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Everything posted by SunLover

  1. I refer to the post listed on some other forum. I recently have heard that the Chinese are going to have a lot to do with the revaluation of the dinar. And that they are also heavily invested in the U.S. dollar. I also know that land has been sold to China within the U.S. and other countries that perhaps should not have been. I have nothing against the great civilization of China. Or against the Chinese people. But I do not want to see the Communist Chinese insinuate themselves into the leadership of this country. And I do see the U.S. as the last battle ground for freedom on this planet. I believe this is where we must make a stand to see that the New World Order does not come to pass and this is where that hope must be held on to. So while I see groups who are fighting for the right things such as a return to a true constitution and the real ideals of liberty and equality for all, I also see that freedom fighters are currently making deals with foreign governments, in order to break the hold of the Bush cabal. But I do not wish to see one cabal replaced by another even more insidious and repressive regime. I will stand up and be counted if that's what it takes to turn the tide. I see no reason to make deals with the devil in order to hold on to what freedom there is left. Some may feel that freedom is a thing of the past here in the states. But I see it differently. I see it lives in the hearts and minds of a people who grew up with this as their creed and their conviction.
  2. Slaves, Wage slaves

    The only job which I am interested in is to be an inter-dimensional hopping, star-trekking, immortal god who has no need of food, water, money, sex, family, marriage, children, wealth, cars and other material shit in life. I am willing to even sacrifice my own life in exchange for godhood. To return to a permanent integration with God rather than to stick around and slave away for my children, wife and parents. Let's face it, even slave-owners are slaves themselves to the Gods. As long as you are a human being, you will always be a slave, regardless of whether you are Obama, Bill Gates or the beggar on the street. In this selfish, greedy world, I will rather be a selfish god than to be an unselfish slave.
  3. I have always tried to compare the differences in theories between different spiritual paths. One thing which i have come to realize is that there is always this highest spiritual figure in any spiritual paths. Christianity has the Creator and his Angels, Saints and Archangels. Taoism has the the Tao/Universe and its three wise ones and lower level creator gods. Buddhist has its Adi Buddhas, the 5 buddhas and the lower level bodhisattvas. The idea of enlightenment and evolution is to reintegrate yourself with the Creator or TheTao/Universe or Adi-Buddha. http://www.theganden...tm_medium=email God-realization is the highest spiritual experience that a person can have. It occurs when he/she realizes continuous oneness with the Supreme Principle of The Creator and the bliss that accompanies this state. When you achieve God Realization, the bliss which you experience, the continous bliss which you will gain upon integration with your God Self will outshine any bliss which you will ever achieve in the material world, You can compare the Happiness and Bliss of God Realization to the Flame of the Sun while any happiness gained from material relationships with your spouse/partner/parents/children/family is comparable to just a small spark generated by flint and tinder. So you can imagine how much more powerful and blissful the Love with God is compared to love with ordinary mortal beings. The question is this though. If the Happiness, the Love and Bliss of God Realization is so much more infinitely powerful and higher than any happiness and bliss gained from material relationships with your spouse/partner/parents/children/family, isn't it a logical and sane choice to throw away any and all relationships with all other mortal beings outside yourself and only engage yourself in a Love Relationship with the God/Buddha/Tao inside you? Isn't it a sane and logicial decision for you to give up your love of small sparks for the Love of the Sun? This is why I think Samsara and the world will end very soon. When every human being encounters such Love, such Bliss when God finally appears on this world after this year, no human being would bother getting married or having children anymore. in fact, upon discover how beautiful, how peaceful, how blissful God is, don't be surprised if everyone starts abandoning their family in pursuit of God Realization.
