mike 134

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Everything posted by mike 134

  1. embarrassment at the nightclub....

    One last thing I think my attitude toward this is unusual here but totally valid and healthy. Some people when these things happen to them will start to believe in the most strange and frankly absurd things. I'm a man of science, a materialist, and, despite the weirdest experiences, an atheist for life.
  2. embarrassment at the nightclub....

    Yes ofc I'm totally fixated by it I never had issues before it. I wish I could control it better there are times when it flares up and it feels like somebody injected me with viagra and testosterone, I'm oogling at every attractive woman in sight, and if I can't get some action I'm glued to the computer looking at porn for hours. Unfortunately I can't really sleep during flare ups, and not all flare ups result in increased sexual desire sometimes I feel completely flat. I swear if I had total control over this I'd be a god. Wired, fast talking, fast thinking during the day, sex maniac at night, and sleep soundly when I'm done
  3. embarrassment at the nightclub....

    ^^^ Damn some of you guys are mean. I'm actually dead serious though it may sound strange or funny. I'm taking all sorts of supplements and superfoods and whatnot. I'm on so many things right now I can't even keep track of what I'm taking. What I'm really looking for is some kind of quick yoga move or pose that can get me a quick boner when I need it. Well not all girls like it it depends. If you just walk behind somebody and start grinding her with an erection that's a huge turn off for her. But if she initiates first and you don't get hard she'll lose interest. I guess its insulting to her that you don't find her attractive enough.
  4. embarrassment at the nightclub....

    lol I'm responsible for a lot of stuff these days both work and personal but this to me is more important than all of that. You know, I found that clubbing is the perfect activity to do during kundalini flare ups. If you can't sleep, feeling agitated, wired, just dance it away !
  5. Finally, some good news. This little pill called SUVOREXANT got approved by the FDA 2 weeks ago. I can't believe I didn't hear about it sooner. http://www.fda.gov/newsevents/newsroom/pressannouncements/ucm409950.htm It has a totally different mechanism of action than benzos and ambien, and supposedly it produces no tolerance, withdrawal, or rebound insomnia. It's supposed to be available late 2014 or early 2015 and I can't wait to start taking it and say goodbye to benzos forever. No more kundalini insomnia !
  6. Right livelihood, vegetarianism, and fish

    I don't see a problem with eating animals as long as it is environmentally sustainable and not wasteful. So you are from Alaska..... what do you think about crab legs? There's this really nice buffet close to me that offers all you can eat crab legs. Unfortunately, whenever I go there at least 75% of the patrons are fat slobs who load their plates with 5 pounds of crab and eat only the large leg segment (the part that's the easiest to extract the meat from). They throw away the rest of the leg, the claws, and the body meat away. I swear every time I see this kind of behavior I wish they choke on the meat and drop dead. I eat several pounds every time but I at least respect the animal and carefully extract every single fiber of meat from the shell.
  7. Women & TTB

    . LOL gave out some personal detail should not have posted that.
  8. I'm thinking about adding this thing to the laundry list of supplements I'm taking: http://www.gaiaherbs.com/products/detail/5/Adrenal-Health- Would this help with stress ? Its got holy basil and ashwagandha. My new job is stressful as fuck (and no, quitting is not an option). I do fine on the weekends and on days where I don't have to do much but if I have important events coming up I have problems. Last night I couldn't sleep at all because I had something important to do today, my head kept racing and of course that kundalini thing flared up once again.
  9. anybody here take adaptogen supplements ?

    ok thx dude i wish i saw your post earlier i bought some of that adrenal supp from Gaia earlier today... hopefully it will work.
  10. glucose normally, ketone bodies during starvation.
  11. The cult of racism

    Racial differences are 100% real, no matter how liberals try to sugar coat it. i would invite anyone who denies this to walk through a ghetto neighborhood at night and find out what happens.
  12. I go to bed at 10. I'll wake up at 11. 10 minutes later I'm asleep again but I'll awaken at midnight Then 12:30. By the time I'm out of bed at 7 AM I had to get up a dozen times and i feel like total shit the whole next day. I'm not being disturbed by anything and I don't have to use the bathroom. Also I get intense dreams immediately when i fall asleep, even early in the night. My bed is super comfy. WTF is going on ??? Its been happening for 2 weeks now I just started a lucrative new job and I swear if i lose my job because kundalini is flaring up again the shits gonna hit the fan.
  13. holy crap didnt expect so many responses, thanks fuys but where do i begin ? (sorry for bad formating and lack of quotes this new windows tablet really really sucks for typing and editing). So I def dont have sleep apnea im tall and skinny with a long neck, not the body type that struggles to breath because their fat neck obstructs the airway. i dont take caffeine and i already take magnesium with zinc. i cant fall asleep AT ALL without magnesium before bed. MCO actually calms me down thats the main reason i do it to begin with. I notice that sometimes i feel body heat and twitches (kundalini stuff), and if i do MCO a couple of times it goes away. if i dont do MCO im an agitated, anxious mess. 4bsolute im not sure i get what youre saying. Unconscious sleep is very restful and restorative. if you only get conscious sleep (i mean stage 1 and REM), maybe the brain is getting rest, but it also means you dont get deep slow wave sleep (stage 3). im pretty sure the muscles and joints are being repaired during SWS and if i dont get this my body doesnt get rest. i dont believe in karma lol.
  14. ...

