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Everything posted by DreamBliss

  1. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Well just thinking out loud here... But if the physical brain is mostly or all gone, yet there are still brain-like parts in the heart and stomach, maybe that is enough to constitute the physical interface for the mind, allowing someone to exist physically without a brain?
  2. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    I am not aware of calling any specific person a fool, much less doing so happily. If I have done so, I am deeply and truly sorry. In fact, if I have ever singled out and attacked anyone at these forums, I apologize. When I came back here yesterday to read this thread, and saw what Nungali had posted, I wrote something I nearly posted, but, when I was done, I put it into a new bleedings document. That is where I get angry, cry, rant and rave. I am not sure what I want to say about this, or if I even know why I didn't post it. I guess maybe it didn't seem mature? It would only strengthen this image that was projected onto me of being a child? But that's not quite it, or totally it, either. The truth remains, I can not be hurt or offended unless I choose to be. Someone could come over and kick the living tar out of me, and that would obviously hurt my physical body, but it its up to me to perceive the beating as bad or good, negative or positive, desirable or undesirable. So it is up to me to decide if I will take offense here or not, if I will allow myself to play the role of victim, of one attacked or offended. As it is up to me to decide if I will complain about my life experience or do something about it. I can empower myself or not, the choice is always mine. I was not aware that I had been complaining in here, whining about my circumstances, or doing anything remotely like that. I thought I had been clear as to how I felt about what I perceived to be my circumstances. But I didn't think I was bitching and moaning about things. I did get on my high horse though with the whole lemming rock analogy. I did display an attitude of superiority there or something. I don't know I intended it like that. I think I intended it more like I am taking a stand. More like this is what I choose to do, you guys can do whatever the hell you want. But I guess even that is a sort of, "I'm better than you are! Nyah! Nyah!" attitude. I will work on that. Micheal, thank you for standing up for me. I am happy to know that I have someone out there, in the world, who cares enough to do something like that. I really and truly appreciate it! But I would prefer that nobody join in on this "Chain-of-Pain." I would prefer that everyone be free of all chains, from beliefs, religion, self and society. When we come in valiantly to someone's rescue, we enforce the idea that someone needs rescuing, and reinforce the victim role. There is nothing at all anyone can say here that can have even the remotest effect on me unless I allow it to. Nothing. Not one word, one sentence, one paragraph. I always have the choice, and I claim that choice, to decide how I feel about what others are "saying" here, how I will respond, if at all, whether or not it hurts or offends me, etc. In short I am in control. I don't have to be in control and don't seek to be in control. This is just the natural state that is mine by default, and it is the same for everyone. I am in control, I decide who will have power over me, I assign it, and everyone else can do the same. The sooner the collective human race realizes this, the quicker we will be rid of conflict!
  3. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    For the record others tell us that we have this gray, wrinkled thing in our skulls (that goes well with fava beans) and that this is referred to as our brain, furthermore some of the same stuff exists in our heart and stomach. Most of us have never pulled our brain out to see that it is actually there or not, or seen any other person's brain, and for the few of us that may be able to actually see a brain, living or otherwise, only a few of them would actually be able to verify anything others have said about it. So really whether we have a brain or not is just a collectively held belief. That is the level at which it exists, at least until you put your hands around one or hook it up to a monitor and study what it does. In the same manner we collectively believe in this thing called a mind. Ultimately it seems to be some energetic component to our brain, like the soul or our Higher Self is an energetic component to our body. Everybody seems to have their own idea a to what this mind thing is. As far as I am concerned the brain and the mind are two separate things. The physical body in its entirety is manifested energy from Source, focused here in the physical world of form and time. Consciousness is that focus, and can, as I said, be projected anywhere. This is all the great game, or dance, or play, whatever name you want to give it. Source playing parts, one of those parts is my physical form, you are its other roles, a bug on the ceiling is still another. We are all separate yet one. My guess is that mind is our unique access to the One Mind of Source. Presumably Source is sentient, and if it is sentient, it thinks, and as it has no brain in its original form, it must have a mind, so I would say that you can definitely have a mind but no brain. But if you have a mind and no brain you can't be physically focused. To be physically focused, to have a physical form, you must have a brain. The brain is a necessary element for the energetic form to become physical. Mind interfaces with the physical world through the brain, Source interfaces with the physical world through the body. It doesn't have to be complicated, and is only as complicated as we choose to make it.
  4. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    I may end up repeating myself and not writing things very clearly, as I am extremely tired right now. When I started on my own spiritual path I learned that I prefer to keep things simple. I figured all this hocus-pocus and special effects stuff in what is typically lumped under the term, "New Age" just gets in the way of the spiritual meat of a subject. In fact, I think I would say now that anything truly spiritual at all is simple. Now I can't say I don't still complicate things. I am changing, growing and learning. But in the spirit of keeping things simple, as I may have said before, I am simply tossing out anything that does not empower me. So that is what it comes down to for me. Having all these head shrinks with their pieces of paper from various colleges tell me I have something called a subconscious or unconscious mind that has been programmed by my parents and other authority figures when I was a child does not empower me. Nor does the idea that I can be programmed subliminally empower me. Also telling me I have to do things like self-hypnosis or therapy to access these hidden or submerged parts of my mind is just adding complication. You can't scientifically prove the existence of this thing called the subconscious or unconscious mind. You can't measure it or weight it. You can't interact with it using any of your senses. It fails to be proven by any scientific test. There is only this brain activity that goes on when we are hypnotized or asleep and we give it a definition and labels to refer to it by. But in the end you can't prove to me that I have some hidden or submerged part of my mind anymore than you can prove to me God exists. Since there is no proof of its existence, and believing in its existence is not empowering anyway, I have opted to throw it out. Do I really want to give others power over me through some hard to access part of my mind by my belief in it? Of course not. Screw them and screw all "higher education!" I need it like I need another hole in my head. Actually if I believed in it that would be like adding another hole in my head! I agree more with the idea that the mind is how my Higher Self, call it what you will, connects to my brain. It is not the brain or located in it. It's more like the brain is a key that access this much larger, imperceptible world. My awareness or consciousness is just where I am currently focused. Right now my consciousness is focused in a physical form, but theoretically, I could project that wherever the hell I wish. So I could go into my mind, I could leave my body entirely, I could project it into some bug on the ceiling and look at things from there. The point is everything is accessible by my awareness or consciousness, including every corner of my mind, if it could be said to have physical features like corners, which it likely does not. And yes, I can't prove a mind exists either, at least not scientifically. Some external place where thoughts come from that my brain picks up. But this is simpler, for me, than adding the extra complication of various levels of the mind. It is just more empowering for me to believe that I can not be programmed, and have not been programmed, that programming, subliminal or otherwise, is just not possible. There is instead thinking, and thoughts that are thunk over and over again, which become beliefs, and some of that I may become identified with, so it becomes a part of my ego, another aspect of myself I can't scientifically prove exists. The point is I could have been thinking a certain way all my life, but with awareness of my thoughts, with the focusing of my consciousness on them, I can stop focusing on them, I can replace them with more empowering, higher vibration thoughts, and change, ultimately, the life I experience. In other words I have lived with people worried about bills and the lack of money all my life. I could continue to live that same way, under the oppressive thumb of bills, lack, limitation. Or I could become aware of my beliefs here, the thoughts of which those beliefs are comprised, and using my awareness I could change those thoughts, which is exactly what I am doing. I have lived the life experience my parents live. I can continue to live that way, or I can choose to live differently. I have found, in my own personal experience, that money comes much easier to me when I am not worried about it. That in spending it, without fear, more comes to me. I have seen this happen over and over again, especially starting just last year and continuing today. I watch my parents, so much money comes in, they get together something like $1500.00 a month, maybe a 1/3 of which goes to my brother, yet every month it seems like they never have enough. They could have $15,000 a month and, with the way they currently think, it still wouldn't be enough! But more and more, though I earn exactly $0.00 a month, I find I have exactly the amount of money I need, and sometimes even a little extra. I have no employment, no job, no income. I have no intention of getting a job or going to college. I think it's a big steaming pile of crap. I also have no intention of living under a bridge. Instead I have every intention to have a lot of money, and I mean a lot, so I can enjoy all the fine things in life. So I can enjoy my physical life experience while I am here. So I can support myself and my future family. But there is no way I can do that if I think like my parents do, or if I adopt this belief in hidden parts of the mind. If anyone here wants to bind themselves with those chains, that's your choice. That's your path, I am not going to criticize or judge you. But this lemming has stopped running toward the cliff and is instead standing off to the side, on a rock with a good view, while the rest of you continue on your fateful journey. But there's plenty of room here for anyone else who wants to join me. Whatever you decide, good luck! That's really all I have to say about that. Blessings and love!