  4. Material desires is a low state. Spiritual desires is a high state.
  5. To achieve this bliss, first you have to get rid of one's ego. Everyone's ego is the main factor blocking the Permanent God Realization of the bliss. Is it an addiction to be obsessed with Enlightened? If it is, then I will prefer to have an addiction, an obsession with Enlightenment than to have an addiction, an obsession to drugs, sex, alcohol, women, cars, wealth, houses, shares and/or other material wordly things. Of course. Why get addicted and attached to maya and material illusions? If you wanna get addicted and attached, why not get addicted and attached to God? The Buddha and Jesus teach to cut off all your Worldly Addictions/Attachments but they also teach to preserve and grow your own Spiritual Addictions/Attachments to God. How can you say to be Addicted/Attached to God is selfish? Are you saying that I do not have a right to leave Samsara and Material Suffering which all men is addicted and attached to? Hey if the men and women of this world wanna remain like animals attached to their Material Sufferings/Desires, then I don't have an obligation to help them wallow in their sins. You are saying, if a Drug Heroin Addict wanna remains fixated on his drug heroin habits without cutting off his addicitons, then it would be selfish of me to cut off my own drug addictions and leave the Heroin Addict to remain attached/addicted to Heroin on his own. In short, what you are saying is, it is selfish of me to want to evolve and enlighten myself and get myself out of this world of suffering while other people are too lazy and too addicted to their material desires/suffering/happiness to get themselves out of this world of suffering. How crazy is this statement of yours? The majority of the human race do not have the strength to pull themselves out of their own problems so I have to suffer like the rest in order to be unselfish? I have to be as stupid and weak as the rest of humanity so as to be unselfish? Wake up! The only way one can help humanity is not to give money or medicine or whatever! The only way humanity can be helped is to let every single human being suffer so much pain in this world that he or she will be forced to want to achieve Permanent God Realization on his own without any cajoling from anyone. And if humanity doesn't want to evolve themselves, then you take care of your own shit by leaving humanity for good! Why bother sticking around in a race of animals who do not want to transform themselves into Gods!
  6. Gods do not need to eat rice.
  7. Your inner God nature is already enlightened, but if you are still unaware of your inner God nature by not achieveing God Realization, then you are still unenlightened. It is like a budding soccer player with the potential of Maradona/Pele. This soccer player may become like Maradona/Pele but if he doesn't improve himself to his full potential, then he still isn't Maradona/Pele. You think the Buddha give a damn about whether he has a cult or not? He only cares about achieving inner immortality and leaving samsara and cutting himself off from humanity forever. Does he give a damn if he has a cult or not? I think not.
  8. Yang is Male Dominant, You Change Universe Yin is Female Submissive, Universe Change You RIght Leg Yang Left Leg Yin Right Leg over Left Leg Yang over Yin Right Leg Out Left Leg In Yang is Outside Yin is Inside Outside Male Dominant Change Universe Inner Female Submissive to Change
  9. Dearest All, How does it feel to be in Love with the Divine?
  10. When a God/Goddess descend into 3D earth and incarnate as a flesh-and-blood human being, he or she is surrounded by so much forces of darkness that his/her connection to the Divine is completely cut off. In fact, he or she completely forgets and is completely ignorant of the fact that all humans are descended from Higher Dimensional Lifeforms. To return to the Godhead and achieve God Realization and raise himself/herself above the level of common human suffering though birth, marriage, illness, death, man has to abandon everything in this quest for enlightenment., Why do you the Buddha abandon his family? So in essence, Gods/Goddesses descend into this 3D dimension to train their soul to the point that they can overcome the forces of darkness inpeding spiritual progress and enlightenment. It is like running a 20 km marathon with a heavy backpack and 10kg weights strapped to your legs. Gods/Goddesses can only evolve themselves by descending into this 3D dimension and overcome suffering through Enlightenment and transforming themselves back into Gods/Goddesses again. Unfortunately, the forces of darkness on this planet has grown so pervasive and prevalent that a reset needs to be done. The forces of darkness on this planet has become so powerful and pervasive that Earth is no longer a school but more of a prison camp where we humans serve as food supplies to the demons and devils out there.The Kill Switch needs to be hit or the souls living on this planet will lose their connection to God forever.