    I highly doubt you can reliably induce lacrimation with non chemical or physical methods alone. however, lacrimation is a parasympathetic process. So maybe try some exercises that increase parasympathetic outflow, like deep breathing and valsalva. also google yoga for sleep those might help. i have not cried since kindergarten.
  15. What to do about degenerating vitality

    always sleep on a regular schedule if you can help it. i used to do shift work and it sucked.
  16. I'm using my new tablet with a weird interface so sorry i cant quote everybody but ZOOM said it best. i get no deep sleep at all its all stage 1 or 2 sleep, but the dreams are intense. Thats really strange bc most dreams happen in REM sleep, and non REM dreams are supposedly more vague. I'm actually conscious the whole time in bed, either I'm awake or dreaming, I hardly get any unconscious time where i'm just totally passed out. I'm 100% sure its kundalini acting up again cause i'm getting the twitches and the heat too. I'm eating well 3 meals a day at 730a, noon (big lunch) and 6p, working out most days, i do MCO as my sole practice in bed. I'm never really physically tired even with a week of no sleep its mostly mental. haha i prayed as a kid, stopped doing that real fast cause nothing was happening This thing had better go away fast if i lose my job i am totally fucked.
  17. ???? Usually my semen is very watery but most of the time nowadays its very very thick, and oftentimes when I ejaculate nothing comes out AT ALL (basically a dry orgasm). I'm worried about my fertility I don't want kids right now but maybe 10 years from now I will. Anybody here successfully gotten a girl pregnant ??
  18. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2255894/Spiritual-people-likely-mentally-ill-think-life-meaning.html
  19. does kundalini make you infertile

    Nowadays all I do is MCO. It seems to keep my libido high. I work out most days and love eating meat. What percentage of that 1.2 billion is involved with kundalini stuff ? Surely less than 1 % ?
  20. Cooking Mushrooms

    I go raw whenever possible. Heat can destroy micronutirients and produce carcinogens like acrylamide and HCAs. Just make sure you wash them well.
  21. So I was watching the WC final over the weekend between Germany and Argentina. It was deadlocked at 0-0 and deep into extra time, when Mario Goetze finally scored the only goal of the game with only a few minutes remaining. 1-0 to Germany. Imagine what was running though his head at that exact moment. In a single instant, his decisive action won the World Cup for his nation, brought happiness to millions of his people, and forever earned him a place in the history books. It was witnessed live on TV by ONE BILLION people all over the world. This kid is 22 years old. His next 60 years will forever be changed by that fraction of a second when he scored. He's now set for the rest of his life; as long as he lives people will treat him like royalty and he'll be swimming in pu$$y. So that got me thinking..... is there any single thing, any single moment that one can experience, that can possibly beat what Mario Goetze experienced last Sunday? I've done some crazy things, and yes I've had a wide range of "spiritual" experiences, but none of them can compare to this because they are temporary and nobody else cares. The only thing I can think of that approaches this experience is winning the lottery, but even that's not as good because lottery winners are not admired. Any other experiences you can think of that might rival that ???
  22. Adverse Effects of Contemplative Practices article

    Its hard to say what causes what. Spiritual people are more likely to be mentally ill to begin with http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2255894/Spiritual-people-likely-mentally-ill-think-life-meaning.html Also, many people with mental illness are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to discontinue their meds. If somebody becomes convinced that practices will cure them, they might stop their meds right away. Of course it's not a surprise when these ppl relapse.
  23. What can feminism do for men?

    lol i rustled some jimmies eh ??
  24. What can feminism do for men?

    Feminism emasculates men and masculates women.
  25. I'm not always so gracious but I know full well how bad energy-stuck-in-the-head is (worse than most mental illnesses), so I will give you some detailed pointers. - you can also try to move the "energy" down your back. This is the posterior part of the micro-cosmic orbit. So start at the top of your head, and push downwards through the back. You can also try the "central channel"; push straight down the center of your body. I sometimes alternate the three. I would do one cycle down the front, the next down the back, and the last down the center, then repeat. You can choose another order, it doesn't really matter. But most of the time I do front only. -you don't have to start at the very top of your head. Start where you can generate so heat or pressure, something that you can feel. This might be slightly behind the top. Or maybe its your forehead, or perhaps in the bridge of your nose. -when you trace downwards, no matter which channel, you should ALWAYS exhale, and do it through your nose. Put some pressure on the exhale, like you are fogging a mirror, only deeper (valsalva). Each cycle (from top of head to belly) takes 5-10 seconds. Then take a regular inhale, and then do another cycle. I like to do everything while laying down flat in bed. -place more emphasis at the beginning, in your head. You really want to trace out the head to neck path carefully. But going from the heart to the belly, or from the belly to the genitals, is not as important. If you don't feel anything, use these 3 reference points: the bridge of your nose, the hard palate where your tongue touches, and the base of the neck. Imagine a line joining these 3 points, and PUSH HARD down this line. -sometimes I bob my head (thus moving the neck) while I trace down. This sometimes helps in getting that shit down the neck. - sometimes I try the "proper" micro-cosmic orbit. That is, going UP the back, and down the front. You might think this is counter-intuitive, since you start by going up, but sometimes this actually works better for symptoms. When you trace up you should inhale, but don't put any pressure on it, and reverse to exhale on your way down. -keep the tip of tongue touching hard palate at all times, even while doing everyday activities. -once you get this stuff out, you need to keep it out. That's when general lifestyle advice comes in. For me, the most important is aerobic exercise. Go run or get on a cardio machine for 30 min a day. This will distribute the energy to your body instead of your head. Avoid stress, don't drink caffeine, and don't think too hard (this sends that stuff to your head like nothing else).