tao stillness

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Everything posted by tao stillness

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    In addition to wanting to hear about experiences with Volume 7, I think that Volume 5 of the Flying Phoenix Chi Kung series is overlooked in terms of being discussed on this blog and I would welcome hearing about experiences. I recently have gone back to doing Flying Phoenix and my time constraints have resulted in just being able to focus on a few that I previously learned such as meditation 4 on volume seven, and the entire volume 5 of 90 second meditations. I chose those ones based on rereading years of test results from Eric on different qigong methods. I recently obtained a dvd that includes the Cloud Hands short form from the Taoist Elixir Method but it is too time consuming because it includes a 10 minute Shen candle meditation followed by a 20 minute Zen type meditation that are to be done after the movements are done.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Would anyone like to comment in detail about their experiences doing meditation 4 on Volume 7 of FP? 60 70 40 5
  3. What is the meaning of Siddhis or 'special powers'?

    As a teacher of Transcendental Meditation and having been instructed in the TM Siddhi program in 1977 and having went into a temporary state of Cosmic Consciousness as a result of doing Patanjali Yoga Sutras for the first time, as that is what the TM Siddhis are based on, I can state what Maharishi Mahesh Yogi taught the Siddhis to be. They are sutras, sutures, to sew up coordination of the mind and the body which results from full functioning of the brain. You have a desire, then things happen to bring it about in consciousness. Those are the siddhis. The powers that come with it are not for the powers themselves. But doing them makes the mind body coordination stronger and this brings about higher states of consciousness which is our natural state of mind, bliss, lack of ego and inner peace. Once it is experienced, then these teachings make perfect sense. Until then, people are just guessing at what the siddhis are for. The teachings of the sutras/siddhis in the book, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras has the most important part of the method to make it work not included in the text because the secret has been lost for centuries. Maharishi restored that very simple method so that the sutras once again produce results. So anyone trying to just say or think the sutras without the method that makes them work is just wasting time and will think there is nothing to do this method or that it is only for the most advanced yogis to do. That is so far from the truth. To be on the path without an enlightened master to guide one is like walking blindly down the road. But the ego makes one think they can reach the goal on their own.
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    "Mirror image", what timing, so funny!
  5. Potent Systems

    I have done Reiki for the past 24 years and I can state that there is no such think as a Reiki transmission from a book. If you have received the transmission in a Reiki workshop you would know that this cannot be do from a book. Amazes me what people will believe and also what people will put on the market to sell.
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Helpful hint. After 9 years of difficulty learning from some qigong dvds because of mirror images where the teacher's right hand is my left hand, or when he moves right, I am supposed to move left, I took someone's advice and placed my laptop in front of a mirror to view the video from the mirror and this got rid of moving in the opposite direction of the demonstrator and it made previously confusing movements easier to start learning.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    All good experiences. One of the things I used to find unique about the FP meditations was when I would wear a long sleeve cotton fabric shirt and when doing some of the really slow motion seated postures when the arms would move I could at times feel an energy sensation between my arm and the inside space of my shirt. That confirmed that FP produces a tangible energy field around the body. I just have never felt that sensation from any of the many other chi kung methods that I have tried. And I have also never felt from any of the other methods the Flying Phoenix resulting sensation of my hands on the downward movement landing on a cloud like substance of energy that offers a slight resistance to the motion of my hand that I can rest the hand on like a pillow made of energy and I have to eventually push through that strong energy field that feels sort of like a big marshmallow in order to get my hand to end up back on my lap. Always was a thrill to feel that happening, and when it did, you just knew this was a very unique method of chi kung.
  8. What Are "Legitimate" Qi Abilities/Power?

    Has anyone here done any of the Wu and Yeung dvds from Master Teresa Yeung of Toronto, Canada? I have tried some of them and the chi is really strong in the hands from the 7 Style Tai Chi Qigong download. I can only do the 12 minute first section which is mostly very simple qigong movements of hands and arms and a little bit of simplistic tai chi. They call this the warmup. The rest of the movements are mostly tai chi which I cannot learn from a video so I gave up pretty quickly on that part since I have no tai chi experience. But when I do the warm up I feel really strong chi from those simple hand movements. The chi is felt more in the hand that is stationary while the other hand and/or arm is moving. And even the simple leg movements of shifting the weight from leg to leg produce some strong sensations in the stationary hands. Very powerful stuff from a fairly unknown master, at least in the USA.
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    That is so impressive, learning chi kung with such limited vision, wow! I have said this in the past, it sometimes is not so much a matter of which chi kung method a person is doing, when it comes to results, it just might be due to who is doing the practice since our nervous systems are all wired so differently, and who has less blocked energy channels, and who did the most energy cultivation in past incarnations, etc. Looking forward to hearing about your continuing experiences.
  10. The psychic powers would naturally develop since most qigong methods at some point have the qi reaching the upper chakras. So I think most if not all qigong is for health and spiritual purposes regardless of the intention of the method or the practitioner. I know that some qigong methods result in self-directed chi where the chi goes to the areas that need to be healed without the person directing it there. Then it moves onto somewhere else needing healing.
  11. Meditation is not the only way to Enlightenment.

