mike 134

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Everything posted by mike 134

  1. K awakening signs

    "kundalini" is basically unknown to medicine. Therefore, never, ever ascribe any symptom to kundalini until the serious medical conditions have been ruled out. Once this has been done you are free to call it whatever you want.
  2. K awakening signs

    Anybody who presents with unexplained neurological symptoms usually get quite a bit of testing done, since many seemingly unrelated conditions can have CNS and PNS effects. It could be as minor as a b12 or iron deficiency, it could be one of the epilepsy conditions, it could even be a paraneoplastic syndrome. You won't know until more testing is done. You should definitely get a MRI and EEG. You'll probably benefit from a 24 hour video EEG where they will record your movements and try to correlate them to EEG findings. Again, make sure that you see a neurologist, not a general practitioner. They will refer you to an epileptologist if warranted. And do not ever try to attribute symptoms to spiritual practices without getting significant testing done. I don't want to scare you but shaking and alterations in consciousness are major, major red flags that require thorough medical investigation. You don't want this happening to you when you are doing something dangerous, like driving.

    Many people are genetically pre-disposed to getting cancer. Nevertheless, it definitely helps to live cleanly. You should: 1. Avoid cigarettes (most cancers) 2. Avoid alcohol (head and neck cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer) 3. Avoid preservatives (GI cancer) 4. Have safe sex (cervical cancer) 5. Use sunscreen (skin cancer) 6. Exercise (colon cancer).
  4. K awakening signs

    This is a huge red flag. You do realize that you can have seizures but still have normal EEG's, right ? Go back to the MD and get a referral to see a specialist epileptologist if possible. From a distance it sounds they need to rule out temporal lobe epilepsy.
  5. Kundalini and "no self"

    Nice essay, but I beg to differ. I myself control me, not something called kundalini. I have desires that are my own, not anybody or anything else's. I have free will. I can do whatever I want and when I want, even if it is morally objectionable or even illegal. I'm an entrepreneur on the side, but I'm not rich just yet
  6. Power

    Simple. People obsess over it because you can never have enough power.
  7. Don't believe in internet prophecies. I'll pay attention when NASA makes predictions, not some random guy online.
  8. Hi guys, I see people doing "lock" techniques to squeeze up chi/kundalini. They contract the PC muscles, then the abdomen, then bend their head downward before rolling their eyes up. Of course, being somebody with kundalini syndrome, I have no interest in squeezing it up, since it goes up spontaneously on its own. Instead, I am wondering if it is possible to reverse those moves in order to squeeze it down?? This is what I have in mind. Each step is done sequentially while standing, the whole thing takes less than 5 seconds: 1. Start at the top by tensing the head muscles and looking downward 2. Tense the neck muscles 3. Tense the intercostal (chest) muscles, while rolling the arms downward 4. Tense the abdomen inward 5. Valsalva manuever (its what you do when you urinate to squeeze out those last drops of urine) Basically every step raises the pressure above the perineum, so that chi flows downward. It's the theoretical opposite of those yoga locks I mentioned above which creates pressure on the bottom (starting with PC muscle contraction). So if those locks squeeze chi upward, then the moves I described should squeeze chi downward. I've tried it myself this morning but I am already feeling grounded, so I can't tell the difference. But just from reading the steps I outlined, do you guys think that these moves can at least theoretically bring about a quick ground ? Please comment, thanks.
  9. It just seems to me that every single downward technique is passive and slow. Rest, relax, hot bath, message etc. But upward techniques are unfortunately active and fast. If somebody or something pisses me off in even a minor way (like being stuck in traffic), I have an instant bout of rage which causes a surge to my head, and it takes a loooooong time to settle down. I'm looking for instant downward moves that can counteract these events. I am an active high energy person, always thinking and doing, and I don't WANT to relax. I follow up on a stressful workday by pounding it out in the gym while listening to loud music, not lighting candles and listening to smooth jazz. I posted about this months earlier and ppl were suggesting horse stance, but it simply does not work. For the last few months I have been doing trial and error experiments with twisting and turning my back, moving my neck in weird positions, doing self invented breathing techniques, etc. Practically everything I try either does nothing or it causes something to flow upward into my head. Teachers that I met on skype really have not been helpful and have been a waste of money. I've even had somebody say the can solve all my issues with "distance rieki energy healing" on skype for $200. WTF ??? Nah I'm not afraid of messing myself up, I'm already messed up lol.
  10. Opinion on "Mind-Altering Substances"?