  5. I have been slowly reading through Eckhart Tolle's, "The Power of Now." As what he teaches feels right to me I have decided to accept what he is saying in this book as truth, or a direct pointing to it. Some years back, when I started this particular spiritual journey of mine I watched video from Louis Hay. I can't remember the title, I think it was, "You Can Heal Your Life." That video really spoke to me at the time. Learning to love and accept myself as I am. saying that to myself in a mirror. I needed that because, to be honest, I did not like myself or accept myself. I was not comfortable in my own skin. But now, Tolle tells me that I should neither love myself or hate myself. That loving myself, having any relationship with myself, puts a duality there. I can't remember his exact words. But he instructs that I should just be myself. Be relaxed and comfortable with myself. Have no relationship with myself, then any relationship I have with another is one of love. I always believed that I have to love and accept myself as I am before I could love and accept anyone else as they are. This is what I have taught. I only teach what feels right to me, what I believe in, what I myself practice. I practice what I preach in other words. Well now what do I do? How can I apply mirror work, which I still think is a very good practice, to Tolle's instructions? What could I say to myself in the mirror that does not create a relationship with myself or entrench me in duality? I don't think Louis Hay is wrong here. But it is possible that her instructions would block someone from becoming enlightened, if what Tolle is saying is true. It seems to me that if you hate yourself, then loving yourself is an improvement, isn't it? So maybe just being yourself is the next step. I just don't know how to take it. It did occur to me, something that I had not seen until today, than in loving and accepting myself I create the opposite reality of hating and rejecting myself. You can not have love and acceptance without hate and rejection. I was aware of the concept of finding some state or place outside of duality, beyond it. Now I see that I need to apply it here as well. There is no pursuit of enlightenment here. I have decided that I came here to live a physical life and have a physical experience, so this is what I intend to do. I have no intention of trying to escape this physical experience or supersede it. So the door to enlightenment, for me, is not closed, nor is it open. My focus isn't even there, it is on the physical experience, while I have a physical body. If enlightenment comes in that fine, and if it doesn't fine. I do wish to experience the states beyond the physical that can be experienced while in the physical. So there is still an interest in Shamanic journeying, astral projection, lucid dreaming, projecting my consciousness, etc. But only as part of what I can experience as a physical being. Just wanted to clarify this. The goal is to be comfortable in my own skin. I don't know any better way to put that. Just before I was going to post this I realized something else. I was putting things in the way of being with someone. I had this idea that I had to love and accept myself as I am before I could be with anyone. That I had to be a certain state or way, become something above, beyond or more. Why didn't I see this? Putting obstacles in my path between myself and another. So for the official record, especially to anyone I have said this to, there is nothing you need to be or have in order to be with someone, right now, in this moment, in your life. Don't make my mistake and put things between you and your desire, whether that desire be for someone to share your life with or something you want to have. Anything you put between you and the object of your desire will create resistance and keep your desire from you. I guess that must be part of accepting yourself. True acceptance of yourself means you are OK with how you are right now, in this moment. Maybe that's what being yourself is as well. You stay as you are and feel no compulsion to be something else. You don't feel you need improvement or are missing anything. You assume you are complete and perfect as you are, but you give no thought to that.
  6. When I first Tolle in one of his videos, it was off-putting. Even more so now, his eyes get so red. He just doesn't look like or come off as some sort of spiritual teacher. His whole appearance is just a guy sharing these truths. He takes his time to say what he is gong to say. Now that I have watched him more I appreciate this about him. He never seems to be trying to sell me something when he is teaching. He isn't putting on airs of being some guru or even a teacher. I personally find him very engaging, and what he says feels right to me, at least at this time in my life. I honestly don't find him boring or sleep inducing at all. The way he speaks seems to put me into a state where I have to be more aware and conscious while listening to him. That's been my experience anyway.
  7. Thank you both for your thoughts on this.
  8. ...

    Yeah what was that I was saying in another thread about religions? Well there is all the proof you need!
  9. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    The wounded fox crawls out of his den... In regards to the video Nungali shared share there are a huge number of obvious problems: 1. The men, in their skit about finding a parking space, obviously did not truly believe they would find one. I have actually been in a similar situation. Not seeking a particular place. But certain there would be a place, at busy locations where it is normally hard to find one. Nothing like the city, as I said I don't live in a big city. I have noticed an obvious difference, between when I am driving around a parking lot, getting angry there is no parking space, usually having thoughts like, "I never find a space!" and entering a parking lot, knowing I will find a space, completely relaxed, no tension, no doubts, a space will be there. I never find a desired space when I am in that first state. I always, without exception find one when I am in the second state. I have even been able to use it on my dad, driving us around, to his utter surprise, although I have never told him what I am doing. I just tell him there will be a space, sort of interrupting the usual angry, frustrated thought pattern and he always finds one. Whether it is my dad driving or myself, I always hit the road asking Source to bless and be with the other drivers on the road, to bless and be with us as we drive. When I drive it is with full awareness. There is never some psychic premonition of, "Turn left, pull in here" disregarding my surroundings. That is just sheer idiocy. 2. There is a whole issue around asking for money or wealth. It goes back to mindset. In your asking for money or jewelry, are you asking out of a lack or limitation mindset? Because if you are you have already closed yourself off to getting what you are asking for. More and more it is becoming apparent to me that there has to be a letting go, an openness around money. Any clutching at it or clinging to it keeps it away from you. Also, in my limited experience, a focus is needed. When I wanted to manifest the tickets to see Wayne Dyer I did not ask for and focus on the $175.00 I needed. Maybe that would have worked, but if it did, it probably would have been far slower than what I did focus on. Instead I focused on the event itself, on seeing this teacher I respect, on my desire to hear from him. I focused on going to the event, in other words, not on getting tickets to it or getting the money to go. I set an intention to go even if I had to stand outside, and I set a date by which I would pay for my ticket (I keep saying tickets, not sure why.) I manifested the tickets over a month before the date I intended. It happened fast. So in this skit with the jewelry, what was their focus, their mindset, their motivation? Once again, did they truly believe they could manifest the jewelry, or, as the skit seems to portray, did they go in not really believing it will work? 3. None of the things I have read have ever said to take ownership of something owned by someone else. That is just plain idiocy again. If you want a car, you ask for that make, model and year of car. You believe you will receive a car. You claim ownership of one of the cars from that make, model year. But this is a mental thing, not a physical thing. You don't go down the street, see a car parked there, and claim that as yours. If it is for sale you can believe you will receive this car, and you can claim this car, in your mind only, as yours. Visualize yourself coming to the house, cash in hand, going up to the house, knocking on the door, paying the owner, getting the keys, opening the door, getting it, removing the sign and driving away. But you don't stand there, think you own it and then try to take it. It might work to focus on a particular car, but what you will find is more effective is to think more generally. You want a car. You want an electric car. Maybe you want a Tesla (I know I do.) You want the money to pay for its insurance and upkeep. You might use a picture of a Tesla as a focus. But the key is to not be attached to your focus! This non-attachment part is hard to explain and something I need to write more about. Initially when I earned the money to get tickets to see Wayne Dyer, I had just enough, maybe a few bucks more. But I spent some of that money. So now I didn't have enough. I was too attached to it. There has to be a willingness to let the money go, even if it is just enough for whatever you want to get. What I mean by that is you have this money in cash, but you must put it in the bank so you can purchase tickets online. While you have that money in cash in your pocket, if you are afraid of loosing it or spending it, immediately no more money comes to you. That is all you get. If you need to spend it, if something happens and some of that money is spent, you're screwed, because you are closed off and can get no more. When I realized this I stopped worrying about spending it. Doesn't even matter if its something worth spending the money on or not. It is irrelevant. That non-attachment to the money is what's important. When I stopped being attached to it, the rest of the money I needed to get the ticket came to me. Now in my case I had to work for this money. But you don't want to be attached to some idea that you always have to work for it anymore than you would be attached to some idea that you can sit around and it will come to you. You have to flow along the natural course of your life, and when action is required, you take it, when stillness is required, you are still. You remain unattached to how the money gets to you. You make your request (ASK), you have faith it is provided (BELIEVE) and then you remain open in the natural flow of your life. You don't try to make anything happen. You don't set limits on what can happen, you don't outline how it will happen. You shut your mouth after the asking and you have faith in the provision. You remain aware and open, because the provision could come from anywhere or anything. That is the last step (RECEIVE.) I like to see this as a budded flower in its natural environment, outside the reach of man. It springs up, and if it had an awareness, a knowing, it would be that sunlight and rain are provided. It develops a flower bud, and at some point it opens to the sun. It doesn't specify where the sun will be. It doesn't try to control