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Everything posted by Basher

  1. Worst translations of TTC?

    Tao Ker-Ching (The TAO of the Cash Register)
  2. Hai Hai

    Mods have quickly deleted it........was a load of Japanese (not Chinese) characters...utter gibberish according to Google Translate.
  3. Hello Fellow Lovers of the Tao

    It's Gobbledee gook written in Japanese....SPAM !!!! Prada Handbags, Nike etc... (Reported) Basher
  4. Hai Hai

    The Above post by Guest-Deerseria is SPAM (even if it's in Chinese) LOL!!!! and no I don't need any Prada Handbags, Thanks.
  5. Sex Crimes and the Vatican

    Had to Delete my original thoughts / Post, as would probably offend ALL members of the Clergy. Perhaps, rather than my ideas for extremely harsh / possibly fatal penalties for their disgraceful behaviour we should simply give them a choice. Your God or Your Goolies ? Because you cannot have Both !!!
  6. Applaud the fact that she's now "free".... but wonder why the authorities suddenly changed their minds ? Basher (the Cynic)
  7. off topic?

    I'm off Topic... those Hazelnuts drive me Mad & get stuck between my teeth. So I'm going to choose a completely different chocolate bar from now on. Edit: Correct spelling of chocolate
  8. Most of the Li / Lee style organisations use a version of Chee Soo's original "International Wu Shu Association" badge or emblem. Showing a sideways on (West/East) Yin-Yang symbol with a Seahorse in the centre. The Seahorse being the Li Family crest. When Tony formed the T.A.O. he changed the Yin Yang to the tradional North/South alignment, believe because the Chinese generally advise that any other is considered to be "un-lucky". But he also replaced the Seahorse with a Horse. Is that because he was born in the year of the Horse, or do you know if there is another reason ? Just curious.. Basher
  9. Is it strange?

    Indeed. To use an oft quoted analogy.... You can read a book all about swimming, I can describe how you could learn to swim. But you'll only "experience" swimming for yourself, once you're actually in the water. Better with an Instructor there with you, showing you the basics. Until you can relax & enjoy the experience. Else you'll also need to learn about "not-drowning"
  10. Hai Hai

    Welcome to TTB's Prodigal, five posts here in the Lobby will open up the rest of the Forums. So why not tell us a little more about yourself. Basher
  11. Wow, great book at great price too...ahahaha

    I'll wait for the Paperback or Kindle version !!!
  12. Wayfarer wrote : "I began Lee style n 1992,a nice flowing style that is fairly easy to learn." Bugger, I'm finding it difficult.... The Big Expansive movements of Lee Tai Chi I learnt in the 1980's under a different organisation, I now know to be those of an uncoardinated & awkward Beginner. Replaced now (after a huge 25+ year gap) by the smaller, more subtle movements with Martial Applications, as taught by the TAO.
  13. Hello

    This should read: I have to write 5 interesting & thought provocking posts, before I'm allowed on to the Main Forum !!
  14. A bit of fun...which Taoist said this?

    That's because you got the quote wrong.... it's meant to be.. "if you don't have a Towel, sell your Coat and buy one !"
  15. Greetings

    5 posts here in the Lobby, will open up the possibility for you to post in rest of the Forum.
  16. Greetings

    Welcome to TTB's, TW. Hope that you find your time here worthwhile. Care to share any more ?
  17. Mantak Chia's Tai Chi Chi Kung

    I suppose that if you're using Tai Chi for Health / Energy reasons, the actual movements don't matter as much. As long as you're adhering to all of the Core Principles... Different matter if you're using it for Fighting / Martial Applications.
  18. WARNING : THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY Buy a Jacket / Shirt with large pockets all over. Slip one of Mantak Chia's Books into each pocket and Voila.... you're now impervious to injury.
  19. What do you think?

    At the very start of your Training / Journey, before you've done anything, you might have certain per Deng Ming Dao's Quote. After spending some time on the Way, you may change your opinions..want less or perhaps just different things... Later still you might realise that none of it is important or necessary for you to progress... You live each day as it comes & just keep to the Path. That's the way I read it, any how..
  20. Awen, further to Chang's post and the information on the TAO website, the Li Family Taoist arts included their style of Tai Chi Ch'uan, together with various other arts like Feng Shou Kung Fu, Chi Shu (involving wrist/arm locks & throws), Health Arts like Tao Yin (breathing) & Chinese Yoga, Tui Na & Chinese Wrestling. These were all taught to Li Family members only, until the 20th century. Although the Li/Lee arts are most popular in the UK, France & Germany, there are Instructors around the world from various organisations, that teach it. Unfortunately, some confusion has arisen as there is a lesser known style of Tai Chi called Li Style, now being taught in mainland China. But one of our TAO Instructors visited the School & it was obvious from a comparison of forms, that there was no connection between the two !!
  21. Mantak Chia's Tai Chi Chi Kung

    I've only read / browsed some of Mantak Chia's stuff... and attended one of his Introductory Weekend Courses, here in the UK in the 1990's. But as far as his Tai Chi stuff goes, isn't he "Wu" style ? (Are you trying to master all of the main styles of TCC ?) Shorinji Kempo ? Interesting choice. Basher
  22. Just "hello" from a new member

    Like the photo, Photao !! Welcome
  23. Newbie (Sex addict - Tao Helping me in so many ways)

    Mantak Chia once likened keeping your Sexual Urges in check without the correct Taoist Training, to trying to keep 20 Ping Pong Balls under water with your hands... (LOL)
  24. I thought that the Lobby is the place you Introduce yourself to the rest of us Tao Bums & tell us a little (or a lot) about your self, your experiences and training, so far. After the obligatory 5 posts in the Lobby, you may then ask a question or post elsewhere on the Forum. Over the last couple of Months it seems that more & more newcomers are simply posting questions / views in the Lobby. Should these be "blocked" / deleted, do away with the Lobby/intro idea completely, as it's not working, or should we have a more laid-back view & carry on, "as is" ? Basher
  25. Qing jing wei tian xia zheng :)

    Welcome Shou Yi, tell us more about your Hands !!! Basher