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Everything posted by SunLover

  1. Nothing is as fearsome as an Angry and Hungry God of Death.
  2. Why do you think Dinosaurs became extinct? Because they fail to rise above their animal instincts of killing, eating and breeding. Pretty soon, all tigers and lions and other predatory animals who fail to rise above their animal instincts of self-survival, killing, eating and breeding will go the way of the Dinosaurs. Complete Extinction.
  3. As far as I am concerned, when humanity do Ascend to the next Dimension after 21st Dec 2012.. tigers and lions and other animals whose only purpose in existence is nothing more than hunting and killing and breeding and providing for their young will be completely wiped off the face of existence.. this include men whose evolutionary level is so low that they can't think beyond breeding and killing for their family.. After Ascension, there is only one purpose for all of Existence.. Evolution.. Any animal who still remained trapped in the lower samsaric cycles of breeding and killing others will be wiped off from the face of existence forever and no amount of time traveling into the past will ever change their fate..
  4. Humanity will face the Armageddon Judgement of God soon. The Show will Commence on 21st Dec 2012. Mark my words well.
  5. "Earth is Glorious". But humanity is far from being glorious. You love life and all the pleasures that can be found within the nature of the universe. Do you love life as one of the billions of farm animals then who has suffered untold amount of physical and mental torture just to serve as meat and food for humanity? Would you still enjoy life if you are a cow or pig who has your testicles pulled out or if you are a chicken being stuck in tiny coop with ten other chickens with no room to even flap your wings? Imagine being stuck in a tiny prison cell with ten other inmates with no means to get rid of your bodily waste and this would be the life of most chickens on earth. Would you still enjoy life if you know you and others of your kind will die with a knife slit across your neck and your life-blood bubbling out of your neck wound till you will cease to exist no longer? The only truly "lost souls" on this planet are those who refuse to acknowledge the hell of suffering and pain which they are in thus they would continue to delude themselves in this game of make-belief of marriage, work, kids with the hidden hope that some savior would come and change them and make things better. But unfortunately things will never get better. Earth will only become more and more of an hell-hole from now on until Total Armageddon happens and the "lost souls" on this earth begin to get it that their life on earth is nothing but hell. Then these "lost soul" may have a chance to realize that earth is nothing more than a prison hell for humanity and humanity is meant to break free of this prison hell hole of an earth for good.
  6. WARNING! A strange person has just joined your forums!

    If you still have any desire to be with any female, regardless of how strange that female is, in the end, you are still not strange enough. In the end, you are still an ordinary man like every other man on the streets.
  7. Individuality is Good for a Genius trying to evolve himself above a race of Idiots. Individuality is Bad for an Idiot trying to devolve himself from a Genius into an Idiot. So are all Individualities Equal? Obviously not. Individuality is extremely useful in the hands of an Evolved Genius as the Individuality of a Genius can Evolve an entire race of living beings. But Individuality is extremely dangerous in the hands of a Devolved Idiot. whose Idiotic Individuality can Destroy and Devolve an entire race of living beings. So you wanna earn your individuality? Work on yourself to become an Evolved Genius first and then maybe the Gods will reward you with your own Individuality.
  8. Geniuses are those who abhor the typical mass-media and government indoctrinated definition of human existence. Geniuses are those who know that humanity has a potential far far greater than just enjoying life through eating, shitting, having sex and slaving like an animal. Geniuses are those who see the masses as the ones who truly have mental disorders and delusions in ignoring their god-given potential to transform themselves into a much higher race of beings and instead limit themselves to a pathetic existence no different than that of farm animals. What are idiots? Idiots are those who disagree with how Geniuses think. Period.
  9. The most dangerous person is the idiot with the evolved compassion but without the corresponding wisdom of the head to put the compassion to good use. Compassion is good but not all the time. Sometimes cruelty is a better teacher than compassion in teaching idiots who refuse to evolve themselves into enlightened, evolved geniuses. Both pain and kindness has its place in teaching humanity the lessons of the universe. I know for my pain caused by the cruelty of others has taught me more than kindness by others ever had. What's the dharma lesson again? To offer your other cheek to your enemy who slapped you?
  10. I rather have grandiose delusions than to have the pathetic lowly delusions held by most people which is that humans are nothing more than human farm animals whose sole purpose in life are to work like slaves, eat like pigs and breed and shit like dogs.