the sun. It opens expecting the sun. That expectancy an be thought of as a combination of belief, faith and knowing. If you have that form of belief, you quickly manifest what you ask for. If you have that same openness and receiving of the flower, you quickly manifest what you ask for. The asking the flower does is born from the natural flow of its life. If a flower asks for anything, it is good soil, which is already provided, sunlight and water. We may call this what the flower needs. But as humans we can ask for things we want, born of the natural flow of our own life. When you ask in this effortless, rowing downstream way, where you can ask then take your hands off of it, you will quickly manifest what you ask for. This is what people just don't get, what I am trying to explain in the book I am writing. You can't go into these teachings trying to make things happen. This is not about positive thinking. Keeping some image in your mind to the exclusion of all else. You will wear yourself out because you are paddling upstream. You also can't try to figure out how it will be provided. Dwelling on how it will come to you, throwing effort and work into making it come to you. You can anticipate and look forward to receiving what you have asked for, but that's it. The more you try to make it happen the more you fail step 3 (RECEIVE.) It must be effortless, you must be allowing, open and receptive. You don't sweat the details. You leave that to your Source. That is how you step out in faith. If you can not step out in faith, then you have no belief, so you fail step 2 (BELIEVE.) What about step 1 (ASK?) You may not even get that far. Abraham uses the idea of vibration. If your vibration and that which you wish to manifest are different, you can not manifest it. To use other terms, if your mindset is not right, you will not manifest what it is you want. There is resistance, whatever example you prefer to use. You are at odds with yourself. You say you want a shiny new electric car, a Tesla. But deep inside you have beliefs, or thoughts such as, “Yeah right, this is such utter bullshit!” or “Sure, the Universe is like Santa Claus, and I stopped believing in him a long time ago” or “I really don't deserve a new car. Look how I treat my current car!” If you are not aware and conscious of your beliefs, feelings and thoughts, manifesting anything will be difficult if not impossible. So you need a book like Tolle's, “Power of Now” or something that will help you start to observe and be aware of what you are thinking. Unfortunately it seems some of the LoA materials do not go much into this. If you have any doubts, you lack belief, if you lack belief, you can ask, but will not receive. So you will say the teachings do not work. If you are a Christian you will say that God does not provide. Or that you didn't deserve it. Or that it was not God's will. Boy did I ever use those excuses a lot as a Christian! 4. Something that Abraham makes very clear (not sure about Seth) is you have to deal with how you feel, right now, in this moment. It is impossible to make yourself feel in some way that you do not currently feel. If you are depressed maybe you can imagine what happiness looks like. But you can't will yourself into feeling happy. Even if you manage it, you are rowing upstream again. The more resistance, the slower things manifest. So you can't all of a sudden feel wealthy if you have been poor all your life. This is what I struggle with. What does being wealthy feel like? How do I make myself feel like that? Another one is success. Feel successful! Uh... How exactly? If you have never been successful, how can you feel that way? This ties back in with beliefs. Your beliefs are thoughts you thought over and over again, they have become beliefs or habitual thought patterns. A sort of track laid down in your mind about certain things. Your feelings show you what you believe. They are what Abraham calls your, “Emotional Guidance System.” If you are feeling ecstatic, there is no belief in you anywhere that contradicts that feeling. There are only beliefs which support it. So you work at the level of thought because thoughts direct your feelings. You may have a lack, limitation mindset. You can't go from there to a mindset of abundance and limitlessness. But you can find a thought that makes you feel slightly more abundant and free of limitations. You can think that thought for a while, and other thoughts like it will come up, and you can think those for awhile. Then you can move on to the next abundant and limitation-free thought. Slowly working your way, thought by thought, across the rails until you are thinking in terms of abundance and limitlessness. You always have to start with where you are. How you feel is where you are. If you feel like shit you have shitty thoughts. If you feel like pure love you have loving thoughts. If you feel like pure love it is easy to feel pure abundance. If you feel like shit the best you can feel is an abundance of shit. If you feel like shit you have no idea what pure love feels like. You may have a memory of experiencing this. But likely you have no clue. So you think thoughts that are less and less shitty. You adopt beliefs that empower you more and more, make you feel better and better. You throw out the beliefs that have made you feel shitty. You adopt these new ones that make you feel better. In time you get to that place of feeling pure love! I have been asked, in essence, as to why I am not well. Afterall, all I have to do is manifest my health, right? Wrong! How can I feel energetic, healthy and well when my current feelings are anything but these? When I really feel weak, in poor health and sickly? I have to find a thought that makes me feel a little better. This is exactly what I have been doing. I am, literally, healing myself, right now, in this moment. Each day, moment by moment, getting a little better. I am not Jesus though. I am unable, at this time, to touch myself and be instantly healed. Nobody anywhere said that manifestation is instantaneous! This is all a part of step 1 (ASK.) If you feel shitty and yet ask for a brand new Tesla car, your shitty thoughts do not match the mindset or vibration needed for the Tesla. The Telsa is about as opposite of shitty as pure love. So you fail your request. Then you come to a forum like this, see people talking about LoA, and post something like, “It's garbage” or “It makes me sick” or “It doesn't work” or “It's not spiritual.” You pat yourself on the back, proud of how spiritually minded you are, and how free you are of the flesh and all its desires. Of how you have risen above such petty concerns. Of how you are perfectly happy to bike or walk or run to work. You stand there on your pedestal looking down your nose at the rest of us. Or you make a video like these guys did, using humor to disguise their fears and lack of belief. Mocking something they haven't even tried to understand, from what I could see. It is the lowest form of intelligence. But I say you are a fool. That denying any aspect of the physical is foolish. Because you are not loving and accepting yourself as you are. You are having a physical life. You came here for a physical experience. The focus is obviously physical. If you wanted to live a spiritual life you wouldn't even be here in a physical body! Since you have a physical body and live in a physical world there is nothing wrong when wanting the best physical experience possible. In fact I would say pursuing spirituality at the expense of the physical is wrong. Better to embrace your physical needs and wants. Better to embrace your physical form and the physical world of which it is a part. You came here to experience physicality, not spirituality. So be as spiritual in your physical form as possible. But looking to overcome the flesh, or deny it, or anything like that is foolish. It makes you no better than a Catholic whipping himself to be rid of sexual desires. If you want to skip the physical part of your existence, find a gun or a knife and get it over with! You can go right to the spiritual, if you think that is more important. I will not criticize or judge you. But I think you will be far happier embracing what is, instead of trying to overcome it. What is includes the fact you have a physical body and are having a physical experience in a physical world. It is not your enemy unless you make it so. So embrace it, and by all means, grow spiritually, but not at the expense of your physical experience. What is also includes the fact that in living this physical experience you will have desires. You will have needs. There are no rewards for denying yourself or suffering. There are no rewards in the afterlife for becoming enlightened or super spiritual in your physical life. So you may as well enjoy your physical life experience, and if part of that enjoyment requires jewelry, a parking space or a Tesla, then the LoA teachings, properly applyed and understood, is a way to manifest these. Using the homeless and refugees as an example... What about going to one of these places, gathering evryone together, and get them working on what they collectively and individually want for a living situation? What life experience do they collectively and individually want? That is step 1. Now work on their collective and individual beliefs. All that is needed here is awarness if they have beliefs or thoughts that are counter to their desire. Help them become aware of these, help them to choose the next best feeling thought. Everyone should be supporting everyone else in this. The more people working together, the quicker the manifestation. Step 2. Some time may need to be spent on Step 2. They all know what they want. They all are working on the closest belief or feeling they can get to concerning their request. But it may take time until everyone's mindset or vibration matches their desire. Afterall, they are still living in a camp, or under a bridge. That is what is, and it must be acknowledged, accepted and embraced in order to move beyond it. Now everyone is in harmony with what they want. Most have packed things up, because that is an action in the natural flow of their lives. They can't go right to the apartments, houses or whatever they have envisioned, not yet. But they can clean up the camp, pack up what is not needed, get ready to move. They can take any action that comes into the natural flow of their lives to do. This is step 3. Then the manifestation occurs. It will probably be completely unexpected. All these people will find themselves moving into better, more desirable circumstances. This could occur several times before the final manifestation of what they asked for, because if someone asked for a mansion (nothing wrong with that) it is a long way from living in a camp or under a bridge. So there may be multiple moves or steps. Belief and faith must be maintained until the final manifestation. In time each and every person in the camp or under the bridge is living the life they envisioned. But the giving out of blankets and food alone would not solve the problem. That would only sustain it. Only in a course of action, such as what I detailed here, will the circumstances change. Only for these people, the root cause of the social symptom of poverty must be addressed before poverty goes away. That can be done by getting together with a hundred or so other people, who want to address this, collectively using the same steps towards manifesting the healing of the cause. “The little fox returns to his den, To rest and heal again.”
