tao stillness

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Everything posted by tao stillness

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Glad to hear about your success and progress Aeran! Some people get quick results from Eric, while for others it is a slow process. Just like how different qigong methods work for different people. And so the only thing that we can do is just what you posted: Just do it! And the IT turns out to be different strokes for different folks.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Question for Sifu Terry: why does going as slow as a shifting sand dune produce the sensation of chi during some Flying Phoenix meditation? I have not seen any other chi kung method which has you move that slowly. I find that when doing 60-70-40-5 if I do not go slower than slow, then I do not have that sensation of thick chi when my hands are in the Monk Gazing as Moon position. The slower I go while moving my hands and arms into that position, the stronger the chi is felt. My left brain wants to know the mechanics behind this process. The secret behind the secret. And from Transcendental Meditation I have experienced that being as still as Tao is the only way to enter Samadhi. The slower we do some of the Flying Phoenix movements, the more stillness we are creating somewhere. And with stillness comes the movement of chi. I am just thinking out loud here.
  3. Shri M and Kriya Yoga

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I just ordered his autobiography. The Oneness of the Vedas really sounds like the Tao. For a Muslim to be into the Vedic tradition is really unique.
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I want to state there is no similarity between Oneness Deeksha and any form of chi kung. The proclaimed Avatar of the Oneness Deeksha has made it clear that this is a unique energy that has never before been brought to this planet. The Oneness Deeksha works by literally and physically rewiring the brain so that the mental chatter of the thinking mind, also called Ego, produced by the parietal lobes of the brain are quieted, while the higher consciousness is expanded by stimulating the forebrain. The result is that if a person attends the 3 week processing course at Oneness University, they leave having reached some degree of an initial Awakened state of consciousness. Once Awakened, it is permanent. And that means situations no longer stick with you for long periods of time, and you respond in the here and now thru clear perceptions instead of thru ages old social conditioning from the unconscious mind making all kinds of associations due to prior experiences from this lifetime and previous ones. As a TM meditator daily for 43 years, it was a real eye opener when I heard the Avatar state that repeating a mantra is not going to get you enlightened. He may have a point there since no one that I know of or have heard about has ever mentioned anyone in the TM movement who is said to have even reached the first stage of enlightenment which we refer to as Cosmic Consciousness. I was in that higher state for one day while on an experimental TM course but it was not permanent. If it is not permanent, then it is not Enlightenment. So I just put this out there to pass along the claim that Oneness is a unique energy. I have seen people come to our Oneness Deeksha sessions and come away thinking it was just like Reiki. This is why on the path we need teachers because intellectual understanding is needed to understand our experiences along the way in order to avoid being confused.
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Circumstances once again led me to doing Flying Phoenix Meditation 60-70-40-5 around 2a.m. last night. Being that late I was not expecting to be feeling much from it but I wanted to stick to my daily chi kung routine regardless. I did the movements at slower than slow pace and was surprisingly rewarded with that much appreciated sensation of hands moving thru thick clouds of energy which offers subtle resistance sensation. When this is felt strongly, as it was last night, I always come away thinking how unique this Flying Phoenix Chi Kung really is when you can actually sense an energy field. A lot of chi kung forms have you visualize that you are tracing energy. No need to use such make believe tactics with Flying Phoenix. I think Riding the Ox offers a valuable tip for learning some of the more complex Flying Phoenix movements such as volume 4, the Long Form. Play the disc or you tube version at a slower speed to be able to pick up the nuances until your brain/body has memorized the form. I often also have to put the computer monitor facing a mirror so I do not have to get confused figuring out left and right. Some qigong and tai chi teachers have recently been making their dvds with mirrored teaching. Meaning that when they say go left, in reality they are going right so it matches your left, and vice versa. I learn best that way. No thinking needed, just follow along.
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Going back to the post about the Cleary version of the Secret of the Golden Flower, I just realized that this is the edition that I have been reading for the past few years, I still find it too complex. I read the version with the foreword by Jung in the early 1970's but never finished it. I find that meditation from the Vedic tradition in India is very simple when taught correctly compared to all of this visualization required by the Chinese methods. I also found that all the Light that is referred to comes automatically when the right technique is taught.
  7. Yadi Alamin - The Qigong Therapist