  11. Democracy will always fail on a planet where there are both the angels/buddhas and devils/demons co-existing together. This is because the angels/buddhas are not interested in wealth and power and material desires but the devils/demons are only interested in wealth and power and material desires. In the end, the devils/demons will take over the planet while the angels/buddhas get to be the slaves. Just look at the rich and powerful today. How many devils/demons are there who are running the heads of countries and corporations? Just look at the monks and nuns of this world. How many mons and nuns have to live a life of poverty while trying to remove themselves from the material life of marriage and jobs and bills and children? Look at how much suffering and sin which exists in this filthy world right now. For angels/buddhas to co-exist together with demons/devils, there must be a celestial imperial totalitarian monarchy just like the heavens above us. The Tao is the head of the universe, followed by the three pure ones and then the jade emperor. Below the jade emperor lie lesser divinities and lesser gods. The demons/devils lie at the very bottom of the celestial hierachy. As above so below. If the same amount of freedoms and free will is given to the demons/devils of this world and in the universe as well, such demons and devils will seek to invade heaven and upusrp the rightful celestial authority of the Tao, Three Pure Ones.and the Jade Emperor. Therefore the celestial mandate must and will be given for the angels/buddhas/guardians of this world to remove all freedoms and free will from the devils/devils of this world and in this universe.
  12. There many ways to tear off a mask besides physically. No human will need to use physical force. The masks will come off all by themselves.
  13. Even when dealing out justice, the Punisher has a very severe code of ethics which he stick to. In the same line, angels and buddhas when dealing out justice, should have a very severe and strict code of punishments which they should stick to. Demons and devils are used to dealing out pain and abuse for the sake of causing pain and abuse. But angels and buddhas should be higher than these demons/devils and dish out pain and punishment mindfully without the minds being totally lost to anger. I think that any demon and devil in this world, if they want to be safe and sound, they should peacefully submit their will to the rightful celestial authority of the angels and buddhas. As long as demons and devils submit their wills and lay down their weapons, no angel or buddha would take advantage of their surrender and abuse them. This would be extremely dishonourable and any angel or buddha who fall to the level of the devil and demons would be dealt with accordingly.
  14. If i weren't given power, then you shouldn't worry that I am given protection now, would you? Of course you are very welcome to test me to see how much power and protection I have?
  15. The higher self of the dark brotherhood are those demons and devils who have chosen to reincarnate here on earth as humans. See what happens is that in the dimensions above us, there are both angels/buddhas in the highest dimensions and demons/devils who belong to the lower dimensions. Ragamor say that earth is a trial, a filter to the higher realms and he is right in a way. Many of the monks and nuns of this world were angelic and buddhic warriors in the higher realms who got too used to fighting and killing scores of demons and devils who seek to invade heaven. God created earth as a testing and training ground to see if these angel warriors and buddha guardians can use love as a way of overcoming their enemies. However, this testing and training ground has now proved to be a miserable failure in my eyes. There is no way one can deal with demons and devils except to use extreme violence. To deal with animals, one must use the way of the animals. Can one teach a dog to eat using a fork and spoon? Of course not because the dog is an animal who will never possess the intelligence of a human being! Same theory with demons and devils. Demons and devils will never want to transform themselves into pure angels and buddhas because demons and devils do not have the innate goodness in them to purify themselves of their own sins! This is why hardly any demons and devils wanna erase their material desires and get out of samsara immediately! This is why I say that it is time for the angels and buddhas of this world to stop believing in the fantasy that one can use peace and love to overcome demons and devils. No animal would willingly transform itself into a human unless you put the clamps and locks on these animals and drag them into the transformation machine for their own good!
  16. You have already expressed many of my points. It is time for the ones on the right path who want to become enlightened to have invulnerability and laser eyes just like how the angels up above us possess the powers of invulnerability and martial power to cut down all demons and devils seeking to invade heaven. Pretty soon, those who are evil will have their human faces torn off and be shown to the world and universe for the devils and demons which they are. I can be patient but just for another few more years. After my patience breaks, anything and everything goes. God is Bliss.
  17. If you think the demons and devils are just negative and not being evil, if evil and good don't exist for you, then you should have no problems as well with angels and buddhas being negative against the demons and devils too. I rather become enlightened and evil than to be good and unenlightened.