  10. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    "This little fox retreats to his burrow, To lick his wounds and heal."
  11. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Nungali I had a secret hope I would have overwhelmed you with my crystal clear and very well thought out response. That I would not be seeing any sort of comback from you. I spent, literally, hours on that. Don't worry, I already suspect exactly what you might say to those words... Sigh... I am afraid you have caught me at a bad time. Fighting a cold, flighting the miasma of misery surrounded my grandmother and my mom, and now fighting you. I am fucking wore out! What's the point anyway? Am I going to get some medal for my clever ripostes to your replies? No. Just gonna get more tired. I am glad to see you came back with such a great sense of humor. I do mean that. I had a good chuckle reading your reply, and I almost can't want to see what you said at my other thread. This reply will be sloppy and all over the place... To begin with the example of the woman with her arm blown off, I believe I had said she was bandaged, implying that she had been sewn up. That she was not in a life-threatening situation. I would never recommend that you stand there, someone bleeding out, and try to heal them by visualizing them well as they lay there dying. Now I am sure there are people in the world who can do that, but I am just as sure that if there are, there aren't very many. So the best we have is medical knowledge to save someone's physical body, and that has to come first, in a life threatening situation. Looking at your response I wonder if you just didn't understand it? Maybe English isn't your main language? Or did you take it out of context intentionally? I will make no judgments here, just asking questions. But it seems all your responses to what I said are like this. Next up... I do not live with my parents. I live with my grandmother, and my parents happen to live on the same property. Luxury and wealth have not, up to this moment, been my life experience. I work hard, I do what needs doing around the place or for my parents. The sexual repression bit was referring to your use of the word tit. Also sexaul promiscuity does not mean there is no sexual repression. The glass of water bit was referring to you mentioning selling your computer to buy a child a glass of water. For the record I do not own or wear tights. Also I have never worn my underwear on the outside. Lastly and most importantly, you seem to keep getting this strange idea in your head that I am proposing a course of action that is solely visulization. Utter bullshit! I am counteracting your tendancy to put action before visualization. Over and over I get the sense from what you say that doing something is the most important thing. Wayne Dyer's son got him a t-shirt. It says, "Don't just do something, stand there!" You have to work at the level of the physcal apparent reality. If someone is dying you do whatever you can to save their physical life. BUT NEVER, EVER GET CAUGHT UP IN APPEARANCES! It is counter to some unspoken rule in society I call, "The rule of appearances" that says, in essence, how you look, what you appear to be doing, is more important that what you are actualy doing. You have to see through that, EVEN AS YOU DO WHAT IS NEEDED, I repeat, EVEN AS YOU DO WHAT IS NEEDED, past the form to what lies beyond form. If you truly want to help the person in the life experience you perceieve to be undesirable, you have to go past the form to the formless, and FROM THERE, visualize a better form. You can substitue the word "reality" for form if you like. So, once again using my example of a woman with her arm blown off, WHO IS NOT IN ANY WAY IN A LIFE THREATENING SITUATION! HER WOUNDS HAVE BEEN TENDED TO! You have a choice of going up to her with this sort of, "You poor thing" mentality in a reaction to the form. This is not love and it will not help the lady to heal beyond the physical. Or you can go up to her, let her know she is loved, love and accept her as she is, in that form, in that moment, and see a better sitaution for her. You may be called to serve, and as I said it could be as simple as a physical action, or it could be helping her to percieve herself and her situation differently. I DO NOT KNOW, AND DO NOT CLAIM TO KNOW, WHICH CHOICE YOU WOULD MAKE! But based on what you have said here, it seems to me you think it is more important to address the situation of this woman purely in the dimension of form. You seem to want to disregard or ignore addressing the situation outside the dimension of form. This is what I was trying to caution you against. The LoA teachings, as I understand them at this moment, teach me to work on this outside the dimension of form first. That is first priority. Unless of course we are talking about a situation where action is immediately required, to save a life for example. The teachings are also fairly clear about this. The point is that what I am being taught is to look at things differently than the way the majority of humanity is raised to look at things. As I said they are not logical, they make no sense in the realm of logic. The realm of logic sees people living under a bridge, automatically, almost without thought, labels them as homeless, with all the connotations of that association, increasing the sense of seperation between you and them, enforcing their situation, which is seen, or perceived, by you to be undesirable. Immediately logic tells you to give them food and blankets. You are so fortunate, they are so unfortunate. Continuing to enforce that reality for them. The LoA teachings give you the tools you need to do more than that. To give out the food and blankets, but to stop seeing them as unfortunate or homeless and instead have an entirely different picture in your mind of them. Do you understand? Because if you don't, I apologize. I have tried to be as clear as I can. I will not spend any more energy or time on this. I find your belief about the snake interesting. Is this something like the aboriginal people of Australia, the Rainbow Serpent and the Dreamtime?
  12. To The Naysayers...

    Someone put into words very eloquently what I would like to say to you: https://fenixxpope.wordpress.com/2015/02/01/the-energy-vampires/ Here's one of my favorite bits, "Argumentative, they put up a barricade Around their mind, as to block out Any other points of view that may Contribute to their own understanding..." Also this: "...they rather perch on their own branch And ignore the rest of the tree..."
