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Posts posted by Observercenter

  1. thanks observercenter. i'm not sure if i actually have POIS or if i've just psychologically created it by becoming too obsessed with ideas like retention and energy conservation.


    i've been putting less emphasis on those things and my post-orgasmic symptoms have improved quite a bit. I still generally don't enjoy the feeling after sexual acts though it's not as crushing as it was before.


    You are welcome, resonant111. I do not want you to become obsessed with this issue. Just watch carefully your reactions after an Orgasm. Stress is one things that can cause a worsening of POIS symptoms. I used to have POIS symptoms for more than a week after an O. My mind was literally crippled by after-orgasms effects. I tried to ignore those feelings, but they were overwhelming, so I could not. At the end, The only possibility was total abstinence, and it was not a 100 per cent solution, because a wet dream wreaked havoc on my system again. If you are very sure that you have POIS, then let me know about it.


    Best regards and cheers up!