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Posts posted by qofq

  1. 10 hours ago, CCD said:

    The easiest way to feel like an expert at something is to be the only who does it.


    "claim that your own ideas for the measures and observance of said subject are the only valid ones"  


    These threads are like watching people go through the stages of grief.  Usually stagnating around the first 3.


    Many of us understand the frustration of realizing there might be more to life than you have otherwise been lead to believe. 


    That empathy is the door for a conversation for which you could be the main beneficiary.  






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  2. On 8/14/2020 at 10:54 AM, Taomeow said:

    entheogen users not corrupted by irredeemable karma


    Would you mind to take a moment and explain to me your thoughts and/or experiences in regards to the concept or "irredeemable Karma"?


    I've experienced Karma in a number of ways.  Indeed we all have =)   but I see encountering different sticky patterns and density of qi, and the higher propensities for encountering events that produce said Qi's has a type of Karmic element to it.  People have mentioned the string of pearls up the central channel and similarly to that I've seen a string going forward in time and seen futures live unravel.  Resonances with people, places, times, events.  


    But never anything about Irredeemable karma. 


    Have any of your Daoist teachers expounded on the topic to you?   



  3. 5 hours ago, Taomeow said:

    Sometimes one has to go deep down the rabbit hole, but sometimes just looking at negative spaces between the lines, right on the surface, is enough.  What is not talked about -- what is deleted, ridiculed, not mentioned, debunked, "fact checked," swept under the rug, dismissed without investigation, or labeled "conspiracy theory" 


    The example I've found which succinctly expresses the exceptionally subtle (in relation to the dense) way "they" manipulate the "heard" has television shows and their stories as the delivery mechanism.  For example, for all the shows i've seen on TV and movies since being a kid NOT ONE of them EVER had as a part of the story a group of employees taking their workplace from their employer. We got always a distaste for our bosses/job, hell we got supernatural Betelgeuse and Rambo and Fox and the Hound and I could go on and on...  A buffet really. Yet still,  a workforce takeover... never once.   I'm not encyclopedic on the matter but I think the point stands.  And that shapes how people view their world in a way it's hard to even talk about due to it being so extremely taken for granted.  Because when I use this point people usually feel a dissonance of  "It's an impossible feat / yet who hasn't fantasized about democratically electing their supervisors"  And people accept all types of impossible feats in the movies so that's not the reason they have never seen it.  


    its never usually a lighting flash command to do x y or z!  It's contextual manipulation.


    though cases like sharpie's subliminal stab during the  2011 OWS can certainly be overt- imageproxy.php?img=&key=373c63a6ac94c4d3


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  4. 1 hour ago, Vajra Fist said:

    Interesting how conspiracy theories have swung from the stock-in-trade of the left wing to the right wing. 


    Back when I was an edgy politics student it was all about capitalist brainwashing, Gramscianism, and Rage Against the Machine telling people to wake the fuck up.


    Now its the lefties who are apparently all in charge and they want everyone to be (variously) vaccinated/aborted/atheist/gay.


    Its weird the way the world turns.



    I agree.  


    I remember checking back in on some "conspiracy" web sites from my younger years and being discouraged that they had ALL become Alt-right echo chambers.  


    I remember thinking to myself that that seemed like quite a conspiracy in itself.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Vajra Fist said:


    One of the weirdest things that have come with Trump is a kind of factual relativism. Where no one is politically independent and truth comes from the mouth of whoever you trust the most. 


    I try to explain to people about how we've entered a kind of "Post-Truth" Era, and what the consequences of that might mean.  


    Maybe there is potential for this to be a very good thing.  


    No more "Reality" to pin us down.  


    Yet the consequences appear to me non-trivial -as a species- should we refuse to rise to the occasion.   


    How grateful I am to have been shown what it means to abide and the virtue granted thereby.  




  6. 8 hours ago, Yueya said:


    I'd strongly suggest you take action yourself on what you feel. To do nothing is bound to adversely affect your mental, physical and spiritual health. Honour that inner voice or suffer a slow death of your soul! It's of little use just getting agreement on social media and leaving it at that.