  13. To The Naysayers...

  14. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Thank you for this very well thought response. I will spend time with your words. For the record I am not labeling anyone an Energy Vampire. I just read that poem and felt it related to certain individuals, that it expressed a sentiment that I wanted to express, but have not had the words. So I do not see you or anyone else as Energy Vampires. I see certain people who that poem reminds me of. Certain people that poem brings to mind. That's it. Likewise I spend no time thinking about fallen gurus. As I see it we are all perfect, have forgotten our perfection, and are in the process of remembering it. Just because someone falls doesn't mean their teaching is suspect. All the teachings I read go through the crucible of my own personal experience. If there is nothing left afterward it is not a teaching I adopt. It may surprise you to hear this, but I have no interest in getting closer to the divine or getting more spiritual. I may say I am growing spiritually, maybe it would be more accurate to say changing. But there is no thought of, "I will be enlightened one day!" I am not closed off to that either. I am open to getting closer to the divine and becoming enlightened. If this happens I will dive right in. That is just how I am. It is how I was when I left the Christian faith. Fear does not, and will not, hold me back. I will be, and am, allowing, open and receptive. But I spend no time desiring or seeking divinity or spirituality. What I desire and seek, if anything, is a better life experience for myself. If I care about anything, am passionate about anything. it is about doing the work I find to be enjoyable, fulfilling, meaningful, which currently appears to be writing. Work that I can support myself and a family with. If I have any desire it is to have my own house, on my own land, and someone to share my life with. To raise children, making full use of what I have come to understand about how I was raised, so they stand a better chance of being who they are, experiencing the life they came here to experience. Free of all the beliefs, hangups and issues that I have had to struggle through. I know I can't make it easier for them, they will have their own struggles. But I can better prepare them, I can support them on their life and spiritual paths. The LoA teachings will help me in those things I care about, those things that I desire and seek. The path to enlightenment will not. It will, in fact, at its ultimate state it would leave me celibate, with no desire for female companionship, a home, a family or anything else. The spiritual path culminates in a life emphasis of the spiritual at the expense of the physical. I would rather enjoy the physical, because that is the form I have right now and what I came here to do, as spiritually a possible, while not seeking spirituality. Does that make any sense? Physically right now I am not feeling well and very tired so I am afraid I have rambled a bit and may not have been as clear as I would like. This response doesn't address everything you said, but it's the best I can give at this moment. I agree that the spiritual path is one of pruning and getting rid of stuff. I am happy to do that. I have no interest in pruning away my physical life however. There will be time for the spiritual when that is the form I take.
  15. To The Naysayers...

    Marblehead It seems as if I may have misread or misunderstood what you initially said? If so I apologize. I'm afraid my intellegence is at a sort fo low ebb right now. All Else I didn't really want to mention the specific people I had in mind when I posted this. I wanted to keep it general. It's really addressed to all the naysayers of LoA, who have not only disagreed with me about these techings, but have also, well there is no other way to say it, attacked my belief in them. I can handle disagreements. I like opposing points of view. I embrace them. But if I have picked up a belief, especially one that requires faith, attacking it is not appreciated! For the official record my physical age is 39, so you may all refer to me as, "Young Whippersnapper."
  16. To The Naysayers...

    You wouldn't. This thread is not directed at you, or soaring crane either. Neither of you are naysayers, as far as I am aware. I would have thought the title, "To The Naysayers" would have been self-explanatory. That this is directed only at naysayers, and really I had specific people in mind when I wrote this. Also, if either of you were a naysayer, you wouldn't have been able to attain peace and contentment. If you have attained peace and contentment, you certainly won't be naysayng anyone. Truly content and peaceful people are content and peaceful whatever their life experiences. They would be content and peacful no matter what others do or say. They would have no need to naysay. Of course this is all only my opinion, as I am not peaceful or content, so I have no more idea what that feels like any more than enlightenment. Then again, if you were truly content and peacful, this thread and the words of that poem should have no effect on you... It shouldn't even apply to you...
  17. To The Naysayers...

    Somewhat indirectly, but yes, yes I did!
  18. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    “I am off to cure the suffering of the world by looking at the disadvantage, the homeless, the sick, the mentally deranged and the unfortunate and not projecting a label on to them...” That is only part of the process... “Since you want to accept what I offer, get ready for the bitter draught. I am not going to swoon your - out of control unconscious denying - ego with sugar sweet comments here.” I am not aware, at this moment, of any denial in what I have said. I want you to always speak your truth, authentically and honestly. “Oh and thanks for the tip in telling me that those that suffer are spiritual beings too ... really ? I thought that people that suffered had no spirit ...” I made no assumptions as to your thinking processes. What you think is none of my business. I observed that you were emphasizing the exterior life experience, focused solely on that. I was attempting to gently steer you away from that emphasis. “Just imagine when I worked in the hospital, the psyche unit, the refugee relocation centre if instead of actively going there and helping I turned up and walked around not labelling anyone to help the 'forces' correct their life ... or something.” If you are in that situation, then physical action may be required. The problem is when you identify with the doing as the way to fix the problem. That is rowing upstream. You can not “fix” this sort of situation by throwing effort and work into it. That reinforces the reality of that which you wish to change. It creates resistance. Do the work, as called, compelled or drawn. But while you do the work stop emphasizing and focusing on the exterior circumstances, the collective and individual life experiences. In other words stop getting caught up in apparent reality and calling it “reality.” Instead stop the criticizing, judging and labeling. Stop seeing the people as somehow lacking or less than or imperfect or suffering or hurting or whatever. These things may be happening, yes. But these things are not reality. They are apparent reality. You are witnessing life experiences. You are emphasizing the exterior apparent reality and not the interior Truth. I call it “apparent reality” because it is just one of many possible realities. If there is a reality of hurt, pain and suffering, then there must also exist its opposite, healing, painlessness and freedom from suffering. You can not have one without the other as this is a physical world of duality. If one extreme exists, so does its opposite. You are emphasizing and focused on one extreme, one version of reality that these people are experiencing and that you are witnessing. You are placing all your energy there, and in that way, you contribute to the problem, not the solution. It is better to emphasize and focus on the other extreme, put energy there, and contribute to a solution. The best way of course is to move beyond appearances. Just jump out of the whole duality of suffering or not suffering. But we have to work with where we are, and if where we are is in duality, it is better to emphasize and focus on the on what is desired, not on what is not desired. A practical example is needed... You walk into a Refugee Relocation Unit. You see a woman there, her arm blown off by a mine, the same mine that took the life of her child. She is dirty, in obvious pain, blood seeping through her bandages. It seems to me that you, in this situation, would immediately see a woman, her arm blown off, that lost her child. A woman who is dirty, and in pain. You may go over, kneel down, stroke her head, tell her she is loved, and feel pity for her. Sorrow for her and her loss. If you did so, you would do her a disservice. Because that woman is not the role she is playing at all. That is God you are looking at, God appearing to you as a woman with an arm blown off who has lost a child. Your perception must change. You must see God, in the role of that woman. Only in that space, were you to kneel down and caress her head, would you be doing so out of love, not pity. Only then would you be able to truly love and accept her as she is. Because there is no criticism, and no judgment. You are not identifying with her role. You see who she really is. If you can see who she really is, you can also see, in your mind's eye, a better life experience for her. You could envision her healed, finding a loving and supportive man, the two of them having another child. You could see her happy. You could see her energetic, healthy, well. You could see her being loved and supported. From that place you could take any action to help her that you felt called, compelled or drawn to take, or serve in whatever way it falls into place for you to serve. It could be as simple as handing her some water and helping her drink it. Or it could be more complex, helping her to not identify with her role and think that she is a woman whose arm has been blown off and who lost her son. But it seems to me that you would be incapable of seeing that or acting from that place. I make an observation here, based on the things you have said. It is only my opinion, not a criticism or judgment. I obviously do not know you. I can only observe and base what I say on that. “Now you are talking about manifesting a woman.” No actually, I did not. Another poster brought that up, and I joked along with them and another who commented. That said, I am manifesting a reality where I have someone to share my life with. Where I start a family and have my own house and land. “I cant wait until you move out of home and get off the titty and