
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. How is Taoism Relative to Bums?

    There's a good book to be had from your writings Shanlung. You should publish.
  2. How is Taoism Relative to Bums?

    A rhinocerous hiding behind a rosebush.
  3. Be done with knowledge

    This 'compassion' of yours Aaron. Is that manifested to all or only a favoured few such as me and others you do not see eye to eye with? Choosing to read TTC as Xtians might read their Bible is a valid choice for any reader so disposed. The TTC, like the Tao, that it partially and conditionally reflects; abides unchanged. Expositon in relation to TTC is contradistinct to validity. As it's first line both warns and gently reminds us. With deep respect, you do not have twenty years of TTC experience Aaron. You have one year, twenty times over; my friend. Cultivate silently whilst smiling inwardly that more may yet become apparent.
  4. Be done with knowledge

    You have passion and conviction Aaron. Those are essential attributes for effective teaching. One has no desire for opinions posted to seem in any way more worthy than others. Accepting posts as they are rather than 'should' be; then all, surely; have equal merit.
  5. A Month in China

    Fair comment we didn't go everywhere. Also on the plus side I have read that some places have refused the state subsidies and thereby controls and are paying their own way in order to be able to retain a greater degree of independence.
  6. Falun Dafa thread - open discussion...

    We managed two years in Westcliffe [southend with a posh accent]. They didn't bury the dead there just propped them up in bus shelters. That Falun Gong woman was several fries short of a happy meal. Free QiGong classes for the masses and totally lost it when we explained that to open up, pay for the lighting and heating plus the caretaker's wages for being on site during her sessions we had to charge her a small rent for the room as we do for everyone [£15 an hour it was then]. She went from pleasant to psycho faster than prunes through a short grandmother. Not the happiest of ambassadors for the Falun Dafa.
  7. Be done with knowledge

    Once you succeed in securing work that reflects and rewards your effort and intelligence then the anger will subside Aaron. It all part of the journey and you are qualifed to take the opportunities others less fortunate cannot once those opportunities present. I wish you well and trust that shall be soon. Cretinism and the moronic are karmic. All have their place and no one is 'better' or 'worse' than anyone else. Things and people are just as they are. You and I included.
  8. Nei gong induced psychosis! Please help.

    Health Professional visit as soon as possible. Speak to someone medically qualified and follow their advice. All will be well.
  9. Be done with knowledge

    Yes I think you are right. I made that point more with the younger posters in mind. Wouldn't want any of them going away with the idea that Taoism condones erse sitting bone idleness or excuses ignorance and indolence. Very busy and quite often materially successful folk are Taoists. Even our hermits tend to work for their living.
  10. Qi ghost/clone

    We can do embryos but ghosts or clones....... If you find out how to make a clone Lindelani...please do tell. A clone would be most useful as long as it did what it was told to do. We've a lot of potatoes still to lift. Clone could start on those. Lawn mowing. Ironing.... yep we could keep a clone pretty busy round here. ;-)
  11. Be done with knowledge

    Trouble is in the west we have this Xtian hangover of conflating selfishness with sinfulness. No such issues East of Suez.
  12. Men and desire for power

    And they mock.
  13. Chap at one of the festivals over summer maintained that all AWs recordings were available online. Not looked too hard but there looks to be a lot of links. There were lecture cassettes for sale quite cheaply years ago so it would be surprising if some of those hadn't found their way into the public domain.
  14. How is Taoism Relative to Bums?

    What is it that looks like a rose, smells like a rose and eats grass?
  15. Favourite Buddhist Books

    Test Ah that's better. No line. What is that?
  16. Favourite Buddhist Books

    Begging the Q 'How do you know then?' Tariki (Western Pure Land) Centre Buddhist House is five minutes away from us. They and we are pure veg. I supply them with potatoes from my allotment. We get to talking and I've sat in a time or two with 'em. Nice people. Why has this text got a line through it yet again?
  17. Favourite Buddhist Books

    Not your cup of green tea then old chum. Each to their own. I'm not a Buddhist of any persuasion so won't take sides on Pure Land v. The World. Pure Land's a lot cheaper cultivation money-wise than Tibetan though. Next to no kit to buy and you can do it in the comfort of your own home, no need to fork out large sums for residentials, transmissions, initiations and such money spinners. That said some of the Tibetans wannabes (usually single men) just love buying kit. We've a New Kadampa place not far from us (good café). The prices they charge for merchandise and courses is outrageous.
  18. A Month in China Useful article here, bit old but still interesting.
  19. To not impose your will

    Dogmatic! Pontificating!! On a Forum!!! Now there's something one never expected to either see, hear or read. Most everywhere else on the internet forums are demi-paradises or reason and measured discourse tempered with charm and politesse. (Aren't they?).
  20. Be done with knowledge

    Or monasticism / communal living of some description and most western Taoists have more sense than to go down those repressive routes.
  21. Be done with knowledge

    Well first get your degree, a decent job with choices and a good income. Then be done with knowledge, once you can afford that choice. The alternative is a minimum wage job working alongside morons for cretins or living out in the woods with the bears.
  22. How is Taoism Relative to Bums?

    Einstein I think it was did that 'profound truth' riff. TTC is chock full of words about nothing. Golden Flower's the same and that's fuller of riddles than a news-stand puzzle annual. Why 'progress' WWR? Where from? Where to? Why? (It's all Tao so whither linearity-illusions).
  23. Freedom of thought

    Very difficult to cultivate the esoteric side on ones own. Tricky too. There be dragons out there.
  24. Any Alan Watts Fans Here?

    HTH It's all on there if you look.
  25. How is Taoism Relative to Bums?

    The opposite of a profound truth Is another equally profound truth Or some tanks, supported by air-strike cover. Nothing wrong with Idiots. I'd have a lot less to do each day at work without them and life would be much duller. Fine old tradition of the 'holy fool' in Western literature.