    Self action in deed and in word!  


    8 years of Daoist study and practice with a Longmen and HunYuan lineage.

    Designs on a food forested homestead (once finances allow) while currently experimenting with things like 

            Fermenting - kraut, kimchi, kombucha, Ginger bugs, You name it!

            Minimalist living - I only own 2 shirts 2 pants- 

            'Home Making' -  Toothpaste, Deodorant, Noodles, Bread, House Cleaner

    Pivoted from typical destructive employment models.


    Yet, I empathize with the plight of Humanity. 


    I can see a world where people are in the same predicament as those plants.


    It feels lonely at times being surrounded by (insert whatever you like to call ordinary people) when you can see beyond and it's nice to know that I'm not alone (at least to some degree) in this view.  


    And then when I think I need to change the world or wake people up I remember


    Because I do nothing, nothing is left undone. 


    Who could understand this?







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  7. On 5/8/2020 at 8:38 AM, Taomeow said:



    I wonder about those roundup-ready monocrops though -- if they could speak, I would love to interview them to find out if they are enjoying their "return to normal" that never existed.  I mean, they themselves never existed in nature, there was never a "normal" they returned to when they came to be, they were a new thing with no prior history of living like that.  How exactly do they live?  Well, they can't reproduce, for one thing, they can only be replicated by the owner when they are needed by the owner.  They can't feed themselves -- no GM monocrop can, they rely on being fertilized by the owner.  And their only purpose in life is to get consumed.  But plants can't speak, so I can't really tell how happy or unhappy this modification has made them.  And even if it made them unhappy, they have no one to complain to, so who cares.    


    This resonates with me.  


    I feel deeply disturbed  seeing endless monoculture fields.  It give me the creeps on a level I struggle to find the words for often.  All the usual anti big AG talking points are there for sure, but there is something else which haunts me frequently and I always struggle to relate it.  Desolation, Hopelessness, a sea of static before my eyes.  


    You're above statement brings it to light for me.  "They" are trying to do us like they've done those plants.   Some version of this I've known and been trying to articulate to friends and family for some time.  People really don't want to and wont see it as deeply as I feel I am trying to express to them when we do talk about it.  


    I look around and share that I see what looks to be a Tyson-esque farm for semi-clever hairless monkeys (or modern society).  And it's all "yeah, yeah, gov is bad" platitudes.  But you can look right at those fields and ...  It's already happened to some beings.   That's what's haunting me about those fields! 


    And why are no one else's alarm bells ringing?


    Or I'll consider sometimes your ordinary person in the midwest.  Raised up on the sugary corporate tit and television, Spending their entire life laboring for the benefit of that same Beast and then going on this way until death.  Entertaining themselves with the shallowest (in their best light) of trivialities, never to consider for even the briefest of seconds the entire and total usurpation of their Life and mind by...  Well... Whatever or whoever it is that's harvesting us.     


    It's good to know that at least there are others who see this or some semblance at least.  

    • Like 1
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  8. 20 hours ago, thelerner said:


    <I suppose if its post-apocalypse being further from town would have advantages.  Matter of fact location would be extremely important.  Better to have it built and going before a crash.  A nice size pond or small lake for water and fishing.  A stream or river, nearby forest.  A climate without too much extremes. >


    Don't forget to take into account climate models for the coming decades as that could really swing the choice of location.  I wish I was more of a scholar, as I would put all this relevant data together in a digital format.  But, I mostly feel and improvise my way through life.


    Heck, It's taking every thing I got right now to just remain centered in all this societal fray. 


    Banana clip... or Banana tree...

    Banana clip... or Banana tree...

    Banana clip... or Banana tree...


    I need more Genuine Taoist Allies.



