tao stillness

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Everything posted by tao stillness

  1. Secrecy

    In terms of Secrecy and erasing personal history from Carlos Casteneda teachings I now view this from the teachings of the Oneness movement avatar, Sri Amma Bhagavan. He states that when one reaches a certain level of Awakening, your ego is pushed to the side and you are no longer the sum total of your experiences and past associations that the mind filters everything from. Instead, you are now just consciousness without the ego. From my own experience with this I would say one has to have been in this state of no ego in order to understand what this means. We cannot erase our personal history by some mental method or try to do it. Happens on its own as a result of being in a state of higher consciousness. Things like this are explained in detail each Sunday during the question and answer session from Eric Isen on Livestream.
  2. Flying Phoenix or Blossoms in the Spring?

    I just saw a post above from 2019 asking if there is an initiation involved with Pangu Shengong that makes it work. The Michael Winn version first of all is done incorrectly at one point. Secondly, there is an energy transmission that is done when you first learn the method and is needed for the form to be effective. It is done via a CD and one time only. I would not waste my time doing Pangu unless it was learned via their DVD and CD. It cannot be learned from a book because of the energy transmission. I think it's irresponsible for anyone to take someone else's qigong method, alter it in some way and omit a vital piece of it and then teach others the method.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You have some interesting experiences from FP and as Earl Grey has shared with you, those are your unique experiences and all experiences from doing FP can vary from person to person. Some experiences might be shared by others and other experiences just might be unique to yourself. What you are experiencing from FP is what you are experiencing from FP. I don't think there is any right or wrong. If you are having any kind of experiences from FP then FP is certainly providing you very tangible experiences. So I guess I am wondering why you are asking if other people have had experiences similar to yours?

    The teacher of SYG is probably very busy.

    If anyone had the inner light show that H.Uriahr claims that he had from Sunn Yee Gong he would still be using the method. So I say his testimony is probably B.S.
  6. The Real Shargung La Monastery at Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon

    I always have enjoyed metaphysical novels trying to be passed off as true events. That is how I would read the book of Jon Piniel. I would order it for pure enjoyment. Metaphysical sci-fi. The oldest recordings of true spiritual methods are found in the Vedas of India. They were not created by man. They were cognized by enlightened seers/rishis at each new creation of the Earth when the atmosphere is most pure. --- paraphrased from the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
  7. Interview with the Spiritual Teacher Jon Peniel

    I think I read somewhere recently that John the Baptist per Edgar Cayce symbolized the opening of the third eye and that is what the Baptism originally was about. And Cayce said the third eye is connected to the pineal gland I believe. So the John Piniel in the Cayce reading to me sounds like he is referring to John the Baptist. The opening of the Pineal gland and hence the third eye to see the Light is what the baptism was about. So Pineal and Baptism could have been used to mean one and the same in the Cayce readings. I don't know who this Johnny Come Lately, Jon Piniel really was. Please pardon the pun.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The above rebuttals by Earl Grey have been validated by the gifted medical clairvoyant, Eric Isen, who has tested several different styles of qigong for many people on this blog and thus he has tested Flying Phoenix for a lot of people. The results have been exactly as Earl Grey described, verbatim. Eric has seen literally, that Qi has a self-directed intelligent energy that knows where to go in the body and what to work on. And he said that all qigong heals in layers. Thus if tested the first time the qigong might be seen working in one area of the body, but when tested again in a few months the same qigong could be seen working on something else. Also, just as Earl Grey has described, the qigong reacts differently to different people due to the condition of the individual nervous systems, the energy blocks, stress, inherent sensitivity, or lack thereof, to subtle energies. And Sifu Terry also stated on this thread that the karma of an individual also plays a part in how the qigong works. Eric has advised that people stay with the same qigong method for a long time so that they can gain the healing effect from it healing layer by layer in the body. Because of the way Eric has described Qi for me at times during the past 14 years as being a self-directed Divine intelligence, I tend to think of Qi has having a higher consciousness vibration. The descriptive word, Divine, in this case is not used lightly. We can step out of the way while doing these Doo Wai energetic methods and allow the Qi to do what it knows to do. As the Rolling Stones have sung, "we don't always get what we want, but we get what we need."
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry Dunn replies to comments whenever his time permits. Earl Grey does a fine job of responding to many of the comments that he is able to answer on his own. That is in accord with Sifu Terry Dunn.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The ancient Vedic way of dealing with what comes up is to feel it and stay with the emotion without getting distracted by the story that accompanies the feeling. Ignore what the thinking mind says about the emotion. Just feel the feeling as much as you can. It will most likely change to a different feeling beneath the original emotion. Just watch it but stay with it till it passes. The way to get rid of negative emotions is to fully be with them instead of burying them before they have fully been experienced. Not with thoughts, but just with feeling what is there. The sensations associated with the emotion. Start with what the body is feeling when the emotion is there. Just the opposite of what most psychotherapists would advise. I know of one therapist who is also a qigong teacher and he does qigong therapy by having clients breathe and feel the emotion. He wrote a book about his qigong psychotherapy.
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Luccas, There are only hardcopy DVDs or else learning directly from Sifu Terry Dunn via Skype or Zoom or some media like that. No downloads at this time. He has online group classes weekly as you probably already know.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    As a retired clinical psychologist and a registered hypnotherapist having done past life therapy I think the above recommendations are good. Another option is to take the inexpensive $25, 7 hour, Journey to Happiness courses that are offered once a month by the Golden Age movement headed by the avatar Amma-Bhagavan. Instead of focusing on the emotional issues with just your mind and feelings, the energy of the Divine is added in order to aid the silent processing of your emotions. Deeksha in other words. So it become you and the Divine releasing your stuck stuff.
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Wonderful explanation by Vajra Fist! Noteworthy is that Master George Xu learned his version of Falun Dafa from an old master in Shanghai years ago. I was told that by Master Xu's senior student. Master Xu does not call his version Falun Dafa. There are some differences in the two forms but not much at all. I think it would be hard to practice Falun Dafa and not experience a miracle like physical healing. However, comparing the enjoyment level while performing Flying Phoenix to that of Falun Dafa, I found there is a vast difference. I found some of the postures from Falun were almost torturous since you were supposed to hold static postures until you could no longer do so. The idea was that the more you suffer the more you burn your karma. Flying Phoenix is a joy while Falun Dafa is a chore, at least it was for me. But both very high level qigong.
  14. Potent Systems