    Has anyone had any success doing Yadi's Nei Kung, level one?
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    As energy moves it releases blocks of old stress and in some people this can cause spontaneous bodily movements. I know of a friend who when doing the rapid breathing chakra clearing method done at Oneness events, her body spontaneously levitates up from her chair each time. She hops up quite far, actually.
  9. Potent Systems

    Emil must have a photographic memory because I have never seen anyone post as many different demonstrations of different qigong methods as he has. He is like the Baskins-Robbins flavor of the month.
  10. Outsider's doubts

    These are old outdated forms of seeking the Kundalini to rise. There has been now on Earth for the last several years a team of husband and wife Avatars who have brought in a unique energy called Oneness Blessing that in its latest version is now the Golden Orb Deeksha, and also Prana Deeksha. They both physically rewire the brain to produce Awakening. Anyone who now takes a 3 week course at their Oneness University in south India comes back at some level of permanent Awakening. They have 100% success rate in being able to do this. They also offer free 20 minute online Oneness Meditations daily where you just sit thre and look in the eyes of the Oneness Trainer as he does a transmission of deeksha. According to Sri Bhagavan, the Avatar, enlightenment is actually a very simple process of getting Kundalini to remain up in the brain rather than returning back down. No amount of repeating the mantra or watching your breath is going to do it for most people. I should know, I have done the Transcendental Meditation program daily for the past 43 years and on an experimental course held by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi I was in a temporary state of enlightenment for one night. But it never happened again from his version of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. So the goal is real, but most paths are a time consuming waste of time. I do chi kung for preserving my health, I do not expect spiritual benefits from it. I do TM now for release of stress, I do not expect enlightenment from it.I do Oneness Blessing for Awakening. But I am in the one percent of the population whom the Avatar says do not feel anything from Oneness Blessing. So quite a paradox. Yet I remain on the path. S
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have read at least one Thomas Cleary book and was pleased with him and I have others from him on my bookshelves waiting to be read. Awareness turning in on itself reminds me of the teachings of Transcendental Meditation when Maharishi taught basic physics and quantum physics and he would explain TM and how creation works in the Universe as the Self turning in upon itself. By the Self, he did not mean our individual ego/personality. He referred to the Self as Pure Consciousness, Pure Awareness without any thought to it, yet it is the basis of every physially manifested form in creation. In other words, the Pure Absolute. Which to me sounds like the Tao, the mother of 10,000 things, to quote the Tao Te Ching. The Self turning upon itself happens spontaneously during TM and when that does happen, research shows that all the brain functioning is at maximum coherence instead of the usual random brain wave activity associated with the non-enlightened usual state of consciousness. So regardless of the path we are on, the method is always to get to the source which is the Self reflecting itself. Some paths are just more complex than others. When I read the Secret of the Golden Flower my head spins with how complicated those ancient teachings have made such a simple process for transcending the Relative aspect of life in order to reach the Absolute. But Frederic you are certainly having some great experiences and you have reminded me to go back to reading my Cleary books on the Taoist path.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    In TM we are taught that if one continually falls asleep during meditation it means that the body is needing that sleep and we should allow for that extra sleep. There is also something known as compensatory sleep that results from going for a period of not enough sleep and then the body wants to make up for that when it gets a chance by at some point making the person sleep extra hours.
  13. Potent Systems

    Thank you Éclair for the Fan Teng Gong translation. It looks like a very good method to learn but, as I have written, I received an email from their headquarters in Germany warning me that the Fan Teng Gong that is shown on You tube by Emil is all wrong.
  14. Potent Systems