  18. The angels will be the ones who decide to remove all their material desires and achieve permanent God Realization to the highest degree in their body, mind and soul. The demons and devils will be the ones who are too stubborn to let go of their material desires and their attachments to samsara. It is that simple. Only those who have removed all their material desires and achieve permanent God Realization will have the power to decide who are the angels and who are the devils. For the past few thousand years, the demons and devils of this planet have enslaved the masses of this planet. What's even worse, when the angels and buddhas decide to sacrifice themselves by incarnating as a human being on this planet to teach the masses how to rise above common human suffering, the masses are foolish enough to be used by the demonic rulers of this planet to turn against spiritual teachers. Look at how the Vatican destroyed the Essenes and Jesus Christ. Look at how the Chinese destroyed their own Taoism spiritual guides and the Tibetan Buddhists. Look at how the Hindus destroyed Buddhism in India. All over the world, the demons and devils have obtained the power to rule this planet simply because the angels and buddhas are too kind. They believe in fighting evil with love and choosing peace over war. Well the angels and buddhas are wrong. It is time for the angels and buddhas to become warriors and destroy the demons and devils for the evil they all are. In the dimensions above us, what we have is a celestial monarchy. Where the Creator rules as the top honcho of the universe, the Tao and the three pure ones His immediate subordinates and various archangels and buddhas who served as the Creator's generals. The demons and devils were relegated to the lower dimensions and any demon or devil who seek to invade heaven would be destroyed by the angelic and buddhic guardians. It is time for such angelic and buddhic guardians to become warriors here on earth as well by destroying the demons and devils of this planet. Love and Peace are only weapons which can go so far but when the weapons of Love and Peace prove useless, then the weapons of Courage and Justice will be unsheathed. There are much worse problems than the human race being wiped out. If the wrong spiritual decisions are taken by the leadership of this planet, the entire divinity of the universe might be corrupted and I will do anything and everything to prevent the corruption and filth of this planet from leaking out into the universe and corrupting everything,
  19. If that's the case, since you think I do not have the power, then I do not have to worry about others hunting me down and taking away any ability, do I?
  20. In Japan, Ancient Japan, they have this system where the samurai warriors have to fulfill their responsibilities of serving as soldiers and warriors to their Damiyo. In return the Damiyo, has the responsibility of making sure their soldiers, warriors and even the lowest peasants are well-fed and looked after. It is dishonourable for any samurai or even peasant to betray their Damiyo and the Damiyo has the divine right to cut the head off any traitor who dare to betray their Lord. It is also dishonourable for the Damiyo to abuse any samurai or peasant by taking away the basic neccessities of life or to abuse any samurai or peasant without just reasons. I may advocate taking away the freedoms and free will of the devils/demons on this planet but at the very least, I don't advocate treating such devils/demons like slaves. I will give them the basic neccessities of life, house, car, food. No demon or devil has to suffer like animals like how they have made the angels/buddhas of this world suffer like animals but I will be damned if I let any devil or demon have the power to run the show again. God may be very merciful and kind but God also has his dark and evil side as well. No demon or devil can ever compare to the cruelty and evil of God if God will unleash his anger upon the world. I suggest the humans on this planet think very carefully about how God is in charge of all of our lives and how we need to obey God and put all our trust and faith in God like how the samurais of Ancient Japan obey their Damiyo and putting all their faith and trust in their Damiyo. Amitabha.
