?

    My apologies... I met physically, in person. Knowingly. In other words, I have not shook hands physically with one who is a Shaman, to my knowledge. Never been to the physical location of one either. It's neat to know there are Shamans here on the forums though,
  6. Is anyone familliar with this language?

    Thank you all for your input and giving me this information! Very strange that a former Christian who renounced his faith would be speaking in tongues. Also not what I remeber the experience to be like the one time I witnessed someone doing it years ago. What I saw was a sort of overflow of emotions, an emotional high, in worship. It brought on people speakng in tongues. For me it seems to be different. I guess I could be said to be in some ecstatic or close-to ecstatic state, but there is no worship aspect going on. Also I can sort of "tune in" it. Just have t think about it. Certainly not in an extreme of emotion now. And I can speak it. Almost like I've tuned in to something, and most of the time I have tuned it out? Well whatever it is, I will just ask the Source to be with me when speaking it, to guide and direct me to its usage, if I should use it in any way. Treat it as a gift and remain curious. It's nice to have things in the world that can't currently be explained, although I am sure if someone really wanted to they could. Checking links. Thank you again! UPDATE: So it closely resembles that english representation for the Hebrew name of God. Interesting. Also this speaking in tongues is connected to Shamanism. OK, well I defintely have a tie in there, as I met Ayhunna, a spirit fox, in a dream re-entry. I seem to have a natural affinity for shamanistic practices. Or at least I think I do. Not an expert, never met or talked to a Shaman to my knowledge. So this language could be Hebrew or Native American or something.
  7. Is anyone familliar with this language?

    Just looked at it again. Sicani. OK, the name of an extinct people. Hmmm... Will research this... Thanks for posting!
  8. OK, so I have started listening to the Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience audios. I noticed something and i need to figure out what it is. The audio puts you into a trance, almost falling asleep state. But I kept finding myself jerked back. Something like when you are watching a TV show and dozing off, but you wake yourself back up because you really want to see it. A feeling like that. Is this normal? Or is it a sign of some sort of resistance? If it is a sign of some sort of resistance, how could I picture it to put into my energy transformation chest (one of the exercises)? I figured out symbols for other stuff, a big, thick, slightly battered old book of my parent's beliefs, mindsets and beliefs, a cross for my former Christian religion and any lingering beliefs there, a belt for any idea of judgment or punishment, and a magic carpet with an anchor attached for my ability to leave my body. But this, whatever it is, I can't put y finger on it, or figure out how to picture it,m so I can put it in the chest. I would appreciate your help here! If it is a natural thing then I simply won't worry about it. Thank you!
  9. rails Thank you. I assume you have used the program yourself? You speak as if from experience. manitou I am not entirely sure how to describe it. I am in the process of what I call one of my, "Oh Shit!" sessions. That is I throw all caution to the wind and take a jump by trying something new. Similar to the first time I smoked some marijuana. Being a Christian at the time, with loving, suffocating parents can cause you to have these sorts of feelings when you go outside the box, the comfort zone, the barriers of your religion, etc. I am going through the Gateway Experience because, to my understanding, looking at the track listings, it's all about helping you get out of your body. To have OBEs, become what I call an, "Out of Body Explorer." But I think there is more to it than that. I am still in Wave 1 (as I recall there are 6), track 2, and in this one I was, essentially, hypnotized to remember anything I want to recall by touching the right fingers of my hand to my forehead, and if I wanted to feel awake and alert, to touch the same fingers to the back of my head. As I was struggling to remember something I did in Gimp, I used this technique, touching my right hand fingers to my forehead, and it worked! I would classify this as hypnosis combined with brainwave music. As you guessed, it is synchronizing the hemispheres of the brain. But it is also for energetic awareness and expansion, as well as to help the person listening to the recordings to overcome things that would prevent this. So that is my interpretation, but you may as well go to the horse's mouth, so to speak: http://shop.hemi-sync.com/products/c310-Gateway-Experience%C2%AE/ Robert Monroe, who founded Hemi-Sync and has recently moved on to the realms he had been exploring energetically, is the author of the Journey series of books. Let's see if I can get them straight, "Journeys out of Body", "Far Journeys" and "Ultimate Journeys." If you are interested in having an OBE, read these. If you are interested in Brainwave Entertainment, there is a host of stuff out there for it, including information on making your own. Here's a link to my blog, with info on Self Hypnosis and making Brainwave Music: http://hi-techheadache.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_11.html You can check out my work at Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dreambliss-1/tracks Note that SoundCloud doesn't work right on Firefox for some reason, so try Google Chrome, Opera or Internet Explorer. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
