tao stillness

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Everything posted by tao stillness

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Good to hear something about the meditations on Volume 5. I have posted in years past how I think those 90 second meditations get the least amount of comments on this thread. They were always one of my favorites because I am partial to chi kung methods that are quick and easy but also very effective. Eric Isen, medical clairvoyant, once gave a detailed report about what he saw each of those movements doing from Volume 5 just by knowing the name of each one of them. It was very impressive and encouraging to learn what they will do. This might be a good time for me to dig out that volume and relearn them.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Walmart sells dvds for as low as $24.95, less than the price of a qigong dvd.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have deleted my original post because the medical clairvoyant, Eric Isen, tonight sent me new information about the Coronavirus. I will post it verbatim as I consider it as quite a gift: "Bupleurum Chinenese herb is the most effective PREVENTION AND CURE for the Coronavirus. Dragon Herbs in Santa Monica, California is owned by a renowned master herbalist who states that Bupleurum should be combined with certain other herbs in order to get rid of the toxins that this herb will release." I have used Bupleurum from Dragon Herbs several years ago but I cannot recall the reason why. I am guessing because I think it had something to do with improving meditation or producing Qi. I offer this recommendation as a public service to our qigong community and people will use their own discernment to decide whether they want to follow up on this, believe it or dismiss it. That is as it should be. But I could not keep this potential life saving information to myself. The correct standard formula is called Minor Bupleurum. Xiao Chai Hu Tang. It contains the rest of the herbs to get rid of the toxins. The supply of these herbs is obviously from China so that means this formula will run out in the USA and will not be resupplied. Dragon Herbs company is already sold out.
  4. Potent Systems

    All I know is that I tried Falun Gong for 3 months 10 years ago and dropped it as it took too long. Since I now have more time I took it up again last month for about 3 weeks. All I know is that for several years I have had lower back pain after lifting anything even a bit heavy such as 25 lbs. But soon after this recent go round with Falun Gong that slight pain disappeared even though I have been lifting a 33 lbs baby for awhile now. 100 million Chinese were not going to do Falun Gong unless it really did heal people that they knew and then themselves when they tried it. I dropped it again recently because the postures are not enjoyable at all. It is meant to make you endure hardship with the thinking that suffering changes bad karma to good karma. Just one of Master Li's concepts that I disagree with. But it does result in rapid and unexpected physical healings. The emphasis is that the practitioner should focus on uplifting his moral character in order to get full spiritual benefits because modern Chinese do not have very high morals according to Li Hongzhi. Instead, they are striving to get ahead of others on the job and are jealous of the success of others and are preoccupied with materialistic achievements. He does not even want the practitioner to read any other qigong books as all other qigong methods are to be considered to be low quality and only good for physical healing but will not advance you spiritually. Falun Gong is mainly for achieving enlightenment. Since it is all taught for free, including all of the teaching videos and texts are online, it is not a money making organization.
  5. Potent Systems

    Thank you for the short version which I now use for the 5th exercise even though at some point, perhaps in 2014 when the online Falun video narration was revised, Master Li Hongzhi wants cultivators to do the meditation section for about an hour.
  6. Potent Systems