have to do some real manifestation to look after just yourself (let alone anyone else ) properly.” If I leave the house this spring or summer, as planned, this is exactly what will happen. I look forward to it. I can not master the teachings, to where I become them, until I am living them. On my own I will be forced to live them. You may want to spend some time looking inside yourself to see why you would use words with sexual connotations. I believe I detect the odor of something repressed here, likely sexually repressed. Once again I recommend Osho, “Sex Matters.” “You said " I did not ask for you to be here consciously." yet you have cancelled out and declared null ( just by an act of declaration) your unconscious mind .... so I suppose all that is left for you is the super-conscious or 'spirit' or something. But since you believe you attract what you ask for ... even when you are not aware of it (here you may be beginning to get somewhere ) that leaves you a space to try and figure out why I am here, interacting with you. ... I wondered when the 'logic; of your system would throw that up.” It is not my system, and it is far from logical. Just as in a concept such as Tao or the Dao logic does not apply. I paged through Seth's, “The Nature of Personal Reality” intending to find the passage that drove me to my decision and the reason I started this thread. I was unable, at this time, to find it. It could have been a combination of what I read from Seth and something I read in Abraham's, “Ask and It Is Given.” So I will attempt to explain here to the best of my ability. There is only the conscious mind, no exceptions. Within the conscious mind are those things that you are aware of, and those things you are not aware of. The things you are not aware of are not hidden from you. I recall something I read somewhere about the ego looking out through the window and telling you what it sees. Anyhow this stuff that does not fit in with your perception of reality, the stuff you don't want to remember, all these things get thrown in the corners so to speak. They are never lost, just not easy to locate, as they have not been placed in the filing cabinet system of your mind. They just don't fit in with how you think about things, based on your current beliefs, so you misplace them. There is no subconscious programming. There is no subconscious. It is all consciousness, all the time, nothing hidden. Just the things you are aware of, and the things you are not aware of. Some thoughts get thought over and over again, become habitual thought patterns or beliefs. So if you act out your beliefs, you are acting out the thoughts you are no longer aware of that underlie that belief. Maybe I have doubts about the teachings still, even after proving them right in my own experience. Maybe I have had thoughts repeatedly in the past like, “Life doesn't work that way...” or “That doesn’t happen to me...” or “My prayers are never answered...” or even “God doesn't care...” I am not aware of thinking these thoughts. If they exist they have become thought patterns or beliefs. So when I post something like this thread, there are those beliefs, and they draw in someone like you, and that is how I could have drawn you to me. It could also be from an intention I set, as I may have said already. I set an intention to master the manifestation teachings. Well this thread helped me become aware that I need to become the teachings more than I need to master them, and the things you have said contributed to me having that realization. I don't know the truth of what is happening here, whether I was drawn to you by you are you were drawn to me by me. It really doesn't matter in the end. I will, as I said, read all you posted and come to realize what you are reflecting back at me, if you are serving as a mirror, or what you are telling me, if you are serving as a teacher. In case its the other way around I just have to be whatever it is I need to be for you, and have set an intention to do so. I could look at the exterior circumstances. I could look at my life experience. If I were to look solely at that, to emphasize and focus on that. I would call you an enemy. I would see you as an enemy. In my perception you would be my enemy, and, I would then make an enemy out of you. I chose to not do that. To look at you as my mirror, as my teacher. To see this exchange as an opportunity to learn and deepen my practice. To ignore the “apparent reality” of your enmity and see the less obvious, possible inner Truth. Ultimately you are God playing a role, and God may need to play this part to show me something or teach me something. Just as I am also God playing a role, showing you something or teaching you something. This then is me applying and putting into practice the very thing I suggested to you. “'Everything happens for a reason. It does not have to have a reason to happen.' So, good, you are getting clearer, that means if people suffer misfortune, it might not be their fault. Why do bad things and situations happen to people? It does not have to have a reason .... a reason can easily relate to a judgement ... like you made preciously ... they must have attracted it to themselves. Actually, by that 'philosophy' you have invited me to do what ever I want to you and with you ... as its all what you wanted and it doesnt even come from your Id / unconscious ... because you dont have one.” This paragraph is a little harder for me to untangle I admit. I will try... My intention is not to try to figure out the why of any “apparent reality.” My practice, my intention, is to look beyond appearances. I could never stop you from doing what you want with me. I can not control you, or force you to change and I have no desire to. My practice is to love and accept you as you are, no matter what you do or say. To be aware and conscious, observing what you present to me. I am not aware of any criticism or judgment I have made. As far as I know I was very clear about when the things I have said were my opinion, or were what I am observing. I would appreciate it if you would use a specific example, taken in context. You are correct. I have no subconscious. There is no part of me I can not consciously access and become aware of. At this time I believe this to be the truth not only for myself, but for all of humanity. "'So the first step is to stop throwing labels on everyone. To stop calling people things like disadvantaged, homeless or poor. To stop comparing people to yourself and other people and trying to define them that way. Such a viewpoint reinforces a victim role. Do you really want to contribute to someone playing a victim role?' Typical Low of attraction BS! You want to hide and mask this ... the suffering in the world. You think it can be cured by giving it another name.” Um... I am pretty sure that by saying, “The first step is to stop throwing labels on everyone...” means to get away from using labels or names in the first place. I agree, giving it another name does not solve the problem. But this is not what I recommended here. What I recommended is to stop labeling and giving names period. To stop emphasizing and focusing on the exterior, the apparent reality or life experience, period. To change how you see these people, your perceptions about them, period. “Should I stop using the word refugee camp, homeless, disposed, diaspora for these people because it makes you feel they are being judged ..... sorry if that offends you ... lets not put a label on them . And heavens no! lets not compare them to myself as having less and suffering more ... because what will that make of me ?” Notice I have deleted your images from my posts. Why did I do that? Am I denying reality? No. The pictures emphasize and focus on the exterior, the “apparent reality” and the “life experiences.” There is no way I can contribute to the solution of happy, healthy people unless I see that in my mind's eye, or use those kinds of picture. Because that is the another possible reality that exists, and if that is the one I want to manifest, that is the one I must emphasize and focus on. Here is a picture taken in India, which as you know contains the people typically referred to as the poorest in the world. I will do more good for those in this apparent reality if I see them like this, than I would if I saw them as the pictures you shared portrayed: I have taken no offense with anything you have said. The only way you can offend me is if I choose to be offended. “No ... they are all in a holiday camp and testing out a new plastic product . Feel better now ?” No, that would not work, because you do not really believe that. You have to believe it first in order for your feelings and thoughts to change regarding the situation. If you are unable to believe that these people can be happy, that these people could actually be out on a holiday camp, some huge spiritual or social gathering, and if how you feel depends on your belief, you will be unable to feel good. You can not get there from there. Only when the belief is genuine will the feelings and thoughts be genuine. You can look at such pictures and see the hopeless apparent reality or you could think about the fact that these people could actually be making the best of their circumstances, their current life experience. That they could actually be a loving community of people, who, in this situation, are in a unique place to know very clearly what they do not want, so they can focus just as cleanly on what they do want. You see poverty in these pictures. I see potential. "'You help to create it by criticizing, comparing, contrasting and judging people, placing them in groups, us VS them, duality, all that stuff.' Utter crap ! I help to create it by turning a blind eye to it, by accepting the injustice, by not going and doing aid work, by sitting here on my fat white arse playing on a computer and wasting money that I could have sent to help give a kid a clean drink of water. And I think that even though I have done done years of work with the sick, elderly homeless and refugees.” Here I detect guilt and possible shame. Perhaps you feel you are not doing enough, or have not done enough? The only reason for you to feel guilt or shame is if you did not do what you were called, compelled or drawn to do. But it sounds like you did. Even if you didn't, there is no time like right now, in this moment, to forgive yourself, love and accept yourself as you are, and then go do whatever you are called, compelled or drawn to do. Addressing the symptoms of this particular disease, which as I said is a societal disease, will not cure the cause. If you give that kid a drink of water, or a hundred kids, you have helped deal with the perceived issue on the level of “apparent reality.” But you have in no way addressed the cause. You have to find the cause of why these children need this