    All of the above has nothing to do with Enlightenment. The above is watered down misinterpreted, misunderstood Buddhist stuff. The current Avatar, Sri Bhagavan of Oneness movement states that Enlightenment is when the kundalini rises to the brain and remains there. That is where the bliss from it comes from. It takes a rewiring of the brain to do this and that is what the methods from Oneness Blessing is all about. I refer you to Onenessuniversity.org to read some of the teachings about this or watch video clips of the teaching on you tube.
  12. Can anyone recommend good Tai Chi DVDs?

    I was impressed with Master Chen's website so I had my medical clairvoyant test his Shen Gong dvd against a few qigong dvds from other masters. Chen's dvd was not that effective according to the testing. And before that I wanted to learn the 5 Animal Form from Master Bing so I had that dvd tested and the results came back that it was to be avoided since the clairvoyant saw it would produce some kind of black spot of energy in the brain which he could determine what it was, just that it was not good. Granted this testing is only for the effects each of those dvds would have had on me, not necessarily other people.
  13. Emitting light in Shaolin practices

    The mentioning of the light as not circular but torus shape would correspond with David Wilcock stating that the universal energy in space is torus shape and is part of the process of creation. Let there be Light and there was light. He supports this with physics.
  14. Emitting light in Shaolin practices

    The doubts about emitting light might be due to the ego/mind having the natural tendency to doubt whatever it cannot directly experience. So if a few people have their brow chakra open enough to see Light but most others do not, then the phenomenon to them does not exist and vice versa. When my medical clairvoyant has tested various qigong methods before I order the dvds at times he has told me that certain qigong methods will produce light in me. Some he has seen as golden liquid like, others he described as just light. In the Vedas of ancient India they described different levels of Consciousness. And in God Consciousness a person can see that every living thing does indeed have a gold aura around it. Some people doing Qinway Qigong have reported seeing golden Buddhas in their practice. On an experimental Transcendental Meditation course created by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi using Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the night I was initiated in the practice I saw internal golden light brighter than the sun inside of me. It corresponded with using the sutras correctly in a secret manner which resulted in kundalini rising to the brain, reaching the higher chakras and spinning them at a faster vibration, hence light and energy and bliss all went together. So there is a very valid reason why we see paintings of Buddhas and saints with light around them.
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The crystal cave brings to mind that various cities now have a Himalayan Salt room where people go to meditate in the natural negative ion environment, I wonder how doing chi kung in a Salt room would be for those who do not have access to a local crystal cave? I have what is claimed to be way beyond any negative ion machine. It is supposed to cancel all electromagnetic frequencies by turning them into positive energies and hooks into the entire electric circuit of your house and claims to even protect you from the power wires outside of your house. Clears Wifi, microwaves, tv and radio waves, underground water ley lines, etc. Called the GeoCleanse. No moving parts, just plug into your wall socket, does not use any electricity. I believe it works on orgonite technology. What I mean by cancel frequencies is cancellation of the harmful radiation of the EMFs, not the signals themselves.
  16. Potent Systems

    I agree with the above. I know someone who is a teacher of Shengong and he strongly recommended the method to me but I found it to difficult to learn so it was one more method that I quickly disgarded. It was not so much the difficulty level of learning, but more a case of not having the time or motivation to learn all of the movements.
  17. Potent Systems

