tao stillness

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Everything posted by tao stillness

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I see more and more teachers doing the streaming, more income that way. For those who prefer DVDs but have newer computers that no longer have built in DVD players, such as all laptops, no need to despair. I recently bought a small DVD/CD player for computers that works great and only costs $29. But streaming is nice and does not take up space on computers like downloads do. Streaming is like renting.
  2. I was thinking about going back and doing Celestial Qigong which I tried briefly several years ago. But first I had it tested today by my medical clairvoyant. The results showed it would do very little for me other than cleansing of the meridians in the abdominal area, and even that would not be very strong. He gave it a 2.5 rating on a scale of 1-5. I had him compare it to Fragrant Qigong which came out to be 4.5 out of possible 5. I have been doing Fragrant Qigong for the past 6 months and not ready to learn level 2 of Fragrant Qigong so I asked him to see what level one does for me, and what level two would do for me. Level one showed to be for opening the first chakra and getting the energy to go upward via the spinal centers. It is mainly for the purpose of cleansing so the energy can then move upward. He saw level 2 as sending Kundalini up the spine to reach and expand the upper chakras. So level one is seen as a preparation and level 2 is for consciousness expansion. That was an interesting test result because the clairvoyant knows nothing about Fragrant Qigong, yet he was correct in what he described because I have read that level 2 is more for consciousness/spiritual.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yes, several years ago I wrote to Robert and he was kind of enough to attach a download for the music which I appreciated the most from what he composed for the Flying Phoenix series.
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    There is also the Medicine Buddha chant that can be used. But whenever I did Flying Phoenix Chi Kung I thought the music that was on each of the DVDs was the perfect sound to accompany the movements. After looking at over 100 different Qigong DVDs so far, I still believe that the Flying Phoenix series of DVDs is the best production of them all. A total work of art at the highest level, reflecting the consciousness of Sifu Terry and that of the music composer. I don't have a strong affinity for any kind of music, probably because I am so left brained, but I do find the Flying Phoenix music to be mesmerizing.
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That's good that you pointed out that some kinds of qigong should not be practiced when ill. Because it is not true that all qigong should be avoided when ill. I was laid up in bed for over a week several years ago from a nasty virus that I could not get rid of. I was told to practice the qigong that I had been doing for several hours that day and that I would be healed by the next day. So I did qigong for almost 4 hours and when I woke up the next day the virus was healed. I have also read where Sifu Terry has done a lot of qigong at the first sign of a cold and that has helped get rid of the cold.
  6. Just started up Tidal Wave Chi kung again -

    Good information to know, thank you for the corrections of my understanding. I have heard of Ron Hoffman. I knew someone who had the Tidal Wave video and I tried the method for a few minutes and knew that it was very unpleasant to perform and never tried it again. Hard to believe that in the past it has been hijacked form Clyman, repackaged, and then sold for several thousand dollars per DVD in some foreign countries.
  7. Hello G'Day

    That would make for an interesting experiment. Broadcast remote energy to a bona fide psychic sensitive in a double bind format by not having the receiver know which format you were sending the energy from, machine or diagram. Then have the receiver report what they experienced when energy was supposed to have been sent.
  8. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    Hi Johnny, When I had a Skype session with John Dolic a few years ago he did mention his time with the Tian family. But I don't recall if he had at that time changed his mind about Master Tian's dead or disappeared status. I do know that I changed my mind after reading the report on the charges against the Tian family for collecting his pension after he died from liver cancer. They were charged with creating the story that he simply disappeared in 1995, I think the year was. The son in the family was then put in prison for awhile. John did tell me that when he visited the Tian family, the master was not there.
  9. Hello G'Day

    There is a company called Soundswest.com that produces a radionics machine that is software which you download to your computer, and it is a very simple radionics machine that you use for human and animal healing. The witness is a picture, name, and birthdate that place inside your earphones. You then just have to select a few dials. You then select one of 10 different pre-set categories of symptoms to heal, then think or state your intention for healing of the person you are sending the treatment to, and then turn on the activate button, and the machine sends the frequencies along with broadcasting the intention for healing that you stated. I had no experience with radionics so I was skeptical of this. But I bought the download and initially sent a healing treatment to my medical clairvoyant who can see and sense energies in the physical body and the energy bodies that we have. He reported that he could actually feel the healing going on, and he said that this machine/software, was actually working, and I could have confidence in using it to treat myself and others. It is called RadionX. It is worth reading about it on their website, or just type, RadionX in your search bar.
  10. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    Yes, I got those dates wrong, Master Tian died in 1995. Edgar Cayce, of course, died in 1945.
  11. Just started up Tidal Wave Chi kung again -