  11. This is a very good point you are making. I have often asked this question myself. Why would enlightened souls leave the higher dimensions to reincarnate and take human form in the lower dimensions? This is because souls choose to reincarnate on this planet 1) to experience suffering and 2) to transcend the limitations of humanity and human suffering by elevating their human forms back into the Divine/God. As this guy would say.. ENLIGHTENMENT is the goal of human life, for the individual and for the race. Enlightenment is awakening to the presence of God as the One-in-all and All-in-one and then expressing that non-dual realization in every aspect of your existence. Simply put, enlightenment is God-realization, i.e., making God real in the totality of your being. Enlightenment, therefore, is a developmental process, not a one-time event. It is the highest aspect of our human potential for self-directed growth in body, mind, and spirit. That human potential can change the human condition. Enlightenment is not purely psychological. In the course of higher human development, physical changes also occur, most dramatically in the later phases of the enlightenment process. In the final phase, according to various sacred traditions, the body is alchemically changed into light. Enlightenment becomes literally so, through the transubstantiation of flesh, blood, and bone into an immortal body of light. Through a combination of personal effort and divine grace, a person attains a deathless condition through the alchemical transmutation of his or her ordinary fleshly body. This transubstantiated body is called various names in the traditions, such as light body, solar body, diamond body, or resurrection body. I'll expand on that below. If involution is the materialization of Spirit and evolution is the spiritualization of matter, then the end of evolutionfinal enlightenmentis the complete return of matter to Spirit as humans attain full expression of their inherent divinity and become Godmen and Godwomen. It is the conquest of death. It is the return to the condition of "that which never dies and that which was never born." If there is an inner unity or transcendent common core to world religions and sacred traditions, we should expect that the human potential for transubstantiation would be understood by all of them. Indeed, that is just what we find.
  12. Men and desire for power

    The Tao is both male and female, true but it was another higher being, the ultimate being, who created the Tao. In the end, the Tao is a Single Being both male and female or maybe you can say in the end, the Tao is an Asexual Being, Neither Male nor Female. The End of Polarity.
  13. Why settle for the small spark of happiness of marriage to an imperfect mortal human being when you can experience Permanent Love and Happiness and Bliss the size of the Sun by marrying yourself permanently to God who is the most perfect Being in the Universe for He is the Universe Himself? If the monks die Happy and they Ascend to a Higher Place, why make the monks suffer by binding them to the Samsara of Humanity? If you can Love without Suffering by Transforming yourself into God or be part of God again, why wouldn't you do it?
  14. Many humans have achieved God Realization on this planet before. If other people can do it, so can I. If I have to be The Sun to achieve God Realization, then so be it.
  15. Men and desire for power

    I only know A Father God. I do not know a Mother of God. There are many lesser female Gods around but the highest spiritual deity in the Universe is a Male. And no, this is not a fanciful projection, Ask your masters.
  16. Yes when i talk about the Sun, I am talking about the Central Sun in the centre of our Universe. The Source if you want. Yet you are right about the sun dying one day for all things will die. Even your family, parents, spouse, partner and children will die one day. So why cling on to sparks which will die one day when what we should do is to seek permanent union with the Sun (Source)?
  17. There are different levels of Happiness. You can either strive useless for the material external desires in life which will only generate momentary sparks of happiness or you can rise above the level of common men and seek Permanent God Realization which will bring you happiness, love and bliss the size of the Sun. So yes, I am an addict to Happiness but I am an addict to the permanent, ever-lasting happiness. What material thing in your life is ever immortal? All things die in life, All relationships die, All marriages become broken through divorce or death, Children grow up and leave you, You cars break down, Your pets die, Your parents die.. As long as man is trapped in Samsara, He can never find perpetual happiness. Why seek sparks of happiness which are impermanent? If you want Happiness, why not seek Permanent Reunion with the Source of Happiness Himself?
  18. Once you tasted a bit of the Sun, you will never have any desires for sparks again. I tasted a bit of the Sun a year ago, just a bit and even that bit brings me so much more happiness and bliss than any spark of happiness which has ever happened before to me in my life. No sexual orgasms which I ever had before in my life comes even remotely close to the brief moments of God realization which I experienced. As long as I can't achieve permanent God Realization now, I will always be depressed. All I seek now is endless eternal bliss. Yes this is all which I seek.
  19. Please cultivate with the intention that I will achieve God Realization immediately. That is all I beg for nowadays. I don't care about wealth or health or man-woman relationships anymore. My heart has now become so empty whenever I come across material desires or happiness stemming from fulfillment of material desires.
  20. If you have a chance to let your dog be transformed into a human being, but you deny him the chance to do so, then you would be a greater criminal than a murderer of a billion lives.