    Good stuff you posted Éclair. I indeed have tried Kip's sound music over the past several years. Eric tested Kip's work and he told me that Kip does indeed have a gift. Kip told me that his sound music would give me the same deep meditation experience that I have had with TM meditation or else he would refund my money. I tried some of his albums and felt nothing from them so he did refund my money. I have a friend who this summer tried Kip's music and he had great experiences from those sounds. However, a few days ago I had a full session with Eric Isen who described the new energy coming from the avatar Amma-Bhagavan. It is beyond any of his previous deekshas. They now offer one day courses where they have this special light that you look at and it makes necessary changes to the brain where people then experience their daily life differently. Eric said that just one of those sessions produced more growth for him than all of the previous 15 years of traveling to India for Oneness courses did. He said the effects from this new course do not fade. They are permanent. I hope to try one in the future. Bhagavan works directly on each course participant even though he is not present physically, but he is there. This is beyond the ability of any guru to perform. It sounds similar to how Falun Dafa Master Li Hongzhi is able to work on everyone practicing Falun Dafa. Eric the other day did check to see if I had a Falun wheel already installed in my lower dan tian since I restarted Falun Dafa a few weeks ago. He said I definitely do have one there that he saw and he also saw that it was already working on a minor health issue that recently cropped up. I would say that Falun Dafa is not an enjoyable qigong method to do because it involves doing tapas by holding the static postures for long periods. But it is the only method that results in a person practicing qigong 24/7 even though they are not doing the practice itself that long at all. Because it is not enjoyable I am not sure how long I will continue with it. 12 years ago I only lasted 3 months with it.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Whimsy was my first impression but I just wanted clarification, thanks.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    "Lord of the manor", "his lordship". The reason for referring to Sifu Dunn that way? Is that being facetious? Or is that meant to be whimsical? I don't really know how it was meant since it might imply lack of respect and resentment. Just wondering.
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I know what you mean. I have some of his sitting meds and I have not even bothered to learn them because there is just too many unknowns with his purely demo videos probably created just for the students he taught in person as reminders of the forms. I am not sure what the Golden Flying Phoenix series is however. I have his seated ones from the San Gong series. I think that is the name of them. Or San Yee Gong perhaps.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have said this before, it seems to me to be impossible for one man, such as Doo Wai, to have memorized all of those forms from his family lineage. I just do not believe it is humanly possible to do that considering that he also had to memorize a different breathing pattern for each form. And there are levels upon levels of his tradition. And that is just for the chi kung forms. He also mastered Kung Fu. It would be interesting to ask him directly how he accomplished such a feat considering that he was not raised in a temple. I never strive for perfection when I learn any chi kung form. I strive for doing it to the best of my ability. I think the pressure of learning anything perfectly would actually choke the flow of chi, messing up the Yi.
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That is how early qigong was learned when there was no teacher around. The books had drawings of figures and then later photos. I think that serves the purpose of memory but only after the formed is learned correctly, and once it is learned correctly there is no need for pictures. I recall my friend and I in 1979 learning tai chi from a book with photos. When we eventually showed up for a few free tai chi lessons with a live teacher we really embarrassed ourselves when he asked us to show him the form. He was kind enough not to laugh. He just said, "let me show you what tai chi is supposed to look like." Watching him do the form was like seeing a blade of grass swaying in the wind. Whereas my friend and I looked like mechanical robots. The flow of the movements can never be learned from still shot photos. The best way I learned Flying Phoenix was to just stay with one form doing it along with the dvd until it was memorized. I had the breathing patterns written on a sheet of paper and they were eventually memorized after so many repetitions of doing the form along with the dvd. Then after doing the form solo for a week I would go back and do it along with the dvd to correct any small deviations. My guess is that some people just want to learn so many of the FP forms too quickly so they can get to the next dvd and this would make it difficult to memorize what needs to be remembered. But those people blessed with something close to a photographic visual memory are the quick learners and the lucky ones.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Kindness and benevolence. Frankness and friendliness are qualities of the basis of the Universe and that means they go a long way to cultivate our Qi. I think there are nicer ways to express our perceptions of a man who has devoted so much of his life sharing such an ancient and potent healing method during this darkest of ages, Kali Yuga. It takes goodness to recognize goodness. A true spiritual warrior exists to stamp out evil. I would not throw out the baby with the bath water.
  13. The Mahāsiddha Field - My first novel

    To Dwai, I look forward to someday reading your novel. There are not enough spiritual novels. My experience when the siddhis worked for me is that the experiences I had would sound like pure fiction to those who have not tasted the flavors of the siddhis. But such a beautiful title you chose for your book. I am sure the pages contain wisdom in addition to entertaining reading.
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    When I was 25 years old and in the first year of my career I worked alongside a 71 year old child psychiatrist. I figured that at her age she must by now know a thing or two about people. Plus, when I drove to work every day I had to pass by the New Hampshire state psychiatric hospital and I noticed the the children's portion of the state hospital was named after my co-worker. One of the first women to become a child psychiatrist in the U.S. So one day in 1973 she wanted to pass on some sagely advice. She took a drag on her cigarette and said, "young man, if you want to get along with people remember these three things: don't talk religion, don't talk politics, and don't tell anyone who you are sleeping with." Now that I am 71 years old and have had my share of interacting with people I find that Dr. Anna Philbrook's advice still rings true.
  15. The Mahāsiddha Field - My first novel

    That must be quite a labor of love to actually complete a book. No small task, I am told. I just wondered from the title if you have been initiated by an enlightened yogic master from a lineage of siddhas? Because from my direct experience, it would be almost impossible to write about the siddhis without actually having had that unique totally spiritual experience when Patanjali's yoga sutras actually do work. As I wrote elsewhere in the past somewhere on Daobums that there has been a vital correct teaching missing in all editions of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras books, such as the most well known, "How to Know God." Fortunately, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1970's created the Transcendental Meditation Siddhis program that included the missing piece of correct instructions. The difference between experiencing direct and immediate temporary states of enlightenment vs. spinning your wheels wondering what you are supposed to experiencing or how long will it take to feel something. The method when taught correctly works the first time you practice it and when in that state of higher consciousness you absolutely know that this is the first time you have ever been in your normal state of mind/Being. You know this not from intellectual knowing, but just from Being it. Nothing compares to this. So that is quite a title, Maha Siddha. Greatest Power.
  16. Sereda's Quantum Communication doc

