tao stillness

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Everything posted by tao stillness

  1. Potent Systems

    Thank you Aeran! I did have one of Damo's books 3 or 4 years ago but never finished it. Now that I am doing one of his methods I will order Heavenly Streams since I think the book I had was his Daoist Nei Gong. I will not do Ji Ben Gong as it tested not good for me. The test report said that it would take years of practice before I would gain any benefit from that method. Too bad because those movements look really nice. Do you know if his 3 dvd disc that has been redone contains his Wu Xing Qigong form? Hard to believe he only wants something like $24 for 3 disc set. I suppose he makes his big money from his online courses and workshops.From reading one of his books it is apparent that he is very knowledgeable and I assume that he is a reincarnated Taoist priest.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The Falu Dafa master used to teach that one should never practice two different qigong methods because each style of qigong creates a unique energy field for the person and that energy field would be corrupted by conflicting energy signals from the different styles of qigong. He said that even if someone did not want to do Falun Dafa, they still should only do one qigong method. I never was able to follow this warning because when I learned Falun Dafa I had to do Spring Forest Qigong while running a daily qigong group where I worked. Same situation when I did Flying Phoenix for 2 years.
  3. Potent Systems

    Happy birthday Jim and congrats on such a fine young catch! I just got married for the first time last year. I held out for finding a woman who would share my interests in qigong and Transcendental Meditation and knew how to make me feel loved. She took to both of those energy methods immediately and her initial experiences probably were better than my current results from both of those methods which shows me how evolved of a soul she is. She is younger than I so I have to keep up with her hormones. I find that taking the ayurvedic equivalent of ginseng does the trick beyond what I would have ever thought. It is called Ashwaganda. An adaptogen which means it sends energy to the cells. The name in English is Winter Cherry. Or it could be qigong that is creating the stamina. I have more stamina than I had 10 years ago, so something is working. I could ask my medical clairvoyant what is causing the increased stamina but I guess I am a bit too embarrassed to do that.
  4. Potent Systems

    Very astute observation and question. John Alton in his book answers that question. In fact, he changed some things up since he published the book and now adds some physical workout to the qigong method and calls the new system Unified Fitness. But there is a difference, and as I said, he covers that in his book. I have seen different methods of Neigong, not all of them use muscle resistance. The guys who have martial arts backgrounds and then do neigong dvds seem to like the hard neigong. I commented elsewhere that I don't see many of these famous qigong or tai chi masters living past their 70's and 80's. My mother is 91 and has never done any exercise since she was in high school gym class. Her grandfather lived to be in his 90's at a time when most men were dying when in their 60's or early 70's. The only exercise I do is walking our dogs and doing qigong which is so slow that I don't consider it exercise. I am 68 yrs old and my BP is usually 110/71. Never been on any Western medicine except for the need for an antibiotic for an upper respiratory infection once in awhile due to the harsh climates I have lived in and not getting enough sleep at those times. So I don't really know what it takes for longevity other than the luck of the draw when it comes to genes. I use qigong as preventive medicine. There are probably some types of qigong that can even change things at the level of the genes. Who knows? But let's hope so.
  5. Potent Systems

    Any one ever worked with any of the dvds from Grandmaster Zhang Yuanming? His lineage is amazing so I suspect his qigong is authentic. I watched a clip of his Dragon Qigong which was way beyond my level but I just ordered his 5 Element dvd for the liver since that is my weak point. I want to give that area extra treatment and add it to Damo Mitchell's Wu Xing Qigong which tested very well and is so easy to do and I felt Qi flow in the hands from the very first movement. That video is available on YouTube and only takes 6 minutes to do all 5 Elements. The test report from the medical clairvoyant: Wu Xing Qigong. pronounced woo sheeng chi kung. ———Looks very good. Purifying and cleansing and it should move the kundalini energy up the spine to the higher centers. What I like about the above test results is that when Kundalini reaches the higher centers and remains there, you are then in the Awakened state of consciousness per the current avatar for the planet, Sri Ama-Bhagavan of Oneness University in Golden City, southern India.
  6. Potent Systems

    I just watched 2 youtube videos by Damo Mitchell doing Wu Xing Qigong 5 elements and also Ji Ben Gong which is neigong. They look easy to follow him. Has anyone on here learned any of his methods? He is offering a retreat in Sept. in Maryland where I live but there is no description of what it will be about. It seems to require some kind of membership called ACG which sounds like some kind of ongoing certification course.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    One man's meat is another man's poison. Different strokes for different folks.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Very interesting experiment Sifu Terry. I have known the importance of a full night's sleep ever since I began doing meditation. Whenever I was fatigued from lack of sleep and then did my Transcendental Meditation session, it just went nowhere. Thus proving that the nervous system needs adequate sleep and rest to function properly. Sad to see this society marketing so many energy drinks to substitute for proper sleep. It is just not the amount of sleep we get that matters. Ayurveda, the oldest health care system on this planet, teaches that most healing and rejuvenation of the mind/body takes place when we get to sleep by 10pm. The sleep cycles need to coincide with the energy cycles of he universe. Same thing for eating. The most digestive fire is available when the sun is strongest from 12pm-2pm and that is when our largest meal should be consumed. When the sun sets there is very little digestive fire/energy left to properly digest food. So proper natural sleeping and eating habits should make a difference in our chi kung and meditation practices. So many different sources of TCM talk about just doing chi kung is not enough. They mention things like getting enough rest and eating pure food. At the recent strong urging of my medical clairvoyant I have made more of an effort to eliminate wheat, gluten, dairy and sugar even further from my diet. I would like to eat more organic foods to avoid adding toxins to my system but that would require an income higher than mine to be able to afford that. That says a lot about the state of consciousness of our society that pure foods cost so much more than foods that have toxins added to them. I wonder what those Taoist hermits living in the mountains of China eat? I was glad to recently learn that the Whole Foods store chain now buys some of their organic produce from the Transcendental Meditation organic produce farms located in Fairfield, Iowa. Their crops are grown according to the ancient ayurvedic farming principles. Now all we need is for the Whole Foods company to listen to all of those complaints about their high prices.
  9. Potent Systems

