tao stillness

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Everything posted by tao stillness

  1. Potent Systems

    That link being in Chinese is not helpful to those of us non-Chinese speaking. Is there an English version?
  2. Potent Systems

    Since Kay has not replied to my email yet I just phoned her and got her answering machine and left a message asking if her website is still active and if dvd orders will be processed if I choose to order them. Still waiting to hear from my medical intuitive about this. But the descriptions of what these methods do sounds really good if they are not too time consuming.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have found that sitting in half lotus is much easier if I use a yoga cushion designed I think to have your hips higher than your knees or something like that. I had never been able to sit in that position without back support until I used one of those cushions. Even so, I always have preferred to do FP with back support so that I can be more relaxed.
  4. Potent Systems

    Hi Jox, Good to know that those methods can be learned on your own. But if they are preliminary to learning the meditation part of the system, what is the value of doing that qigong if one does not go to the workshop to learn the meditation. Or can a different meditation be substituted instead of the tibetan meditation since I would never be able to go to their workshop. My concern is that if Kay is not replying to emails lately, is she sending out the dvds and books if they are ordered? I ordered the Reflective Exercise in 8 Sessions by John Alton a few weeks ago and he has yet to send a confirmation of the order, nor has he replied to 2 emails I sent. So I am now a bit gun shy about ordering any more dvds from people who do not reply to emails. I liked watching the demo of he 3 Palms from the Tibetan Qigong so I think today I will have my medical clairvoyant test those dvds and compare them to Ron Lew's Tibetan Qi and Nei Gong dvd to see if either are of benefit to me and which one would provide more benefits to me. His testing is always based on who is requesting the test. Different methods work better for some than others. Stay tuned for the results which should be posted either later today or tomorrow as Eric Isen tends to get back to me pretty quickly.
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You sound wise Frederick. I see that you are really into Reiki. I have been doing Reiki since 1991, very different feel to that energy compared to that from Flying Phoenix. What has impressed me with Reiki is that when you learn level two you can immediately send healing energy long distance and it works very strongly. There is no need to build up any energy before being able to heal self and others with that energy.
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Frederick, as you continue reading these posts you will see multiple times where Sifu Terry explains that Flying Phoenix Chi Kung does not follow TCM, it cannot be understood in terms of TCM. I am sure he will elaborate on this.
  7. Potent Systems

    I have seen this website before. From reading it I suspect one must go to their workshop to receive the lineage transmission of energy for the methods to work. However, I have emailed Kay asking her if the dvds and books are enough to be able to learn and use these methods.
  8. Potent Systems

    Got tired of feeling nothing from my 40 minutes of invested time doing Awakening Light Gong each day so just learned martial artist Ron Lew'sTibetan Qi and Nei Gong movements, disc 4. Fairly easy to learn once you do them over and over with him you start to catch on. The qi is felt in the hands immediately from these movements. There is no need to do all 5 of the different exercises at the same session. So it fits in with anyone's schedule. He does many repetitions of each form and you can easily see the Tibetan Buddhist influence since one of the exercises uses a mudra. Other exercises have the prayer position and offering positions, once again reflecting the Buddhist styles, and there is also Taoist influences. Really cool looking movements which also offer physical exercise. The only thing I dislike is that the movements are done at a fairly fast pace instead of the usual slow pace of most qigong movements. I have noticed that when a martial artist teaches qigong they tend to move a lot faster. Ron Lew has been involved with the martial arts since 1963. His English is excellent and there is a tranquil mood created from his voice. He explains what the movements are doing to the physiology but he does not mention any benefits in terms of TCM, so that is another thing that is missing. But overall, this seems like a really powerful and enjoyable routine. I did not bother to have my medical intuitive test it yet, but I will do so in about 3 months if I am still using the method by then. The next dvd that I am expecting is called The Reflective Exercise in 8 Sessions by John Alton. This method has you sense the pulse in your lower abdomen and bring that sensation up to your third eye and eventually that energy flows up there on its own and opens things up and really heals conditions immediately on the spot. That is the meditation section. There is also a standing qigong part which also uses a tai chi movement along with qigong. I have seen a sample of it. It is one of the few methods that also has much scientific explanations for how it works and the influences on each part of the body and nervous system components explained in western terms. Stay tuned...
  9. Mushin and Satori with Tristan Truscott