  10. I know this is kind of an odd question, but I assume that a lot of us here don't run around in robes all day, and furthermore, that these individuals do yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong or other physical practices. Unless everyone just does it in the nude, I think its safe to assume that we all wear some sort of exercise clothing. I need help in this area. Where does someone with a 6 foot+ tall, 240 pound physical body and maybe $20.00 to spend go to get exercise clothing online or at WalMart that doesn't fall apart on him? My first set of exercise clothes came to about $10.00 at WalMart. Just a Hanes set of shorts and a sleeveless T. But the string broke. Same thing for some Jerzees I recently bought - damn string snapped! I need something I can do yoga and running in, that will stay securely in place on my body, and which is secured in some fashion that will not break, or if it does, is easily replacable. I need something loose, and light weight. Something that is flexible. A pair of blue jean short cut offs and a t-shirt won't cut it. There has to be freedom of movement in the physical body. Any suggestions? Anything you found at Amazon or WalMart you liked? Or Fred Meyer? How about some obscure, hole-in-the-web site you found? If you have any suggestions please post links and details! And yes, in case you were wondering, I do exercise in the nude. But I am not about to go running down a public road that way... There are some limits... Thank you for your help!
  11. Hey thanks everyone for your suggestions!
  12. That's a fine idea, which is probably way Hanes and Jerzees, at least, sew the string inside in the back somewhere, or are using two pieces of string, or something, because I have, so far, been unable to do this.
  13. I can tell you that Camas, WA is pretty much a Christian town. At least a dozen churches in a 4 mile radius I think. So yeah, a religion can be local, and "take over" a place. No Unitarian here as far as I know. The only different church around is a Christian Scientist church, as I have said elsewhere. There is a Buddhist temple or something about 10 miles away or so.
  14. Good and Bad are human inventions. There are no extremes at the Source. If there is Good Karma, there must also be Bad Karma. So throw out Karma, along with Sin. But do not close yourself off. Remain open, always remain open. Because maybe Good Karma exists. Maybe Bad Karma exists. Maybe Sin exists. As long as the possibility of existence is there, remain open. Just don't invest belief energy into anything that can hinder your spiritual growth. Accepting one thing as good means accepting its opposite. You can't have one without the other. So don't believe in either, yet remain open that either may be true. This is how you find truth. Leave all avenues open, until, in your own experience, they lead to dead ends. Then retrace your steps, remembering what you have learned, and cross that road off your spiritual map. My practice is not to accept any chains, or anything that could lead to chains. My practice is to remain free, open and receptive. My practice is to go beyond duality, beyond good/bad, light/dark, sin/perfection. My practice is seeking Truth. Is it really true that everything, everyone, all of creation, is in reality all one? If everything is one, then there can be no good or bad. Things just are. The world, all of creation, simply is. Human perception sees good and bad, right and wrong. Take off those glasses and then look. What do you see beyond your filters, beyond your criticisms, beyond your judgments? Human perception of good/bad, right/wrong, sinner/saint causes and enforces separations. If we are all one, then why are we trying to be separate? That is living a lie. I do not know if we are all one. This is not a state I have first-hand experience with. But it does make the most sense, so I have loosely adopted this as truth. If it is not truth, then I will release it and let it go. I do know what the experience of being labelled a sinner, of being separate, is like, and putting on my own glasses, in my perception I would say this was bad. Harmful to me and not helpful to my spiritual growth. I have crossed these streets off my own personal map. Every bird must chip its own way out of the shell to emerge into the world. We can not break this shell for you. You must use your own beak to break through into your own spiritual path. All we can do is share our experiences and what, through them, seems to us to be truth. I have shared my truth. Is it your truth? Only you know that.
