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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Religion

    Well the odds for that are about 25,000 to 1. Must have been meant to happen. Spooky.... Numerology is good fun, especially when it involves codes and conspiracies, we should maybe run with something about it. For example here's one I saw earlier.... "Forthcoming volumes of Secrets of the Lotus Sutra will be made available here as .... the source code of Life hidden below the cognitive level of mortal existence...... " and so on for yaerds and yaerds. Incredible stuff, all bollocks but nevertheless, incredibly amusing.
  2. You said that brother. I find it amazing just how thoughtless and messy some people can be. We go out now and again into ther adjoining park if the fire alarm goes off usually it's just a fire drill. Everyone asembles in the park then the all clear goes and we all troop back in. Maybe 1,500 people out on the grass sometimes. The total mess that is left behind after just 15 or 20 minutes is dreadful and takes the carettakers an age to clear up. It's no use asking folk not to drop lite or to pick it up. They just do not think ot do not care. It is very disheartening because it is a nice park.
  3. Freedom of thought

    Disliking tomatoes is akin to disliking cats. Heresy!! Were I to be emperor you could well be taken out and shot. Think yourself lucky I am not..
  4. It mans without laws 'anarchy' but certainly not without 'standing orders'. Too many rules and regulations with anarchy for my taste. All the European anarchist groups split and split again because of disagreements over how things should be done. They used to have a magazine here called Black Flag but the publishers couldn't agree on content eventually, so it folded. Ran for a good few years though and was a good read when they deigned to post the copies out to subscribers.
  5. Cultivating in natural surroundings, to me; is always better cultivation than sets worked indoors. Even if it's just our own garden, to be out there with trees and plants just adds so much. My old teacher was a big believer in waterfalls. Cultivate by one of those and you'll know why.
  6. Freedom of thought

    Those cheese and tomato sandwiches and the cake were delicious. That's a conditional-truth statement. I know someone who does not like cheese, hence subectively; to her, my sandwiches would have been quite unpalatable. HTH
  7. Pure Land Buddhism Caroline Brazier who heads Tariki Trust wrote this one. Quite useful as it takes a western perspective. Caroline's ex-husband David is head of the Amida PL movement.
  8. Go for it Sinan. The guy who wrote this book did. What's to stop you?
  9. Where is Indiana Jones when we need him most?
  10. Freedom of thought

    Spot on kaazuo.
  11. Freedom of thought

    Snadwiches are like sandwiches but with added snad.
  12. Religion

    Have you ever notice how the tantrists and kundalini merchants tend to the spotty ones who often find it hard to get girlfriends? Same with the devout alchemists in Taoism. Total loners most of em. Just an observation but based on long experience.
  13. Freedom of thought

    Nah. 'Cake' is the operant conditioner above, not Tao. I have cake here in my snap bag at work. Mrs. GrandmasterPs special fruit cake, and very nice it will be too Shall be enjoying it with my tea (cheese and home grown tomato snadwiches) at 5pm. No God here though. One or two senior managers who think they are God maybe, but they aren't. There aint one.
  14. Freedom of thought

    I reckon that's Xtianity there et mate, not Tao. You can't really have 'God's Tao' without a God. Once you have a 'God' there you aint got Tao right then, the minute you say 'Look, there is my God' or 'People who believe in our God follow these commandmants' or other such religious baggage. Bit like wanting to have your cake and eat it or saying Jesus was a Taoist... He wasn't, ever. More than likely he was a Buddhist/Essene but never a Taoist. Might have sounded like one, same as we can ascribe Xtian-God aspects onto Tao... we can do whatever we want. Even though it makes absolutely no sense to do so.
  15. Manifesting Wealth

    We're pretty well off but only through both of us being born lucky enough to have enjoyed a good education and thereby a well paying career. That big lottery win would be nice though. Not a need by any means but definitely a felt want. Those can be tricky but one has plans for the money. If it comes - it comes.. if not... then I'll just carry on chanting.
  16. No problem at all. Every succes with your cultivation. As far as the other stuff, maybe try an external form too to work out some of those jing isues. Find a dojo that also does Tai Chi and/or QiGong and you'll get to meet lots of laydees too. A Win Win situation.
  17. Emperor is at the top and does sod all. Everybody can have a go at civil service exams. Only the very best pass the exam. They then administer. What's not to like? The brightest run the country using minimum interventions. OK women can't take the exams and slaves get a bit of a rough deal but I know loads of women stuck in jobs who would give their eye teeth to be able to be kept in luxurious indolence. As far as slavery is concerned any poor sod working a dead end job for minimum wage is no better than a slave I'm all for elites running the place.
  18. Freedom of thought

    Now if you can 'look at others as they are' then you have a phenomenally lucrative career in Human Resources ahead of you et. Very few can see 'themselves' with any degree of lucidity, let alone anyone else.
  19. Pure Land Buddhism HTH Nembutsu is a popular Taoist praxis, it isn't just the PL Buddhists who follow it. It is perhaps the most widely participated liturgical ritual taking place in Taoist temples on a daily basis. Guan Shi Yin tends to be the focus of choicer in taoism. She's an aspect of Amitabu for those who choose her to be so and the Goddess of Compassion, easy childbearing and/or good fortune to others. Whichever way you look at it chanting nembutsu whilst holding incense and then making offerings is very popular. HTH
  20. Nostalgia aint what it used to be I know but, ups and downs aside; China under the emperors lasted for a heck of a long time. Democracy is a nice idea but the problem is everybody gets to vote so you tend to end up with elected politicians who reflect the folk who put them into office. I.e. Avaricious imbeciles.
  21. Freedom of thought

    Cultivation is always a journey, never a destination. Watch out for those well advertised 'perfect way to live' hostelries along the route. They are traps to ensnare the unwary. Many of them are called 'religions'.
  22. Religion

    If Taoism is 'the answer' Moon,what is the question please? ;-)
  23. Manifesting Wealth

    Good topic Manifesting Wealth. If anyone has any workable ideas about how to do that besides owning a successful business or working ones butt off for a salary do tell. I have been chanting for a big lottery win for years. So far... Nada. If it carries on much longer I'll have to buy a ticket.