    One year later I have an update on Satori Qigong from the above post. Until I went to this thread I had no idea it was one year since I learned Good Morning, Good Evening Qigong and what a coincidence that on this date I decided to go back to doing this routine. A year ago I learned the method but only did it briefly due to the medical clairvoyant's warning. Today I stopped doing Awakening Light Gong which claims to be more advanced than qigong. I did it for 2 weeks, felt nothing from it so decided to go back to doing another qigong method that I had felt something from. In spite of the website ads for this method seeming too commercial and full of hype, the method is very good and the teaching of it is probably the best I have seen on a dvd or download since they explain everything that is going on and what each movement is doing in terms of qi and benefits. And sometime this year, 2016, Tristan is going to release his third qigong method and I think he again teams up with Peter Ragnar for this one too.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    As far as using any loud music during qigong I would say not a good idea since loud music adds stress to the nervous system and qigong, like meditation, results in reducing stress. So adding to the level of stress in order to reduce stress, LOL.
  11. Spring forest for martial arts?

    This might be off topic but I took a workshop 10 yrs ago when Chunyi came to Washington, DC to instruct a large group of psychotherapists at their annual week long workshop. Chunyi demonstrated in a very modest way that his third eye is indeed open. He had all of the people stand up who had some kind of pain and he instantly in each case told them where the pain was located. He was totally accurate. These were professional people, not plants in the audience at a stage performance. I did Spring Forest at our workplace for 8 years and I agree there is nothing martial arts about it. I would recommend it for beginners who need to be able to feel the chi so that they can start to believe that it is real.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I second the attitude about the worth of the dvds. I have stated my opinion about that on this thread before. Not that many months ago I paid $200 for someone's qigong dvd and it was the worse quality I have ever seen, in fact, it matched the guy's online advertisements which looked like they were shot in his bedroom. It was so bad I did not even finish watching the entire dvd. The low prices of the Flying Phoenix series do not reflect the high quality of the production or the benefits of the chi kung methods.
  13. Potent Systems

    I have had the consult with my medical clairvoyant about why I am not feeling anything yet from Awakening Light Gong after doing for the last 9 days. He saw that the method is working by first doing purification to release stress from the nervous system. He said this will have to go on for awhile until I am able to have experiences from the method. Makes sense. I was always taught that the purer a person's nervous system is, the higher the state of consciousness that person is in.
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    When I had my TTP session with Sifu Terry I was grateful for the heat since it was winter and I kept my apartment heat on very low to save expenses so I appreciated the free heat!
  15. Potent Systems

    It is good to hear from someone who did Yi Gong for so long. It only worked for me once in awhile so I did not stick with it for very long but I really enjoyed it when my leg would shake. Since there is no understanding given on the dvd as to what the method is really supposed to do, I never could fully appreciate the method. I tried to do Gift of the Tao but I did not enjoy the somewhat awkward looking movements so I gave up on that very quickly. I am glad to hear that you have benefited from both methods.
  16. Potent Systems

    Now I can report on my experiences with what is claimed to be the source of Qi, Awakening Light Gong. I had a wonderful Skype workshop for it and it is super easy to learn and do. What I am going to report has to do with the energy blocks in my own nervous system rather than the effectiveness of this method. I have felt very little qi from this method which for most people results in spontaneous movements caused by the qi flow clearing out energy blocks and old stress. I will be consulting with my medical clairvoyant next week to locate the reason why this powerful method is really showing no results so far. I have read tons of amazing testimonials about it. And before that I have scheduled a Skype session with an intuitive and energy healer in Canada called Maytawee who can trace the reasons for certain health issues. My best friend just had a session with her and what he reported sounded amazing, especially since he usually has been disappointed with previous energy healers. I, of course, will be asking her to find out why I am unable to experience very much from most subtle energy methods such as qigong which other people have powerful experiences from. My medical intuitive always attributes the problem to stress interfering with the brain's ability to sense the energy. I am now hoping to find a more detailed and specific explanation along with some kind of recommendations for a remedy. Then I can dust off the discarded qigong dvds and start all over again, LOL.
  17. Potent Systems