  15. I think there is another trap to watch out for here... As a Christian I was told I was a sinner and needed saving. Buddhists, Hinduists and Taoists, among others, teach that there is this thing called karma everyone has to work out. I do not believe either exist. There is no such thing as sin, because everyone is born perfect. Most of us just forget that on the way. Someone enlightened probably remembered it. There is no such thing as karma for the same reason. Both karma and sin imply that there is something wrong, something that has to be done, something you have to be saved from, or work through, I think there is only action and conseqence. Everything we do will have some sort of effect. This is not resulting from karma or some sort of punishment for sin. This is just something to keep in mind, so that we are careful of the actions we take. This inspires us to act and move in love while remaining in the present moment. I doubt very highly there is some place of eternal suffering those who do not become Christians will end up. Nor do I believe there is some process of reincarnation in the sense that we need to keep working through things until, some time in an indeterminate fuuture, we finish our last life, having learned everything we needed to, and jet off somewhere off the wheel of reincarnation. It seems the Christian belief of Heaven and this other have a lot in common here. But why do these spiritual practices have us focusing on some future, rather that right here, now, in this moment, this body, and this life? This is the only moment you have. Your past moments are gone, your future moments do not exist yet, the best you can hope to do is draw from the past to create some fantasy idea of what the future may be. But the truth is there is only this moment. This is a fallicy I think in many, if not all, of the organized religions. Any system of beliefs that for any reason has you focusing on the future, when you will be enlightened, when you will go to Heaven, when you will work out your karma, is suspect. If everyone on earth, all of humanity, focused on this life, and this moment, our planet would not be in the state it is in, there would be no crime, and we would become a society that lives hamronoiusly with our world as well as with each other. As it is with Christians saying things like, "This is not my home" we find crime and pollution. After all why does this world matter if it is not my home? Why does this life matter if it is not the one where I have freed myself of my karma? I'll work out my karma in the next life, or God will take care of things. These are not, in my opinion, good mindsets to have. I have said some of this before. I simply wish to urge people to be cautious with anything that tells them that they are broken, or need fixing, or are lacking, or need to do something, or need to work on something. That, it seems to me, is engaging the seeker, which reinforces the ego. If you want to grow spiritually, you have to move beyond the ego, beyond seeking.
  16. I was just wondering if we could start a list of retreats and workshops. Maybe provide the name, description, duration, location and price for each event. Focus on meditation, yoga, spiritual practice and other types of events related to this forum. Maybe we could even get a pool going of everyone interested in going to a retreat, carpooling in groups to get there and chipping in some money based on what they can afford. Googling is next to useless I have discovered tonight. In case the list is not a feasible idea, or nobody wants to do it, I am looking or something, preferably free, but no more than $200.00, for the whole event. Some sort of relaxing getaway, maybe with a day or two of silence, meditation and yoga. Hot springs or a hot tub is a bonus, as well as a natural swimming area. I am not interested in what appears to the Buddhist idea of retreat, that is where you actually work during the whole thing, and you pay good money to do so! Every retreat I have found with any kind of Buddhist foundation has some sort of, "mindful work" or "cleaning up the grounds" involved. As I already clean up the grounds where I live, and absolutely despise, loathe and hate such work, I really don't think I would find that relaxing in a retreat! I don't mind something where helping out would be nice, but is not required, which would allow me to make a choice. Do I feel willing to serve in this area or not? Better I am willingly doing the work without feeling like I am forced into it, than unwillingly doing it and being forced into it. This whole thing, my experience so far, people just don't understand. They don't get it. They tell me I should be thankful. I should be grateful. But I have bucked haybales, chopped wood, mowed lawns and washed dishes my whole stinking life! I don't get paid for the work I do around here, and the person I am doing it for, instead of paying (or even thanking) me, often expects me to do more or cook her supper or something. No, for a minimum of 5 days, preferably 7 or more, I want to reward someone else the opportunity to serve me. To allow me to just relax, meditate, socialize with people who I might have more in common with than the Christians all around me here. I need to get away from all of this, just fore a few days. Have a real vacation. I have not had any time away in years! There's some pain in my new signature, a reason I wrote that, in case nobody noticed. What I really, really want is a retreat that is also a workshop covering as many of my areas of interest as possible. Building/Construction. Art/Drawing/Painting. Music/Singing. Dreams/Lucid Dreaming. Astral Projection/OBE. Heck even Barefoot Running! So if you know of anything in the Washington/Oregon USA area do you think you could post here and let me know about it? Please keep in mind, it needs to be in Oregon or Washington, and it needs to be no more than $200.00, unless they have some sort of bursar as they do for Findhorn. I really appreciate your help! And if we could get a list of events up and running, or some sort of calendar, that would save a lot of hours Googling my eyes bloody, and it would be a benefit to everyone else as well. Thank you.