    I have heard only good things about Sheng Zhen. Unfortunately, I never felt anything from it when I tried it for a week.
  15. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    I think it is. I just stumbled upon the correct website for it yesterday and should have bookmarked it.
  16. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    This is the link for Kevin W. Chen's website. But I always have trouble finding where he advertised his current qigong class that I am taking for Longevity Qigong. http://yang-sheng.com/
  17. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    I want to reply to the perception that Falun Dafa is pseudo Buddhism. Falun Dafa claims that what has been passed down as Buddhism is actually very distorted because the followers of Buddha who heard his teachings were not enlightened for the most part and thus they did not understand his teachings and interpreted the teachings incorrectly and they were passed down like that. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi told us that only 500 followers of Buddha reached enlightenment. An example of misunderstanding is the 8 Fold Path. The 8th path, enlightenment actually should be the first path to be achieved because when someone is enlightened their behavior becomes spontaneously in accord with all the Laws of Nature and they spontaneously engage in right action. There is no trying to be peaceful, or trying to be non-violent when you are enlightened. You naturally behave that way. It comes with that level of consciousness. So once enlightenment is achieved, all of the 7 paths are automatically achieved. Tell this to a practicing Buddhist and they will become very uncomfortable and resist this way of thinking about Buddhism.
  18. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    In reply to the death of qigong masters. You might want to look up the life of Kai Shen Tsui who is retired police dept. worker, I think in Taiwan, who was born in 1910. He learned a rare set of qigong exercises from a Buddhist monk in 1934. Since then he only did qigong sporadically but not daily. However, when he retired at age 66 his health was not so good so he then began to practice daily the qigong set that he learned in 1934. He is still alive at age 109 and you can see his flexibility on youtube videos where he teaches his form but in Chinese. However, Kevin W. Chen, whom the Chinese government called "The cancer killer", is a professor at the Integrative Medical Center at the University of Maryland Baltimore campus and he translated Tsui's teachings and he is now offering that as an online course which I recently began as a 5 session course. I will say that you will not be able to learn it from the online video unless you speak Chinese fluently. That is the value of professor Chen. Professor Chen also quotes from a Chinese master who lived to be 133. By the way, it's fascinating that Tsui, at age 109 still has his own teeth, he does not need eye glasses, and he demonstrates the bodily flexibility of an infant. See it for yourself. The exercises are easy to do except for one of them, depending on your level of flexibility. There are 20 exercises and the course fee is about as low as you will ever see for qigong.
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Equid., Your post has to be one of the most unusual ones so far on this thread. Since I have done both Flying Phoenix and Falun Dafa I would be interesting in hearing what you consider the similarities to be between these two types of Qigong as I was not aware of any similarities. I found the sensations of Qi produced from Flying Phoenix to feel noticeably different from all of the other qigong methods I have tried. The last time I tried Falun Gong was this past December when it resulted in a spontaneous and immediate healing of chronic off and on stiffness and pain in my lower back. So that was rather magical.
  20. Potent Systems

