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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. Aside from lack of knowlege, 1) folks truly have different ideas about what a good thing is. Missionaries might think they are doing benefit like when they drag folks out of a forest home to "civilize them" destroying a vibrant way of life they do not respect 2) Wanting to consider themselves good , folks meddle and interfere Often they do not really care whether their actions are actually of benefit to the recipient, so long as they can pat themselves on the back about it.. 3) a person getting involved in others business becomes embroiled in things which do not concern them and once they feel the pinch of it they abandon the issue leaving a greater mess 4) folks often believe that the actions they take are 'good vs bad' or 'justified' depending on how they 'feel' about it rather than based on the nature of the action itself ,or its ramifications. 5) A bad translation might take it to mean that good intentions of folks pave the way for other folks to do evil good causing evil Or that being nice makes evil happen
  2. Are intimate relationships important?

    Like anything else , It is exactly as important as you believe it is Peace should be yours either way Choosing to extend that into a harmony Is a choice There is a reason why the wise went off into the wild To get a grasp of things Nature is complete It has no unanswered questions And a man can relate to himself in that peace Bringing other folks in Subjects him to all the issues of their craziness Draws him from his peace He was complete, and now he is not! Even as he pursues a new completeness But he may find it a much greater peace Expanded into harmony
  3. Not-Doing

    Disclaimer , I may change my mind on this The usual paradigm seems to be A thing happened and my internal state is what it is, because of it. Gaining a realization that ones inner peace can be retained despite events external, is freeing Another paradigm I have an emotional perspective and therefore I must project that perspective outward to regain my inward peace again realization that one doesnt have to project in order to retain their peace is freeing peaceful behavior ,like water, reflects only what is shined upon it peaceful pursuit of ones innate needs, like water, makes use of opportunity as it is presented invariably pursues its Teh. But it is not projecting itself and interfering with those around it for the sake of trying to regain its harmony. If the woodwork presents a problem , burn it. If your interference creates discord , correct it. Dont value the pieces beyond what they are Dont value his success Dont value your guilt Let those ideas go Do value the harmonies you find Thats your Teh talking Stosh
  4. Great , one of those rare events like comets Successful resolution. I want to take a close look at the way you address Wu wei by the way. If I can locate it. Stosh
  5. Purpose of my comment..Hmmm maybe the string of post after unanswered post indicates that you have outstripped your audience in a flush of manic enthusiasm. I started at the beginning which was interactive and interesting. You have some great stuff to say. But I am not going to be reading all that there is, I may miss good points but I am ok if I miss them. I have my own Dao somewhat similar in some respects too. It is too long for me, others may have more patience though. Posted in one of these interactive threads on this board, at some point your efforts will drift down beyond the zone where folks are actively looking. It would benefit you to post this stuff to a personal thread less likely to wander away like that. Your choice PS I suggested a deep breath , I didnt specify inhaling , ommitting exhaling. If you are going to quip at me, at least see if I have left an opening you can use to good effect. breath (brth) n. 1. The air inhaled and exhaled in respiration. 2. The act or process of breathing; respiration. 3. The capacity to breathe, especially in a natural and unlabored manner: shortness of breath. 4. Spirit or vitality; life. 5. A single respiration: a deep breath. 6. Exhaled air, as evidenced by vapor, odor, or heat. 7. A momentary pause or rest. PPS I just love reasonable and creative stuff Recognize a 'simpatico' when you see one bro
  6. The Joker, The Taoist

    Oh that is terriffic!!:) And I think it points to the main issue why the Joker is not a Taoist model, He is flowing uphill, he has no idea what is motivating him other than his insanity. He certainly doesnt give the impression of being at peace with the world or himself, if anything, he is just patently insane and tortured. If he is a "potentially helpful monster like those in the Book of the Dead" It is because he is a thing 'you do not want to be so confused as to become.' Stosh PS 'fairness' is also subjective illusion
  7. Take a deep breath Stan. repeat
  8. ....

    Looks like that to me too , still doggy but not very informative The depictions are just too crude, you need good realistic three dimensional depictions, if you want to conclude it isnt a dog , with the certainty that you could say it is, IMHO It could be that there was more than one dog type in that large general area, I saw one pic that had what appeared to be a curly tail, or over time , the breed was developed into a new look. The most specific data is probably written out on clay tablets depicting everyday life communications which gather dust in basements. dont they have a heap of them? It would be fun to decipher them even though most are probably mundane. ( they could be photo-d and stuck on the interweb and deciphered by amateurs for virtually nothing since pros wont ever get to all of it.) Thats my cat,Sophie , I was trying to get a pic to insert.
  9. ....

