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Posts posted by GrandmasterP

  1. This will be our first season in this new to us seaside garden.

    The cottage is 200+ years old and we've some ancient fruit trees.

    Lots of bulbs coming up already and huge drifts of snowdrops already opened but I haven't mowed yet.

    Mrs GMP has grand ( and expensive) landscaping plans.

    I'm on board with her plans just so long as it doesn't involve me in heavy lifting.

    We're that age now when getting someone in to do the donkey work is a viable option.

    • Like 3

  2. No way... :blink:


    ...I really enjoyed that movie.. :blush:


    The opening shots in the movie are chapter and verse the first three paragraphs in my story.

    Pragmatically though I would be unlikely to get anything as the magazine publisher who bought my story would claim rights.

    I can't remember ( never knew) whether or not publication implied they owned 'world' rights or not.

    Back in the day it was a real result to get anything accepted for publication and be paid for it.

    The £80 I got for that yarn was serious money to me at the time.

    Hey ho.


    • Like 2

  3. Who would be prosecuted and how for breaking this anti-reincarnation law?

    I have visions of Chinese detectives staking out maternity wards and shouting ....

    "Book him Danno-Chan!".....

    as soon as a baby pops out.

    They'd have to manufacture tiny handcuffs but, that said; the Chinese are good at making stuff.



    • Like 3

  4. Monsoon Wedding ( the India based movie by some dude who made a mint).

    Monsoon Wedding ( the India based magazine short story by "GMP" using my pen name and published four years before the movie was released).

    Did I get one red cent?

    Take a wild guess.


    • Like 2

  5. Hi Rara.

    Being self employed you work for a very hard boss.

    Thing is buddy what would you do if you stopped?

    The lows are low but in your line of work the highs must be incredible.

    Might you not miss those?

    I was dreaming of retiring and stopping work.

    More time for me and more time for cultivation.

    Fact is, so far; I'm bored off my bits a lot of the time.

    Don't miss work but do miss workmates, my students and the 'crack'.

    Think before you jump my friend and all good wishes to you whatever you decide to do.

    • Like 1

  6. Hahaha...I bet this is only skimming the surface of legendary stories. I want to hear more!


    That's all I ever took drugs wise but some of the cabbies were drugged up to the eyeballs on uppers.

    You had to work long hours to make serious money.

    I only drove on evenings and weekends.

    Our taxi base was on Streatham Hill in London just up the road from Brixton and friends said I was mad to be driving a cab round Brixton at night.


  7. I read somewhere that..


    "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


    There's ambiguity for you.

    If we take 'substance' and 'evidence of' that implies factual non illusory.

    Whereas taking those other factors...

    'Things hoped for' and 'things not seen'

    That implies ( to me) the illusory- intangible.


    Not sure that answers your OP question though.