    Good question. There is only one guy that I know of who had been involved in researching qigong in terms of Western physiology and that is John Alton who is connected with University of Virginia where they put his qigong class under the Nursing Dept. He would be the guy to ask about the Amygdala and nervous system. You can hear his 2014 lecture to the Google people where he discusses qigong in terms of the Western view of the body. He created a system that he learned from a master when he was in China using The Three Emperor Qigong form also with what John calls the Reflective Exercise Response which consists of learning to feel a pulse in your lower abdomen and then being able to send that pulse to whatever needs healing in your body and it is supposed to heal almost instantly. I recently ordered the dvd but John must be in China or elsewhere since he did not send confirmation of the order and did not ship it so I recently cancelled the order. It did not test very well for me anyway when I had the medical clairvoyant check it out. John wrote a book in 1997 about his qigong experiences in China and his subsequent research. He shows just how qigong is able to improve health. It works strongly with the lymphatic system. I think he also covers the CNS, I have not finished reading it.
  10. Potent Systems

    Our people became so good at Spring Forest Qigong that I often did the entire half hour session in total silence with my eyes closed. We always played good Asian themed music with the form.
  11. Potent Systems

    Some of our patients were so aware of what I was demonstrating that if I scratched my nose during the routine, they scratched their nose thinking it was part of the form, LOL. A lady around 80 years old did that and I burst out laughing. They took correction very well and tried hard. I wish I could say the same for the staff that was supposed to be joining in that group too.
  12. Potent Systems

    Wow, that video brings back memories! That is a nice gentle looking and easy to perform qigong method. I will have to look it up online. To answer a question, there were no known bad side effects from our severely mentally ill people doing qigong. Some qigong masters had advised us not to teach them any movements that would bring chi to their heads. That made sense since they already have too much energy there anyway but we never bothered to avoid that. What was gratifying was some of our most disruptive patients actually embraced qigong and they turned out to be model students while in the group, their behavior was well controlled and some had family members order them a qigong dvd so they could continue after discharge from our facility. Spring Forest Qigong is especially good because the movements allow most people to feel chi flowing in their hands quickly. I remember that after several months I could eventually feel some degree of chi flow in my hands from every one of the movements. So it does build up the chi. I stopped doing it at work because I retired and no longer worked there. I stopped doing it at home before that because I found other qigong methods that Eric found that gave more benefits to me. Flying Phoenix was one of those, and if you do Flying Phoenix Chi Kung, then you really don't have time to do any other method.
  13. Potent Systems

    Wow, Lucifer sounds like he is right out of one of the Marvel Comics tv shows that I now watch, Gotham or the Flash or The Arrow. That is great that at 70 you can still do it. I began my career in 1973 and retired last year. The interesting thing is that everyone on this planet who is not Awakened is not in their right mind, myself included. I am too lazy to fly to southern India to take the course for a few weeks and come back Awakened. And just think, people used to trek across India, China and Tibet seeking a master and now all we have to do is fly to Oneness University. I will wait till the course is offered in the U.S.
  14. Potent Systems

    According to the Avatar of Oneness University in Golden City, India, the stillness that is mentioned in almost all scriptures is produced when the parietal lobes of the brain are quieted and the frontal lobe is activated. That is the science behind the effects of Kundalini rising as portrayed in the TCM model symoblized as steam rising up the dan tiens as shown in the picture on my posts. The stillness from this literal rewiring of the brain results in the spontaneous disconnect from the ego and then person experiences life from being in the moment instead of filtering all perception thru past experiences and social conditioning. Thus, the mind cannot heal the mind. It takes a higher form of energy which happens to be Kundalini or Prana or Chi. At least that is how I currently understand this. For most, Awakening has to happen before Enlightenment. 2 different types of functioning of the nervous system. So thank you Jim D. for the phrase Be still and know... Knowledge is structured in Consciousness.
  15. Potent Systems

    LOL! I was thinking, "One is the loneliest number you will ever do....". The paradox being that loneliness is from separation from the Self and the only cure for that human unawakened condition is Oneness with all.
  16. Potent Systems

    I think I will leave it up to the group, "Three Dog Night". They said it best.
  17. Potent Systems