    I would be careful not to judge the effectiveness of Clayman's methods with the personality of Clayman. People would not be paying him big dollars for things that don't work. Remember, Clyman did not create the Stick Man method. A very well known Tai Chi-Qigong master in Chicago area brought out this method. He was Clyman's teacher. Waysun Lao.
  12. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    I practice Fragrant Qigong, this is my second time picking it up. I too was skeptical when I learned that the master died of liver cancer. But then I read that energy healers treating large numbers of people tend to die early. This makes sense if they are using up their pre-natal Qi to heal others. Edgar Cayce was warned in 1945 to limit the number of psychic readings in order to preserve his health. But he did not do that and died in his 60's that year due to the great demand on his services because of the war going on.
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That's great news about the digital downloads since we all know that they have stopped making laptops that have DVD players. I recently read that the next thing to eliminate will be the jack for earphones, they want you to buy Bluetooth earphones.
  14. Just started up Tidal Wave Chi kung again -

    I saw the course on his crappy, amateur, very poor quality video transferred to DVD. It consists of a static position he calls stickman while you visualize chi going to certain places and you have to think of multiple things at the same time. Doing this for 3 hours would drive me crazy so I made no attempt to try to learn it. I agree that people should not confuse this method with the abrasive, inflated ego of Gary Clyman. It is based on Waysun Liao's methods and Gary probably tweaked it. And why it is so expensive is probably based on ego and greed.
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks for the reply! Wow, 1-2 hours a day of qigong is not hard to do at all. I was thinking that it was taking you several hours a day to do Flying Phoenix. Your post is making me think that it might be worthwhile for me to go back to doing a significant amount of FP. You have laid out a good sounding routine. I cannot learn the long form, it is too much for me to memorize at my advanced age, and I don't have the MSW long form, but I can do the rest of the regime that you posted. Very glad to hear you are healing. If Sifu Terry says that the brain lobes are effected by FP, that is good enough for me because that kind of claim would come from his direct experience of feeling exactly where the Qi is going in his body.
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I am guessing that if anyone followed these excellent sounding suggestions they might not have time to do anything else during their waking hours. May I ask how much time it took in total to do all of these routines? And may I ask how you know that the qi from FP directly works on brain lobes? I am not disputing that claim, I am just very curious how this can be determined without using a PET scan? If medical science was interested in real integrative medicine then they would invest in using their equipment to perform experiments on people who claim to have been healed from qigong. Since I healed the worse virus that I ever had in my life in 2013 by using qigong and the virus was gone over night because of that, I have no doubt that Johnny has healed his Covid virus via Flying Phoenix Chi Kung. But I think qigong will not make significant inroads into mainstream society without scientific proof. The average person only trusts the medical profession when it comes to their health. That is why in America we now have an emergency outpatient treatment center in every strip mall and a drug store at most intersections in every city.
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yesterday I decided to start doing Meditation number 6 on Volume 2 of Flying Phoenix Chi Kung series. This meditation is nicknamed the Awakener because of the energy it produces. So I did it this morning and did not experience the strong Qi that I used to feel from it several years ago so I figured it might take a few days to get back on track with it. So I then took a shower later and after the shower I just felt motivated to start cleaning the bathroom. A task that I always postpone as long as I can get away with it. Afterward I realized that the sudden motivation and energy to get that task done might have been due to the energy from having recently performed the Awakener meditation. Doesn't matter if I did not sense strong Qi from it, the energy apparently was still received somewhere inside of me. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung is however dangerous to my habit of being lazy.
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Vajra, thanks for the info on where to find the Waker Up med. When I used to also do the Sleeper med right before bed I often ended up dozing off and then waking realizing my arms were moving on their own while I was napping. Best of both worlds!
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Quite a nice piece of valuable editing and a beautifully designed webpage! You have the Sleeper on there but I keep forgetting which med is the Energizer that you should never do close to bedtime because the energy might keep you awake instead of sleeping which I found out by mistake some years ago is very true.
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    It has been taught that unconditional love is not possible to happen by intention. It only really occurs when someone is in a very high state of consciousness. The mind cannot bring it on by behavior or by intention. We have to start where we are, not where we want to be is another profound teaching.
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    From the teachings and guidance of the avatar that I follow, things are not meant to return to the way they were of a materialistic oriented world in such low consciousness with lack of true spirituality. The pandemic is the first boom to wake up humanity that they need to change in order for Nature to get back to balance. There will be more disasters to come as the earth is being cleansed and one reason the earth is so polluted is that there is great overpopulation so Nature is beginning to do some pruning. We are in a major phase transition that has been predicted by many spiritual teachings throughout the ages. We will be getting a respite from Kali Yuga as we head into a mini Sat Yuga period within Kali Yuga that could last up to 10,000 years as a golden age. It will come about by mass awakening of individual consciousness like a popcorn effect which is to happen around the year 2035. It will happen regardless. I remember several years ago the avatar telling us that major changes will be happening and people will notice this by the year 2018, I think he said, if I remember right. And then he said by the year 2020 people will no longer wonder if the world is changing, everyone will by then notice the changes for sure. I heard these predictions from 14 years ago. The blows of the phase transition from Nature can be softened with less damage if more people can awaken to a higher state of consciousness. There will be great natural disasters which we have already seen happening with climate change, great flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, wild fires in the USA and Australia. My first teacher also predicted this phase transition back in the 1970's and he said it would bring about the Age of Enlightenment. This planet, or I should say humanity, cannot go any further in its unawakened low level of consciousness which produces all the problems in life. There is a major difference in living life with ordinary waking state of consciousness compared to being in state of enlightenment. I have experienced both states so I can personally attest to that truth. An avatar only comes to Earth when humanity becomes extremely unbalanced. In Kali Yuga the abnormal is seen as normal. It will take 64,000 people to become enlightened to save humanity per the avatar. This is what his Golden Age movement is all about, formerly known as the Oneness movement of Sri Amma Bhagavan. People who are now young enough will be enjoying the Golden Age in about 15 years. Those of us older ones who have been on the path for close to 50 years now have paved the way for these new energies to keep arriving to raise the level of consciousness on this planet. So hold onto whatever spiritual methods that you participate in. Every effort helps the rest of humanity.
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry Dunn previously laid out the steps required for someone to be certified as FP instructor. It is somewhere in this vast thread. If you want to share FP with people then you could just have them order the DVDs but no one that I have heard of has been certified to teach FP. Therefore it would be unacceptable in my opinion to accept donations. I am sure other people will be responding to your questions.
  23. Potent Systems

