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Posts posted by hieronimus

  1. Please pay more close attention to "all-in-one" rather the instant coffee.....:)


    It was a kind of joke :), I have no intention to flame up this thread, I understood what you were trying to say, it is just that the image you chose was rather unexpected, to say the least. That said, I maintain that both Taijiquan and coffee are very serious matters :)


    Enough said, it's time for me to leave the thread so that people can have technical, serious exchanges about the nature of things!

  2. As I said before, Tai Ji Chuan is like instant coffee, all-in-one, includes coffee, cream and sugar.


    My goodness! I don't know much about Taijiquan but please don't insult both arts with this comparison! I mean Taijiquan and the art of coffee making (from the berry to the expresso ristretto) :lol: I say lol but it could be :angry: since the case is very serious to me :lol:

  3. The Mother of the Universe, whose material earthly aspect is ayahuasca, connected us in a shamanic ceremony. Of the taoist deities, She introduced me to Wang Mu, Emperor Yu, and Fu Xi. There were others involved too but it's a very long story... -_-


    Being introduced to taoist deites by means of ayahuasca is not common...


    If you have some willingness to do it, I hope you will share more one day about the Mother of the Universe.




  4. How wise of Her!


    How do you communicate with Her?




    This is what Wang Mu told me:


    "What most people think is taijiquan is the part I still allow them to have. I had to taboo the deadliest internal arts because their spread could eventually end the human race. Of the taoist styles I outlawed, Soft Nothingness, the most devastating of them all, relied on projecting antimatter into the opponent's bones. The outside of the body remained intact but the whole skeletal structure simply disappeared! Buddhists retained their own version of this style for a while, Clay Finger, which was every bit as devastating but a lot more sloppy -- instead of projecting antimatter into the bones, they projected it into the air around the enemy. Large chunks of the world are now deserts because of this. A secretive sect in Taiwan had the Yin-Yang Pendulum style whose application interfered with apoptosis, the programmed cell death, speeding it up thousands of times. A blow of the Pendulum caused its victim to die of old age within seconds! There were many more. You could say that I banned over 99% of them. People don't know how to use power without abusing it, so it has to be taken away from them on a regular basis. It will always be like that -- they will keep losing everything they once had until they learn to handle it with care."

  5. Yeah I am getting some nice vibes - hey can I start up a personal practice journal? Have been keen to do one for a while...


    Go Here to ask a PPJ. A very nice mod will ask you 3 questions: if you hit the marks, you will get one, if not, you will probably..get one also. In either case, you will have to promise that you will fill it with some posts. ;) Some people ask for one and abandon it...

  6. Hermann it is then!


    Although the thing is, I ALSO like saying hello in south African, Japanese and French!


    So what's my name now then ey?


    Waterpig seems a good one, if you allow me a suggestion out of the blue! :lol:

  7. Hello Hermann,



    Don't ask me why I call you Hermann, but I sense that you are a German-born Aussie called Hermann born in a Water pig year like 1983. :)

  8. I am tired of reading CNN, NYtimes and the like, and penning missives there or crafting rebuttals. A change of pace? A place to read without hurting my head about politics and such? Just a place to read and think in the dead of night. Hello all. Coyote Hill is my pen name. I am new here. And I look forward to many meaningful future exchanges.


    Hello and Welcome-


    Exchanges there will be for sure, meaningful it depends a lot on the willingness of the people here, same as real life :)


    Edited to add: you might even found tea baggers here in you look carefully, so beware! :lol:

  9. Hello all,


    Sorry to see that my question stirs up some reactions. Thank you for contributing with good intentions.


    I am just asking whether one could learn FP in parallel with learning Tai Chi Chuan without compromising FP energetical work. In this regard, I do think my question is rightful here in this thread.


    My question was not specifically about Tai Chi Chuan theory per se. I am not knowledgeable enough on this matter to raise a question about TCC theory.


    Best regards,

  10. Thank you ChiDragon for voicing your opinion on the requirements of Taijiquan practice and how zhan zhuang and Taijiquan relate to each other.


    It looks like depending on the Taijiquan style and the teacher, sometimes zhan zhuang is a requirement, sometimes not. I don't see it as a problem either theoretically or practically. It was not the subject of my question in the original thread anyway.

  11. Hello All!


    Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to reply to any posts... All I can do is make a topic here! Anyone know the solution?


    By introducing youself here, you have just opened the door to wonders: you can now reply, open a topic etc..



  12. If I have to recommend you something that will really get your chi up and teach you some basic building up to very advanced stuff, I'd have to recommend hands down the Medical Qigong training course by Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson. anything by that feller is completely amazing and jam packed with info.but you must practice consistently. the result is that you'll be a quite strong energy healer. I feel that he is a bit underrated and unexposed around these parts.