  17. Could we start a list of retreats and workshops?

    Yeah, I have to admit that I am a little disappointed in the guy. Why not throw out Hay House after any contract he may have has been satisfied, and go independent, helping people freely? I mean if things are as he says, and his needs are always met, because his mindset is right, well why not prove it? So I am a little suspect of Mr. Dyer and Louise Hay as well as the rest of the Hay House bunch. But I still see the man as a sort fo spiritual role model. C T That was a very insightful post, thank you! liminal_luke Its OK. You have a right to be as you are, and feel what you feel. It is up to me to choose my perception of what you say, and my response to it. Yes some good suggestions have been provided, but nothing that speaks to me right now or seems feasible. Trying to keep it local and inexpensive. Not too sure about communing with faeries, although I have always thought elves with their pointy ears were kind of hot... ... and don't get me started about girls with tails. What is it about tails anyway?
  18. Could we start a list of retreats and workshops?

    To my mind it is very simple. If you are a truly spiritually developed person, you never need to worry about money, because it always comes to you. Money, resources, whatever you need. It is precisely because you are spiritually minded and have no blocks in your mind about finances that this is so. I often read Wayne Dyer saying how this is precisely how things work in his life. Same for Louis Hay. Maybe they are not telling the truth. But I do not think this is the case. They are successful and have no financial issues because they have developed enough spiritually where such things are not a problem. Same for Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. He travels all over the world, has built a few special structures, and has no job that I am aware of. How does he pay for all of this? To my mind a truly spiritually developed person does not worry about getting paid properly for their work, because their mind is beyond that kind of thinking. They have some knowing that whatever they call God will take care of them. I don't know how to describe this state, because I am not in it. I admit I still have limiting thoughts, especially when it comes to money. This was how I was raised. I have to completely reprogram myself and change my way of thinking. But I still live with the people who programmed me this way in the first place. I am still inundated with worries about money. But I can clearly see a place, a state, where I am doing what I love to do, doing what I enjoy, doing what interests me, and there is no need to worry about money. I can freely help others. I know that I am provided for. Read about Jesus in the Bible. Did he charge people money to raise them from the dead, cast demons out, or heal their bodies? It is a societal issue, especially here in America. Nothing is offered freely because of pervasive beliefs like, "There is no such thing as a free lunch."Everyone is out to get theirs. Everyone feels entitled if they have anything to offer that anyone may be interested in. I predict that as long as people in America and elsewhere in the world keep thinking that way humanity as a whole will never grow and evolve spiritually, and we will be stuck in dual-minded, materialistic ways of thinking. This way of thinking is excluding. In essence, anyone who does not have money can not get away, receive quality teaching, recharge their spiritual batteries, , and grow spiritually. They can not receive quality direction and guidance. Not only can they not receive these things, they can't pass on the benefit of these things to others. Imagine if everyone, no matter their financial situation, could go off somewhere, receive quality teaching, recharge, grow spiritually, and come back, exuding the energy of all their positive experiences to their family, friends, and loved ones! But this is not what we see. Everyone is in their own little bubble. People are left to whatever faith they grew up with, having not even an inkling of anything that may be better. So our society as a whole suffers, our race suffers. All because so-called spiritually minded people simply can't see beyond the limitations of what they feel they deserve, or are owed, or what's theirs, etc. I just wish someone understood this. This thread has left me heart-broken and feeling like I am not being taken seriously. That I am not supported. Why only $200.00? Because that was the most I knew, for sure, I had any chance at all of raising, in some way or other, in a month or two. As I have said before, elsewhere. I get paid little-nothing for my work. I have no employment. I have practiced what I preach, offered my teachings and services for free, but my limitation mindset constantly bites me in the ass. Nobody has donated a cent to my work. But I still refuse to charge. I still am acting on faith, and will continue to do so. That is how much I believe in this. For now I am giving up on this. I guess I am left alone, as usual, to my own devices. I guess I am not going to get any time away to heal and recover. So be it. BaguaKicksAss Thank you for the links and continuing help. I do understand where you are coming from with your earlier post.