    Justin Stone states that he invented Tai Chi Chih in 1977. The first movement came to Stone thru a channeling type experience or whatever way he stated that he received in his mind. The rest of the movements he created by himself. Since many of Stone's teachers have been doing this form for 30-40 years or more, I would say they must be getting benefits regardless of how high they keep their hands. Justin Stone has an excellent detailed DVD where he teaches the entire form the way he invented it. People can always believe what they choose to believe. I did the form for a number of months last year and was not aware of any imbalance but I did notice that unlike some other forms I have done, Tai Chi Chih resulted in immediate strong sensations of chi in the hands and the trembling of fingers which is always a sign of strong chi flow. So take it as you wish.
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    All I can say about shift in energy is that the avatar, Sri Amma Bhagavan, has been saying the past few years that the energy from the universe is continuing to get stronger and stronger. So no surprise that some people have been experiencing this directly from their energy work. It is not imagination. Everything is changing including energies. Evolution is speeding up as the energies from the universe get stronger. Cleansing is going on at a rapid rate.
  25. Potent Systems

    The story about how Tai Chi Chih was created is not the same story that Justin Stone discloses on his DVD. Stone states that he taught Tai Chi and he found that most of his students were unable to perform Tai Chi in the way it has to be performed to get benefits. So he decided to change it around so it would be easier to learn and perform and he called this Tai Chi Chih. The story about it being created for an Emperor for his sexual prowess sounds like one of those typical historical myths from ancient China. To be sure about this, someone could always email any of Justin Stone's senior students to ask about that myth. Many of Stone's teachers I found have been doing Tai Chi Chih for over 30 years now or longer. It's good stuff. Very quickly and strongly the chi can be felt in the hands from some of the movements.