    I have a yogin friend who could do some pretty gnarly stuff with his chi - he could sense the emotional and etheric fields of people all around him and could manipulate them. He demonstrated his techniques on me. He manipulated my energy field to not only change my state from apprehension into a deep bliss, he also used it to take me from a state of tipsy bordering drunkenness to complete sobriety within 2 minutes flat. I often asked him how he did it, and this was before I was exposed to the study of qi. He would tell me a little but never explain in full. Even after i started studying qi, he always had some secretive things that he would not explain to me, particularly his techniques on emitting and cleansing qi.


    I was pretty shocked to find all his techniques explained and demonstrated on Johnson'a material. My friend has no more secrets to hide from me anymore, as I know them all now :-)


    Hello Practitioner,


    Could you explain what do you mean exactly by "Medical Qigong training course by Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson"? The five Medical Qigong books he published?



  13. I would, definitely, take the advice from this wise man.....;)


    Thank you but I was just passing by when I saw the topic. The wise man here is the one_ Trunk :)_who had set up the website I mention (Alchemical Taoism).I have no practical knowledge of these things, I am a parrot on this one.

  14. Not so much a recommendation as simply passing along a Mantak Chia book:


    PDF Link


    Hello The Observer:


    Although this book and the related teachings of Mantak Chia are very popular, I would at least avoid using the million dollar point technique and at best avoid them totally until having a strong enough background in energetic practices to be able to assess the value of these teachings. Some people were happy with these practices, others injured themselves.

    Take the time to look into _the healing love_ section of this website


    Best regards,

    • Like 2

  15. Hello again Sifu Terry,


    I read several times in the thread that it is not advisable to learn FP together with learning another qigong system whatever purpose (health, martial or spiritual) it would have.


    It is commonly said that Tai Chi Chuan is multi-layered and that the TCC forms have actually qigong in them. In another perspective, some TCC instructors say one must be able to stand in zhan zhuang for a solid amount of time then move to tai chi qigong before ending with the actual form.


    In your opinion, what would be the best way forward if one wants to learn a health/martial/spiritual system like Tai Chi Chuan besides learning FP?


    Many thanks


    • Like 1

  16. Fair questions. Let's see how I handle them.


    Regarding ourself: Yes, we can easily get into trouble if we do not know ourself well and we place upon ourself expectations that are not attainable by us. This is why I suggest that we periodically test our capacities and capabilities. Sure, we can place expectations on ourself higher than we have ever attained before. But I think that the expectations should be increased only enough to give us a fair challenge rather than sure defeat.


    Regardiong others: Sure, after a person or thing has proven itself to be of such and such a character then it would be fair to place expectations that were equal to historical record. However, if, for example, we know nothing about snakes I think it would be wise to expect the snake to be poisonous and that it would strike at me if I got too close.


    Thanks. This is pretty much my view, I was asking to be sure that I understood you correctly.


    Have a nice evening

  17. Can anyone comment on whether it is ok to sit in a chair or on a stool while doing the seated exercises? U have several medical issues that make standing, esp for several minutes, rather difficult and painful. If you'd be so kind as enlighten me...when speaking exhaling, are we speaking about exhaling breath from the lungs or energy from the dan tien...or both? Thank you in advance for reading my post.


    Hello BadMonk,


    About seated meditations, go to page 55, post#871, you will find there the answer to your question by Sifu Terry.


    About exhalation, I understood that it is just a normal exhalation (from the lungs).


    Hope it helps

  18. Hello Sifu Terry,


    I have stated--and will state here again--that the Bok Fu Pai (White Tiger) Meditations--of which there are many organized into several sub-systems that are all under the White Tiger banner--cultivate a (a) vital-health AND (B) martial energy that is delivered through the Bok Fu Pai and Omei Bak Mei Kung Fu Forms and techniques that Sifu Garry Hearfield specializes in.


    My mistake, Sifu Terry, I have missed the different details contained in your statement above when I read the thread. Sorry to make you repeat the same thing over and over.


    The Flying Phoenix Qigong as a discipline is the "safety net" traditionally taught first in the White Tiger that enables the student to safely practice and apply the BFP Kung Fu training and the other martial and spiritual qigong systems.


    There is no "better" or "best" internal art within the White Tiger School. There is what there is and every White Tiger sub-system that has been preserved by six generations of the Doo family and now are being preserved by Sifu Hearfield and myself are cultural treasures from China's antiquity.


    There is, however, correct and incorrect practice, the later fallen into by the impatient or the stupid...such as those that believe there's anything to be gained by attempting to practice the Advanced (Level 2) Flying Phoenix Meditations without having first mastered the Basic Flying Phoenix Meditations as presented in my DVD series (which are not "basic" at all--when compared to all other widely published and taught Qigong systems).


    Hope this answers your question, H.


    I have understood. This answers my question. Thank you very much. :)

    I will come back here to report the results of my practice. I will order some DVDs.



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