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  9. 9 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:

    Part of it is a matter of expectations. People expect spiritual teachers to match a certain internal set of rules. The problem is, you as an unawakened student must judge a teacher. Damo Mitchell said that in Chinese medicine, you have two types of people: sages and unhealthy, deranged people. If we are deranged, how do we fairly judge another's sanity (or lack thereof)? We filter everything through our patterns of ignorance. Without total information, how does one measure what is harm? 


    Not to say that we should not use what discrimination we have, because that is the other extreme. I think freeform is right about signs of progress, but the most important signs I would think (in my deranged, non-sage mind) should be self-applied. 






    I think this is why virtue is such a strong barometer.  You can only fake it for so long.  

    • Thanks 1

  10. 13 hours ago, freeform said:



    So you're saying we crucified Jesus!?




    Saw that reply coming the second my fingers touched the keys.  haha =)


    To answer your question succinctly - "NO"



    Though you kind of talked on my point 

    13 hours ago, freeform said:

    Try to tell an 'Awakened' person that despite how it feels, they've not 'arrived'. This isn't 'it'. There's a lot more to transform... And usually, you'll witness a sort of uncharacteristic mental and emotional thrashing about and all sorts of conceptual gymnastics that attempt to dispute what you've got to say.




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  11. I've read this forum almost every day for like 8 years.  I've seen a lot.  I don't say much.


    Here's my honest take.


    It was only a matter of time before spotless caught the karmic blowback of his method of sharing.  


    None of the highly skilled teachers I've met and trained with would be in this type of situation.   Mainly because they don't make a show, but also because they don't compete.   Yet I know from personal experience the frustrations of trying to share with people who aren't ready or willing to hear.  People tend to go to great lengths not to hear.  Jesus for example.   And after all the training and sacrifices and suffering necessary to cultivate to a high degree, I don't fault teachers who have little patience for "explaining themselves".   


    Perhaps a forum like this is just not an appropriate place for the profoundly attained. 


    yet ideas of high and low are to be abandoned ultimately so...


    Attempting to be ever desire-less we plod along.   



    Also it really has appeared to me that Earl-Grey tends to behave like a self appointed sherif.  

    Little too attached to the competition and drama of it all.  


    But you know.  


    No big whoop.  



    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1

  12. On 5/11/2020 at 4:21 PM, waterdrop said:

    If i am 100%  fully  content with the peresent moment accepting whatever is .........  why would i do anything ? 


    This can't be answered, and you'd benefit more from practicing with an authentic teacher than perseverating on this kind of ideation. 


    "I've never tasted peaches, what will a peach taste like"  


    You taste it and then you know.  


    Only the Peach we're actually discussing here gets sweeter with every bite  =)







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    Feng had a very profound level of skill according to his students.   I've been lucky enough to meet and train with a few. 


    Virtue and Power BOTH.    


    I studied full time under a longmen priest who was also a disciple of Feng Zhigeng.  Multiple times I've trained with (and chauffeured ha!)  the above Chen Xiang. 

    I've never met but 2-4 people who could do what they could.  

    When asking my teacher how many people they've  met at the level I'm describing,  "maybe 5" was the answer.  


    People with profound skill don't act like the person in the first video. 

    Within the fist few minutes you can see him delight in the pain he's inflicting. 



    • Like 2

  14. 8 hours ago, Immortal4life said:

    I don't really know anything about Finland. I've just heard places like Finland and Sweden are some of the easiest places to take a girl off her bf cuz the men are very passive and shy there, so women will always leave the bf if a more confident guy knows how to be really smooth with her. Now its debatable if that's moral or not, depends if you belief men shouldn't have their feelings hurt, or if women deserve to be with the most attractive man they can have to feel happy and liberated and not oppressed.


    As interesting and worthy of discussion as I find it, that "incel / pickup artist / misogynistic" culture tends to ferment right alongside "alt-right"  lines...


    I don't come to this site to read such trash.  And I'm certainly not here to entertain it, which is all you and people like this want from their efforts.  


    You might feel attacked, but I wish you the best on your journey.  


    You're going on my ignore list (which if anyone hasn't used, I highly recommend!) for my own sake.  =)








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