    I want to add that this is a much needed new thread since so many of us are seeking qigong methods that are most beneficial but we really don't know what they will really do for us until we try them and like I said in the previous post, that could turn into a waste of time and money. So if anyone wants to avoid the trial and error method of finding the right method for your particular mind/body system, you are welcome to contact Eric Isen about his testing services. I have worked with him since 1998 and one session with him will make you a believer. I forgot to mention what may be the gem of all the qigong methods, Wu Wei Qigong by Master George Xu. It looks exactly like Falun Gong but it has been tested to be more powerful than Falun Gong. Like Falun Gong it also installs automatically an etheric level wheel which spins and takes out bad chi and then puts in good chi, so it is like you are doing chi kung 24/7. When I first learned Falun Gong I did actually feel the wheel enter my lower dan tien one night as I was drifting off to sleep. It was hard to miss, it was like being kicked in the stomach by a horse yet it was painless. My clairvoyant later saw it in me and described accurately what the wheel looked like. He said the wheel produced from doing Wu Wei Qigong looks different than the wheel from Falun Gong. I stopped doing Falun Gong after just 3 months because it would take over an hour to do and much longer because you can hold the static postures for longer as you go on and they want you to hold those postures for as long as you can. However, Wu Wei just wants you to hold those postures for 5 minutes. But that still takes an hour to do that routine and I have yet to motivate myself to spend that much time at one sitting. Another good one just popped into my awareness. Pangu Mystical Qigong. Very simple method but it takes a transmission from the master to work. That can be done via the dvd and CD. Almost 2 years ago I could not make progress recovering from some kind of flu like symptoms so I was advised to do as much Pangu as I could and the illness would be gone the next day. So I did it for over 3 hours but there was no improvement in my condition. However, when I woke up the next day I felt 95% better and had so much energy I went from a week in bed to outside trying to chop ice away from my car tires so I could go back to work. I stopped doing Pangu because it was so boring doing the simple method. But if I get sick again, I will be doing marathon sessions of Pangu once again. The book that goes with the method is very strange and makes no sense but they encourage you to read it anyway. I could not get thru reading it and I think that it is a common reaction to the book. But in terms of the qigong method itself, I have only read good things about it. As for the Kwan Yin Magnetic Qigong that I already mentioned, I have only seen one guy on Taobums writing about it. He says good things about it but no one else has anything to say about it. I hope that someone has not taken parts of other methods such as Jenny Lamb Yi Gong, Max's Kun Lun and Pangu Shengong and mixed them together and call this brew Kwan Yin Magnetic Qigong. I will soon find out. Another method that tested to be more powerful than most other qigong methods is The Three Treasures. I ordered the dvd from the female Chinese master in New York City and her book but it looked too difficult so I did not attempt to learn the method, but there is a video clip of it online and it looks beautiful. I think I hesitate to take the time to learn the more complicated movements because of my senior citizen status. I now feel like taking it easy in this last stage of the journey. I almost forgot to mention Tristan Truscott's 2 qigong methods called Satori Qigong Flow, and Good Morning-Evening Qigong. The latter tested too powerful for me at this time. Too bad because I really enjoyed doing the 10 minute routine for the few months that I did it. I then ordered the Satori Qigong Flow because it tested as the right one for my wife but for me it would cause energy imbalances in mind, body and energy bodies. The online website ads are slick and at first you think it is just hype. But it turns out to be true and Tristan is as joyful as he appears. I have exchanged emails with him and he is a really nice guy who is sincere about his love for qigong and how it healed him. My wife is psychic sensitive and new to chi kung but she can feel the chi strongly from the Satori Qigong Flow. She is one of those people who feels chi not just in her hands but in other parts of her body and the main energy channels. She also feels the chi coming off of me when I do qigong in the same room as her. So I use her as my guinea pig for this stuff. If you are short on time but want the most benefits from qigong, I would recommend Tristan Truscott's methods.
  18. Potent Systems

