Dragon X

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Posts posted by Dragon X

  1. I`m sorry, but qi gong never was in the middle of Taoism. Qi gong is auxiliary, supporting methods of the preparatory stage in the neidan.


    Nowadays we can see many schools of qi gong only. QG is good to keep your health, or to do first steps in the practice, but only if it`s old enough, tested and can be trusted. And it must be free from the modern interpretations and deleterious methods, based on the speculation on neidan terms and profanation, not understanding the difference and real meaning (practice called Micro Cosmic Orbit, for example, is one of those speculations).


    So qi gong is a sidewalk behind neidan, and religion and\or philosophy (without practice) is far far away sidewalk :)


    Best wishes,



    i neva said that CHI QONG was in the middle of Taoism

    did you even read my post and if so did you understand it


    i meant that along with Chi Qong one needs to be willin to grow and be who they :D:):D

  2. DaoDude23,


    Besides QiQong (Chi Kung) and Meditation.

    Being yaself and being willing to grow will help

    a Daoist lifestyle is about self cultivation


    Welcome 2 Tao Bums Dude..................

  3. Wellcum Coyote Hill, :) hope this site doesn't give you ani headaches

    and if it does i hope it also provides an asprin. some discission on here can be more heady than cnn but the info is awesome. hope to see more of you



    San Bao B):D:P

  4. Thanx Basher for info on the internet slang


    and thanx to coyote hill and wellcum to tao bums hope you enjoy it



    San Bao B):D:P

  5. my intention rite now is to find out the meaning of 3 internet slang terms


    1) imho




    the last 2 seem to be martial arts related but i stand to be corrected



    Basher you could try being nude at home.....


    San Bao B):D:P

  6. the Dao is individual to each Daoist. but most Daoist will have common ground.

    there are several books you can read, a copy of the "Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tsu. is one.

    There are several english translations and i will not tell you, which translation to get cause every one seems to have their own favorite. unless you want me to suggest one.

    however it is better to have more than 1 translation (sadly i have onli 1 translation)


    I will tell you this:


    "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao" ..........Lao Tsu


    San Bao B):D:P

  7. i know you have a lot to take in but let me say this you will need a teacher in order to take this advice and not in no particular order (unless the teacher gives you an order.)


    1) the small microcosmic orbit

    2) chi kung

    3) the 3 Treasures (San Bao) Jing/Essence Chi/Energy Shen/Spirit


    semen retention by itself will not work


    i too love to jerk off altough i can't cum as many times as you can and it's not easy

    to just stop what you need is either a good western medical doctor or a doctor who knows both Qigong and TCM .


    hope you find a solution

    remember "it's in the journey, not the destination" (like you said already


    San Bao B):D:P

  8. i have a large collection of Mantak Chia books. (as well as other books on taiji) And i was taught by one of his students (my sifu either was taught by Mantak Chia or 1 of his

    senior students.) Yes, Mantak Chia books are very informative. But i doubt if Mantak Chia himself is all that good. i am no longer learning from my former Sifu cause he has a medical practice that takes up a lot of his time.


    personally if i had to train with another sifu it would not be Mantak Chia i would rather

    learn from one of his senior instucters. as far as i know he (Chia) teaches 2 taiji styles a long boxing yang style that resembles yang banhou form and a short fist called

    the "13 movement fist" which is my favorite style and 1 i would like to persue under a good teacher or sifu


    personally i feel Mantak Chia is sort of a rip off and not realli all that good. but his books are very very good. As for the packing it is part of iron shirt and part of my practice but without a teacher i would not advise anyone to try it


    hope this helps :) if you have other question please ask ............



    San Bao B):D:P

  9. Hi

    welcum newbie, i am new to this site also. and already i like it . hope you like it too

    as for my training ..........i have been doing it for years now and still consider myself a beginner what i realli need is teacher .....


    anyway i hope you make friends here.


    San Bao :P:DB)

  10. Sorry, air is not energy....: ;)

    Chidragon i will admit ya knowledge is well beyond my own and i am not goin to argue with you but Air is energy and if you were to chart what happens to it and where it goes and what it does after it enters the body then you will understand that

    Air Is Chi/Energy B)




    San Bao B) B) B)

  11. Hey Thanx to all who read my post and who welcumed me to the site

    i feel at home already i hope to learn, teach and make friends :D

    and a little friendly bashing neva hurt anione


    B) the Nude Taoist




    San Bao

  12. I am a pathetic human being who knows too much about what is good for him but does too little to achieve my full potential. I look up into the night sky and am awed by the infinite beauty, I listen to the rain and marvel at the sublime perfection of it, and yet I am incessantly buying into the traps and snares of my conditioned and aberrant personality afflictions. I am just another poor, desperate soul mucking about in the mud dreaming that one day I might be a dragon communing with the cosmic melody.


    That is all.



    i think Lao Tzu must be smilin :) you in my opinon embody de Tao


    San Bao B)

  13. Hi, fellow Taoist,


    i know this thread is old but i will add to it any way. i do both TaijiQuan and Qigong Naked. Inside as well as outside. Nights i go to a park and train Naked at nite between

    1am and 4am. i have also done it naked outside in broad daylight in out of the way places where i cannot be seen. i started doin it nude to better see if i was doin the moves right and keepin in frame but the feelin is so excillerating that it has becum habitual and every satdee morning i can be found in a park in bermuda doin TaijiQuan

    cumpletely nude and every so often at a spot that i call Spider Temple. :D


    i also do it in these places clothed and a lookin for other spots to train nude in and also training nude with other Taiji and Qigong Players. Who are both like-minded, and open-minded. Nude meditation is also another wow!, experiance.


    Dragon X ---the Naked Taoist

    San Bao B) B) B)

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