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Everything posted by Humble

  1. Religion

    ba dum bum!
  2. Well THAT was different.

    Yeah. It was interesting, I don't know how "advanced" it is. A quick google search is raising wildly different points of view to say the least. Lol.
  3. Well THAT was different.

    I'll do some looking about. Appreciate the info. Thanks.
  4. Well THAT was different.

    I was just gonna say Xenu taught me. Where can a broke fella like myself grab some info on this kunlun stuff? My curiosity is piqued.
  5. Well THAT was different.

    Apparently. But Im not debating on the name of it, Im just wondering if the vibratingly legs thing is the norm.
  6. Well THAT was different.

    No, I didnt stumble upon it. I read it somwhere (likely on here somwhere) and couldnt remember the name of it. So, is that normal?
  7. I'm going to ride into town on a...

    Milla Jovovich.. Wait, did I understand the question? 'cuz that seems like the right answer.
  8. Base of the spine questions

    1 maybe it's just energy taking the same route that most people notice the strongest Kundalini surges in. You'd know for sure if it was Kundalini. 2 no. The perineum is the root.
  9. Using Qi to fight evil entities

    On that thought, A reality tv inspired creation would be scary. If I saw a Jersey Shore Tulpa.....I don't know what I'd do.
  10. If the words read you,,,,what are the emoticons up to? They just sit there,,,staring,,,
  11. Using Qi to fight evil entities

    That's probably because that's a TV show,,,,on syfy. Jokes aside, some critters feed on fear energy. The recent influx of movies and TV shows with spooktacular stories designed to scare people and give them false information really helps the critters out. Kinda makes me wonder about the nature of The Muses in Hollywood at times. Embrace the energy opposite what you think of as evil. Smile and laugh a lot. Bring more love and compassion into your life. These energies affect you and your home, making it less suitable for things you don't want around. And stay away from silly "based on real events" stories.
  12. Using Qi to fight evil entities

    Just close your eyes and swing your fists wildly while yelling kiais. Maybe throw a kck or two. Since spirits are not generally visible, closing your eyes is the only way to neutralize that advantage. Ironically, theyll never see it coming. This technique worked for ScoobyDoo. True story.
  13. Discover Magazine: 5 Ways to Astral Project

    How is this "5 ways to astral project"?
  14. Even the good guys need to kick some ass now and then.
  15. Ripped dan tien

    Testicles continue up into the abdomen, connective tissue is more vulnerable than you may think. Stop assaulting yourself and take it easier next time.
  16. Connecting with Qi: No System Required

    Excellent post! Reminds me of Musashi a bit.
  17. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    Looks like you got a Fu-Shou-Lu
  18. Nagas Are Saturated In Qi Lore:

    Nice article.
  19. Well, without getting int o too much detail, one thing I remember is the feeling of being absorbed completely into,,,something,,,, infinite and so far beyond anything I could perceive. All the thoughts and patterns and what I now realize as "attachments" I realized were illusory and temporary in the face of this experience, I think this was the last realization I had until I started waking and passing back out in the ambulance with the realization of "OW!". But by shedding your illusions I mean realizing that everything is impermanent, and one should live to bring more love, joy, and compassion into the world. I would figure less attachments would help someone transition easier after death and spend less time wearing and sheet and going "oooooOOOOooooOooOooooOoOoOO"
  20. I died when I was 15. Obviously I came back, but after the experience all I ever tell anyone is, don't sweat it. Live well, love and be loved, shed your illusions and the transition is as natural as breathing.
  21. Flavor of energy

    What ways are there to "flavor" chi/prana/mana/ what have you? Energy can be cooled or heated to some extent by will, but how would you refine it into a superior energy for healing? Someone mentioned "hot" "cold" and "shocking" chi balls, (which sounds a bit much like Skyrim, but I digress) how does one change the "flavor" of it? Breathing techniques? Different trance states? Someone help me out. Note; not looking for super burning powers or to zap people( won't turn down that advice tho. ;D ) just looking to cool my energy and body while meditating.
  22. Flavor of energy

    Wow, I hadn't thought of qi in that manner before Scotty, I'll definitely work with that. Thank you!
  23. Flavor of energy

    Little bit of that too.