    I will answer my own question. The One Thousand Hands Buddha dvd arrived last week and the hand movements look really good and they are familiar to anyone who has seen a lot of different Buddha statues with different hand mudras or positions. The finger and hand mudras are easy to due but in between each movement the instructor moves her hands and arms in certain positions and fairly fast and I was unable to duplicate those moves since she does not break them down. I even used a mirror in front of the laptop to get rid of the mirror image and follow her movements directly without having to reverse left and right. I suspect but am not sure that if I just did the static mudras without doing the in between arm movements that I would still get results. I am sure the master would not agree with that however, LOL. Bottom line is that I probably could learn those movements by going back to using slow motion playback but I just am not motivated to put all that time into it so this dvd ends up with all the other qigong dvds that are too challenging. Maybe I will have a garage sale some day just for qiong dvds?
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The above question is great. I think it has been answered before on this thread but it bears repeating.
  19. Potent Systems

    Anyone ever tried the One Thousand Buddha Hands mudra qigong dvd by Master Liu He, or any of her qigong dvds?
  20. heart energy bliss

    With those great experiences from SFQ I would consider having a long distance session from Chunyi Lin to really move things along. If a simple method like SFQ can produce those kinds of experiences why bother seeking a seminar to learn a different qigong method? From my trying many different qigong methods over the years I have come to the conclusion that good experiences with sensing the qi flow come more from who is doing the qigong than which qigong method the person is doing. It all depends on the condition of your nervous system. I taught Spring Forest Qigong at work 4 days a week for 8 years and I had some nice sensations of Qi but nothing at the level that you have had.
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I just made a note for me to never ever travel to Manila! I wear earplugs when sleeping with my wife who snores, but it sounds like earplugs would not be of much use in Manila. I am sure that Sifu Terry might comment on your situation.
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    In Transcendental Meditation we are taught that noise is no barrier to meditation. Even in a noisy market place you can still think, and if you can think, you can meditate. I proved that when on a TM course in France and while meditating dynamite charges were going off on the mountain where we were. I think same thing applies to qigong. You just come back to focus on your breathing or your movements, etc. Yes, much better to practice in quietness, but the show must go on when we can't. I have to meditate at times or do qigong with several exotic birds screeching, medical alarms going off, puppies running around barking, loud movies playing. It's about where I put my focus. Making the best of a situation. When I was instructed in TM meditation someone was hammering really loudly during my first time doing this new meditation. Pretty ironic.
  23. New healer on the scene?

    No one can wash away our karmic lessons. But we can go thru them without out undo suffering. To do this requires a physical rewiring of the nervous system and this is exactly what so many in the Oneness movement of Sri Bhagavan in southern India are experiencing as the Oneness energy is unique and has the ability to quiet the mind chatter/ego/neurotic social conditioning-unconscious influences of the past by effecting the parietal lobes and increasing the effect of the frontal lobe so that we then can witness events in the hear and now instead of projecting our past conditioning onto events. When in this state permanently it is called being Awakened. Then suffering bounces off of us instead of leaving imprints which block our flow of energy. Oneness works like this for most people and they now have a 100 percent success rate of becoming awakened when someone spends a few weeks at their Oneness University. It all sounds like a dream come true but I am the exception to the rule. I never felt anything from Oneness in th e10 years I have been involved with it. So I am hoping that working with the healer Ooi Kean Hin will change that so I can then become sensitive to the Oneness deeksha.
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    A good friend of mine tried either Monk Holding Pearl or Monk Holding Peach, I can't remember which, as his first Flying Phoenix meditation that he ever tried and right from his first session he reported feeling this ball of energy between his hands which was spinning rapidly on its own. He has had other similar good experiences with feeling moving energy sensations from different qigong methods but he said that he cannot understand why he just cannot get motivated to ever do qigong regularly. And here I am after 10 years still waiting to feel something other than chi in the hands. Seems unfair, LOL.

    Definitely poor communication from the WBBM people at times including some questions being answered and others ignored and some being answered in some kind of manner which made the answers cryptic instead of just answering the question in plain language. Not what is expected from a lineage holder. I think Terry Dunn does it how it is supposed to be done in every aspect of his work. So then when we do business with someone who cannot function at that high standard we are naturally disappointed. I have seen some really good looking qigong dvds but at times the instructor just does not know how to teach sufficiently. No excuse for blowing a breath percentage, pun unintended .