    My medical clairvoyant found Yadi's Qigong for Serious Health Conditions to be very healing for me. However, as I stated elsewhere, it is the most amateur and poor quality dvd that I have ever seen, and none of the exercises that I saw demonstrated looked like anything I would want to even try to learn. A total waste of $200. But I enjoyed communicating with Yadi via emails and agree that he is a cool guy. I just wish that his Qigong dvd was as cool. Nothing cool about paying that high price.
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    For quite a long period I used to do the Big Sleeper FP before bed and never had any problems waking up and that was when I would go to bed at midnight and get up at 6:30am. More recently I was doing FP 60-70-40-5 before bed and also never had any problems waking from that one either. I have heard from astrologers that recently the Earth has entered a photon belt which effects the emotions quite strongly. The effect was noticed quite strongly the day after Xmas by 2 people that are close to me and I also felt it myself. Neither of us knew about the photon belt at that time.
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Frederic, you make good sense since I have noticed many qigong teachers are now moving to digital downloads instead of selling dvds. Purple Player is the download service that Sifu Garry Hearfield uses for his digital downloads.
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I believe some of those other styles may be learned via Skype private sessions with Sifu Terry.
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Have Tao, will Travel If you know what this is a take off from, then you must be pretty old. As a kid I watched Have Gun, Will Travel on TV but it was not until I was in graduate school that I learned that the actor, Richard Boone, during the episodes was quoting Schopenhauer philosophy at times before he would do his quick draw. Sort of a forerunner to the Kung Fu TV series that emerged about 15 years later reflecting the jump in consciousness from the 1950s to the 1970s, but still, the ever present theme of good versus evil. So well wishes for Sifu Terry's ventures to share the Tao...
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, You mentioned your seminar schedule for 2017. If this includes traveling to do workshops, would you mind posting on here where these seminars will be held so that if they are in our area, we would have the opportunity to join a workshop? Also, if you are scheduled to be on the East Coast, you might want to consider contacting Ruscombe Mansion in Baltimore to see if you could then swing down here for a workshop. Ruscombe Mansion is the energy cultivation center of Baltimore which has been in existence for at least 30 years giving workshops.
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sifu Terry, I have heard a rumor that in 2017 you will be releasing a dvd of the TTP 31. Any truth to this?
  21. Potent Systems

    Below I give you Eric's test results for Fan Teng Gong: Short term you would see more results from Eternal Spring Qigong as it jump starts the Chi more rapidly and powerfully than does Fan Teng Gong. However, long term results would be much better from Fan Teng as it more fully purifies the meridians and prepares the body for the power of the Chi when it really gets moving later. Yes, it should work well from the DVD's if a bit slow at the start. After regular practice it clears the meridians of the body and gets the Chi moving all over to give more strength, power and spiritual growth. A good system. In spite of the favorable test results, I doubt I will order the DVDs since there are at least 4 levels to this, and they are only in German.
  22. Potent Systems

    Many other qigong methods have now tested as being more beneficial for me than Flying Phoenix. As I posted, when I did level one of Fan Teng Gong I was aware of how similar the postures were to that of Grandmaster Doo Wai's 690 AD form. But the amount of Qi felt from doing 690 form was many, many times more than from FTG.
  23. Potent Systems

    Thank you for posting about Emil's website as I know there are always people who want to learn new qigong methods in complete forms but they cannot afford the dvds or get them safely mailed to their countries in some cases. The form that he created himself would be worth having Eric test if I liked how it looks.
  24. Potent Systems

    If you download Google Chrome as a browser, it will translate any page into your native language. So I did that for Emil's website and learned that Fan Teng Gong means Churning Qigong. It looks to me that it is for stimulating the Triple Burner/chakras. Emil considers it to be highest level qigong compared to the rankings of all the other 50 qigong dvds he offers. I emailed him asking which of his dvds/youtube videos can be learned like his Fan Teng Gong without needing verbal instructions for those who do not speak German. He has an amazing collection.
  25. Potent Systems

    What does Fan Teng translate as in English? I just did level one and felt some Qi at times in the hands, nothing really strong. Grandmaster Doo Wai's 690AD as some similar postures as Fan Teng but adds the special breathing sequence which creates tremendous sensation of qi in the hands during the static postures. I did not feel anywhere near a strong level of qi doing Fan Teng Qong. That does not mean other people will not feel the qi strongly, just means that for me it does not compare in power to that of Doo Wai. But I loved how easy it was to perform and did not take that long. I will be interested in trying level 2 at some point since it is for the liver meridian.