water if you want to fix what is appearing as a problem. What is causing that need? When you find that, address it. If you address the cause, the symptom goes away. Better to address the cause of children needing water than giving out glasses of water. Because that, once again, is rowing upstream. That, once again, is resistance. All your doing and effort will never be enough to address the cause. You can not get there from there. There will always be another child needing another glass of water until the cause is addressed. If you put even a fraction of the effort you have put into this thread into finding and addressing the causes, and if you were to get others to address it with you, you will fix, very quickly, this perceived problem. The more of you there are addressing the cause, the quicker the symptom will go away. Merely looking at what you perceive to be a problem, and grabbing other people by the neck and forcing them to see it too, will not fix it. You can not address the apparent reality of homelessness and those you call mentally ill or poor by thinking of that as reality. Neither can you throw effort and money at it. People have tried that for years and the problem has only gotten worse. Because as I have said, throwing effort at it validates it. It enforces it. It perpetuates it. You think of the perceived problem as something that must be attacked, or defended against or fought. You go after it like a soldier goes to war. As long as there as an enemy you will swing your sword. The sword only stops swinging when there are no more enemies, or you have worn yourself out by swinging it around so long. There is a question that must be asked, and that is, “What is causing people to have these undesirable and unwanted life experiences?” Now you are on the right track. You can't fix the problem while you are focused on it. You can only fix the problem while focused on a solution. Part of the solution is finding the cause of the problem, so you can rip it out by its roots, so to speak. Chopping it off at ground level only leaves the roots to sprout new growth. You may also want to get rid of this victim/warrior attitude you have. Like you are some battle scarred veteran who has been out on the battlefield, slaying the enemy, and are feeling guilty and ashamed you have not killed more of your enemies, or saved more of your comrades. “What? Too hard Princess? Then put me on ignore and go back to the fur patting people that support you, they will make you feel a lot better than I will!” I appreciate your offer, but I must refuse. Also I do not require others to behave in certain ways to make me feel better. If my happiness is based on how people treat me it would be very hard to be experience happiness or joy! "'Even if you do not believe that we create our reality, what makes you feel better? To see someone on the street you would call disadvantaged, homeless or poor, and feel sorry for them? Or have pity on them? Or to look at this person and see God in them. See Source in them. See a better life experience for them. Spend a few moments and see them doing some sort of work they love, smiling, happy, getting a paycheck, having a roof over their head, etc.' Why cant I see god in them and acknowledge they are having a hard time and friggin help them ? ! See that old lady struggling to cross the street ... no, dont go and help her, dont call her an old lady and dont say the word 'struggling' ... just visualise her young and healthy and skipping across the road.” This part makes me chuckle every time I read it, You have an excellent sense of humor! I never said you couldn't do exactly that. You can go and help that old lady across the street, and at the same time you can stop seeing her as the label “little old lady” while you go help her. You can also see in your mind's eye this person, this manifestation of God, surrounded by people who love her and care for her, so that she always has someone not only to cross the street with, but to walk with. To visit with her, to listen to her stories. To spend time with her. You can do more than just help her across the street. You can get to know her, you can be there for her, you can visit with her, listen to her stories. If this is what you feel called, compelled or drawn to do. But at the very least you can stop seeing in your mind's eye, stop perceiving this person as some old lady, hunched over, tottering across the street, needing someone (like you perhaps?) in tights and a cape to swoop down and in a great baritone voice, with rippling chest muscles and arms as big as tree trunks, and say, “Can I help you madam?” As you slowly walk her across the street, shoving the cars out of the way as you do. “The rest of your post seems to attempt to justify other subjects with this outlook. And here we get to the gist of why this Law of Attraction BS is so popular with western culture. Its a band-aid for the guilt lurking deep within our social unconscious, a way of dealing with life in the world, where those ;other spiritual beings' are living in shit while we rest on a silk pillow and philosophise (shallowly) about why they might be in that situation.” Well it was not my intention to justify anything. To even say anything that needed to be qualified with a justification. Once again an example, taken in context, would be appreciated. I feel no fear, guilt or shame about those you label as “disadvantaged” or “needy” or “poor” or “mentally ill” or “homeless.” If I feel called, compelled or drawn to help I will. I spend no time, not one moment, visualizing any other person living in shit. Why would I want to see God living in shit? To be honest I spend no time thinking about this subject at all. I also wonder what it has to do with the myth of the subconscious mind... Do you feel fear, guilt or shame about the slaughtering going on in Africa? Or for the people in the Ukraine? Or for American soldiers fighting overseas? Maybe for a few of these, but certainly not all of them. From what I can tell your life experience brought homeless people and refugees into your awarness. You acted on what came into your awarness. But you may not feel bad about American soldeirs dying overseas, for example, because that has not come into your awarness. You may not be a soldier, and probably there are no solderis in your immediate loved ones. If something comes into, or is brought into, my awareness, if I feel called, compelled or drawn to do something, or if it just works out that I can do something, I will. But I will not spend my time and waste my energy inundating myself with visualizations of poor suffering people because somehow, by forcing myself to look upon what others define as “reality”, it will help the situation. You and I both know better. I recall an old black and white photo from the Vietnam war, a naked girl walking down a road. Tell me how printing out something like that, and pasting it on my wall, is going to stop violence and war? Tell me how, in any way, it is going to help the situation? You can't, because you know, whether you admit it or not, that it won't. “Look... imagine all sorts of good things for them... but go and do some work ladling soup or handing out blankets to 'people on the street that may need to be warm tonight' ie. homeless and hungry people. (i hope those two words didnt hurt your ears too much.)” This is exactly my practice. It is not focused on any particular group. Rather I help where I am needed, where I am called, compelled or dawn. Where everything just sort of falls into place. The opportunity is there to help, and I do so. I leave the tights, and any compulsion to wear them, at home. I have not worked in a soup kitchen or given out blankets. I also do not live in a city where such service is needed. So I help out, as needed, right where I am, at this moment. Always remembering as I help someone that they are on their own unique path. They are playing their role. So I do not get caught up in their “apparent reality.” They must follow their path, but there is no need for me to see them in any sort of victim role, or reinforce any victim role they may be presenting to me. They may appear to me as poor, homeless or mentally ill. But I don't have to see them that way. The best thing I can do is envision the best life possible for them, never criticizing or judging their current life or assuming their current life is not already the best one for them. I work with what I observe, and if what I observe seems to me to be undesirable, I can imagine something better. That has more value than any physical effort I take to help them, because that will go to the cause and address it. The physical work will only ever address the symptom. “I am only doing this because you have attracted it remember. Seriously, I just had to check your profile to check your age. Dude... by now you should have got beyond this!” The only person who knows my life path is me. Also age has nothing to do with experience or maturity. As far as getting beyond anything, that would presuppose that whatever it is you feel I should be beyond is not worth me being at right now, in this moment. The inherent flaw in that is I am here in regards to that, right now, in this moment. I am exactly where I should be. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my current location at any level. Even though I might want more desirable circumstances... "How can you find a solution, If you only see the problem? Your seeing is problematic, If you only see the problem."
  19. I found a cool blog!

    Been on Wordpress for some time now, but just found this: https://superaalifragilistic.wordpress.com/ Thought I would share it with you guys.
  20. I found a cool blog!

    OK, make that two cool blogs now: https://fenixxpope.wordpress.com/ This poem ris really speaking to me: https://fenixxpope.wordpress.com/2015/02/12/tell-that-to-my-spirit/
  21. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    You have to manifest money before the female, or else you will be in serious trouble...
  22. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Maybe that's how I get a female to mate with me! Just douse her with the right chemicles... No wait, that sounds bad...
  23. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    I honestly do not know about the connections the poster you are replying to has made. I will say that I speak a language I was never taught. I have no idea what the words mean, but at certain times in my life, usually at what I would call very happy or joyful moments, can speak this strange language, sometimes I sing in it. In my honest opinion we don't need words for thoughts. We would just think in pictures. Words are just symbols for things we encounter or experience in the physical world. Plants have an intellegence, but if they are speaking a language, I sure don't know what it could be!
