Diamond Spectrum

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Posts posted by Diamond Spectrum

  1. Warmly received my new pen pal,


    In classical chinese literature the chakras are refered to as cinnabar fields, in the white cloud diagram the fields are coupled by the spine. The meditative poetry accompanies both the upward flow of the governing vessel, and the downward flow of the conception vessel. Fire Up, Water Down. Often times meditators or people with specific dispositions experience both hot and cold sensations simultaneously. Certain practices which bring the body into balance can amplify these feelings before giving birth to a new dimension of consciousness.


    Edited here to make a distinction between feeling "cold" as a sensation of numbness of lack of flow, compared to hear that is so hot it is cold, like being burned by ice.


    From reading your description is sounds like you've directly experienced a shift like this. There are a variety of subtle sensations that ancient practices awaken which modern media based popular culture offers no guidance. The Vedic texts, Yoga Sutras, etc were transmitted orally through four thousand years of history without a telephone or internet, face to face.


    Thanks for sharing your experiences!

  2. By clearing I mean emptying your cup, your mind.

    By opening I mean creating space inside yourself, your vessel.

    By circulating I mean Gung, Work.

    By filling I mean relaxing, flowing, going with your work; cultivation; what is empty is filled full.

    By balancing I mean creating harmony.

    By closing I mean tying a ribbon on your accomplishment; and preseting your personal gifts to the world.


    "Purple Light Comes from the East"

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  3. <<<"Power" sleep is stage 1 alpha sleep only. It is light sleep best used to recharge during the day and is not a substitute for deep, slow wave, delta sleep. This is when the body and mind really rest. >>>


    This is different than what I was taught, 'possibly' a westrrnization of the restful alpha visualization state, ive heard it elsewhere commonly associated with the "power" nap, but is specifically a differnt experience than what I was taught as "power sleeping". Power sleeping is an auto suggested induction into theta state, the deepest most rejuvative state of sleep.

  4. A physical routine which places a proportional load on your entire being will regulate your sleep cycles very naturally. Daily Tai Chi Chuan practice is a good example of a dynamic psycho spiritual practice that engages multidimensional facets of the human being. Chi Gung is another example, although for someone having a lot of nervous energy I would recommend tai chi as it is an art of doing and has two person practice. These arts when practiced correctly are arts which balance, not just open spiritual windows, through balance you can open and close the windows to your house as needed! Also find people around you that you can fall into rhythm with, onservance of natural flow of biology is a strong guide to the mind.

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  5. Amongst these raging flames, a cool breeze.


    In the alchemical practices I've been exposed to i've questioned my Sei Gung (and others) on the observance of white hot heat in the Dan Tien turning to a

    cool menthol during practice, this is the changing of yang chi into yin chi. It is transmutation of energy and a very good sign of progress in practice. The instructions given to me at that time were very simple, heat is a sign or progress, Gung, and to continually guide this heat to the heart of the palm.

  6. There is such a thing as power sleeping, where through auto suggestion and positive reinforcement you drop into delta and theta (particular to theta is super rejuvenator dreamless state) this may also induce side effects of oobe's or other spiritual awareness that physical grounding is a must.

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  7. Sometimes when you are very properly exhausted your mind drops very quickly Into delta and theta states reducing the time your body needs to rejuvenate. It is a fundamental change to the state of consciousness either through the minds dependence on the body, or the minds governance of body, either way, sleep can be easily regulated with subtle states of consciousness with a physically grounding routine.

  8. Natural abilities can almost compensate for the want of every kind of cultivation, but no cultivation of the mind can make up for the want of natural abilities.

    - John Ruskin

  9. When I was first taught by another person how to meditate the first things I noticed was a decrease in mental chatter accompanied by an increase of observational blind witness awareness in all stages of sleep. Going to sleep was no longer just 'drifting into la la land' every phase of sleep was accompanied by a lucidity cultivated in meditative state. My teacher would suggest that I practice single mindedness or no mindedness first thing in the morning or before sleep. Thought mind concept, no mind no thing no concept. By focusing on abdominal breathing while in wuji stance for instance activates the entire energetic under carriage in a very subtle way, so subtle in fact that after you get the working class kinks worked out, the meridians light up and a much larger view of reality forms through previously hidden un accessed esoteric pathways of human experience. Sleep is a state of altered consciousness most people spend over a third of their life doing, meditation (both active and passive) increases depth of rest and rejuvenation, while also reducing sleep time. There are a variety of windows of opportunity for the mystic who is exposed to levels of illumination, or pitfalls to and for the folly. The coolest thing abour the hidden 90% of human potential is we are the medium and the artist in this wonderful journey.

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  10. I have some advice for you. Considering the nature of your being duped by an "illusion" when you get those feelings, go and find a strip club, go sit down and "talk" to a lady who would actually get naked or you. I will receive criticism for making this suggestion, but what I suggest is channeling your misguided energy into a communicative conduit created out of neccesary. This way you may do something that scares you, before you do something you morally regret. Food for thought.

  11. I was Spectrum on here in another life. It would be curious to see how long ago my last post was. At that time I felt it was neccesary to work with my martial art skillset in practical environments. In a five year period I was able to find work in which I could continually practice esoteric communication skill without detection from anyone other than other practitioners.


    I have very good news, the cleaner you get your glass, the further inside you can see!

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