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Everything posted by SunLover

  1. I think that we need to get something straight. If you are a spiritual man seeking to end samsara and the cycle of rebirth and death, then don't get yourself in a relationship. Don't get yourself in further karmic shit by binding your soul to another idiot's soul. If however you are a spiritual man seeking to enjoy the material benefits which spirituality brings you, by all means continue looking for a woman. It all depends on what you want. Me, I don't care about anything in this world.. no I don't care about this world anymore.. I just want to leave this world asap and never be reborn again as part of this stupid human race again for eternity.. because humanity is too attached to the material to see the truth of this universe.
  2. Yes you are right in all accounts. Very few men and practically no women I know are interested in ending rebirth. Most just go into spirituality because they want powers to get a better man or become more beautiful and all that material shit. This is why the media industry is so evil. They are literally brainwashing the masses away from enlightenment. Why do you think the media industry is so focused on making love movies? Because they want to brainwash men and especially women into the trap of looking for the ever elusive "happiness" of finding the right one. But the "happiness" of finding the right one is right inside us! When you find God inside you, you will realize that no man or woman will ever give you the same amount of happiness again.
  3. Then pie guy, i think you have not been searching hard enough or meditating deep enough, If one is sincere enough or desperate enough to want to cut off all his ties to samsara and the material world, then the billions and zillions of gods and deities out there in the universe will appear in front of you when you are meditating and teach you how to break free from samsara. There is no use searching outwards when you don't search inwards. The master is inside you. All you need to do is to meditate deep and hard enough and you don't even need to be rich, Plenty of monasteries in asia for you to become a monk. You have to achieve the right realization during this lifetime to prevent future lives. I suggest you search further.
  4. Nikolai, another powerful post. Thank you for replying. To those men who find that they are unable to attract a mate of similar interests, let me reveal another story. I was once a PUA who picked up girls off the streets. I wasn't particularly rich so I had to rely on my charm. Wasn't too successful like those gurus out there but didn't fare too badly either. Yeah I played the dating games, seduced and screwed. But all along, I had to pretend to be another person. I had to pretend to be one of those guys who are after marriage, career, kids and all other "normal" material things in life. And I wasn't happy. I seriously wasn't happy pretending to be someone I was not. I wasn't interested in marriage, kids or even a well-paying corporate career. I wasn't even really interested in the sex itself. Yeah there is the physical addiction and all that but after the sexual act was done, I felt really drained and empty. And no it is not because I was fcuking the wrong woman or that shit. I fcuked some pretty hot babes and I still feel empty. I felt as though I wasn't meant to live in this world doing all these mundane things. I mean I was doing all these PUA shit because it made me part of society. Society has devolved to the point that people looked at you with weird eyes if you aren't married, have a career, kids, home by your mid-thirties, So I was like in a race against time to find the perfect woman. Problem, I didn't find her and maybe she has never existed in the first place. I mean which woman you know ever talked about leaving samsara and all material desires and attachments behind? Which woman do you know realizes that being a mother and wife, the "duty" of all women everywhere, is the exact same thing which is preventing women from breaking free out of the samsara of rebirth and death? How do you expect a bird to break out of his cage and be free if the same bird refuses to step out of the cage? My message to all spiritual men out there who can't find a mate is this. Don't bother looking. You will never find a woman who is looking to break free from the samsara of rebirth and death and if you do find a woman who is looking to break free from samsara, then what the hell is she doing by getting involved in a relationship with you? It is a catch 22 situation, you see? All spiritual men have to make peace with themselves and realize that it is not the spiritual men themselves who are undesirable or left on the shelves when women decide to forego the spiritual men in search of rich powerful men. Because it is the exact materialistic nature of women to search for and get married to rich powerful men as such men can easily provide for such women and their material desires/attachments! But you mustn't forget both women and rich powerful men need each other to fulfill each other's material desires and this is exactly Samsara in action at its best! So it is not that spiritual men are undesirable. It is that spiritual men in search of enlightenment and freedom from samsara do not belong to this world and this world, humanity and especially human women are not fit enough to be mates to spiritual men. All women in this world are too attached to the material which will bring about the downfall of spiritual men if such spiritual men are foolish enough to let these material women bind them in another round of birth and death.
