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Posts posted by Pai_Mei

  1. Fully agreed. I guess that what you describe is what Ya Mu is referring to as a healer without connection to the higher levels. You will only get mixed results or no results at all. It is probably a mixture of proper training, talent, true vocation and higher-level connection that makes a good healer.I'd love to hear Ya Mu's view on this question: What does it take to be a good healer and why do do some healers get only mixed results?

  2. The clients DO heal. But not everyone is completely healed in an instant. One of his top students Yuan Tze told once in a class that sometimes his clients are already healed when they have a seat in his clinic by pure consciousness alone and Yuan Tze however still does a full treatment because the consciousness of the client would not accept fully that healing has happened otherwise.No healer can prevent the regrowth of a tumour e.g. if the client chooses to get back to old habits or negative thinking. If this method does not work, plenty of other methods are possible. So the result is the same, but takes longer. I have however to admit that one student of Yuan Tze secretly once told me that external Qi healing is still faster and better BUT it deplets the energy of the practitioner as you have to use your Dan Tian Qi. That is why I like this method (Zhineng Qigong healing) as it is elegant and does not deplete your Qi. and you work in a very clean energy environment due to the high quality qi-field. But the above statement is the reason why I took up training with Ya Mu in order to be a more complete all-around healer. If you want some scientific evidence of Ya Mu's work, you will have to ask him himself but his background is very sound and the SM-lineage consists of those 5 teachers that single-handedly opened Qigong to the public. So we would not be able to discuss on this board if they hadn't existed and taught his teacher Wang Juemin. Maybe Ya Mu has some info about the clinic Wang Juemin led and the results they got. They surely had a reason for calling him a "national treasure".

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  3. First of all NotVoid, you are right when you say that a good healer should be effective. If he/she is not effective, you would not come back or recommend this healer to others. On the other hand, actually having to feel an effect can be tricky as it depends on the quality and vibration of the Qi how much you'll be able to feel. E.g. in the Zhineng community Hunyuan Qi is used which is a very high quality qi with a high vibration. The lower the vibration in my experience, the easier it is to feel. So some people you might meet and think that their Qi is strong are actually quite low in vibration and their Qi is coarse and unrefined and would lead e.g. to mixed results and/or heavy qigong reactions when used for healing.I e.g. was introduced to a healing method that is called Zhen Qi Qigong and it works with high energy information, much like light codes. Sensitive people feel this energy very much or people that have already a higher vibration themselves. People with low vibration do not feel the energy or do even have no effect at times and that is why I carefully choose whom I work with this method. I am also very famiiar with the healing methods in Zhineng Qigong. They teach these healing methods very early to students but as this type of healing is very much connected to the consciousness development of the practitioner (you work with external Hunyuan Qi and strong intent), the results may vary strongly as they depend on the level of consciousness development of the student.

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  4. As I seem to have more freedom now to express what I want to express. I’d like to share a video of Professor Pang doing healing. The highest method of Huaxia was to heal with consciousness alone. It is by using the light of your Yiyuanti for transmitting a very strong burst of high energy information that can flood body and consciousness instantly. However the client needs to be very much receptive to the healer or it won’t work. But when it works, the healing results can be instantly. Otherwise there are still conventional methods of ;Medical Qigong that can be used. This videos shows some very impressive results. This method goes in China by the name of “Pang-Ming-handshake” because he transmits the information by just shaking the hands of his clients. By the way: The clinic was scientifically tested by the Chinese sports council with a 95% success rate and over 500.000 people were treated in the nineties. So if the methodology is sound you’ll get superb results with Medical Qigong. These highly statistically significant results are far from being placebos. Ya Mu’s work is another good example. There are some impressive cases starting at 1:35.


  5. Excuse me, but imo your IQ and the IQ of all other people who believe this BULLSHIT is fairly low.

    This is just a low-level stage-magician trick and works only on people who are very prone to delusion and make-believe!

    The Qigong-circles you are referring to obviously consist out of deluded pitiable people!


    Never-Neverland, here we come!


    Ok, this is getting very personal here and I will insist on a reaction by the moderators to this behavior. You consider Chunyi Lin e.g. a fool? First, no, my IQ is not low. I said this is a game and you treat it like an insult to your intelligence.

    People like you are the cause why people leave this forum because you are not able to engage in an open discussion without getting personal and insulting (thunder_gooch is another good example). You seem to know it all and seem to forget that this is a brotherhood here. We are meant to have fun and share our love for Qigong and not to quarrel about petty things. This forum could be great but it isn’t. In some other thread someone said that he misses Santiago. I studied privately with him for quite some time. Do you know what he did? He tried to heal this forum! He sent healing energy to this forum and its members everyday in an attempt to raise its vibration. And what did he get? He got insulted by people that have neither deep cultivation nor proper manners He said this forum is full of negativity and everybody with some real cultivation under his belt knows that!! The same goes for other great souls on this forum like Ya Mu and many others. At some days I am speechless. Never experienced such a low level of human behaviour - especially towards people that spend their life teaching and healing while others waste it by fantasizing about their imagined greatness.

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  6. The finger growing exercise is indeed quite simple to do and very well known in Qigong-circles. Frank Kinslow of Quantum Entrainment has it. Effie Chow has it. Even Chunyi Lin has it on his level one DVD...and many more. It is first and foremost a "game" and nothing to be taken too serious. And NO the hands don't stay like that.

  7. Thank you for your clarification Ya Mu. On this level as on another level as well ;) This story was shared by numerous of his students. One source e.g. is Yuan Tze from New Zealand in his book "Voyage to the shore 2":



    Another good source about the clinic is Luke Chan's book.


  8. But Ya Mu, aren't paranormal abilities not also qi-abilities, at least in the sense that you use your level of Yiyuanti for manifesting them? Dr. Pang Ming e.g., who lead the world's biggest medicineless hospital at Huaxia did extensive research on paranormal activities. He actively trained his students in using special abilities for healing. I would rather say that paranormal abilities in varying degrees are a natural extension of qi-transmission abilities. E.g. one exercise he gave his students in his advanced classes was that he took an egg and cracked the egg at numerous places. Then he had his students to build a strong qi-field and put the egg back together by using the qi-field, pushing and pulling Hunyuan Qi and intent. His students ( I don't know the number) were able to put the first egg together within 3 hours. Then he joined the group and took the information from the qi-field and altered it. After that he ordered to students to do it again. Now it took them only 20 minutes. I believe I once read that he alone was able to do it in 5 minutes. Then they would use this knowledge on broken bones, tumours etc. That was the way special abilities were trained there by heart-to-heart transmission.

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  9. Now for something more seriously here. There is a guy on youtube named Shirak OmegaX and he is training and testing ihs psychic abilites on this channel. He has numerous videos and explains a lot about his PK-abilities and how he developed them and he throughly tested everything.



    He has also written a book:


    Lots of good info and some nice experiments.

  10. Luc BĂĽrgin, a journalist checked the official material about him and took the material to medical experts. He wrote a well-known book about him and his conclusion was that he had died from an infection. When they found Dajo, his physical appearance clearly showed signs of infection. Maybe he got the infection probably from swallowing the spike. That he refused the operation was well known. PS: I am German and therefore have more access to information about him . Just lookin things up in wikipedia is no sign of being a scientific expert. :glare: Randi is no scientist anyway - he is just another fanatic.