  19. Just seeking information here, recommended videos, courses, books, etc, I do not want to be hypnotized by someone. Searching around for how to hypnotize myself I found about a million videos where someone was trying to hypnotize me, by having me follow a video or something. The rest of what I found was just garbage trying to sell me some course. What I want to do is learn how to hypnotize myself. I would like to create an audio track, maybe use brainwave music, but where I hypnotize myself using my voice, ask myself some questions, record the answers (I'll have a mic running and maybe a paper and pencil in my lap) then wake myself up. How do I do this? Anyone have any advice, help or recommendations?
  20. I would like to know how to hypnotize myself...

    Thank you for the suggestion. But at this present moment I have not manifested the finances to pay for my passport, plane tickets and accommodations to take me to London. If you would be willing to provide a link to the event I will look into it. I can always ask for the Source for the resources I need and see what happens. If I did have those kind of resources there were some things going on at Findhorn in Scotland that interested me. Maybe I could do both! That would one heck of a summer for once...
  21. Could we start a list of retreats and workshops?

    Friend: Could you provide a link or something to what you are referring to? I will search for BaguaKickAss here in the forums, but I am not sure what specifically you are referring to. All Else: Thank you for the link. I am browsing through it now, but it appears to be a very old thread. We really need something pinned with a listing of current events, in the way GrandmasterP suggested. I was too angry and frustrated to search last night. I figured someone would have done something like that. but I did not find it just browsing around, which is all I had the patience for. A few more things... I am not looking to be pampered something like a famous actor going to some luxurious resort, assuming this is what famous actors do. I just want to go somewhere, and not have to do any work. Is that being pampered? If the place happens to allow people to do work around the place to help cover the costs of being there, as long as it is obligational and I can do the work after I spend a week or so relaxing, I don't mind that at all. I just want a week or so, but I will be content with 3-5 days, where I simply have no work I need to do. Is that too much too ask? Furthermore in this place I would like to go for no less that 3 days to as many days past 7 as possible, I would like to be spiritually nourished in some way. Through talks, some sort of workshop, training in meditation or yoga, or both, etc. I guess I must be naive, but I would think a truly spiritual guru, master or teacher would not expect money, especially large amounts of it, from this they instruct. I understand that facilities must be paid for, and everyone needs to make a living, but do you really have to charge $500.00 - $5000.00 for teaching someone how to barefoot run, or lucid dream, or astral project, or meditate, or do yoga? Really? I mean if they are truly spiritual, and the place hosting them is run by truly spiritual people, shouldn't money be coming to them easily, so that they don't need to charge so much? How spiritual can you be if you are struggling with your finances? Something seems off here. I know that if I had anything to teach that anyone wanted to learn I would do it freely, simply accepting donations, and not expecting any payments. I would be trusting that the things I need are provided. And as far as I know I am not super spiritual or enlightened. So what's the deal with these other people? All I am looking for is to get away from a few things that I am stuck with here in my current living situation. 1. Work. 2. Having to figure out everything on my own, not having anyone of more experience to talk to. 3. A Christian religious environment where I am left feeling spiritually malnourished. I just want to get away from these 3 things, have a vacation from these 3 things, for 3-7+ days. I'll figure out how to get there, but the most money I could ever hope to raise is $200.00. So where does a financially limited, overworked and spiritually malnourished person go to get away for a few days in Oregon or Washington? Is there any place?