  5. But are women and men for that matter on the spiritual path because they wanna remove themselves from samsara or are they on the spiritual path because they want more wealth, health, better relationships, etc? There are a lot of people in this world who are into spirituality because they want to use their spiritual powers to get more money, better relationships, better health, etc. And I can understand why people will want to get more in order to ease their suffering. But the ultimate goal of our existence is to evolve above our current state of existence and the purpose of our suffering is meant to teach us that we live in a world of delusion maya and we should wake up. What's the use of running away from your suffering when you refuse to learn the lessons which your suffering is trying to teach you?
  6. I know what you are talking about. I have been to these centres and temples TOO many times so I know the culture like the back of my hand. The women at these centres and temples only hope to get merit from helping out as volunteers and do not really wish to evolve themselves by meditating on the nature of samsara and why they are really suffering. In other words, these women helpers are trying to run away from the lessons which their suffering might teach them.
  7. Grandmaster, I understand now why you seem to understand me better than others. Yes, I have been to many mediums as well throughout asia and trust me, I know the medium "industry" as well as anyone on this board. If you can understand chinese, send me a PM and I will send you a few youtube links which started me off on the search for spiritual truth. Anyway back to the topic. Have you ever talked to these women working in the temples and mediumship platforms and asked them what their life is like? Most if not all of these women are working in the temples and mediumship platforms because they are really praying for the Gods inhabiting these mediums to help them with the suffering. And I have seen some of these helpers abused by a few of the less evolved gods possessing these mediums. Not physically of course but verbally. But you don't understand some of the psychological pressures which some these helpers have. Some of the less evolved "gods" have really bad tempers and one has to wonder how enlightened these bad-tempered "gods" are. Of course most mediums are good people but there are a few fcukers out there. Male and female.
  8. Grandmaster, this is a great post from you and please let relate another story regarding women in temples/churches. Yes, there are more women helping out in temples and churches. But it is never because women are spiritual. I am to say the sad honest truth now. You find more women in temples and churches not because they are pious but because they want the Gods to help them with their suffering. I have been to many asian temples in many asian countries all over asia and one thing I have always seen is lots of old woman praying to the Gods for help with their children, husband, health, money, etc. And you know, these old women and lots of middle-aged and young women praying for love and a good marriage as well, they are so sincere and pious in asking the Gods for help in removing their suffering. Little did the women know that it is the souls of the women who chose these lifepaths of suffering so that they will wake up from being chained to the cycle of material desires and attachments for so many lifetimes. I really pity women nowadays but there is no way I can help them. Women have to experience enough pain and suffering that they will wake up from Samsara on their own.
  9. I do not want to get a life. What is getting a life? Getting a good job, dating the dream woman, driving the fast car, living in the penthouse, dining in the fancy restaurants.. You call this a life? While your spiritual senses and ability to interact with the higher dimensions are dumbed down and blinded by the demons and devils in this world? What do I enjoy now? The only thing which I will enjoy is cutting myself off from Samsara and Humanity for good. Love someone? I can't love any other human being anymore because I know how deluded most human beings are with their material attachments and desires. There is no way simply no way I can love any human woman now. My heart is gone.
  10. It was actually the souls of the women who wanted suffering. The egos of women want to escape all forms of suffering because the egos do not want the women to wake up to the nature of samsara.
  11. I guess I am not the only one who makes the observation that more men are looking for freedom than women.
  12. The more you realize you are suffering, the more you search for answers. Most women do not realize they are suffering because of their material desires and attachment, this is why they do not have the motivation to search for freedom from samsara. Men are more egocentric in the sense that they are more unwillingly to sacrifice their own enlightenment for the sake of others, I agree with you. But this same egocentricity also leads men to the search for the thing which frees them from the trap of samsara. If you watched the movie samsara, you understand that women also have the desire to search for freedom from samsara but they just can't bear to leave their child. In other words, this compassion for their own children lead to the tragic fate of most mothers on this planet. Most mothers fail to break free of samsara in this life-time because of compassion for their children. This statement might sound harsh but I say the truth for what it is.
