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Everything posted by niveQ

  1. If I were to buy nettle leaves... How would I go about ingesting these to receive the most benefit? Would I have to make a tea?
  2. I'm sorry. Can someone point out my errors?
  3. ...

    How does one do this?
  4. ...

    It is very good to hear your revelations. I am thankful for all of your stories and information shared in this thread. One worry that I have is that retaining semen will damage my prostate gland. Is this a legitimate worry? Sometimes it feels as if I feel a pleasure that could make me burst if I took advantage of it, just by sitting on a hard surface.
  5. Ghee.

    I stayed in northglenn, Colorado for two weeks. I got back home a week ago. It was a huge growing experience. While there, I visited an Indian supermarket where I met one of the friendliest people I have ever met. He is a retired dietitian and now runs his supermarket. In my opinion, he is changing the world. He told me what to eat and how to eat it. He gave me free food. Also bought some stuff, including ghee. He told me to not use olive oil and use ghee instead. He said when under high temperature, olive oil is not healthy. He explained why and I don't quite remember. He told me that the only way to get the full benefits from spices and other nutritious foods is to cook them in ghee. I believe he told me to boil vegetables first, while cooking spices in ghee, then mix the two together. I don't remember if that is the correct procedure, though. What should I know about ghee? I read up on it and found that it should obviously be eaten in moderation, but, you can also apply it to joints. What is the best way to mix this with vegetables? What about quinoa? Is it a good idea to mix with eggs? Can one make an omelette with it (I eat eggs now)? This man was different than many others that I have met. Well, many were out in Colorado. Everyone was supportive of each other. Art and culture was everywhere. I felt as if. As somehow actually from there. He also gave me some split moong beans.
  6. Ghee.

    Thank you shel, brian, thunderl and marble.
  7. Ghee.

    My friend, would ghee constitute as good food? I have read semi-conflicting reports.
  8. Gem Stones

    If a person acquires a gem stone for the purpose of healing, breaking habits or increasing their focus, is there a counterbalance to the effects of the gemstone? Say A person starts to wear a ruby and finds that their focus and concentration has increased. If they go without the ruby, will their focus remain stronger, will it return to it's previous strength or will it be even worse?
  9. Use koans to put your self to sleep

    What's an example? I have looked them up to no avail. Every site has different interpretations. I like your description.
  10. Charities

    Are there any good charities that you guys can recommend? I want a charity that is legitimate and a charity that can REALLY help people. Thanks for any recommendations.
  11. I became a vegetarian about a year and a half ago. I used to eat a lot of chicken breast. Now I do not. I am glad I do not. I couldn't and I can't due to guilt. I can survive without it and I am much healthier and energetic. I am 6'1 and about 165 lbs. I used to be 6'1 175 lbs. and I never really attempted to build muscle. I am now trying to build muscle and become more physically powerful. I have had some results in my biceps, but that is it. My weight has remained the same. Is there a diet and/or exercise plan I can follow? I eat very healthy and get a good amount of protein with quinoa, avacados, walnuts and a hempseed protein supplement. I was told that you need to ingest your body weight (in grams) in protein to gain muscle. I definitely do not do that. Edit: I forgot to mention, it would be ideal to get to 180 lbs. Any suggestions? I appreciate it greatly. I truly do.
  12. I should correct what I said. I am looking more to gain muscle and strength. My ignorant mind correlates this with weight so I mentioned weight.mbut, I couldnt care less about my weight. I just want more muscle, and more strength. I have never liked gyms, but will go if you would strongly recommend.
  13. Thank you so much. I am reading the link now. Also, I apologize. By those definitions, I would prefer strength to power.
  14. Thank you for the help. I prefer to not gain a bunch of weight/fat quickly. I prefer to gradually get a little bigger muscularly (lean muscle) over the course of some months. I just do not know what is realistic.
  15. Hmm, I do bicep curls, shoulder press, inclined situps, pushups and the shoulder exercise where youhave dumbells at your sides and you lift them up from your sides. I do 5 sets of 5-7. I do this every two days, sometimes 3 days. I dont know my current fat%. I am no sure what my ideals would be. I would just like to be more explosive. A Bruce Lee build would be ideal. The only powder I ingest is the Hemp Protein powder. My spending limit is not that high currently. EDIT: I just saw your second post. I am very much interested. If someone could make me a diet/exercise plan, I would love to go full force if I can afford it. I am willing to make sacrifices, of course. I am supremely interested.
  16. Hello all. I am less than a novice. My spiritual experience is limited to meditation, qigong and intentional sleep paralysis. I believe I have come in contact with entities and spirits before.mi have always been sensitive. I have always had night terrors, lucid dreams, sleep paralysis and waves of emotion. It wasn't until recently that I felt/ started to believe that there is significance behind these things. Now, I read others incredibly well. I could always sense when a person is lying, even if it is not a verbal lie. I just always ignored this. Now, I can feel when catastrophic conversational/personal/social events will happen. That is back story on me. I started this read for some recommendations if that is alright. I have never really attempted any sort of ritual. I really want that to change. I just do not know where to start. Are there any rituals one can do to connect to love , empathy and the great life force in a deeper manner? I have been with the love of my life for over two years. We were looki togoonis journey together. Any advice or suggestions? Thank you very kindly.
  17. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    I am a Capricorn.
  18. ...

    I think it takes an effort to benefit from psychedelics. the time that I referred to a couple of posts up took an efffort to realize certain things and really participate in the music. This was much more than just a social event. Music is very special. Those who can produce it with pure intentions are doing something very special. It is inspirational on so many levels.
  19. ...

    I have similar thoughts. I don't know if they are the exact same as yours. But, I have similar thoughts when it comes to negativity and self-doubt.
  20. ...

    The time I took aMT at a concert and smoked some pot was one of the best experiences of my life. It was truly inspirational to see a person so in the moment and putting aside what others think and all expectations. It was a person, just like you or I, doing what they wanted. I hugged this person afterwards and told them how beautiful it was. Also, I have smoked marijuana with my love before. When we cuddle, I can feel energy run through our bodies. I can feel it run through my body to the point of my focus and into her body. We both twitch almost simultaneously at this point. I twitch a split second before she does. During this phenomenon, I can send energy to her pelvic area (in a playful/sexual way) without even speaking and get her to twitch in that area and moan in short spurts. I told her about this, but I feel like she already knew I was doing it. It kind of feels telepathic.
  21. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    my diet consists of fruits, veggies, seeds and some nuts. My usual favorites are dates, grapefruits, pears and figs. I also have a hemp seed protein supplement.
  22. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    TO my knowledge, I get a good amount of iron. I eat nuts, seeds and green veggies. I also have a hempseed protein that is high in iron and drink 1-2 kombuchas a day that have both spirillina and chlorella.
  23. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    A little over a year. I haven't had any urges until now.
  24. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Anyone have any thought on why I have had urges to eat meat recently? Could spring time have an effect?
  25. I dare not eat meat.

    I don't understand these cravings. I have had cravings for meat that I have not had in about a year. Is it because it is spring time?