    And you are trying to communicate indirectly what message? Or should we just fill in the blanks and try to guess?
  18. Potent Systems

    Here is a recent test report from my medical clairvoyant for the Tao Qi Gong dvd from Australia which I ordered after getting this report: This is actually pretty good. I’m not convinced it is total healing but it acts on a very profound level. The originator of almost all health problems is the Prana subdosha of Vata that is seated in the heart chakra. The Prana is usually thrown out of balance by the stress in the heart chakra and starts a chain of events that result in weaknesses and health problems. This Qi Gong actually works on balancing the Prana subdosha energy and does it pretty well. It also cleanses many of the meridians which carry the Prana. This is good stuff. Eric
  19. Potent Systems

    I worked at inpatient, 16 bed extended acute care facility for the severely mentally ill. We ran a qigong group for them daily for 8 years. Many schizophrenics there. I used their behavior in the group as one way to measure their progress in treatment. Some of them did some pretty bizarre behavior when they began the group after first being admitted to the facility. But after some months their qigong performance looked pretty good and I even had some them leading the group at times since they made so much progress. The transformation was amazing to watch. We had some patients who would not get out of bed to go to any groups because they were so depressed at times, yet some of those people would get out of bed to go to the qigong group. I asked one elderly schizophrenic who hallucinated quite a bit even while on medication what he got out of qigong. He replied that it was the only time his mind was quiet. We used Spring Forest Qigong because it had research studies showing that it decreased depression and anxiety even beyond the expected levels of the experimenters. The other psychotherapist and myself were then sent to a workshop to be trained in person by Master Chunyi Li so that we could then use Spring Forest Qigong for our qigong group. Obviously, I loved being paid to do qigong on the job. At the workshop which consisted of psychotherapists from all over the United States Chunyi Li demonstrated his ability to see physical ailments with his third eye. He was 100% accurate in finding the exact location for each person's pain. I think that he did this at the beginning of the workshop to show that he was the real thing and that qigong works in order to dispel the skepticism of the audience. I was impressed with how humble and modest Chunyi really is. A good sense of humor too!
  20. Potent Systems

    Anyone have any experience with Tao Qi Gong dvd from the fellow in South Africa? His ad for his method arrived in my email today and I watched his preview video. The form has some really nice looking movements to it so I requested that my medical clairvoyant test this one. The guy doing this form is an engineer who also claims to have become an intuitive from practicing this qigong method for over 20 years. Kudos for staying with one qigong method for that long. 8 years is the longest I was able to do the same qigong method, Spring Forest Qigong, because that is the method that we used where I worked.
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Riding the Ox, Would you mind trying to descrbe what it is like feeling chi in the meridians? I have only felt chi in the hands or in between my arm and shirt from Flying Phoenix.
  22. Potent Systems

    Tibetan Qi and Nei Gong by Master Ron Lew——Not recommended at this time for you. It is very powerful but would cause the kundalini to go wild all over the body and create a lot of health problems. Definitely hold off on this one. Tibetan Qigong performed by Kay Luthi: consists of Three Palms Together dvd——Some cleansing of the meridians and upward movement of energy but pretty weak. Not much results from this one. Five Element Stake dvd——Like the previous. Positive cleansing and energy movement but weak. Barely perceptible results. One Finger Zen Dynamic dvd——Again not very strong but good purification of the brain and nervous system. This one would do you some good healing and prevention if done for a few months. The above are the test results of Tibetan Qigong from my medical clairvoyant. Keep in mind the results apply only to me. For another person these methods might be great. All of his testing is based on the person requesting the test, results do not always generalize to other people. Of course I am disappointed but this is why I rely on this gifted man so that I do not waste my time or mess up my nervous system doing methods that would not benefit my particular energy bodies and nervous system.
  23. Potent Systems

    Just heard from Kay Luthi. All is well. She just returned from a few weeks of vacation. Her website is fine and yesterday she just sent out 2 orders of dvds.
  24. Potent Systems

    What I can report at this time about Ron Lew's Tibetan Qi and Neigong method is that after practicing it for less than one week and only having practiced the first of the 5 movements on that dvd I now still have to go to bed at 2am but now when I go to bed I do not feel tired like I used to. The only thing that has changed in my lifestyle is that I do that first exercise and I also went back to doing once in awhile the Awakening Light Gong method. So one of those methods must be providing some new energy.
  25. Potent Systems

    I just saw a Chinese video of Nei Jing being performed. Looked easy enough for me to learn. I also saw that Dan Fererrera is offering it on his website. I have looked at his website which seems to consist of qigong methods that he has taken from other people and her makes his videos with him performing the methods. I would prefer to get the method from Kay Luthi considering that she learned it from Master Wang. But credit goes to Sifu Fererrara for selecting some good methods to put on his website. When he offers the free lesson of Breathing the Universe on his site so people can immediately feel the chi, I am surprised that he uses that name because that movement, although pretty common in many qigong methods, has that name from Spring Forest Qigong which I learned in person from Master Chunyi Lin. I think Dan could have at least made up his own name for that movement, LOL. Does anyone know anything about Dan?