    The split tail could also be indicative of wagging. How are yous getting pix in the replies?
  10. ....

    Aardvark, nose is squared off and piglike , I dont think it can take most of the postures the glyphs have such as sitting upright ,or lying doglike with head upright ,, and the ears arent hairy-feathery, besides would You even consider an aardvark as a chief deity? Jackal , sure why not , spot is taken though by Anubis, and why the squared off ears, If a dog had his ears shredded in bushes or fighting , you might trim off the tatters, it still has a very obvious Domestic connotation. The gorgeous pharoh dog.. is still domestic dog so sure could be ,but it looks to be short hair and on lots of the ears on the set stuff has feathery hatchmarks , also the split tail could be a simplified representation of the same feathery hair on the tail some depictions early on show more lines than just the pair. (looks a bit like a dog I had as a kid!) Borzoi also domestic, same heritage is likely (I thought they were developed in the caucasus, beautiful dogs) Anteater, not really a serious consideration, right? Albert Einstein with a cat, possible but one would expect the long hair to be diagnostic for Einstein which appears to absent in all depictions of Set Mozart ? , well,, Set doesnt appear to like music , at least it isnt mentioned anywhere except he had some associations with thunder .( though He may have been tempted to play a SET now and then) Problem is solved
  11. ....

    Sorry I am not that much a pro on african doglike creatures but the most of the others I can think of have a rather square heavy muzzle,wild hunting dogs have micky mouse ears... and although odd looking would be emotionally satisfying and dramatic as god symbols ,I agree.. but the droopy nose clinches it for a domestic breed to me. They seemed to keep distinctive traits such as that and even accentuate them versus being rather sloppy about non distinctive ones.I think it makes a poetic sense that falcons and dogs being hunting partners of men , exceeding the abilities of men, beloved of men, could be revered for qualities one might also see in a god. Like their enthusiasm courage speed loyalty etc. I dont see any connection for an okapi, they probably ate the things. I am not clear on what scenarios are out there that compete with the saluki idea. Tell me what reasonable candidates are out there ,I will see if I can crush all contention. Interesting that Anubis would be portrayed in a regenerative light.
  12. ....

    But anyway, beyond any one picture, I think one needs to look at the trend of the stylization and syncrete all the data , looking at only one glyph you can conclude it was a nonexistent creature, but the rest of the heads all have some counterpart in the fauna of the day, but they all have a degree of stylization and overemphasis so that the glyph could be read. I dont think jackals are ordinarily black, but Anubis is consistently considered a Jackal, at least their backs are black and their faces are pointy.(on black backed jackals) My theory is good because of the link? NO My theory is good because it is the only theory that makes any sense other than to say one has no idea what the heck Set was supposed to be. Have a nice rest of the weekend Apech I have stuff I need to get done, nice chatting
  13. ....

    Looking again , yes that I think is the same statue, badly backlit. Yes the nose is strongly accentuated and the ears are cropped. You think it looks like a pig? Ill see if I can attatch the other pic. anyway you can see, as on Anubis the tendency is to elongate the snout and ears on canids far beyound what is really on the animal Just as the people are elongated, there is no animal I can think of that has squared off ears naturally ,and Set sometimes has pointy ears Saluki ears droop and so they probably cropped the ears for hunting, making the profile unmistakable to an egyptian of the day.
  14. ....

    Your question made me curious I checked out a large number of glyphs and statues The most likely explanation is that Set was a hunting dog like a Saluki Ears cropped sometimes face with accentuated curvature fringed ears and tail Doglike posture familial relationship to Anubis Sometimes spotted Check out the granite statue at the museum of Cairo from Medinet Habu There is no mistaking it Set is clearly a dog, and only in the most stylized confusions might that not be the expected conclusion. (from what I have looked at) Though probably not a "Setter" Stosh
  15. Things a Taoist do not eat