    Naysayers will always look down upon drug use and claim that it is inferior to states of consciousness obtained through "proper" methods. The bioterrorist Osho (who himself was addicted to benzos) says I have never used drugs myself, but it is almost certain that drugs can bring about far more profond experiences than natural methods. Ibogaine, for instance, lasts for several hours, even days, and has some permanent effects. Anybody who claims they can trip for days on end with only meditation is full of BS.
  11. I jog (actually, run) every day. The horse stance doesn't really work. Fighting kundalini ? Forcing qi to flow down ? Hey that sounds like exactly what I need. What do you know about this and where can I learn more ? Please tell me, thanks.
  12. hatred vs. apathy

    The opposite of positive is negative, not neutral. The opposite of love is hate, not apathy. Hatred is much better than apathy. If you really hate something then it gives you the motivation to do something about it. But if you are apathetic you just sit around on your ass, not giving a damn about anything.
  13. Hi, It seems to me that chi / kundalini has effects in the torso depending on which organ is involved. So if it is in the pelvic area there may be some sexual effects, if it is in the head you'll get some hallucinations or psychological changes. But what exactly does it do in the arms and legs ?? I've been experiencing a lot of heat in the limbs recently but I have no clue what it is doing there. There are no visceral organs there at all, and it's not like I'm running faster or lifting better or anything. So is the heat in the limbs completely useless, or does it serve some function? How do I stop the heat from going there ? Thanks.
  14. I use those words interchangeably....heat, energy, chi, kundaini. I don't think there is a real consensus on what the difference is. All I feel is physical effects that I'm curious about. DP, I've heard about people saying they look younger after a while. I don't see how that could happen but I've been taking daily photographs of myself anyway to see if I see any changes. Thanks man. It used to be really really bad just like the way that article describes but its way better now. Some heat in the limbs is nothing compared to not being able to sleep. I'm just curious what its doing down there, that's all.
  15. If your problems are organic (= not psychiatric) they are probably endocrine. Normal thyroid tests don't mean the thyroid is necessarily normal. Maybe they checked bound thyroid hormones and not free hormone. If it isn't thyroid, maybe you have an adrenal problem. Go see a specialist endocrinologist, not a general practitioner. They will do more testing. Be extremely wary of attempting to ascribe your symptoms to "spiritual practices".
  16. Help with stagnant qi liver / depression

    I know absolutely nothing about TCM, but I will give you very reasonable advice for free. You don't sound like you have major depressive disorder, and I do not think that anti-depressants are for you. Your problems seem purely psychological to me. Perhaps you might benefit from psychotherapy. I would also consider lifestyle changes, especially getting more physical exercise, eating a healthier diet, and getting regular sleep. Take a daily multivitamin that contains B vitamins (raises energy levels), but stay away from unusual or exotic supplements. Do not smoke, drink, or do drugs. You do realize that you have it much better than most people, right? If you work only 6 hours a day and still manage to make a good living, than there is no reason for you to be unhappy. Think about the people working 12 hours a day, working on minimum wage, or even not working at all. If you can't learn to love your job, at least love all the free time that you have. Find some hobbies to occupy yourself, like exercise and sports.
  17. Hi people I have been experimenting for the last few months with my body and chi/kundalini/body heat. I discovered that if I do not ejaculate for at least 3 days, then my libido goes up dramatically, and my penis feels like it has 1000x more pleasure receptors than usual. It feels great. All I have to do is "activate" this state by concentrating on my testicles to send heat there for a couple of seconds, and this effect lasts for over a week. However, on around day 12-14 after ejaculation, this effect goes away, my libido plummets, and my penis feels numb. And no matter what I do I can't seem to get it back, that is, until I ejaculate again, wait 3 days, then do the testicle trick. Does anybody have any clue what is going on, and how do I prevent libido loss ? I am interested in continued studies of the effects of kundalini on my body after 50+ days of no ejaculation, but I can't make it there if my life is miserable from no sex drive. Thanks.
  18. I have one more q for you. You said earlier that libido goes up as sperm is being produced in the first 3 days. However, sperm is continuously being produced regardless of ejaculation. Old sperm that is not ejaculated is simply reabsorbed, and the body makes more to replace them. So what exactly is it so special about those 3 days?
  19. Thanks for the response. I'm not old though I'm in my 20's. I frankly don't even need to ejacultate much anymore, because my penis is sooooo sensitive during days 3-12 that basically thinking about it is almost like an orgasm. Seriously it feels like every single pleasurable nerve receptor in my body is concentrated down there and working overtime, and it is way better than anything I had as a teenager. As a result I am watching tons of porn daily, even more so than usual (I think most people would do the same if they were in my shoes). Too bad it only lasts two weeks and goes numb. I have to ejaculate and wait a couple of days before the awesomeness starts again. I hate waiting ! I want to lock myself in that awesome state.
  20. But why would that happen? In the past, before this kundalini thing happened to me, if I don't ejaculate then my libido goes up and up, not up and then down. It makes no sense for it to go down without ejaculating, yet this is happening. Why is this and how do I prevent it, that's what I'm asking. Also, do you have any clue why I have to "active" the libido by focusing on my testicles? If I don't do this, then on days 3-12 my libido is low. But after only a few seconds of doing that technique it becomes high for a week. Weird stuff. Thanks.
  21. Grain free diet suggestions?