  21. Your world view is the world view of a demon and it is very common for demons to call angels "devils". I will rather be a monster fighting in the service of God than to be a devil/demon indulging in material desires. Angels/Buddhas can be bigger monsters than any devil/demon in the whole of existence because they are fighting in the service of God. The actions and thoughts of every human being affect the energetic field of planet earth as a whole. If more than 80% of the world's population for eg express the wish not to return to God, then the higher divine authorities will not open the gates to the Kingdom of God and humanity will never experience God Realization as a race. All of us influence humanity to one extent or another, even babies influence humanity to a degree or another. First of all, let get this straight. Whatever we have in life, our intelligence, our free will, our property, our wives/husbands, our children, our cars, our houses and property, our countries, our world do not belong to us ever. They belong to the higher dimensional divinities and gods who used their own innate spiritual power to create this world of illusion for us. As such, if the higher divinities and gods wish to take away anything from us including our free will and freedoms, these divinities and gods have a right to do so. Are you going to fight with God or curse God just because God is going to take anything away from you? Then you will be a bigger demon/devil than I thought. Any human on this planet is very welcome to hunt me down and take away my ability. Hell, they can take away my life if they want and I will be sure to thank them for it. I will thank them by making their lives hell and making sure they will suffer endless reincarnations as insects, pigs and all manner of filthy animals who live in the cess-pit without ever experiencing the opportunity to experience God Realization again. Do you think that I have not been given power as well? I can be a bigger, much bigger monster than any demon/devil on this planet and I have no hesitation in becoming the biggest monster in the whole of existence because I know that I am serving God in all my actions. My loyalty and allegiance is NOT to the human race. My loyalty and allegiance is to the God himself and my only purpose in life is to let humaity experience permanent God Realization as a whole and to break humanity free of Samsara once and for all. Any demon or devil who is foolish enough to want to stop me is very welcome to do so. They will know how much more terrible God can be if God wants to be more evil than Satan himself.
  22. The only authority whom I will obey are the actual highest Buddha or highest Taoist divinities aka Gods themselves. I don't submit myself to any human being unless they provide humanity with immediate power and techniques to transform the entire human race into Gods at once. As far as I am concerned, the only human beings who are worthy of being the leaders of the human race are the hermits on the mountain who want nothing to do with samsara ever. I am already a vegetarian. Whenever I look at women, I look at them with dispassion. The only authority whom I will obey are the right, proper, divine and virtous Godly authorities who can give me the key out of samsara at once. And I am talking about authorities who are Gods and not actual human beings. As I said before, no human being, especially any human being who is married and have children, is fit enough to be my leader or the leader of the human race. Am I sure this is what I want? Absolutely. Any religion which is authoritarian for the right reasons aka stamping out materialism is the right religion. Any religion whose religious leaders engage in material desires while forbidding its followers to do so is the wrong religion. As I said before, no human being is fit enough to be the leaders of this planet. Leadership of this planet must be filled by multi-dimensional gods or at least by humans who have the power and will and motivation to transform the whole of humanity into Gods at once. The kind of religion which you talked about where the priests get stinking rich while the followers work as slaves is no different from the slave-owner and slaves of a corporation and those kind of material organizations are the complete opposite of what I am looking for.
  23. I know I am not a devil because I wish to totally eliminate all my material desires so that I will get out of Samsara and leave the filthy human race for good. Even devils and demons can transform into angels and buddhas if they wholeheartedly express the desire to remove all their material desires and express the wish to abandon Samsara forever.
  24. In any form of human government which has existed on this world since the dawn of mankind, there has always been corrupted individuals who are only out to gain everything for themselves at the expense of others. In the monarchies of the past, the various ministers of state or lords/ladies of the land have always plotted against the King and Emperor because they do not want just one man to grab all the power for himself. In democracies it is even worse. The devils/demons created corporations and businesses which became so rich, powerful and pervasive that these corporations manage to control the government. The US has always claimed to be the bastion of freedom but at whose expense? So far, I have yet to see any other country in the world who has wrecked so much damage upon this planet and cause hardships in numerous third world countries because of the american's desires for material goods. Untold number of citizens living in third world countries have had their lives ruined because the americans wanted to tap the natural resources of these third world countries to feed the neverending hunger for more material goods. The so-called freedom of the US is in reality nothing more than the freedom to destroy and corrupt planet earth and humanity which is why the demons and devils of this world do not want their freedoms to be destroyed and culled. Humanity is not mature enough to handle complete freedoms especially when they are now gaining more and more access to spiritual powers which might not only destroy themselves but the world as well. So this is why a return to a celestial monarchy must be put in place where only the most evolved and enlighted person on this planet without any material desires at all will rule as king and emperor. This way, the entire human race will transform into Super Gods in less than a twinkling of an eye with no demons/devils to obstruct humanity's ascension. The demons and devils of this world know they do not have the purity of being to handle the energies of purity which exist in the higher realms so they will do anything and everything to prevent humanity's ascension. This is the very reason why the demons and devils of this world must be locked up and culled like the animals which they are.