  24. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    I set an intention earlier today to go through everything you have said. To change my perception of you from an attacker to my teacher. You are a mirror, showing me something I need to be aware of. I will spend the time needed to become aware of it, to learn the lesson I drew you to me to learn. You are here, as far as I am concerned, because I asked for you to be here. I did not ask for you to be here consciously. There was no awareness of my asking. But I did set an intention to master the manifestation teachings, or, as I think I would like to refer to it from now on, to become them. So they are not just some skill set I master and use, but they are a part of me and the way I live my physical life. That is the best form for a teaching to take I think. What point is a teaching if it is not lived? Thank you for being a mirror and a teacher for me. I am setting another intention that if you drew me to you, that I serve as the mirror and teacher you asked for. Because it really is not all about me. It could very well be that you have been brought into my awareness by your own unaware, unconscious asking. Maybe there is something you wanted to learn or understand from me at some level. So I will be for you whatever it is you drew me to you to be. If that is the case, instead of me drawing you. It could even be that we drew each other. That the Universe, seeing a much bigger picture, brought us together to serve some purpose for each other. I will waste no time trying to figure that out. I will set the intention to be what I need to be for you, and I have already set the intention to see what you are reflecting back at me or teaching me. I will ask for guidance and direction on this. Everything happens for a reason. It does not have to have a reason to happen. There is no happening without reason. But all happening doesn't have a reason as a goal. The happening is all, every moment of it happening. We humans find reason in it, or are directed to the reason, or stumble onto it. If we all, all of humanity, co-created this world and our collective as well as individual experiences, then some hand is putting the puzzle pieces into place. The movement of the pieces are the happening. If we are able, with our physical perception, through our filters, see the pieces coming together, that may be the reason. If not the complete and total reason, at least, to us, it is a part of it. I am a human, using physical perception. To my knowledge I am not enlightened. I possess no greater sight then the vast majority of people. But looking at the puzzle pieces coming together in regards to the disadvantaged and poor, here is my opinion. Maybe I am seeing some truth here, maybe not. Maybe it will give you another way of looking at it. The first thing is how we perceive these others. It takes criticism and judgment to point to someone living on the street and say, "He is disadvantaged.” or “He is homeless.” or “He is poor." You apply a label associating his current life experience with who he is. But that man is not disadvantaged, homeless or poor. He is a person, an individual, a point of consciousness or awareness, a part of God playing a role, at this moment having a life experience of being disadvantaged, homeless and poor. His life experience is not who he is, it is the life experience he is having. So the first step is to stop throwing labels on everyone. To stop calling people things like disadvantaged, homeless or poor. To stop comparing people to yourself and other people and trying to define them that way. Such a viewpoint reinforces a victim role. Do you really want to contribute to someone playing a victim role? I believe we are all collectively co-creating our collective and individual reality. If this is true, whether or not you believe it, you help to reinforce this sort of reality. You help to create it by criticizing, comparing, contrasting and judging people, placing them in groups, us VS them, duality, all that stuff. Even if you do not believe that we create our reality, what makes you feel better? To see someone on the street you would call disadvantaged, homeless or poor, and feel sorry for them? Or have pity on them? Or to look at this person and see God in them. See Source in them. See a better life experience for them. Spend a few moments and see them doing some sort of work they love, smiling, happy, getting a paycheck, having a roof over their head, etc. What feels better? To wallow in the problem, the undesired, or to invest a few moments in a possible solution, to think about what is wanted for that person? Do you want them to remain there, on the street, disadvantaged, homeless and poor, in your perception, or would you rather they be off the street, living the life they came here to experience? How do you choose to see these people? The next thing is to realize that this is a societal issue. It must be addressed at the collective, societal level. The system currently in place, sometimes called materialism, is what is causing this to happen. This whole idea, this whole picture, of how a person should live. They should go through some mythical period called childhood. Graduate from high school in another mythical time period called adolescence. Go to college now as something called an adult. Graduate from college and live on their own. Get a house, a job and support yourself and your family. Work until you can't work anymore. Retire. Help raise your grandkids like you raised your children. The cycle perpetuates itself. This system is broken and flawed, it is part of the cause of what you call the disadvantaged, homeless or poor. Ever watch the movie Divergent? Those people you are referring to are more like the ones that didn't fit into the system of four groups, as I recall. They are the ones that don't fit in with the system. In a properly designed system there can be none who do not fit in. A properly designed system starts with throwing out the current system. If the economy collapses, let it. Sometimes things have to be broken before they can be rebuilt. The current system is not worth defending. so throw it out. Now, let people born into this world be lovingly supported instead of programmed. Let them have access to all the material they need, and let them find the life path that speaks to them. In others words, everyone should be following their bliss, doing what they love to do, that which compels them, draws them or speaks to them. Then have a system in place whereby people can support themselves and their families doing what they love. One more issue I see contributing to the problem... Children are not brought into this world consciously. Humans mate, they do not, as a general rule, have spiritual sex. As I have said elsewhere, they mate like rabbits and have children like rabbits. There is sexual repression from humanity's various beliefs systems and religions. Get rid of that, so that people are not ashamed of their bodies and do not feel fear or guilt when having sex. Teach people to relax during sexual intercourse, to take their time, to not rush. Yet also allow them to be free to have sex with whoever it is that is interested in having sex with them. Enable people to be fully aware and conscious during sexual intercourse, and then they can consciously bring life into the world. There will be less children born, and the children born will be far healthier. For more on this read Osho's, "Sex Matters." The final issue is of course religion. But all I can really say about that is that everyone should be able to follow their own spiritual path. That they should be free to choose and should have easy access to all the materials of every religion. There should be a way for everyone to come together, peaceably, and support each other in their various spiritual paths. I can only speak in general of ideals here. I could wander on forever trying to figure out a solution. But those are puzzle pieces beyond my human perception at this moment. The immediate, practical solution for every person you would call disadvantaged, homeless or poor is simple. Empower them. Support them. Help them come together and collectively create a better reality for themselves. Give them the resources they need. They have chosen, at an unconscious level, a level outside of their conscious awareness, to have that life experience. Their beliefs and thinking has placed them right there. Give them the space so they can change. That space is given in love, not in trying to change them. So love and accept them as they are, in the life experience they have at that moment. Help them track down the belief systems and thinking that put them there. Help them change these, and their situation should change. It will not be easy or instantaneous. They may have a lot of internal resistance blocking the manifestation of a better life experience. They may see themselves as worthless, enforced by those, like you, who essentially say that they are by seeing them as disadvantaged, homeless or poor. It is only when they see themselves differently, believe differently about themselves, think differently about themselves and ultimately feel differently about themselves that they can have a different life experience. They can only see themselves differently when you do. You go to one of these "homeless camps" and start talking to people. Find out what they believe about themselves, about their lives, about life in general. Find out what they are thinking. Listen to the things they say to each other. I guarantee you will hear a lot of, "I can't..." “I'm not...” and “I don't...” They don't see themselves as any better, you don't see them as any better, they don't believe they are any better, or can be any better, or can experience any better, and you may believe the same. They don't think they can be any better, they don't feel they can be any better, they don't think or feel that their lives can be any better, or that life can be any better. So for them it is not going t be any better. Only when their perception changes and they can see things differently, only when they have the openness created by love so they can change, will they be able to change. If you care so much for people in those life experiences I have just given you some of the tools you need to help them. You can find the rest of it on your own. If this is a service that compels, draws or speaks to you, run after it! Don't walk or amble along in that general direction, run right to it! Because in doing that joy can find you. In doing that you can contribute to the solution, not the problem. Whether or not you believe that what I have told you is true, it may be just the sort of thing they need to believe to change their situation, and you can be the one to create the space for that change. For the record I do not believe in destiny, fate, karma or sin. I have also never really seen myself as privileged, although I am sure some could step into my life experience and find it more desirable than their own. But from where I stand, here in these physical feet, my life experience is not what I desire, anymore than those others, standing in their physical feet, find their life experience desirable. So when I speak of things it is not from any belief in destiny, fate, karma or sin. It is also not from some position of wealth and privilege. I am an armchair philosopher I suppose, but my chair was purchased used for $1.00 and the arms have huge holes in the material through which the foam underneath is showing. Note that I do not place blame for m life experience. I do not blame society, for example. As far as I am concerned, I created these circumstances for myself, at some level, whether or not I was aware of it or fully conscious of it. If I don't like them it is up to me to change them, which is exactly what I intend to do, and why I am becoming what I call the manifestation teachings.
  25. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Nikolai1 and Yasjua, I really have no words... Just this feeling of appreciation. I appreciate what both of you have said, what you have pointed out, and your support. I think it is time I set an intention to be surrounded by people exactly like you, wherever I end up in the physical world, should I leave home as I intended this summer. People who support you and help you grow, not by critisizng you, but lovingly challenging you. People who support you and are there for you when you need them. As both of you have been for me. I want to be that person for both of you,, those I call friends here at Dao Bums and anyone else I encounter, whether I perceieve them as friends or not. I am filled with so much love and grattitude for you right now, thank you!