    On October 31, 2019 I had my trusted medical clairvoyant that I have used for the past 22 years test David Sereda's Pineal Gland download frequencies. The test results showed that it would have some effect on my Pineal gland for very short term. But if used for a long period it could have harmful effects to my Pineal gland and brain. He said David is trying to do something that the human mind cannot do. He is not a charlatan but what he claims to be doing cannot be done except perhaps from a Being from a Higher plane or by an act of Divine Grace or maybe from an enlightened master. I was warned to avoid products from David Sereda.
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thank you for that reply Sifu Terry but you have left my head spinning thinking of GM Doo Wai's encyclopedic mind. I contrast his visual memory to mine which is stunted due to being born with a short term visual memory learning disorder. So it is always a struggle to learn the more detailed qigong forms such as FP volume 4, the long form. So you and GM Doo Wai continue to amaze me. Seems like an Olympic level accomplishment. Especially compared to my visual memory which has been tested to be less effective than the visual memory of a 9 year old child. I am sure that someone will eventually have Eric test those forms that you have posted. Your FP series and every advanced Doo Wai form that I have had Eric test always comes back as extraordinary high level with spiritual and physical healing results from a type of Qi that has an innate intelligence to go where it is in needed for each individual. At times Eric has described the Qi from Doo Wai systems as consisting of Divine Intelligence energy having a gold color to it and at other times he has seen my brain enveloped in white cloud of energy that was blessing me by healing my brain. Nothing mundane about Doo Wai stuff.
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    My comments on those 2 Doo Wai videos for health posted above. Wow, I would need an almost photographic memory to remember all of those movements. Really advanced level stuff, especially compared to the easier ones from Flying Phoenix Chi Kung series. That makes me always wonder how is it possible that Grandmaster Doo Wai was able to memorize the hundreds of meditations that he has taught? Is that really humanly possible, or does this mean he had a photographic memory? I am sure that some of his students have asked him how he was able to accomplish this feat and I am curious how he answered this. Hundreds of separate postures that he managed to remember into old age?
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    My answer to Randy about yin and yang is that Sifu Terry has suggested we do not think of Flying Phoenix system in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM is based on Taoist concepts such as found in Tao Te Ching and the I Ching where balance of yin and yang is the focus. FP does not operate along those same schematics. I am sure that Sifu Terry will elucidate on this. This is a good question that almost everyone wonders about and like most questions, it has been answered in the extensive and long lasting zen-bear thread started by Fu Dog several years ago.
  20. Potent Systems

    Some people see Spring Forest as a very good method for beginners. Others see it as a very good method for anyone. Personally, I would not know. I did practice it for 8 years.
  21. Potent Systems

    To Rideforever, I have to disagree from personal experience and experiences of others I know plus the teachings of my masters that Awakening does not come from energy. My direct experiences of Awakening, samadhi, cosmic consciousness, all came directly from energy methods such as The T.M. Siddhi program, The Kam Yuen Method, Peter Hess Sound Massage method. The common modality in all of them was that each method caused the Kundalini to rise and reach the upper chakras, heart and head locations. Awakening is nothing other than kundalini reaching the upper chakras and staying there. It is from that state that I experienced my true Self, which for everyone of us is Pure Consciousness, or Sat Chit Ananda as some call it. It is spontaneous. I also forgot to mention the samadhi experiences from Keith Perry's Awesome Water which is water treated to have a certain vibrational energy that effects the chakras.
  22. Potent Systems

    To Bruce, that is a valid question you have asked. The answer is that I have been involved with the 2 most potent forms of energy, Transcendental Meditation and The Oneness Deeksha of the Avatar Sri Amma-Bhagavan. T.M. surprisingly entirely stopped working for me after about 40 yrs. Oneness Deedksha never worked for me after trying it for at least 12 years. As for Chunyi Lin, I learned Spring Forest Qigong from him in person and did it for 8 years but never had a healing session from him. To answer why I still beat a dead horse with qigong, it is because I enjoy the movements even though I have to settle for typical superficial Qi sensations just in the hands.
  23. Question about Falun Dafa / Falun Gong

    The Falun Qigong postures are held as long as possible which makes a typical session usually last 90 minutes. When I did it just for 3 months I was up to holding a posture for 20 minutes and could have held it longer but have other things to do in life. Fortunately, with Wu Wei, it is suggested that a posture is held just 5 minutes. So I think the form could be done in 45 minutes. There is no need to sit in lotus.
  24. Potent Systems

    Éclair, you have suggested some very good qigong methods. I have tried various energy healers who thought their method could release whatever energy blocks I might have. They all were unsuccessful. But I have appreciated your suggestions.
  25. Jun Yu Xian and his philosophy

    Feathered friend I think you can find a lifetime of the materials you seek on YouTube. But you might be better off starting with some kind of teacher to help guide you through unfamiliar territory.