    My friend did not make that claim. I stated that because I was so impressed. I might have exaggerated based on the way he described the tremendous Qi flow in his body. When he first did Flying Phoenix holding a peach, I think it was, as he held his hands in that position he could feel like a spinning ball of qi in his hands. When doing other types of qigong he feels Qi shooting out of his bubbling spring points and energy going up his spine so it sounds like he has the MCO going spontaneously. Recently he felt Qi shooting out from his beard. And he hardly ever does any qigong at all.
  21. Potent Systems

    To Sifu Lew's daughter, Times have changed. Technology, DVD teaching, online teaching, etc. are part of our modern life. I have a friend who only dabbles in qigong, trying a form only once in awhile. Yet he has some experiences the first time he does some qigong from a DVD or online download which equals that of a master. Effective qigong should produce results regardless of the format that is being used to teach it. That is my personal opinion from trying about 100 different qigong forms so far, mainly learned from DVDS. The strongest Qi I ever felt was when a teacher online was sending me a Qi transmission.
  22. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    I would like to mention something about the turning of the Dharma Wheel in Falun Dafa. After I learned Falun Dafa I had my medical clairvoyant check to see if there was a wheel installed inside of me. He described in correct detail including how it was rotating. And I also felt the wheel being installed.
  23. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    My view on death is just my take after being on a spiritual path for the last 50 years and having 2 world famous masters. I think that the exact time of our death, just the exact time of our day of enlightenment is already determined. What qigong does is allow us to be more healthy during our allotted lifespan. We probably can agree that one thing for certain that we all get from qigong is a stronger immune system. That alone would result in better heath. Same principal applies to my practice of Transcendental Meditation. It was meant to produce enlightenment which it certainly did for the guru who brought it out to the rest of the world. But I have never heard of anyone else reaching enlightenment who does TM, even for several decades. But what it does do is give other benefits that makes your daily life go better with less stress. We do not get physical immortality from doing qigong but we get better health and some spiritual growth. Daisy Lee during her webinar the other day mentioned that one of her teachers lived to be 108, Master Duan, and her other teacher lived to be 115! I say that is good enough.
  24. Does flying phoenix chi kung really work?

    To Toni I would suggest that you read the entire lengthy thread for Flying Phoenix and you will gain quite an understanding about the method while at the same time reading about what other people have experienced from this method. You are the first person that I have heard of who states that it does not work. Qigong works at different levels and works on different things for each person. So someone might be wanting qigong to heal a certain condition but instead the Qi, which has an intelligence to it, knows what it needs to work on and what order to do it. And it could be balancing conditions that we are not aware of. Also, we might have certain expectations for a method and with that a time table of when the results should happen. That might not be how these qigong methods work. If you did Flying Phoenix for a 6 month period I would be surprised if you would then say it does not work. Of the many qigong methods that I have learned, including Fragrant Qigong, Flying Phoenix Chi Kung has produced the most tangible and unique sensations of Qi. And I state that as someone who does not feel subtle energy very strongly at all. So think about your expectations and also the short of amount of time that you tried Flying Phoenix and also check to see if you learned the meditations exactly as they have been demonstrated and that you are doing the breath percentages as they are taught. I would be interested to learn what your expectations were from FP that you did not achieve.
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, I wanted to comment on your roundtable with those other qigong instructors. George Love is a famous qigong instructor in Florida who has many qigong teachings videos on Youtube. His style to me looks a bit advanced. The Monk is Arthur Rosenfeld who I recently became acquainted with via email and reading about him online and watching some of his interviews. He is known mainly for his tai chi work and I was surprised to find out he is also an author so I recently obtained 3 of his novels because they have to do with martial arts and I don't know of other sources for good martial arts stories. And you already are familiar with Chunyi Lin. I was fortunate to have my employer send me to one of his workshops to learn Spring Forest Qigong back in 2007. So that is quite a powerful group of teachers assembled for that roundtable.