    Aeran's appraisal's I find to be very accurate depictions of the "masters" behind the systems. As readers of zenbear forum on Taobums know, I use the services of renowned medical clairvoyant to test beforehand any qigong method that I am interested in. Saves tons of money and time from being wasted on methods that might be great for some but not my individual nervous system. I tried Jenny Lamb's qigong, it was mediocre and did not test well. However, her Yi Gong on the same dvd tested to be one of the most powerful things that my clairvoyant has experienced in his career. And I found it produced so much chi flow from a simple static sitting position that my body parts would move spontaneously at time. The downside is that when the limbs are not moving, it is a very boring method and that is why I stopped doing it regularly because the results were hit and miss. If I did not get a full night's sleep, it would not work. The dvd is the best bargain. The rest of Jenny Lamb is as Aeran explained, expensive. I have communicated with Gary Clyman who turned out to be a neighbor of mine in the Chicago suburbs but we never met then. Anyone interested in working with him should first talk to him on the phone to see if you resonate with that kind of super intense personality with a big ego. I found him to be very funny but knowledgeable. He rightfully has given a warning about a total scoundrel, thief who sells dvds and whose name I will not mention. Terry Dunn and Flying Phoenix are great, as is Garry Hearfield whose methods are definitely more martial arts energy and reflect that side of his Grandmaster Doo Wai lineage. From the 30 or so different qigong methods that I have tried so far, there is no doubt that the most unique and pleasant sensation of chi has come from the Flying Phoenix Chi Kung dvd series. I have had a few private lessons with Terry Dunn to start to learn the first few movements of TTP, I cannot recall what those initials stand for in Chinese. He is very intelligent, gentle and a great teacher on his dvds and live. My clairvoyant found TTP to be very powerful and to give great benefits. It has a lineage from one of the only true Taoist priests who has lived in the United States, Lew K. Share who recently died but was travelling coast to coast still teaching while in his 90's. His annual workshop on the East coast was always already sold out by the time I would hear about it. His wife now does the teaching and I communicated with her and found her to be rude. I know of 3 teachers teaching TTP, 2 in Los Angeles, one in Tampa, Florida. The one in Tampa is an Awakened person from the Oneness movement out of southern India. He has free Monday night online sessions where you can experience his deeksha. He recently split off from the Oneness movement to do his own energy movement called Flowering Heart. In a few days my clairvoyant will be testing Chris Matsuo's Kwan Yin Magnetic Qigong and Justin Stone's Tai Chi Chih. There are some great teachers in Australia besides Garry Hearfield. Kellen Chia has a series of qigong dvds. The most powerful one is his most recent release called The Immortal Ten. Very easy to do but powerful. My favorite qigong method is also taught in Australia and is called Longevity Qigong on the dvd Absorbing the Essence by Simon Blow. He learned it from the abbot of the Purple Cloud Monastery on Wudang Mountain. The movements are tai chi like and the routine takes 10 minutes but is very powerful so one is warned not to over do this one. Just a really great feeling doing these few flowing movements. I have not done any tai chi so this is the closest I have gotten to that style. Master Teresa Yeung of Toronto, Canada had an accomplished Chinese master and she has some interesting but very simple qigong dvds. I currently am using her Wu's Eye Qigong dvd. I tried her Wu's Anti-Cancer Qigong DVD but did not stick with it. I was using it with the idea of providing protection from ever getting cancer which is one of the uses for it. Wudang 8 by Arnold Tayem is great for the 5 elements and organs. My best friend who does this one feels light/energy shooting out of his feet whenever he does the routine. I used to do it and really enjoyed it but later it tested to be enlivening my left brain and that is not what I need more of. Celestial Chi Kung dvds did not test as beneficial as the others that I tested them against but the movements looked pretty interesting and I did level one for a brief time. Ken Andes' Ba Duan Jin is the most interesting and simple 8 Sections Brocade that I have seen. I really enjoy doing that 10 minute form and it adds for me a much needed physical exercise component which the other gentle qigong methods do not have. In sum, if you want to feel the chi strongly and enjoy the interesting movements, then it would be Flying Phoenix of Terry Dunn, and any of Garry Hearfield's dvds. I no longer do either of them because they are time consuming and have many levels to them. So I now limit my choices to brief, simple to learn, but powerful benefits type qigong methods.
  19. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    I am considering ordering Kwan Yin Magnetic Qigong and recently, Dec. 2015, I asked Sifu Matsuo if Kwan Yin Magnetic Qigong video has an energy transmission on it. He replied that it does have a transmission and he named two locations on the video for that depending on which version of the video you have. One location was during the lecture part. The other location was during the meditation section, if I recall correctly. In any event, there is now no need any longer to conjecture whether or not this video uses a transmission.
  20. Tough celibacy question

    You want to be authentic? The mind cannot change the mind or get rid of the ego. But energy can. Hence, literally rewire the brain to quiet the parietal lobes of the brain and enliven the forebrain. The energy to do that in the Vedic system is Kundalini. The method to do that cannot be man made. It comes thru a current Avatar and his system is called Oneness Blessing. Very simple teaching. Enlightenment is when Kundalini reaches the upper chakras and remains there. But it takes a unique energy to get that to happen. And that energy is now called Oneness via the Golden Orb Deeksha. No longer is it necessary to meditate lifetimes or to do decades of tai chi or chi kung. This is the age of instant happenings. We need enlightened people in society now. The Universe always takes care of itself. Just get that ego out of the way and tune in.
  21. Master Waysun Liao

    Ego driven intellectual, left brain, pedantic and ostentatious is what I derived from this page. Drop the verbiage and my teacher is better than your teacher, and instead practice someone's method for energy cultivation and then maybe in a few lifetimes from now you will then know what you are talking about.
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    John, it sounds like your Sifu is Christopher W. for Sunn Yee Gong. He composed a great piece of chi kung music called Misty Mountain which I enjoy playing while doing chi kung.
  23. You are in luck. One of the most healing in all areas is Falun Dafa. It is totally free, can see the complete instructional video and the book online. This is the most unique of all the powerful and real qigong since it installs spontaneously an etheric Falun Wheel which spins in your lower dantien getting rid of bad chi and generating good chi 24 hours each day, seven days a week as long as you do Falun Dafa each day to keep the wheel at full force or else it will fade away. The downside is that this method takes over an hour to perform.
  24. Pangu / Kwan yin comparison

    In my experience Kwan Yin in terms of the method is not similar to Kunlun. I have been taught Kunlun in a private session with Max. Kwan Yin just looking at the promo video on it does not look anything like the Kunlun method.
  25. I forgot to mention that if you want qigong that is easy, safe, does not take a long time to perform, feels wonderful doing it and is powerful for healing and creating energy, then I would suggest you read about Longevity Qigong from Simon Blow. It is my favorite and I have tried about 30 different qigong methods so far.