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Posts posted by Stosh

  1. Here's another example, 


    Argument, is often aimed at a person's goal that one persons current idea will prevail.( Their own) 


    If that happens ,accord will be reached, ( So the goal of argument could be said to be accord, if things get that far along).



     person  who gains the 'win', ends up with the original conclusions they had.( no real gain) And the who was rectified, gains a better perspective.



    So the teachings are not other-worldly, they are not magic, They are a clarification of wise perspective,,it is only confusing looking, to one holding bungled ideas. 



    Contending, 'by not contending' ,,, can be digging ones heels in, holding ones tongue... So as to not risk altering their views,nor be subject to attack.


    Or ,it can be actively chatting without trying to find ones current opinions correct. 


    Keeping ego out of it, you make your points, you make friends, you pass time pleasantly , and you're open to advantageous adaptation. 

    This is the 'contending ,without contention'.

    You let go of the desire to prevail, and open yourself to improvement.


    In the next argument you will be offering more. 



    Apparently that's not fun though. ;)



    • Like 2

  2. On 4/25/2020 at 5:34 AM, Rara said:


    Well, it's risk and ego as well. Otherwise, why would one take something to a bitter extreme?

    Yeah, there's ego, ( in terms of the existence of a self). I misspoke of ego in the conventional sense. (Which is akin to bolstering a false high perception of ones self.)



    I'm saying that avoidance of certain actions, can be done, with the rationale, that the actions run counter to ones goals. ( The actions are considered extreme, only in being ones which are polemically characterised as such) 

    For example, -being so frugal that one does not spend the money they have,,,and so they have nothing of material 'value'. 

    Conversely, one can be broke, because they spent every cent partying already.



    At either ' extreme' ,one might be said to be impoverished. 



    In the ideal, one has money for needs looking ahead, but has attended to the present by spending appropriately.

    Is that Not the way to happy finances? 

    • Thanks 1

  3. 4 minutes ago, Walker said:


    He will be happy for the government's assistance at such a time, just as he (like most libertarians who reach this level of delusion) happily benefits from the government's responsibilities when he:


    -Uses the internet

    -Uses a phone

    -Eats food that is not poisonous 

    -Takes medicines that are not poisonous 

    -Drives on a highway

    -Uses GPS

    -Uses electricity


    The list is endless.


    This "the government has no responsibility" tripe is astoundingly obtuse. No wonder he ignores all counterpoints and instead opts for one-sentence snipes and whiny complaints. Seems unable to actually address what is said like a grown man would and should. He has no actual argument, just emotional attachment to the "self made man" fantasy.

    The gov owes you a phone?

  4. Just now, ralis said:


    Women for the most part are afraid to speak out for fear of retribution. Even now there at least 50 women suing Trump for rape! Why now? Fear!

    I could sue you for multiple things, but they would have to be proven, and you would rightfully feel entitled to a defense. 

    Known to millions,  one is potentially targeted by many.

    Again , this is off point material. Please understand if I just leave the next accusations unaddressed.

  5. Just now, ralis said:


    I guess you are an island all unto yourself and if you come down with COVID-19 then what will you do with no ventilator or even a treatment protocol? The likely scenario is that you will be sitting in the hospital hallway gasping for breath as your lungs fill slowly with fluid.



    I'm aware of that, and I am at high risk, and I have pretty much been there. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, ralis said:


    After I was discharged from the military in 1975 a few months later in January of 1976  I came down with the swine flu. I was so sick and weak I had to crawl to the bathroom. This went on for three weeks and during a nasty divorce no less. At the time I didn't know what it was until I did a little research a couple of days ago to gain an understanding of what I had. It was defiantly the swine flu.


    During pandemics, and for many reasons, the Federal Government is responsible.

    No, it's not. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, ralis said:


    Trump fired the pandemic staff, brought in billionaires to run all Federal Agencies, used these freaks to destroy the environment, replace scientists with corporate lackeys, repeal regulations, gutted the State Department and the list in rather long from here. There are 770 vacant positions in the CDC which is atrocious. All because of his hatred of Obama and his lust for power.


    BTW, the cry to elect a businessman for President from right wing sycophants is leading to the destruction of this country! How could anyone support a rapist (good buddy of Jeffrey Epstein), failed businessman, liar, grifter, cheat and so forth is beyond me! Remember the photo of Ivanka sitting on his lap? She was a grown woman at the time.

    This is off point spin, an opinion piece, wandering around in search of a theme.

  8. Just now, ilumairen said:


    Not demon.


    Someone who doesn't take the pandemic seriously, and thereby becomes a vector in the nature of the following definition of the word:



    I thought I was clear when I attributed the possibilities of death and illness, that it certainly is dire. No doubt about it. 

    But we face and handle dangers every day! 

    Swine flu ,nuclear war, driving on an interstate and eating at Taco bell. For instance.

  9. 11 minutes ago, ilumairen said:


    You sound very much like my father.. such tactics don't work very well, and seem to limit any personal responsibility for whatever played out.


    Maybe just say you're sorry for what transpired in the past, and you hope someday amends will be accepted and y'all can move forward?

    I don't think any of us are sorry like that. We felt justified, but that doesn't mean we can't move on , and attempt to live up to our own ideals. 

    Our responsibilities are entire ,not alleviated. 

    • Confused 1