    Thats mainly Buddhist teaching isnt it? wasnt the thread on Taoist eating practice? But.. Personally, I dont see much reason to believe ,that if reincarnation is a real thing that happens, that one would only have one life at a time,or that those lives would be lived sequentially in time, and in fact , I could actually be all things ,living all the lives that there is, all at the same time! Anyway.. Do as you choose about your food, but humans aren't well adapted to living on grain diets. Grains became predominant with the advent of agriculture because they could be stored,and allowed for greater population densities, archeological evidence suggests that humans were healthier living on meat and wild plants and showed a marked decrease in overall wellbeing when grains became staple. Grain diets subdue the spirit fog the mind and affect development on a hormonal level with chemicals like phyto-estrogen. I look at natural systems and see that one can kill outright or one can kill by depriving another thing of what it needs. If you want to avoid killing things then you have to vacate the earth. I see no ethical superiority in depriving yourself of either the enjoyment or nutrition of meat, and in fact it looks an awful lot like PRIDE.
  16. Morality

    We arent far apart on the definition of morals, Your printed one fits my point fine,(it doesnt conflict with the point I was making). I mentioned Catholicism in particular because I was raised into it and so I know it well enough to speak of it. What morals have to do with religions is that society codifies moral behavior into its religions, the goal and purpose of the religion is to get everybody on the same page about what those morals-(rules of behavior) are. The rest of the religion is gravy. I am not condemning your world view, Im just saying I dont think some of the basic conceptry you abide by and wish to continue to abide by and consider virtuous is basically morally dualist so I believe is may not be a great fit for the pespectives that I think the founders of Tao laid out. But if you dont see it that way, thats perfectly fine too as far as I am concerned. Who says you have to be respectful? Who says you should do no harm? Those are moral dictates are they not? and you agree with them as such Do you not? and without those dictates what would you do? Who would you be without them, would you go about slaughtering people? like Saddam H. or would you have a more personal sense of compassion beneath? It is a subtle difference I admit, and that is why I posed it as a question rather than making a definitive statement regarding it.. but I contest that the founders of Tao believed that behavior stemming from ones innate compassion was more rewarding than abiding by societal dictate. You yourself seem to indicate that your innate reaction could be quite different than if you did not superceded it with a prepared response
  17. The Tao Te BORED;; Please Help.

    One thing to consider is that craziness is far more contagious than sanity depressives included. Two,.. some laziness is probably a natural human attitude folks who live in jungle tribes hang around a lot and spend less time busting a hump than "Westerners" Three, ..procrastination , is a devious habit, that if you find yourself participating in, concentrate on all things being of equal emotional importance to you , so you just go ahead and do the things you know you really need to get done, ,,,,,,,,,chores really aint that horrible. Four... do a hobby , pick stuff that has no consequence other than you like the doing of it.( I photograph birds and fish) Five get yourself good and tired , itll be easier to relax. Good luck Stosh
  18. nothing here -- sorry, changed my mind

    If I ever dreamed I was going to have to give up burgers and pizza, well,.. I'd have stayed a Christian and been forgiven! Have a great weekend Peace to all and to all a goodnight.
  19. nothing here -- sorry, changed my mind

    Sorry , can't right now, Im eating one of those juicy goodness delights
  20. nothing here -- sorry, changed my mind

    Maybe so Maybe so.. I was just thinking of a discussion by some dudes on the merit of human chatter.
  21. nothing here -- sorry, changed my mind

    Burger King motto is "have it your way" The My way part was that it was unplanned, I had just gotten the camera and was just taking pictures of random things, I was opening the sandwich in the car and thought, Wow that really looks delicious with all the grease and sticky cheese, the unexpected thumbprint depression in the bun from the wrapping of it etc. With all its faults it was still a decadent and wonderful thing. Click. No not the absolute first, but yes the first with a digital camera that I kept. The golden light illuminated fries dripping ketchup were blurry.
  22. nothing here -- sorry, changed my mind

    I like a good dose of BS from time to time, The sign of a light heart The twittering of birds The wind whistling through hollows in trees I spread a little of it myself here and there
  23. nothing here -- sorry, changed my mind

    No it was my lunch from a copyrighted establishment ( I took that photo 'my way'.. clue) One of my first ever pictures , I like it a lot, it draws attention , both positive and negative but rarely neutral. Thanks for noticing it. Stosh
  24. nothing here -- sorry, changed my mind

    Now THAT is illusion! But "humans must believe in things that arent true so that those things can exist.Things like mercy and justice. Because one can grind the universe to dust and run it through a seive and never find a grain of either".hogfather I didnt write that but I like it a lot so I am using it a Second time.
  25. nothing here -- sorry, changed my mind

    I dont feel I want to be required to support my illusions with reality,.. so I will take that advice easily