  22. I would like to know how to hypnotize myself...

    I was responding to an earlier poster's suggestions to use meditation, instead of self-hypnosis, for answers. My practice of meditation is to simply sit, in as ZaZen a posture as my body allows, focus on my breathing, focus on the contact of the tips of my thumbs, and eventually just to let go of any effort at focusing. I have added the process of admit, allow and accept to my meditation process, in regards specifically to thoughts. At some point, occasionally, I just sort of fade out. I am not asleep, nor am I really awake or aware. Just in a state of "not there", for a lack of a better way of describing it. I know I have many years of practice ahead of me, and I need to do this more regularly, for longer periods of time, uninterrupted. But that is my practice at this time. I used to do different things during meditation, come into it with a question, go on a shamanic journey, explore the inner landscapes. I don't do that anymore. I am practicing "just sitting." I do hope, someday soon, to go to a retreat/workshop and gain the benefit of a guru, master or teacher's instructions for meditation. But for now I will simply sit. I find I enjoy meditating outside, and just listening to the wind. Grabbing the reigns and steering us back to the topic, I have just finished my latest edits for my self-hypnosis page. I am providing the link here in the hopes of receiving constructive and supportive criticism. http://hi-techheadache.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_11.html Thank you for all your advice, help and replies!
  23. I would like to know how to hypnotize myself...

    Which I believe I was quite clear about that I have done. But just in case it wasn't clear... I have succeeded! & "...I have had my first session..." Please see my previous reply for more information.
  24. I would like to know how to hypnotize myself...

    I have succeeded. I was not sure how to proceed, but found enough books at the library to get an idea. Now that I have had my first session, I know what I need to work on. It was very strange... Relaxation comes easy to me, but the mind was still saying in the background something like, "Ha! Ha! This is so funny! Look you're not even unconscious yet!" But I just let the brainwave part of the audio I designed wash over me. I surprised myself by answering my questions, for the most part, without hesitation. And my voice sounds so weird... Also I told myself a few times that, "You already knew this..." It did shed some light on some things. Gave me a clearer idea of what course of action to take in a few areas of concern. How I did it was I designed a brainwave track with pink noise (I think I used pink) and my own audio recording. Running in the brainwave frequency associated with the hypnotic state. I had that playing on my MP3 through my earbuds while my microphone, using Audacity, was recording my answers. I may make a tutorial detailing all of this and put it on my YouTube channel. Others may want to try to this, and I can show them how. Turns out that the more intelligent you are the more suggestible you are. The whole process was very easy to do and went very smoothly. I learned I need more time for answers, or just to get lost in the audio terrain of the brainwave track. I also need more of a visualization time before the deepener. I need to be more established in the scene in my mind so I see it clearly. Need a pinch more volume for my audio vocal track. Need to figure out in what way there is a small amount of interference with the audio and my visualization. Seemed like the audio made it hard for me to visualize for some reason. Anyhow thank you, those of you who provided positive, supportive and helpful suggestions. As for the rest, I appreciate and respect your viewpoint. I may not agree, but I also do not disregard what you have said. There may be something there I will need to read later or something. Meditation does not work for me as a way of seeking answers. I know there is a form of meditation that does this, but I struggle just to meditate, stay still, and not do anything. It's hard enough just to let things be as they are, my thoughts, feelings, urges, physical pain or sensations. I am just not, what would the word be, developed enough in my meditation skills? Finally this whole, "you need a teacher..." or, "you need a professional.." or, "practitioner..." etc. is a big steaming pile of bull. Maybe it makes things easier, but you don't need anything outside yourself to deal with the inside of yourself. You just need you, and that's it. If you have access to these other external sources of assistance, help, guidance, etc by all means make use of them. Be thankful and enjoy the blessings they provide. But don't get caught up thinking you need something outside of yourself to do something inside yourself. Nobody outside of yourself knows you better than you. You alone posses the most accurate map of your internal terrain. The best these others can provide is some help reading the map. But if you keep at it, you'll figure it out. You want to avoid looking outside of yourself for the help you need. This will keep you in a seeker mentality, which in turn the ego thrives on. You want to be free of the ego you have to let go of the seeking outside yourself. This is my understanding. It may not be 100% correct, but that's OK, because I am developing, growing and learning right along with everyone else. It seems as if it is the Truth to me in this present moment. I'll post a link later to any tutorial I make for this. I may even design a more general, less personalized script and put it up on my Soundcloud account for others to use. We'll see...