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Posts posted by Pai_Mei

  1. Yes, Suninmyeyes raised a very important point here. It depends on your level of awareness...I know this state also under the name "false emptyness". It is pretty much like a hibernation state. As Suninmyeyes said, some Yogis deliberately cultivate such stages but these are all lower-level samadhi-states. I personally had similar experiences for some time when I would close my eyes and then open them and an hour was gone and it had felt like a second.

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  2. Well, I see that you have good taste dear Sinfest, not only when it comes to choosing profile pics...Falco is really one of the greatest artists of all time :D As far as I know he his still to this date the first and only german-speaking artist (he is actually from Austria) who had a number-one-hit on the US-billboard-charts.


    HELLO :lol:


    That guy is White Eyebrow, there's a kung fu style named after him

    My friend was practicing it but I don't know where he went now

    Also, I've been using that exact picture on my profile page for a while


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  3. That is a very philosophical question :-) you mean Gordon Liu, the star of "36 chambers of Shaolin" who portrais Pai-Mei or do you mean the historical person that inspired Tarantino to create Pai-Mei or do you aim at the person behind this post? ;-) Aren't we all actors and carry masks in some way? Isn't being an internal energy cultivator a good mask, too?:-D Maybe the world is like Shakespeare said "just a stage" and we are all actors in this world? So who am I really and who are you? The head of a dead cat! :-D



    I had met the guy in your avatar. Do you know who he is.....???:D

  4. Dear Qi-brother Michael,


    so your the only surviving representative of your school? :-D

    There is nothing to be envious about as my private sessions were also through skype. :blush: However I had the benefit to share some real quality time with Santiago alone and I treasure our experiences very much. He is really one of the most loving people I know.




    Glad to hear it. My dojo used to teach the 5 point palm exploding heart technique, but too quickly we got down to 4 members, then 2,..then one ;)


    I envy that you were able to take KAP live with Santiago. A number of us have taken it through Skype. Welcome to the bums.