  21. Let's put it this way. Suppose you have a very beloved cat who is about to die of old age. But a super-duper alien machine comes along which can transform your beloved cat into a young human being of either sex who can not only keep you company for a few more decades but also talk and chat and interact with you like a real human being. However, your beloved cat will rather die than to be dragged into that machine. Will you be behaving like an animal then if you put the clamps and locks on your beloved cat and drag this stupid cat into the super-duper transformation machine so this cat can be transformed into a human being and enjoy the benefits of being a human? If you are a kind and generous master, should you not do your duty of giving your cat the best life it can have, including locking it up and throwing it into the transformation machine if you need to do so? God is ultimately the one who can make us into Him but we also need to do the Work on our part including putting the locks and clamps on the parts of us (referring to individual human beings and humanity as a whole) who are too stubborn to be dragged into the transformation machine so that we as the whole of humanity can be transformed into God and be like Him. A free utopian paradise can only exist if and when every single human being is transformed into God both physically and mentally and spiritually. I.e. a free utopian paradise can only exist if humans stop being humans who eat, drink, have sex, poop and become Gods in reality who do not need to eat, drink, have sex and poop... Gods can drink and eat and have sex if they want to but if you experience continous orgasmic bliss like the Flame of the Sun, what need do you have for the miniscule material sparks of happiness when you know a spark or even billions of sparks together can never compare to the Flame of the Sun?
  22. You all wanna know how the Love with God feels like? Listen to this music and focus on the Love from this Korean Paul Potts when he is belting out this Ballad.Then Imagine the Love from God to be a trillion zillion times infinitely more powerful and blissful than this Love emanating from this singer. You will understand what i mean.
  23. I have already found the someone who is right for me. He is inside me all along yet I have travelled the 7 seas looking for someone else or something else outside of me because I have been brainwashed just like everyone else. I am sad not because of broken relationships. The pain of broken relationships is nowhere as sad as finding out you have lived a life of Lies, you have wasted all your time and energies on Lies all your life. Whoever said you need anyone else outside of yourself to live a complete and happy life, No married man or woman with children I have ever met is happy not unless he or she has achieved God Realization. But then when you have achieved God Realization, what do you need a spouse or children for? This is the real trick of the dark forces. To hide away from the true source of Happiness and Bliss right inside yourself by brainwashing all of us that the only true path to Happiness lie in fake BS concepts like Twin Flames and Soul Mates. Why do you think Hollywood and all the media companies of every country in the world spend so much time and energies on making love movies? And not one single movie has been made about a man or woman findling complete happiness because he or she abandon everything in his life in search of God? Because the governments of this world want to distract us from God Realization!
  24. God is inside of all of us, true, but there are forces of darkness which pervade this planet which prevent us from God Realization unless we spend lots of efforts, time and energies in doing so. However, from the time we were born, every one of us in every country and every culture on this planet has been taught to chase happiness outside us. To look for happiness in wealth, career and especially marriages, man-woman relationships and having children. None of these external things, which all of us know by now, will ever bring as as much Unlimited Happiness and Bliss as God Realization. This is why the enlightened sages of ancient greece and china and india retreated from the material world. This is also why such sages refuse all offers of political power, wealth and women from emperors and kings looking to hire such sages as advisors. Of course, these enlightened sages will reject everything of the material world. When you have experienced the Unlimited Happiness and Bliss from God Realization, When you have experience Love and Happiness and Bliss the size of the Sun, how can any small spark, any mortal woman or man or child give you the same amount of Love and Happiness and Bliss which God gives you? The governments and elites of this world wanted this Divine Truth to be shut down. Because they know that the world's population would stop making love and giving birth to future slave children if everyone is focussed on God Realization. Cos the next step after inner God Realization will be outer God Realization. To be both a God in the physical sense - Superman, Immortals, whatever you call them. To deny man, any man, the prospect of God Realization is the biggest sin of all. It is a bigger evil than killing your own parent or your spouse or children, If a murder kills millions and billions of human beings, the murderer's sins will still not be as great as the man or woman who dares to hide the prospect of God Realization from any human being. To Hide God from any Human Being, this is the Biggest Sin of all.
  25. The Sun is shining everyday. How can any small sparks be so arrogant that they dare to claim they light up the path to the Sun?