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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Scottish Independence

    Ours do OK. The cat's the boss though.
  2. Petitionary prayer - we all do it!

    "Desires that are strong enough will eventually manifest, whether we Imagine it to be through God's doing or our own." If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
  3. 1st Noble Truth

    No disrespect but that 'A Contemporary Definition' isn't a definition at all, it's a list .
  4. ...Wait...

    Puppy Olive ( 17 weeks old) here is learning to sit and wait. Thing is, and we know not from where as the other two don't do it. She taps your 'treat' hand with her right paw. If I swap the treat into the other hand behind my back she knows and taps the correct hand with the treat in.
  5. paying it forward

  6. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    The daughter of one of the original Moody Blues runs a cafe in the village near us. We always have a cake stop there when we're out that way on the bikes. Tons of MB memorabilia on the walls and such. Good cake too.
  7. What causes the "flatline" effect during abstinence

    There's a 'semen retention circle'? How does that work? Is it like a sewing circle but with less handiwork involved? Might there be a club house or social venue for get togethers? Gotta know. I'm thinking how newbies would introduce themselves to the regulars.... " Hi my name's Bob and I am not a wanker."
  8. To enjoy.
  9. 1st Noble Truth

    This pizza is a bit salty = Unsatisfactoriness. Biliary Colic =. Suffering for two examples. If the Buddhists wish to call petty quibbles 'suffering' then fair play to them. Me... Nah.
  10. 1st Noble Truth

    Suffering is one thing. Unsatisfactoriness is another. I know which I'd choose if I had to have one or the other.. (Not suffering) Was that translation another example of Christian-background translators reverse engineering contemporary or preferred 'meaning' into an ancient language I wonder? Christianity in some of its facets is very big on suffering. We can't know for sure what the Buddha taught, it's all interpretations and re-readings down the centuriess so each will tend towards her or his preferred interpretation. I prefer 'unsatisfactoriness'.
  11. That's a lot of money to pay out. If it works then presumably it was money well spent but what if it doesn't work?
  12. In memory of a friend

    RIP Eric and all good wishes to you Silent Answers.
  13. what is a real beer and what is illusion?

    Beer makes you drunk. You don't buy beer, you only rent it.
  14. Butterfly Of The Day

    No problemo. Those are lovely images. Looking forward to 007.
  15. Archbishop of Canterbury 'doubts God exists'

    I'd much prefer meeting character A than bumping into character B out on the common. Water bottle or no water bottle. People shouting at the sky in public places are generally best avoided.
  16. Mooiji - Anthony Paul Moo-Young

    Yep Mooji is on Sarlos... Under M. Last one in left hand column.. He's down as an... " Unrated Non Dualist"
  17. Start a Dream School here?

    “People who talk about their dreams are actually trying to tell you things about themselves they’d never admit in normal conversation.” ( Chuck Klosterman).
  18. Mooiji - Anthony Paul Moo-Young

    Sarlo's Guru Ratings has been around for years. The ratings are based on customer feedback and , as such; serve the same purpose as do reviews on Amazon. You need to know how to factor out the obvious 'Guru PR' super excellent comments along with the ' honeymoon over, angry sorts'. Somewhere in the middle is about 'how good' the rated guru is. Guru-ing is a profession, Gurus make their living by it and as such, being a service industry; gurus can be, and are; 'rated'.
  19. 1st Noble Truth

    Thought so... It could as easily be rendered 'unsatisfactoriness' .... Which has different connotations to 'suffering'. Still and all, if people want 'suffering' then suffering they shall have. I prefer.... "Life can such that every now and again you're gonna be a bit pissed off." Live with that fact and be satisfied with what you've got. Job jobbed. Instant Nirvana.
  20. 1st Noble Truth

    Is it " Suffering"? I seem to recall reading that "Suffering" is a disputed translation of the original word. Will have a looksee.
  21. Butterfly Of The Day

    Names would be good if you can do those MH? Cracking thread.
  22. Many life experiences...

    Yep. It's a journey and no mistake. There are some good companions to be met along the way though.
  23. Scottish Independence

    Turkeys don't vote for Christmas and lots of English retirees opt for Scotland as they get free prescriptions and old age care . We have to pay for those in England. Had Salmond won I suspect those perks would have disappeared as English taxes currently subsidise them. That would have ended.
  24. Scottish Independence

    Just seen the stats in today's Times. Only ' Greater Glasgow' had a small Yes majority. Everywhere else throughout Scotland was solidly No. Huge No majority in The Isles and amongst the 65+ age group.
  25. Archbishop of Canterbury 'doubts God exists'

    Certainly within the Church of England someone could find a path to suit them. It is just so broad. 'Oil' Welby the Archbish plays the Jesus Prayer for example and that is Nembutsu plain and simple. There's ritual for ritualists who like bells, smells and dressing up. Hesychasm and an orthodox tradition for those who enjoy beards and bass baritone. There's the Community of Solitude for those inclined to Hermitting All sorts