  13. Women do not have to become spiritual leaders in order to become nuns. The Dalai Lama is just covering up the fact that mothers will find it much more difficult to leave samsara in this lifetime so they might as well spend this life-time practicing more compassion so they might have a chance to break free of samsara in the next life.
  14. Nikolai, I have to heartily disagree with you. There is no way for the material to be united with the spiritual. The goal of all spiritual paths is to leave samsara by achieving nirvana. By evolving ourselves into Buddhas and Gods in other words. If a woman is too stubborn to leave all her material desires and attachments, then such a woman will find it impossible to leave samsara and ascend to become a Goddess. Compassion w/o wisdom is just as dangerous and evil as wisdom w/o compassion. If you know a tiger will hurt and kill a lot of people, is it compassion to let the tiger live while it feeds on lambs?
  15. Gerard, I do not know what happened in this forum over the past year or so but it seems that the level of intelligence on this forum is going back to where it was in the past 3 years ago. Yin more rooted to Earth. Yang is the sky. No wonder there are more male priests and monks seeking to leave humanity and samsara than women. I am beginning to understand more. I know a few who compare yin to evil and yang to good. Can it be said that it is the women of this world who lead the men astray? Can we say then that women are the ones who tempt to do evil? For if man has no sexual desires, what need does he has to kill and hunt for his family as well as perform other evil deeds?
  16. There are no innocent humans on this planet. Even a human child who eats meat is a murderer.
  17. Normals Just Don't Care...

    Well Gerard, you finally say something noteworthy.
  18. Normals Just Don't Care...

    I think you must understand one thing about the human race. ALL of us are different and if you find yourself in a groove where you can't talk with anybody, then don't talk. Don't socialize. I believe that there's are orders of monks in Europe or Russia where the monks practice this spiritual discipline of not talking forever. Osho has a retreat where spiritual practitioners do not talk. Why do you think this is so? Talking socializing waste energy and time and you stand to gain nothing by wasting your time and energy with the mundane people. By the way, wanting to be entertained is one of the pitfalls awaiting a spiritual practitioner.
  19. Normals Just Don't Care...

    Let me give you a bit of advice. The West is the last place for any spiritual man to find a compatible mate. Not that the East is much better either. Since you think a lot of women are simply more impressed with red-blooded, beer-guzzling, meat-lovin' sports fanatics, I can more or less guess where you are from and those regions have one of the least and I do mean least open-minded and spiritually aware people on this planet. Education and Indoctrination are powerful tools to control a human's mind and the West might claim to be the champion of freedom and all that shit but I find the brainwashing indoctrination by western media companies to be just as sickening and disgusting as any communist country. All in all, forget about finding a mate. Seriously, avoid all opportunities and chances and even thoughts of finding a mate if you truly wanna break free from samsara.
  20. Nor is the dragon going to lie down with the lion. Dragons eat everything including tigers for breakfast and lions for lunch. Dragons usually skip dinner because they don't believe in going to bed with a full stomach. That's just the way Death is.
  21. I think the FBI would be more interested in you and your psychotic hallucination that I am a Tibetan Tulku Monk. Do you have anything against the Tibetans btw? FBI officers are always interested in chasing after race criminals and any arrests would improve their performance records.
  22. The UK and Europe shouldn't suffer as bad as the States if any SHTF. Anyone who reads the Confessions of the Economic Hitman and studies the teachings of Karma will understand why.
  23. Once there was a king who is well-loved by his people. Then a poisoned well appeared out of nowhere and it cause madness in everyone who drinks from the well. Everyone began acting in really crazy, barbaric and sinful ways with the exception of the King who refused to drink from a poisoned well of madness. The King's people then turned on the King and cursed him for not drinking from the poisoned well. But regardless of how lonesome a figure the King appears in the face of the prevalent madness, the King still shows off his Middle Finger to his people whenever they cursed him for not falling down to the level of the deluded masses.
  24. When tigers and lions get hit with a huge ass meteor, they would be reincarnated in the next life-time as prey and those whom they preyed on will be reincarnated as tigers and lions who would be destined to consume the former tigers and lions in this life-time. This is thus known as samsara.