    I was gonna say beans but you already mentioned it, and you say you can't eat bananas ???? I don't understand all these idiosyncratic diets people like to follow. I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day, and I go to restaurants for dinner.
  22. Hi all, After spending some time reading about spiritual techniques I got the feeling that there must be hundreds, if not thousands of different methods, moves, and positions that are taught by thousands of different schools and teachers, and certainly many are redundant. I'm sure it must be intimidating to beginners who have no clue where to begin or even what their goals are. What is the reason for this ? Is it because everyone's body is different, so that some techniques that work on certain people simply do not work on others ? Are some techniques arbitrarily invented so their originators can cash in by selling seminars and videos? Or is it just sheer incompetence? The only move that I do is concentrating on my testicles which drastically increases by sexual skills. It takes only seconds to perform and I can do it while walking, driving, eating, etc. I don't need to go to some 1 week seminar that costs $3000 to learn how to do that, nor do I need their 400 page book. I also enter into random "spiritual" states of consciousness which I do not know how to deliberately trigger. Nevertheless, I'm sure it is something easy and simple that I must have done prior to those experiences, like briefly turning my neck a certain way or bumping my head somewhere. It's definitely nothing like fasting, whipping myself, or spending hours twisting the body into grotesque shapes that certain over-enthused practitioners like to do. So why so many different (and probably extraneous) techniques ???
  23. Hi ppl, I've been watching a lot of porn lately and I've noticed something rather interesting. Occasionally in some scenes I see girls moaning while rolling up their eyeballs and rolling their tongue upward. It does not happen very often (99% of porn orgasms are fake), and I haven't seen this in real life. I don't do this myself either. However, I do know that both movements are also established yoga techniques: rolling up eyeballs = eyeball lock = "sambhavi mudra" rolling up tongue = tongue lock = "Khechari mudra" Is there a coincidence here? Why are porn stars (most of whom probably do not practice yoga) doing yoga postures during sex? How do they "know" to do them? And what does that tell you about other yoga moves; are they also somehow "innately known", therefore giving them an objective rather than merely empirical character? Also it is interesting that there exists a neck lock ("jalandhara bandha") which consists of flexion of the neck downward so that the chin approaches the chest. But usually in porn when girls are doing the eye and tongue thing their necks are engaged in extension upward, which is the opposite of the neck lock. Is there any significance to this?
  24. My 3-Month Experiment with Testosterone Blockers

    I do not understand why people here on this forum are so obsessed with repressing their sexuality. The more you try to deny it, the more your previously healthy desires turn into twisted and perverted behaviors (like taking testosterone blockers, WTF were you thinking??!!! They give those toxic drugs to paedophiles and other sex offenders) I suppose it is the remnant of false and outdated Christian/jewish doctrines that should have no place in society today. I'd say screw the moralists. Embrace your sexual nature. I have no problems whatsoever in saying that I love sex and I love women. They are beautiful things, and there is nothing whatsoever that is shameful about them.