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Posts posted by Dzogchen

  1. Signed up and planned out a trip for the last tour, but it was unexpectedly cancelled. :(


    Just got email today for the new tour dates. Not sure if they will happen but here they are:


    San Francisco, CA Tues – Wed, January 21 – 22 – 10:00 am and 1:30 pm

    Honolulu, HI Fri – Sat, January 24 – 25 – 10:00 am and 1:30 pm

    Los Angeles, CA Mon - Tues, January 27 – 28 – 10:00 am and 1:30 pm

    San Diego, CA Wed, January 29 – 10:00 am and 1:30 pm

    Austin, TX Fri – Sat, January 31 – February 1 – 10:00 am and 1:30 pm

    Tampa, FL Mon, February 3 – 10:00 am and 1:30 pm

    Fort Lauderdale, FL Tues, February 4 – 10:00 am and 1:30 pm

    • Like 4

  2. no he mentions that people cut the lingual frenum on AYP with cuticle scissors

    Which he found out by researching on AYP.


    He is an oxford scholar and initiated mahant.


    Yeah he seems intelligent and I am sure he has a lot of insight. That is almost the exact reason why I was not impressed by the Kechari video, there is no real insight that he gives into the actual mudra! I think you are confused at what I was stating, got offended and this turned into more of an argument. Allow me to apologize, or better yet just clear up what I was trying to convey originally. I made my post because I didn't want other TTB members to spend 11 minutes if they already knew most of the basics of Kechari.


    He really just tells the etymology of it, then tells the physical thing that happens ("tongue goes up above palate into the cavity behind the nose") , gives a very rudimentary description of how it's done, quickly describes amrita, bindu chakra, shaktichalana and kudalini, then talks about how people on AYP cut the frenulum. There is a little he mentions Kechari and human hibernation and Gene Simmons, but that is all.


    I honestly think that you could learn twice as much about Kechari from typing "Kechari" into the search box on this site.


    If you know nothing of Kechari and wish to hear some of the basics this is an alright video. But he offers no valuable personal insight, anecdotes or personal observation. For an oxford scholar and initiated mahant I really wish he would have added more than just a pretty basic rundown of Kechari.

  3. I prefer reputable and authentic sources of info than internet bullshit.


    I wouldn't say that topics discussed on this forum are bullshit. If you think that way why would you even participate here? Also a lot of resources point to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, would you call that bullshit?


    I agree with you to a short extent. I always conduct further research on many topics I read on the internet and encourage everyone to do the same.


    The main reason I would disagree with your last post is that you are claiming he is a reliable and authentic source... but he himself even claims in the video himself that some of his research came from AYP!

  4. Didn't watch the first video but the one on Kechari is very basic and plain. He just tells the etymology of the name and physically what Kechari is. You could learn 2-3 times as much about Kechari by searching TTB, AYP (which he mentions in the video), or google for 11 minutes instead of watching this video.


    I guess it is good though if you want to know about Kechari but don't know how to read or use google?

    • Like 1

  5. I have done some searching and feel fairly well versed in many areas of Taoist alchemy, but something odd has happened and I would really like some insight from other members here.


    I was walking a few days ago and I often will do active exercises and walking meditations. I tried a different hand mudra with my left hand near my LDT when instantly my hand went into a perfect feeling mudra that was almost like a grip, and it felt exactly as if I was holding a pot handle and felt like the pot was my LDT.


    It felt magnetic is the only way I can really describe it. It was almost like I was wearing a skin tight glove made of a strong magnet that just instantly and strongly "snapped" into position. I could move it if/when I wanted, but it would go right back into the same position when I put intent into achieving it again.


    I have had spontaneous mudras before many times, starting when I was in my early teens. I have even woke up from sleep with my hands in different mudras, but this was much different and odd. I actually truly felt like I was holding a pot!


    Background info: This happened on a trail I frequent often. It is a 20 mile stretch of the Colorado Trail that I do different sections of with my husky usually 3 times a week. I give and get great energy from the flora and communicate with the plants and animals often. I have been caught in a wild Colorado winter storm there once before that the vast majority if Americans would not have survived. This trail I was walking on is very special and unique to me.

  6. Coconut oil is one of the best things ever. I have talked about it here before. I use it literally everyday. For cooking, on my skin, in my hair, in my mouth, ect. I would highly suggest everyone start using it, best Medium Chain Triglyceride ever! Like this image states, get at least expellar pressed preferably cold pressed, organic, virgin (extra-virgin not necessary), oil that has not been refined.



    • Like 1


    Thank you.....!!!

    I am so curious to know under what environmental condition it worked for you.....???

    Did it work under the temperature of 105 + degree too.....???

    I would like to hear it from your own words. Thanks....!!!



    Me personally? As far as during meditation or other types of similar practice probably only upper 90's on occasion. I have, however, used these techniques to keep cool during my regular activities many days 100-110°F+ while living in California and Arizona.


    Everyone is different, if they do not work for you then that is not really unbelievable, however it has definitely helped me out and I am happy to help Ken find a balance to his practice.

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    Yes, I understand. It doesn't matter when but it was only matters within the time frame of impact. After all this BS(some might want to call it from me), what I am trying to tell you is there was no such method which can reduce your body temperature despite to what all these experts were telling you. I am no expert neither but I am just telling you the reality.





    Sorry about all the trolling, it happens all the time in the friendly TTB Taoist environment. It needs high level of cultivation to deal with it.



    This could be true but there is no harm in figuring out for myself. I tried some of the techniques Dzogchen advised and they have been working.


    Yeah I mean the techniques described should definitely help. They have helped me, others I know personally, and countless Yogi/yoginis for many years. It works. Sorry that some may disagree, but it is the truth.


    Ken, I am glad this works for you. With some time and a little practice you should really be able to cool off very quickly!

    • Like 4

  9. The book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality explains that the upper tan tien is a closed cavity of light but when thoughts about the reproductive organ happen it triggers the back of the brain as prenatal chi energy to descend down the spine marrow to the scrotum to turn into reproductive fluid for ejaculation.


    That process goes against the creation of the lower tan tien which is the foundation for the Taoist training.


    Is this the same for females as it is males or how would you think it differs?


    (I have TYAI in my library)

  10. How/why would you think that someone who uses chakra awareness as a tool, would automatically be "attached" to chackras, and how would that differ from being aware of a dan tien?



    I havent. Thats a good question. Iv heard that there are taoist chakra charts. There are certainly many tibetian charts. For taoist it mainly goes against their meditation practice to become attatched to chakras. There are alot of minor chakras on the path too. I think the taoists refer to the eighth chakra achievement as simply becoming one with tao. Or having fully opened third eye, but im all little hazy on when the third eye is fully open my experiences are not the same as others because of injuries.

  11. Are you eating anything or exercising before or soon after? Are you engaging in any sexual activity or masturbation?


    Are you using the restroom soon after? Are you drinking cold water before or soon after? Or showering/bathing?


    Drink a gallon of water a day...this will help get rid of any negative detoxing symptoms.


    I would stay away from too much water soon before or after you practice, especially cold water. Give it at least 30 minutes, 60 if you can and then try some yin-yang water.


    If the answer to all the questions above are "NO", then do you have a strong third eye? There were times after practicing that I would be so open and full of pure energy that it would be easy for me to have OBE's, Astral Project, or get instantly tired, fall asleep and have vivid dreams. Like I was being pulled into the Etheral realm, Astral plane, ect...


    I would try some Ajna chakra balancing and also Muladhara grounding exercises directly after your practice and see how you feel.

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  12. no, it requires you to be an astronaut. i don't put any faith into other peoples' testimony



    also, i love how the entire southpole is the outer edges of the flat world. noone has ever found out the flat-reality of the world because it just keeps getting colder and colder until you die, and the world goes on for infinity


    Actually if you watch the sun rise or set you can either lay down until it just goes over the horizon then stand up and see it se a bit more, or climb up a ladder really quick. Or, if you are at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai you can watch it se then take a suer fast elevator and watch it set again!


  13. No... in fact it will probably could help your body clear the constipation.




    I agree. If you do MCO and then have a bowel movement within 15-20 minutes you could lose some Qi, but that doesn't sound like a problem for you.


    Are you able to do or have you every tried mayurasana or peacock pose?

  14. Update:


    Just decided to go for a walk to see how I did. I ended up doing 7 miles and felt so good I ran the last 4! My hip isn't even acting up anymore. Now if I try lotus again, I still feel the pain! I can't feel it during 7 miles but when trying lotus or when I do this type of exercise I feel it sharp:


